Loving A Stripper (Editing)

By lhiizzy

81.5K 9.5K 1.1K

When her world crashed down to nothing leaving her with a fourteen-year-old sister to fend and protect, Grace... More

chapter 1🌈
chapter 2🌀
chapter 3🌞
chapter 4🌩️
chapter 5🦄
chapter 6⛲
chapter 7 🌠
chapter 8🌾
chapter 9🥦
chapter 10🌚
chapter 11🦋
chapter 12🍬
chapter 13🕸️
chapter 14🌜
chapter 15☄️
Chapter 16🚕
Chapter 17🐼
Chapter 18❄️
Chapter 19🏍️
chapter 20🍛
chapter 21🌘
chapter 23✨
chapter 24🌪️
Chapter 25⚙️
Chapter 26🖋️
Chapter 27🐚
Chapter 28🍎
chapter 29♣️
chapter 30🐬
Chapter 31🍒
chapter 32💦
Chapter 33✂️
Chapter 34🔮
chapter 35🐺
chapter 36🎶
Chapter 37✴️
Chapter 38🌲
Chapter 39🎸
Chapter 40🥛
Chapter 41🍏
Chapter 42💖
Authors Note

chapter 22🌕

1.4K 190 2
By lhiizzy


I dialled the commissioner's line the moment he ended the call. Grace was in the hands of a lunatic... A maniac in search of money.

"He called." Was all I said the moment the commissioner picked.

"Who?" He inquired his voice low and lazy.

"Ken and he demanded a ransom."

"What exactly did he say?" He sounded more active as if snapped to reality.

"He has her and he needs the sum of ten million naira as a ransom," I explained, as easy as I could.

"You don't have to believe every word some lunatic says-"

"He sent pictures." I scrolled down the ungodly pictures of my one's beautiful assistant, her face bathed with blood, her cheeks and lips was swollen. God knows I couldn't help but wish I had my hands on the asshole.

"Ten million?" He inquired pulling my attention from the pictures.

"Yes, and I am going to pay." I was determined to ensure her safety, I saw It all as my fault. If I had shut my wide mouth at the party maybe she would have been safe, if I had avoided contact with her, maybe, just maybe.

"Don't rush things Kunle. We've tracked the plate numbers of both cars and my boys will be going over to the owner's house tomorrow."

Staring at the mirror facing me in my room I said, "Ok sir."

"So calm down boy, but prepare the ransom money if you can."

"Ok sir."

"I will get back to you, just calm down boy." He hung up, leaving me to focus on my reflection.

I laid on my bed feeling the wave of loneliness splash through me as I groped for nothing in my darkroom. Leaving dad's mansion to get my own house was the only way I could free myself from the sorrow that clouded my head after mum's death.

The two-story building was more or less home for my cook Linda and Musa the gateman who only left once in a month, while I covered both my face and life in my work after the break up with Simi.

Dragging myself off the bed, I  walked down the stairs into the kitchen, switch the lights on and pulled the fridge open.

I took out a bottle of water and slowly drew my vibrating phone out of my pocket.

"He called?"

I nodded and sipped the water before giving him my answer. "Yeap, any update?"

"We will be going over to the house of both taxi drivers tomorrow but I need the pictures he sent to you."

"That's not a problem, I will send it in a minute."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead," I said, I lifted the bottle to my lips, I was ready to drain its content.

"This girl you are going through all this trouble for, does she know you like her?"

I spilt the water from my mouth and wiped my lips with the back of my hand. "Who said anything about liking her?"

"I'm a detective Kunle and I know you well. I know you won't put in much effort if you don't like the girl."

"Are you there?" He asked while I quietly listened to his explanation.

"Yeah, I'm here. I don't know if I like her ok, the only thing we did was argue." I paused, letting out hot air that fitted the rapid beating of my heart. "To be sincere I think I am her worst enemy beside her ex of course."

"I don't know what to say, I just know she's going to be alright."

She's not going to be alright! 

"Ok, goodnight," I said, holding back the anger and guilt playing in my heart.

I threw the empty bottle into the trash can and pulled out a mop from the cleaning cabinet.

Lifting my grim face from the computer screen I watched Patrick sat before me with a wide grin. The office had taken a still turn and Joy had taken full responsibility for all activities while I sat like a sculpture in my office.

"We've gotten some lead."


"The owner of one of the taxi recognized one of the boys from a picture."

My eyes went a little wide as I nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"According to the driver, five thousand naira was credited into his account today by this same boy and they promised to come to get the taxi tonight." The excitement was evident in his eyes as he poured out the details.

I leaned forward and crumpled my hands on the desk. "Ok, so what are we going to do?"

"This is police business there is no we. Our men are situated in the area."

I let out a low laugh that sounded as wracked as I felt. "So you expect me to just sit down and observe?"


"You should know me better than that Patrick, I always see things my way." I paused with a bright smile.

"I'm coming with you," I added.

"Why you always dey stubborn like this? You know what, you are not coming." He stood finality in his voice but not his eyes.

I imitated his position. "Trust me, the best you can do is take me along."

"The best I can do is arrest you for trying to disrupt the duty of the police," He threatened, pointing at me.

"Are you serious?"

He nodded letting his pointed finger drop and moved to the door.

"Please Patrick, I have never asked anything of you before. Just let me come along, I promise to stay in the car," I said, knowing this was my only way out.

He whirled around. "Swear you won't leave the car."

"We no be pikin but you have my word."

Scratching his brushed hair, he nodded, my word was my bond and he knew this.

I took my jacket from behind my chair and walked out of the office with my heart beating like a local drum in a dance festival. I couldn't hold back the tension that had all my veins pumping.

God, all I want is the bastard.


Why you always dey stubborn like this? __ why are you this stubborn?

We no be pikin __ we are not kids.

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