Your Tattoo{LuWoo FanFic}

By woopfiretruck

24.8K 1K 949

This 'soulmate' thing is funny... Until you realise it's real. More

♤You Make Me Happy♤
♤Why Do You Make Me Smile♤
♤Your Love Will Always Stand Out♤
♤How Can I Do This♤
♤Not When I'll Dissapoint You♤
♤I Bet You Never Had It Like This♤
♤Is It Him♤
♤Am I Wrong♤
♤Why Do You Know♤
♤You're My Missing Puzzle Piece♤
♤How To Make You Love Me♤
♤Happiness Is Short Lived♤
♤Can I Do This♤
♤Going Too Well♤
♤Open Your Eyes♤
♤Don't You Dare♤
♤Is It♤
♤I've Got Some Things You Want To See♤
♤Why Him And Not Me♤
♤I Can't Fix You♤
♤My Only Source Of Happiness♤
♤Should I Do This♤
♤With Your Ghost♤
♤Really Just In Pain♤
♤Please Forgive Me♤
♤I Need To Talk With Him♤
♤I Will Wait For You♤
♤Were You Always This Beautiful♤
♤I'm Always Here For You♤
♤I Will Take Care Of You♤
♤I Thought It Was Going Well♤
♤Is This Enough♤
♤Please Don't Worry♤
♤People Change♤
♤Never Expected♤
♤Why Was I So Stupid♤
♤I Love Spending Time With You♤
♤Are You Mad At Me♤
♤Is It True♤
♤I Wish It Was Me Who Made You This Happy♤
♤I'm So Glad It's You Who Makes Me This Happy♤
♤Let's Hang Out♤
♤Is It Christmas Yet♤

♤Why Is It You♤

796 39 59
By woopfiretruck

Jungwoo woke up again.The 2nd time he woke up that day, again.He woke up feeling a tingle in his forearm but didn't pay attention to it.

He was about to go back to sleep until his phone started blowing up.

Happy birthday :)
Don't forget you're coming to my house today

Kim Jungwoo:
aww thank you :)
also how could i forget?

The door is already open btw

Kim Jungwoo:
see ya :)

See ya

Jungwoo was excited.He hasn't went to Doyoung's house in a long time.
He got dressed and looked at the clock.It showed 10:26 AM.He still had some time so he ate breakfast while checking all of his notifications.

He noticed Lee Dongho commented on his post again.And of course it was something mean.But this time someone stood up for him.


Jungwoo smiled when he saw that Lucas stood up for him.It made him really happy.

After he was done eating he washed the dishes and then sat on he couch.He was trying to kill 2 hours until he's supposed to leave.He decided to watch a random Netflix show he probably won't watch ever again.

He was a couple of minutes into the show until he heard someone come down the stairs.It was his mom.
She looked at her son with a big smile on her face.

"Jungwoo!Happy birthday!"she said, hugging Jungwoo.
She pinched his cheek.
"Ow, don't do that, mom!"said Jungwoo, chuckling.
"How are you feeling?"
"The same."
"Wow.You're 18 now!"
"I feel old."
"Don't say that!You're still young!"

"Anyways, I hope your soulmate will be a beautiful, smart, rich girl."said Jungwoo's mom.

"Uhm, yeah.Oh, by the way, I'm hanging out with Doyoung today."
"Okay.I'll get going now.They called me at the office.Bye!Take care!"
"You too!"

She went out.

Jungwoo looked at the clock.11:54 AM.
He watched almost 1 more episode until 12:45 PM.

He got up, put in one earphone and walked out.He was really excited.

Once he arrived in front of the house he stopped his music and put his phone in his pocket.

He opened the door and suddenly all of his friends jumped out and yelled Happy birthday.

Jungwoo was surprised.He's never had a surprise birthday party before.He started tearing up.

"Oh no, he's crying."said Haechan, chuckling.
Doyoung came up to Jungwoo to hug him.

After like 2 minutes he stopped tearing up.

"Okay, now, let's get this started, shall we?"said Haechan.
"Let's start wih beer pong.However, since Mark, Haechan, Renjun and Jaemin are underaged, they'll be the judges."said Doyoung.
"Okay but, where's the music?"asked Renjun.
"I'm on it."said Ten, connecting his laptop to the speakers.He started playing Wow by Post Malone.

"Taeyong hyung and Doyoung hyung are really bad at this."said Haechan.
"Luckily they have a high alcohol tolerance."said Mark.

It was down to Winwin and Yuta versus Doyoung and Taeyong.Sadly, Doyoung and Taeyong did really bad so they didn't get a point.

"Okay, since Yuta did really well he can choose his last oponent."said Renjun.
"Well, I would say Winwin but since it's Jungwoo's birthday I'll choose Jungwoo."said Yuta.

Jungwoo got up from the couch and walked towoards the table.He put his sleeves up.He took the ball in his hand and the threw it right inside the cup.

However, in the end, Yuta won.

"Wow, Yuta hyung is really good at this."said Haechan.
"Okay, I'm hungry now so let's order pizza."said Renjun.
"Okay.Is pepperoni pizza good?"asked Doyoung.

Everyone nodded.Doyoung took his phone and placed an order on Domino's site.

