An Inconvenient Attachment {M...

By buttercreamSQ

5K 151 119

Chantel Rivera - Olivia Henderson is a 25 year old lawyer who works at the Rivera and Coulson Law Firm, which... More

I'm getting what i deserve. I'm reaping what i sow.
seven single acts of indiscretion
I've never done this before
You broke his heart.
Turn on the late late show, now.
Story Of My Life
Reach out
It just still hurts me...a lot.
We need to make this quick
That was a joke, he nipped mine so i did it back.
l just proposed a settlement to dick with them!
I wanna fuck you on this desk
I told you not to come
Wasn't saying that when you was begging for my dick.
The newly wedded couple


215 7 9
By buttercreamSQ

I bite my lip trying to stop my moans from radiating through the disabled toilet cubicle.
The door is banging against the door frame and the lock slightly but I'm trying to stop it by pulling it to the door forcefully.

He pumps in and out of me with force while he moans softly.
"Yes, yes oh yes" I moan as my eyes roll back.

"Fuck yes" I mumble "harder Michael" I beg him reaching behind me grabbing into his hips trying to tell him I want it faster and harder.

He grants my request and goes faster. I bite my lip harshly as he fucks me into oblivion.

We both cum and moan softly.

He pulls out of me slowly making a popping noise.
I sigh and stand up... I've fucked this up. Massively.

Before this... when me and him had the one night stand, that was in no way my fault that he cheated on his Fiancée, but now, it is my fault. I let him cheat this time. It's all my fault.

I pull my knickers up and sort myself out in the full length mirror.
I puff my hair up a little and fix it.

"Chan?" Michael called out to me softly, I sigh shakily and look at him "yeah?"

He leaned closer to my face wanting to kiss me, before he got too close I made sure to push him away.

I'm not gonna let him carry on cheating.

He frowned at me as I pushed him away "what's up?" He said softly, trying to grab my hand.
I moved from his touch and shook my head "don't come near me again, you've got your fix. Next time, ask your fiancée when you want a cheap fuck" I mumbled and opened the door. I get out quickly and shut it behind me.. I press the elevator button quickly "chan can we talk about thi-" Michael said from behind me

"Oh hey, there you are" Fletcher said walking up to me. I smiled up at him "did you just get here??" I asked him he nodded "yeah I was just dropping Max off at school, I messaged you about it..." he frowned "you didn't get my message?"
I took my phone out of my bag and saw fletcher message me.

"Oh sorry, I haven't looked at my phone" I smiled softly, he shrugged "it's okay" he nodded.
We walked into the elevator, Michael followed us in and rested against the bar as I pressed my floor number.

"How are you finding it here Michael?" Fletcher asked Michael, to break the awakened silence.
Michael replied "yeah it's been great, everyone's treated me so nicely"

I rolled my eyes sighing as I crossed my arms.

"How's Chan been with you? She wasn't very nice to me when I first joined" Fletcher laughed nudging me making me scoff.

"She's been great" Michael said "she's lovely" I looked at him and he was smiling softly at me.
I rolled my eyes and looked away from him.

"Wow, cheers Chan" Fletcher said shocked "you've been nice to Michael but hated my guts when I arrived.. how does that make sense?"

"Coz you always flirted with me Fletcher," I say looking at him.
He shrugged laughing "that's because you have big jugs" he said referring to my boobs, I widened my eyes and Michael choked on his water spitting it out.

The elevator pinged and the doors opened, Fletcher turned around laughing at mine and Michael's reaction.

"See you guys later" he called out walking away.
I sighed frustratedly and walked out of the elevator, Michael followed me.

"That was a bit— intense. Is he always like that??"

"With me yes, anyone else? No." I stated to Michael as he followed me along like a lost puppy.

I walked into my office and Michael followed me in "why just you??" Michael frowned. I shrugged "I don't know Michael, go ask him yourself, at least he isn't pestering your fiancée, you should be happy about it" I make a sarcastic comment making him frown

"But if it makes you uncomfortable then—"

"But it doesn't" I cut him off frowning. "It's nothing to do with you anyways" I flicked him off.
I nodded towards the door "go do your work and keep your distance away from me.. you can't be trusted"

Before he could argue back Cooper walked in my office "hey, sis— oh hey Michael," Cooper lowered his eyebrows looking between Michael and I "why is it weird that you're matching??" He laughed

"What?" I looked at him confused

"You are wearing the same colours" Cooper laughed then joked "was it planned?"

I frowned looking down at my outfit then look at Michael's. fuck. Cooper is right. The same colour and colour coordinates, too!

