Music - Kimetsu No Yaiba (Dem...

By darl1ngxoxo

268K 7.4K 9.1K

!! MANGA SPOILERS !! (Y/N) (L/N), is the Music Pillar. Her voice is like an angel singing, soft, melodic, and... More

Author Saying Stuff
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
1k reads ;w;
(Y/N)'s Past (Chapter 29?)
Another Book :')
10k special (your choice :") )
Giyuu to Shinobu
Another Book
100k reads how
Ch. 30 FINALE.

Chapter 9

9.7K 285 195
By darl1ngxoxo

"Please forgive me! Please, Kibutsuji-Sama!" Pleaded the demon.

"Please have compassion!" He cried.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so-"

"Kill him, Niko."

The white haired girl smiled, commanding the monster to eat the demon.

She smiled wider at the horrid screams coming from the demon.

"So you're more afraid of the Demon Hunters than you are of me?" Muzan asked another demon.


"So you always intend to flee if you encounter the Demon Hunter Pillars."

"No, I don't think that! I will fight with my life on the line for your sake!" It cried.

"You fool!" Niko laughed.

"Muzan is always right~"

The monster swiftly ate the demon, blood splattering everywhere.

One of the Lower Moons couldn't take it and tried to flee from dying by the hands of Muzan and his assistant.

Muzan had his head now in his hand, blood dripping from the neck.

"I now imagine it would be better for the Twelve Demon Moons to consist of solely the Upper Moons. I'm dismantling the Lower Moons.

"Are there some final words you forgot to say?"

"I'll still be useful to you! If you could defer this for just a little bit longer, I'll definitely be useful!" Another demon bounced up.

"How specifically long will the deferment be? How can you be useful? How much power can you wield as you are now?" He questioned.

"Blood..! If you could share more blood, I will definitely show that I can 'adapt to your blood'! I will become the strongest demon of them all and fight..."

Muzan threw the head down to their level.

"Why would I give you my blood on your instruction? You're a damn disgrace. Know where you stand."

"You're wrong! You're wrong!! I-"

"Shut it. It makes no difference. It don't make any mistakes. I have very right to decide. Everything I say is absolute. You have no right to veto it. Everything that I say is right is right! You have instructed me. You deserve to die. Any last words?"

"Let me see," the last demon, Lower Moon 1, rubbed his hands together.

"I feel like I'm dreaming now. You're personally going to put an end to me yourself. It was fun to listen to the death screams of the other demons. It was a blessing. I loved watching the pains and sufferings of humans. I loved it so much like a dream. Thank you for leaving me as the last one," he thanked, looking pleased.

The monster injected something in the neck of the demon. He started to make a series of agonizing sounds.

"You won me over," Muzan said, smiling.

"I'll give you an abundance of blood. Well, you might be unable to quantify of blood and just die. But if you can adapt, you'll probably obtain more strength. Now go be useful to me. Go kill the Demon Hunter Pillars.

"And if you kill the Demon Hunter who has earrings that look like Hanafuda cards, I'll be sure to share more blood with you."

"Also!" Niko chimed in, a grin spreading on her lips.

"If you see the Hashira with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, bring her back! I'll make you the Upper Moon One!" She said, hands behind her back.


The Lower Moon laid on the floor, seeing the vision of Tanjirou and (Y/N).

"This pillar and kid... I can have more blood! It's like a dream!!" He laughed, holding his face.

"Say ahhn," Shinobu said, holding Tanjirou's chin.

"Ahhhhn," he said cutely, opening his mouth.

"Yup, there's no problem with your jaw. I'm sorry, I can't see you all off. But please do your best from now on," she apologized.

"Yes! Thank you so much! Ah, oh yeah, Shinobu-San! There's one more thing I want to ask.." he said, raising his hand as if he was in a classroom.

"What is it?"

"Have you heard about the 'Dance of the Fire God' before?" He asked excitedly.

"I haven't," she smiled.

"Ah! Eh- then... what about Breath of the Fire....?"

"I haven't," she said once again.

Tanjirou explained his circumstances from the beginning.

"I see. So you used your father's Breath of Fire for some reason. If you ask a Breath of fire user, you may discover something to your interest. I don't know about 'Breath of Fire' but there is 'Breath of Flames'."

"???? Aren't they the same?" Tanjirou asked, confused.

"I don't know the details either... I'm sorry. It's just, in that situation, there's a very strict rule about the phrasing. You just don't call 'Breath of Flames' 'Breath of Fire'. For the details, it may be a good idea to visit Rengoku-San, the Flame Pillar," she smiled.

"I shall ask the crow. But the reply may take some time," she said, standing up.

