Dancing with Shadows

By mammacub4

89 19 0

When her husband dies in an earthquake on their wedding night, Jasmine has to find a way without him. Or does... More



2 1 0
By mammacub4

      Jasmine woke up with a headache and hunger pains. She slipped her feet inside of Derick's slippers and shuffled down the stairs to the kitchen. She forgot about last night's events in the fog of her headache. All she thought of was food. Food and the pounding in her head. She squinted against the blinding light when she pulled open the door to the fridge and pulled out a cup of yogurt. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to get some relief as she reached for the cabinet that housed the glasses. Pulling one out, she ran the faucet catching just enough water that she might take a couple Tylenol.

      Once she swallowed the tablets, she hung her head low between her shoulders, her hands posted on the counter. With her eyes closed she breathed deeply in hopes that she could rid herself of the headache.

      Her stomach growled at her, reminding her that she had more than one problem. She unwillingly opened her eyes so she could locate a spoon and the cup of yogurt she pulled from the fridge. She took the two with her back upstairs.

      Jasmine removed the foil top and licked the lid out of habit. She crossed through the bedroom door and into the bathroom to toss the foil away in the bathroom trash can before moving over to the bed. She set the cup down on the bedside table and crawled back into bed. Once she was settled against the headboard she picked up her yogurt and savored each bite, becoming slightly disappointed when she reached the bottom before her hunger was sated. She contemplated going back down to get something else to eat, but that headache was so bad.

      The phone on the table rang, only amplifying the pulse in her head. Jasmine snatched it up before it had the opportunity to ring again.

      "Jazz, are you okay?" Derick asked. He'd lay next to her the whole night, and listened to her toss and turn. She moaned and whimpered like a broken thing, and he tried multiple times to gather her into his embrace, but each time she pushed him away.

     "I have a horrible headache," she whined. A tear slipped from the corner of her closed eyes. "Derick, I miss you so much. It's so hard living without you."

      He reached out, but pulled back before he touched his hand to her cheek. "Jazz, I wish things were different." He wanted to ask her what was going on with the technician. He wanted to demand that she tell him what they did yesterday. Why she felt the need to bathe before returning home. Why she smelled like his soap. He also wanted to pretend he didn't see the exchange. He wanted to lock her inside of the house so she never left him again.

      "Me, too."

      Jasmine's breath deepened, slowed, evened out. Her hand slipped, still clutching the phone. Her head tipped to the side. Derick slipped his hands beneath her and moved her down to sleep.


      Her cell phone woke her up with the incessant buzzing. She blindly reached for it on the night stand and flicked the green icon answering the call as she pressed it to her ear. "Hello?" Her voice was groggy, apparently amusing the person on the other end.

      "Oh, Miss Jasmine, I woke you!" The strong African accent made her smile. Bandile's voice pulled her own smile to her lips.

      "You did, Bandile, and you should be ashamed of yourself for disturbing my beauty sleep!' she teased.

      He laughed, a jovial noise that made her spirits rise. "Well, Miss Jasmine, I was calling to tell you that all of your students will be returning, and that you have another four students this year. I have also found a good deal on plane tickets. Can you come this Friday?"

     "Of course I can!" Jasmine forgot all about the annual trip. Every fall she flew to Upington and was shuttled to a small village in Namibia to teach children. She would stay there for four months of the year not only teaching the kids how to read write and mathematics, but also techniques to take with them back to their respective villages to teach others. "I'm so glad you called. Things have been so hectic here. I can't wait to get some normalcy again."

      "Very good! I will email you all the information you will need. We cannot wait to see your smiling face again. Get your beauty sleep, and we will be waiting for your arrival!"

      Jasmine said her goodbyes, but didn't go back to bed. She hopped out and went to the bathroom. She had a lot to do to get ready. Friday was only two days away, and usually she took a week to prepare.

      Derick was torn. He knew how important this trip was, but didn't want her to leave. Could he go a whole four months without her? The last time she went overseas, he went with her. The last time she went, they were planning their wedding. Would she be able to tell everyone what happened? No, he would convince her that it would be better to cancel and just stay home this year.

    Jasmine had one towel wrapped around her body, and another around her head as she bustled around the room. The phone on the table rang, but she didn't have time to stop and talk. "I have so much to do, Derick. I slept most of the day away, and don't have time to stop. Just let me get my things together. I can't let them down. All of those children are counting on me." She had her suitcase open on her bed, and it was nearly full already. Jasmine stopped moving, and stood next to the bed. Her hands gripped the edges of the suitcase. She stared at the contents as she spoke to her husband's ghost. "This is good. I need to get away from everything, and I think that you need to have some space, too. This isn't natural, what you're doing here. I love that you are here, but you shouldn't be. You need to move on just as much as I do. You can't be here for the rest of eternity. And I can't hold onto you, no matter how much I want to." Her voice became shaky, and she took a deep breath. "I love you, Derick, but I need to move on. I need to let you go."

      She straightened her back and squared her shoulders. "I have to go to the store,c she said, and got dressed.

      She was at the bottom of the staircase and looked around her. Last night when she came home the whole thing was a wreck, but in the light of day, Jasmine couldn't find any evidence of what happened the night before. She shook her head in confusion, but didn't dwell. She opened the closet door to get her purse and found a hand written note peeking out of her purse.


I'm sorry for the mess. I've sent a cleaning service to take care of it. Please call me. We need to talk.


      Jasmine shoved the note back into her purse. This was such a typical thing for the woman to do. Cause chaos and the apologize as if it would just excuse her behavior. Well, Jasmine had other things to think about that had nothing to do with nurturing her mothers ego.


       Friday came sooner than she wanted, and she was mentally going through her check list as she sat in the back seat of the uber on her way to the airport.

      Her phone rang. Mom was plastered on the screen. She debated whether she wanted to deal with her or not. She figured at least she would only have ten minutes before she got to the airport, so she answered.

      "Yes, mother," was how she greeted her.

      "Jasmine, I was waiting for you to call me."

      "Well, I've been busy, mother. What do you need?"

      "I just wanted to talk to you about your behavior," she said with accusatory tone.

     Jasmine could feel her anger prick, but took a calming breath. "My behavior?"

      "Yes, Jazz. You are behaving so abnormally, and I think you need help. I've set up an appointment with a professional. You need to be at her office in two hours."

      "Well, that's going to be kind of hard, mom. I'm on my way to Africa. I have students that are depending on me, and I don't think that your professional is willing to come and meet me."

      There was an annoyed huff in her ear. "Well, Jasmine, it would have been nice if you would just tell someone what you are doing, so we can plan accordingly. Can you stop being so selfish for one moment?"

     "Consider this your notice, mother. I won't be in town, I won't be answering any calls, I won't be going anywhere you've planned for me. I have not been kidnapped, so try to refrain from calling the cops for the next few months." Although they were still a few blocks away, she lied. "I'm at the airport, goodbye, mother." She didn't wait for her mother to respond before ending the call and leaning her head back against the seat.

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