I'm wearing a shiny black leather skirt, with a red top and a black blouse. I also have on black heels.

"Of course it wasn't planned, dick" I mumbled the sigh "what are you both even doing in here" I groan "I just wanna get on with this for the judge" I frowned immensely.

"I came here to tell you Fletcher needs you to drive him to the car compound... they police took it off him for speeding" Cooper laughed "they took it to the compound, and he needs a lift there..."

"I don't have my car..." I shook my head frowning. "I was dropped off at work this morning"

Cooper shrugged "drive mine" he threw me the keys. Don't worry, I'm legally allowed to drive his car. I have a licence to drive his car.

"Wait," I sigh "how did he get here this morning?? And why isn't he been done for speeding??"

Cooper laughed loudly "he asked them to go gentle on him"

I laughed shaking my head... "what's up with him lately, it's like he can't lie anymore."

Cooper shrugged "he said when you're free just go to his office... see you later mike. Don't bother my sister too much, she gets angry quickly" Cooper joked walking out smirking.
I growl staring into the back of his head. Bell end.

I sigh getting up and collecting my stuff "where you going?" Michael frowned watching me do so.

I glanced up at him and laughed "nothing to do with you, get to work, I told you. Stay away."

Michael closed the office door and walked closer to me making me back up "I swear to god Michael if you don't leave me alone I'm shouting of Cooper. He'll soon sort your arse out and fire both you, and your precious fiancée" I frowned

"I just wanna talk, Chan" he said softly
I walked around him quickly "well I don't wanna talk to you. Ever." I made clear and walked out of my office making my way to Fletcher's office.
I opened the door and walked in.

He smiled widely, "hey! You're here. Let's go" he clapped getting up from his desk.

We jumped into Cooper's black Range Rover and I glanced at Fletcher's constant movement and fidgeting.

"Do you know why the cops pulled you over??" I asked breaking the ice... he groaned pulling a strange face "depends on how long they were following me!" He said quickly looking out of the window "iiiieeessshhhh" he said feeling shocked with his snappiness.

"Why don't you take it from the top?" I laughed softly driving down Hollywood Boulevard.

He sighed heavily and spoke really fast
"here goes.
I sped, l followed too closely,
l ran a stop sign,
I almost hit a Chevy, l sped
some more, l failed to yield,
I changed lanes without
signaling while speeeeeediiiiiinnnnnggggggg!!"

I laughed widening my eyes and raising my brows "is that all?" I flicked the indicator to turn right... as we were sat at the red lights I looked at him seen as though he never answered.

"Hm Hm" he shook his head 'no' violently "I have unpaid parking tickets!" He groaned.

I laughed softly raising my brows, I told you, this man is crazy.

When we get to the car compound we went to the little shelter... it looks like such a low budget place. I furrow my brows looking around... "what? Is this to cheap for you love?" The sarcastic guy at the shelter said

"Do you know what ain't cheap?? My fist when it connects with your jaw in exactly 5 seconds if you don't do your job" I raised a threatening brow to him.
He cleared his throat and went through some paper work... Fletcher told the guy his registration plate number and he had to give a few details about the car and it's make, he always had to prove he was the owner of that car.

As I'm reading through some paper work that the guy gave me Fletcher sighed "thank you! I can't tell you how much this means to me." He praises the dude in the shelter who is giving him his car back earlier then he should be.

"I can. $1.572,52" I say reading the price from the document

Fletcher gasps loudly slapping the shelter putting his head under the glass "HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT!!" he yelled at the guy, he then looked around inside the shelter and grabbed an car freshener
"I'm takin' this!" He Inhales the smell loudly making me smile and shake my head.

There's a load crash and tired squealing making Fletcher and I turn around.
Fletcher is so over the top with it and inhaled loudly and runs around his car when it parks up next to us and the guy gets out of it.

"You scratched my car!" He shouted pointing at the scratch he can clearly see on the other side of the car.

"Where?" The old guy grumbles, blindly looking at Fletcher's car.

Fletcher flicked his arms out in the air giving up, he then fells to his knees near his car and put either one of his hands above and under the scratch then rubber the car "right thhheeeeerrrrreeeee!" He exclaimed

"Oh, there" the guys said then shrugged "that was already there"

Fletcher scoffed loudly gasping, he's being so over the top and weird today... "you-you LIAR!!" He shouted

"You know what I'm going to do about this?!" Fletcher asked quickly the guy raised his brows "what?!"