Tanjirou hums to himself, walking down the hallway.

'Hm? Someone's coming.' He thought.

Someone rounded the corner, bumping into the kind boy.

'Wait... wasn't he from the Final Selection?'

"It's been a while!! I'm glad you look okay!" Tanjirou yelled.

He got ignored, however.

The girls were crying when you all had to leave.

"You guys stay healthy, alright?" You smiled as they hugged your waist.

Walking to the train station had never been harder.

"Ehhh?! So we still have no orders?! We should've just stayed with Shinobu-San!!" Zenitsu yelled.

"No.... our treatment's done, and we've been cooped in the same place for a month..."

"We didn't have to have that sad farewell!"

"Well, it's easier to make a move when the orders do come... and the Flame Pillar..."

"Moron, moron, moron!!"

"Hey!" Inosuke yelled.

"I'm busy now!"

"Hey, hey!"

"Shut up, what is it?!" Zenitsu yelled.

"WHAT'S THAT CREATURE THERE!!" Inosuke yelled, pointing to the train.

You all were in the train, sitting with Rengoku.

"So that's it! But I dunno? This is the first time I heard of the 'Dance of the Fire God'! I'm actually delighted to see that you were able to apply the dance to your father performed in a fight, but enough of this story!!" The Flame Pillar laughed.

"Huh?! Could I have a little more-"

"You should become my Tsuguko! I'll look after you!"

You were sitting in between Tanjirou and Rengoku, sweatdropping when they talked over your head.

"Please wait! And where are you looking?"

"The Breath of Flames has a long history!"

"Swordsmen who can use flames and water have become pillars in every age, no exception. The basic breaths are flames, water, wind, rock and lightning. The other breaths are branched out from those."

You stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. Sure, you were a pillar with an unfamiliar breath, but you really just made it up yourself.

"Young Mizoguchi! What color is your blade!"

"His name is Kamado, Rengoku-Kun," you whispered.

"It's black-"

"Black! That's tough! I've never seen a swordsman with a black blade become a pillar! What's more, I understand that you don't even know what kinda swordsmanship to master! I'll train you at my place. So be at ease now!" He smiled.

Rengoku started to talk about the demon on the train while you tuned them out.

"(Y/N)-Chan, you seem quiet today. Do you know anything about Breath of the Fire God?" Tanjirou asked you.

"No, but.... well, kinda, in a way. My sister always wanted to be wielding a sword that had something to do with fire. My dad also wielded a sword of fire. He tought me, but I've never use it before," you said, fiddling with you thumbs.

"My sister and I always trained with my mother and father, so on days, we would switch from using the Sakura Technique and the Fire Phoenix. It was hard, but we tried," you said, growing nervous from the sudden silence.

"I will... look at... your tickets," a man says, a hand held out for the tickets.

"What's that?"

"The conductor is coming around to confirm your tickets and punch holes in them," Rengoku said, smiling.

"I have seen them..." the man said.

"Conductor! It's dangerous, so stand down! It's an emergency. So I would prefer it if you don't ask me why I have a sword on me!" Rengoku said, standing up.

You tried to stand up, but he pat you back down.

"I've got this, (Y/N)-Chan!" He laughed, turning to the demon at the end of the train.

"Big guy! Were you hiding your Blood Demon Techniques? It was hard to find your presence, however! If you're baring your fangs at sinless people, the red Flame Sword of Rengoku will burn you down to the bone!" He said, unsheathing his blade.

Breath of Flames, First Style: Sea of Fire

He sliced the demon quickly, displaying a cool face.

"That was awesome, Aniki! That was amazing swordsmanship! Make me your disciple!!" Tanjirou said, cheering for the man.

You softly smiled to yourself.

Rengoku-Kun is so cool!

"Sure thing! I'll make you into a fine swordsman!" He said.

"Me too!!" The other boys yelled.

"I'll look after every single one of you!!" He laughed like a dad.

They started to cheer his name, dancing around as you just laughed at their cute antics.

Soon, you all had settled down, falling asleep. Tanjirou leaned on your shoulder as you leaned on Rengoku, who just leaned back on your soft hair.

"Being able to die while dreaming is a blessing," said a demon before you fell into an unwelcoming sleep.


"Fufufufu... (Y/N)-Chan, wake uuuupppp!!" A girl's voice whined.

You slowly opened your eyes which was greeted by the suns rays.

"H-huh...?" You asked, startled.

"Niko...? What happened?" You asked, sitting up and yawning.

"Aha! I told you she was asleep!" Niko yelled victoriously, pointing at you with her thin finger.

"Sleeping...? Wait, who are you talking to?" You asked confused.

"Where am I? Why are you here?" You asked your sister.

