A girls story

By TinistaEu

834 25 3

Martina sits down and starts the camera "hi everyone, my name is Martina, or Tini and now i wanna tell you ab... More

The End (Surpriseee!"


27 1 0
By TinistaEu

"morning" Jorge said, when i woke up "mmm, morning" i answered, and looked at my watch, "OMG! we're late for school!" i shouted "calm down, it's saturday" he laughed, and when i realized he was right i slightly blushed and looked at the floor "ups" "so have you decided yet?" "about what?" i asked even though i remembered "if you wanted to tell me why you beat innocent girls and are cutting" "please, Jorge i don't know. It's not like i enjoy doing it, i just can't help it" "so you decided not to tell me?" "kinda, yes, or no. I really don't know" "but please Martu, if you wanna make our relationship work then no secrets" he begged me to tell him "Jorge.. i can't, why do you wanna know so badly. Just be happy that i trusted you this much, even my parents doesn't know" i said frustrated "Tell me or we are over" he said very serious "i-i, but.... fine, it's your decision over all.. because i don't wanna tell you. So i guess we have to break up" i said looking at the ground, i could see how shocked he was.

"bye" i said leaving his house but didn't get any response. When i got home, all i could was cry, i can't believe he made me choose to be with him and tell my deepest secret or to break up with him and then keep my secret, just by thinking of that one day, made my whole body shiver.

I weren't really excited for going to school the next day, and i really had a good reason. Because when i enter everyone was sending me glares and i fell from being the most popular girl in school, to become a loner. "Oh Martina, how many did you beat this weekend? ahaha" "so did you cut your arm off?" "can your parents even stand you?" "we thought you were different, you know... Nice, but we all make mistakes. Right?" i was soon getting tired of everyone commenting on that video so i lost my mind "shut the fuck up, or you are the next to be beaten up!" no one dared to say anything except one person "oh. Like we care, You know with those cuts you can't even use your arm" i turned around to come face to face with a blondie "ENOUGH!" i shouted and then everything started. I took her by her collar "don't you dare.. Talk about me again" i only slapped her twice, because i didn't want the teacher to come.

"what is happening here" i heard mrs.. i don't know say "Ma-martina slapped m-me" blondie cried "w-why would i slap you?" i said surprised and hurt "don't act like you -don't know" "but i really don't know what is happening, i was just standing here with my phone and, then you came" i said all innocent "ok, did Martina or didn't Martina, slap Melissa?" the teacher asked everyone, i sended them dead glares and they all shook their head "ok, now Melissa say sorry to Martina for arcusing her" "no,i won't" "then you can have fun in detention" and the teacher walked away "Martina! what was that i just saw?" then i saw Jorge, coming through all the people "nothing" i said as cold as i could be towards him "come with me" he grabbed my arm and pulled me outside of the school "so tell me why you did that" "because she was annoying, and she was the one starting it all" i hissed at him "ok, hear Martina i'm really sorry for yesterday morning, i actually thought you would tell me if i said what i said" "why did you think like that?" i asked "because i was really curios and it just slipped" he said looking guilty "you really hurt me. I already have some trust issues, and what you did.Didn't make it any better" i said and sighed "yeah i know. But can you please forgive me?" i thought for a while "on one condition.. Don't meddle into my life, i beg you. All the memories from that day is killing me" i said and looked hopefully at him "i can't promise that" "then i can't promise to trust you, even though i like you... A lot" i said and walked back inside the school building.

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