"Nothing!" Fletcher shouted and turning around pacing the ground in circles
"Because if l take
you to court, it'll drain
eight hours out of my life,
and you won't show up,
and if l got the judgement,
you'd just stiff me anyway !
So l'm gonna piss and moan
like an impotent jerk...
and then bend over and
take it up the tailpipe !"

I laughed and covered my mouth as Fletcher breathes heavily staring at the guy.
The guy slowly smirks.

"You've been here before, haven't ya?" The guy said and threw Fletcher his keys, Fletcher dramatically bender his legs and caught them pulling a face.

The guy walked off and I walked up to Fletcher as he was getting in his car "thank you so much for this!" He sighed feeling relieved... I smiled softly "it's totally okay" I shrugged

I slapped his car and smiled "see ya back at work"
He waved and I walked back to Cooper's car.

I drove back to work parking Cooper's car in his parking spot.

As I'm getting out of my car I frowned seeing Kelly get harassed by some guy.

"Are you marrying this guy
because you're mad at me ?" The guy asked chasing after her.

She laughed shaking her head at his stupidity, she glanced behind her as he was following her to her car

"No, l divorced you
because l was mad at you." She claimed as he ran after her.
He grabbed her arm and stopped her from reaching her car "Wait. l want to talk about this !"

She sighed turning around to him "what do you wanna say?"

He sighed and began to talk "ls this guy right for you ?
He is so... not me!"

Kelly laughed at the guy "yeah, That's one of his best qualities!!"
The guy rolled his eyes... Wait I know him.. I squinted my eyes, it's Jimmy from the criminal lawsuit sector.
They was together?
They was married?

"But he's kind of a..." he sighed then lowered his voice but I still heard him so I'm certain Kelly did too "magoo."
Did he just call Michael Magoo??
I laughed to myself softly as I watched them. Kelly hasn't noticed me watching.
She pulled a face at Jimmy
"l'm sorry." He apologised.

Kelly shook her head "You're wrong. Sometimes maybe he is a little--"

"Magoo!" Jimmy said louder this time, he said it quickly, too. Making it seem like he had some form of Tourette's.

"Yes. But since we've been going out--
My God, l'm not having
this conversation with you." She laughed at herself as she opened her car door shaking her head at herself.

"Kelly, you can't go. This is not fair" he claimed watching her out her stuff in the car.
Is she finishing work early??

I looked at my phone realising it's 3pm. How the hell has the time gone that fast??

"Fair?" She mocked him with a shocked expression "okay. Let's define 'fair' shall we??" She asked sarcastically
"Last night a 11 year old boy was crushed...because his father lied to him
about coming to his birthday party!" She exclaimed, my eyes widened, she has a kid with him??
This just gets better!
I laugh softly
"Fair?" She asked him raising a brow
"Last night--" he cringed pulling a face.

Kelly finished off his sentence
"Was none of my business. None of my business!"
"Thank you." Jimmy breathed, like he was just saved from death.

"Two years ago, it was my business.
But l don't have to care anymore.
That's the magic of divorce.
But it matters to Chris!
Everything you do matters,
and everything you don't do—" Kelly looked really upset.
I frowned.

Jimmy sighed pointing a finger in Kelly's faceAll right.
Now let me tell you something." He began "l'm a bad father!" He stayed with confidence. Then he stopped and thought about what he said.

"l mean--" he tried correcting himself.
"I'm a bad father" he stated again.

Kelly shook her head "You're not a bad father...when you show up."

"What if l come by right after work
and play ball?" He looked into her eyes softly
She shook her head putting more stuff in her car, she's turning him down to se who's son.

"Then you and l can talk before
you make any rash decisions !" He begged watching her

"No, I'm filling for full custody tonight, you'll never see him again" she frowned at him, being serious.

"Please, Kelly.
Give me one more chance." He begged with sad eyes

"l'm throwin' myself
on the mercy of the court.
l lost you, but please...
don't make me lose Chris too.
Give me a chance to be
the father l started out to be." He begs her making my heart soften.

"You're really coming?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes at him.

"This is the mother of all promises.
What time?" He smiled at her cheekily.

"6:00pm" she stated, smiling too.
He smiled brightly "ten to six!"
She laughed "all right"

"All right, But if l tell
Chris that you're coming, and you don't show up and l have
to see that look on his face-- that heartbreaking look-- I'm filling for full custody" she threatens subtly.

He smirked watching her get in her car, he shut the door behind her "lf l don't show up, l'll send the custody files off myself, for you" She laughed and he dreamily waved his hands around "I will lovingly wrap those papers in bubble wrap" he smirked

She started up her car "I hope so." She stayed

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