"Are you okay? Mom, (Y/N)-Chan's acting weird again!" She giggled, running to your diseased mother's arms.

"(Y/N), what are you doing this time?" She asked, leaning towards you with her arms stretched out.

"M... mom?! I thought you were dead!" You said, crawling backwards.

"Oh, you must've had a nightmare. I was here all along, sweetie, don't worry," she said with her signature smile, her white hair swaying on to her shoulders and her (E/C) eyes glossing over you.

"W-what?" You asked again, this time letting her sit beside you.

"You had fallen asleep in the train we were taking so we let you rest outside with Niko."

You looked down at what you were wearing.

A blue T-shirt, a white hoodie with a black skirt and knee-length black socks that went with your warm boots in a cold winter. It seemed like it was normal. Warm and cozy.

"Well... where's dad?" You said in disbelief.

"Oh, look! He's over there!" Niko said, sitting on a bench in front of you wearing a light pink hoodie with a white skirt and red socks with black converses.

It was true, she always had a weird sense in fashion, but she always rocked the look.

Her deep blue eyes passed over to something. You looked over your shoulder and there was your father, running to you with open arms, his (H/C) hair tussling in the wind and his blue eyes full of joy.

"Honey! (Y/N), Niko! I'm done with my training!" He laughed, enveloping your mother with a warm hug as she laughed and kissed him.

"Ah, how was it today?"

Your mother wore a long-sleeved baby blue sweater with a long white skirt while your father wore his Demon Hunter outfit that was matched with his haori which consisted of  long, red, orange and yellow flames wrapping into the white parts. There was a Phoenix on the back, it was facing the sky, flying upwards.

"It was fine! I got to see a bunch of different flowers on the way! Ah, I wish I had taken them so I could show you and the girls!" He laughed back, pulling away before facing you.

"Ah! I forgot just how much you've grown! I remember the day all of you were just babies!" He sighed, wiping a fake tear before picking you up and swinging you around.

"Hehe, I'm so glad you got my hair color! It looks so pretty!" He said proudly.

"Ugh, dad, you say that everyday!" Your brother said, stepping out from the house with an axe in his hands.

"Just because Niko and I didn't get it!" He pouted.

It had been 6 years since you had seen the all of them together like this. Your brother had white hair and blue eyes, replicating your sister.

He was 2 years younger while Niko was 1 year older.

"Is this a dream...?" You whispered as your father placed you down and ran to your brother, who was running away.

"It could only be.." Niko said beside you.

"What?!" You said, whipping your head to her.

She tilted her head at you.

"What? I didn't say anything? You're crazy!" She rolled her eyes, pushing your face away.

"Oi, Nii!! Help me!" Your brother yelled, waving his arms and legs in the air as your father hugged him.

"Ha! That's what you get for stealing my cookie yesterday!" Niko laughed, sticking out her tounge.

"Ugh! Help me, (Y/N)!!!" He cried as your father laughed.

You stared at him, tears brimming your eyes.

"I... I don't belong here.." you whispered.

Your father let go of him and walked up to you, grinning with concern in his eyes.

"What do you mean, sweetie? You fit in here more than any of us!"

You stepped back from his outstretched arms.

"No. You guys are all dead! Niko is a demon! None of you are here right now-" you shouted, your voice cracking.

"I wouldn't be surprised. Niko acts like a demon!" Your brother shouted.

"Shut up, Haru!"

They started bickering, but your mom and dad stared at you worriedly.

"Honey, what happened? What wrong?" Your mother said, walking up to you as you stepped back again.

"You guys aren't my parents! Let my parents rest in peace!" You screamed, grabbing your father's sword and pulling it away from him.

"(Y/N)! That's dangerous, give it back!" He yelled, racing towards you as you turned around.

"I'm sorry this isn't real! I can't, I have to find the flaw withing this dream," you said, running far away.


That was the last thing you heard before running into the woods.

I need to find the flaw. I need to get back into the real world.

Then, the world started to twist and turn, making you fall into the sky. Everything slowly became white, and soon it just looked like you were inside of paper.

"W-where am I?!" You screamed, swinging around with the sword still in hand.

"(Y/N)-Chan, please listen."

You turned around sharply, breathing heavily.

"Who is it?! Who are you?!"

"You cannot see me, but please listen, sweetie."


"You're in grave danger. You're stuck in a dream. Go to the edge of the dream, slice it open and go inside. That is where you will find something and I want you to protect what is inside. I know these dreams will try and pull you in, but please fight it. You're in grave danger. I cannot tell you anymore, I'm sorry, (Y/N)-Chan."

"W-why did you leave me?!" You cried, tears flowing out.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie."

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