A girls story

By TinistaEu

834 25 3

Martina sits down and starts the camera "hi everyone, my name is Martina, or Tini and now i wanna tell you ab... More

The End (Surpriseee!"


44 1 0
By TinistaEu

When i woke up next morning i found myself lying on a mattress with a boy on each side of me "morning" i yawned "good morning" i heard Rugge repeat "jorge?" i said, but didn't get any response "Jorge!" i said a bit louder, but still no response "JORGE!" i shouted but still no response. Are he serious, i thought to myself. "i'll pour some water on him" i said to Rugge. But when i was about to pour it on him, he fast took the bottle from me and guess where it all ended. Yes all over me "JORGE!!" i shouted, and poured the last drops on him, but he continued laughing his ass off.

The weekend soon cam, and it was time for my party. "ok, beers Check. Wine check, soda check, vodka check......" ding dong. I went to open the door, and of course Rugge and Diego was the first persons to come, but this time they also had Jorge with them "hi" they all greeted me "hey" they walked in, and soon everyone else also came.

All i remember then was me standing at the bar drinking, until i got so wasted i couldn't even remember my own name.

After the party i got told that Jorge, Rugge and Diego kicked everyone out of my house, because I needed some rest. Why do they even care?

As the days passed by, me and Jorge got closer and closer, and of course i began to feel weird when i was around him. I got nervous, but at the same time smiled. "hey Tini" he said catching up to me "oh hey Jorge. Where are you going now?" i asked him "just home. Why?" "i thought we could hang out together.Maybe have a sleepover, since Mechi kinda dropped me" "me. a sleepover? no way. And why did Mechi just drop you?" i couldn't tell him the truth "i don't know" i lied "and pleasee. For me" i begged making puppy eyes "fine, we can have a sleepover, but nothing girlish stuff okay?" "ok got it" i said. But of course i'm going to take some girly stuff with me.

I quickly got home, packed a bag and went straight to Jorge's house. "Heyyyyy" i greeted him "hi" i walked into his house, looking around "yeah, i know it isn't as big as your house, but i hope you can cope" "that's no problem. Actually i think it's pretty cozy in here" i admitted "mm that's great, now let's get this stupid sleepover done" "hey! sleepovers aren't stupid" "yeah if you say so"

"ok, first we have to eat, maybe something like pizza, then we can watch a romantic movie while doing our nails, after that gossip about boys....or girls in your case and after that go to sleep" "wow, you already made a schedule over things we're gonna do?" he asked me as i nodded "and no girlish stuff so no nail polish and no romantic movie. Instead we could watch a action movie and play videogames" he suggested "no way i'm going to do that" "what if we watch a romantic movie and then play video games" i thought about it for a while "mmm ok than, let's do that" i said and ordered a pizza "mmm, this tastes so good i moan" "are you seriously turned on by food?" Jorge asked with a chuckle "eh yes duh, this tastes so good" i said taking another bite. After eating, we watched titanic, and at the end i was crying like a waterfall. "VIDEO GAMES!!" Jorge shouted making me jump slightly "ok let's play this" he said and showed me Lego Batman "are you serious? that's for little kids" "no it's not. Just try it" when we started playing i found out it was actually really fun, i killed him twice, i knew that we were on the same team but seeing him annoyed was a pleasure. "gossip time!" i said excited "ow man i forgot about that" Jorge said annoyed "ok, a simple question, is there a bo.. girl you like?" i asked him, he thought for a while "nope, no one" that made me kinda sad, i hoped he would've said me but who cares, right? "so anyone in your mind?" he asked "yes" i answered "uhhh who?" he asked very curious "i'm not going to say that" i said blushing "hey you choose to gossip, now you need to gossip" he said a smirk playing on his lips "do i have to?" i asked wanting to hide somewhere "yes" "mm ok, it's.. wait i need to go to the toilet" i say walking to the door of his room. I walked to the toilet and after a while just flushed the toilet and washed my hands "ok Martina, here goes nothing" i said to myself walking back into his room "ok, now i'm back" i say sitting down on his bed again "so who is it?" he asked yet again but even more curious than before "why do you wanna now so badly?" i asked him "b-because eh.... as i said before you wanted to do this, then you have to do it too" "o-ok" i said sighing "you" i muttered under my breath "eh what?" "you" i muttered once again "ok, Martina you really need to talk louder i can't hear you" he said laughing "you" i said just loud enough for him to hear me "what me?" omg are he

stupid or something "i like you!" i shout frustrated "y-you do?" he asked as i nod while looking at the floor "w-wow" he said amazed. "Martina?" he said with a so calm and loving voice "yes"i said looking up on him again "i like you too" "really?" i asked, but wanted to beat someone again "ye-yes. Maybe we should try. I mean if we both like each other" he asked really nervous "i-i.....can't" i say taking my bag and running far away "Martina!" Jorge shouted after me. I know it's late but i can't stand being near him. I really wanna try it with him, but i'm scared, i haven't had a boyfriend who lasted more than two days, i'm scared of hurting him.


Martina: you know where to meet me

i didn't get any response but i can see she already read my message. When i arrive at the spot i could already see the fear in the girls eyes. I silently walked up to her and without saying anything, i slapped her right on her cheek, i continued with the beating until i heard someone shout behind me "MARTINA STOP IT!" a voice said i turned around to come face to face with Mechi again "what do you want?" i hissed at her "i want you to stop" she demanded "and why would i?" she thought for a little while "if you don't stop now, then i'll show this, to Jorge" she showed me a video where you could clearly see me beating up that girl "don't.. you.. dare.." i gritted through my teeths "if you don't want him to find out, then stop it" she said, my eyes spat fire, i thought of a way to blackmail back, but just couldn't come up with something "i hate you!" i screamed at Mechi and accidently kicked the girl "sorry" i said smirking wide. But what i didn't know was that a to well known person saw everything i did.

When i got home i made another cut and laid on my bed checking insta.

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