While they were waiting for the pizza, they played a very long game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who'll open the door.After Lucas and Haechan kept putting the same thing for a while, Ten decided he'll go.

They decided to watch Money Heist while waiting for the pizza.They were really into yhe show too but then a knock on the door interrupted them.

"Wow, right when it was getting interesting."said Ten, getting up from the couch.

He grabbed Doyoung's wallet to pay the pizza guy.

"Thank you, Doyoung for letting me use your wallet."said Ten, throwing Doyoung his wallet.
"Hey!"said Doyoung.

Haechan, Renjun, Jaemin, Jungwoo and Lucas were already digging in the pizza.

"Leave some for us!"said Doyoung.

They were all eating pizza while watching the show.It was getting really interesting.

"Okay, now that we're done with the pizza we shall take out my creation."said Haechan.

They all walked in the kitchen.Haechan took out the cake and put it on the table.
Kun took out some candles that read the number 18 and lit them up.

They were all singing Happy Birthday to Jungwoo.Doyoung put some icing on Jungwoo's nose.

"Make a wish."said Lucas.

Jungwoo wished for his friends and family to be healthy and happy and then blew out the candles while everyone cheered.

Jungwoo cut the cake and gave everyone their slices.They all started eating while chatting and enjoying the cake.

When they were all done they put the dishes in the sink and went back to the show.

They were so caught up in the show, they didn't notice it was getting late.

"Oh, it's getting late.We should all probably start heading home.I had so much fun today and-"said Jungwoo before getting cut off.
"Oh, no, no, no, no.We're having a sleepover to see who your soulmate is."said Haechan with a big grin on his face.

Jungwoo was getting a little worried.He didn't think about the soulmate thing until now.The realisation just hit him.
He decided to try to get his mind off of it by paying attention to the show.

They were all commenting on the show.They covered Renjun's, Haechan's and Mark's eyes when the sex scenes came on which annoyed them.

"We're old enough to see this."said Haechan.
"Can we just watch the show?"asked Mark.
"I can look away by myself 'cause I don't wanna see that shit either way."said Renjun.

They still carried on with covering their eyes though.

It was getting really late.It was 10 PM now.They stopped watching the show and they all started looking through their phones while chatting with each other.

All Jungwoo could think of was the soulmate thing.It just seems so unreal.
He was scrolling through his Instagram until he got a message.It was his mom.

Where are you?
Everything ok?

oh, i'm staying over at Doyoung's
Lucas, Haechan, Mark, Kun, Ten, Jaemin, Yuta and Winwin are here too

Have fun

thanks :)

He tried to shake off his worries by looking at memes.Didn't really work.

Unfortunately for Jungwoo, time was passing really fast.It was 11:30 PM already.

"Ooh, Jungwoo, it's almost time.How do you feel?"asked Ten.
"Worried."said Jungwoo.
"Why?It's just some weird tattoo."said Haechan.
"It hurts like hell.Trust me."said Doyoung.
"I just got the chills from remembering the pain."said Ten.
"Wow, you guys are scaring him even more.It'll be fine, Jungwoo."said Kun, stroking Jungwoo's arm.

Jungwoo tried to look okay but on the inside he's panicking.

He kept checking the time.Haechan took notice of it and teased him about it.

11:40 PM.

Suddenly, he starts feeling a lot of pain in his right forearm.It gradually got worse and worse, causing him to yelp out in pain.

Everyone noticed and looked at him.
They were all feeling bad for him but they knew it would be over.

Jungwoo started tearing up because the pain was unbearable.Doyoung checked the time frequently to make his friend feel better that the pain will be over soon.Didn't quite work.

Lucas was pitying him.He reached out to hug him.

Jungwoo's pain was getting less and less painful.He stopped crying and was almost fine.

They were all shocked and confused.The pain was supposed to last until midnight.What happened?

Doyoung checked the time again.

11:59 PM.

"One more minute!"announced Doyoung.

Lucas let go of Jungwoo.He could feel the pain come back.It was really painful.

12:00 AM.

"Midnight!"announced Doyoung.
Jungwoo's pain still lasted for a couple of seconds but then it went away.
Everyone started cheering for him.

"Now go to the bathroom and look at who your soulmate is."said Kun.

Jungwoo was hesitant but curious.He finally decided to get up and go to the bathroom.

"Want anyone to come with you?"asked Ten.
"No, I'm good."said Jungwoo.

Jungwoo locked the door and sighed.He sat on the floor.He didn't wanna check it at all.

He got up and looked deep into the mirror.Then, paranoia hit him.

What if someone's staring through the key hole?What if Doyoung set up a camera or something?

Then he hears that they turned on the TV again and went back to watching the show.

Evetually, Jungwoo stopped thinking irrationally and took a deep breath.
He was about to take his shirt off to check but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Jungwoo-ya!Everything okay?Do you need help?"asked Doyoung.
"No, Doyoung, I'm fine."said Jungwoo.
He could hear Doyoung walk away.

His courage left.He was getting scared again.

He took a few more deep breaths before he finally decided to get it over with.

He put his sleeve up and was hesitant to look at his arm.Eventually, curiosity took the best of him and made him look.

Wong Yukhei 'Lucas'

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