Username • Satzu ☑️

By jewelofsatzu

703K 20.9K 17.2K

Sana messaged the wrong username, but little did she know that mistake will change her entire life. [Typical... More

Special Chapter
In Another Universe
Special Chapter #2
Special Chapter #3
Special Chapter #4
Special Chapter #5


4.2K 141 201
By jewelofsatzu

4 months later...

"Tzuyu!" She stood up from her bed when she heard her name being called. She knew it was Chaeyoung's voice.

"Dahyunnie and I want to know if you wanna join us for lunch outside." The shorter girl said. The maknae opened the door and found two smaller people in front of her. She saw that they were both dressed casually, probably ready to go to the mall.

"I don't know, Chaeng." The younger girl shrugged. Then, she picked up her phone, checking if Sana has replied to any of her 814 text messages. She already knew that she wouldn't but she was still hoping that she would. The two older girls moved closer to see what the younger one was doing, and their suspicions were correct.

"Tzuyu, you've been texting her everyday for about 4 months now, you do know that chances of her replying is getting slimmer each day, right?" Chaeyoung said softly. Tzuyu sighed. "I know." She said, sadly.

"Come here. We're gonna talk to you." Dahyun said and led all 3 of them to Tzuyu's bed. "What are we talking about?" Tzuyu asked as she sat down on her bed.

"I think it's time for you to move on." Chaeyoung said. Tzuyu looked at her in disbelief. "But I love her. I love Sana, and I don't want to love somebody else." She said. Dahyun shook her head. "That's not what we meant."

"We don't mean that you should fall in love with another person or something. Look, we know that you love Sana and we love you guys together but we're just worried." Dahyun said softly. "This whole thing has affected and is affecting you so much. We just want you to keep moving forward." She added.

"It disappoints us that you're slowly distancing yourself from all of us." Chaeyoung fiddled with her fingers. "We just want our best friend back." Dahyun's voice nearly cracked, mid-sentence.

There was that moment of silence among them before Dahyun spoke again. "I know we both sound selfish and all but this is going to make you feel better too. We just want you to be happy." She rubbed the tallest one's back.

Tzuyu took her time to process each word they were saying. Just then, she bursted into tears. "I'm sorry, guys." She whispered. "I didn't realize that I've been like this." The other two immediately hugged her. "Shhh. It's okay. We understand."

They stayed there for a couple of moments. After a while, Tzuyu seemed to calm down. "I'm really sorry. Is there any way that I can make it up to you guys?" She asked. The two smiled widely. "Well you can still take our offer. Wanna hang out?" Dahyun asked. Tzuyu smiled widely. "Definitely!"

The 2 shorter girls squealed in excitement. "Alright, then go get changed." Chaeyoung pushed the taller girl to her closet. "I will. I will start moving forward." Tzuyu said while smiling widely. It's been months since they've seen Tzuyu smile like that. They were happy that she was slowly picking herself up.

"We don't mean to mess with your head but just like what she said in that note, remember that she will always love you." Dahyun pointed to Tzuyu's heart. "We're still Satzu shippers after all." Chaeyoung added.

"Correction, it's Sapphire." Tzuyu laughed. Before they left her room, she hugged Dahyun and Chaeyoung. "I love you guys. Thank you so much." She said. "No problem, buddy. We love you too."



"Where'd my girlfriend go?" Mina asked as she walked over to where the other girls were. Momo popped out of nowhere. "Yeah, where's mine too?" She asked.

"I think they went out with Tzuyu." Jeongyeon said and picked up the TV remote. "And Tzuyu agreed?" Nayeon asked back. Jeongyeon shrugged in response. "I guess so."

"Well I think it's great that she did." Jihyo said. "For months, that kid barely left her room." After all those months, the maknae only left her room if they were going to eat or if she would use the bathroom. If she left her room for any other reason, it would be a miracle for them.

"I'm happy that she's making progress." Nayeon spoke. "But I'm actually worried about Sana. Are you, guys?" She asked. "I am." Mina said softly.

"Me too." Jeongyeon raised her hand. "Me three." Momo did the same.

"We don't know exactly know where she is and what happened to her. We also don't know why she decided to do such thing." Jihyo said. "Have you guys noticed that there was this one particular question we haven't touched yet? Momo asked. "What was it?" Mina asked back.

"Is Sana still in Twice?"

They all fell silent after what Momo had told them. "You're right. PD-nim also never mentioned anything about that." Jeongyeon spoke. "I wonder why."

They all stopped talking when they heard a knock on the door. Jihyo stood up to get it. When she opened the door, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

The other members took a look at who was at the door and they all had the same reaction. "Text Chaeyoung." Nayeon whispered to Mina as the penguin-like girl fished out her phone.


Mina: Babe, where are you guys?

Chaeyoung: We're on our way home now, why?

Mina: No! Don't! No more questions. Just don't head home yet.

Chaeyoung: Umm okay


"Hey, you know, I'm suddenly craving for ice cream. Let's go!" Chaeyoung said and dragged the other 2 with her. They turned back around to walk to the nearest ice cream shop in town.

Since Tzuyu had long legs, she was able to walk faster than the two other girls. Dahyun took this opportunity to whisper to Chaeyoung. "You received a text from them too?" She asked. "Yep." Chaeyoung replied. "Momo unnie told you too?" She asked.

"She sure did. I think I know what's going on." Dahyun whispered. "Me too." Chae whispered back. Tzuyu felt that the 2 were slowing down their paces so she turned around and saw them whispering about something.

She became curious and so she asked. "What are you guys whispering about?"

"Nothing!" They said at the same time. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. She just shrugged it off then continued to walk.


"What the heck?!" Jihyo yelled and pulled their visitor inside. She also slammed the door shut.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Nayeon stood up while crossing her arms.

"Minatozaki Sana."

"Look, I know you guys are mad at me but please let me explain." The said girl spoke. "Explain what, Minatozaki?" Jeongyeon asked.

Sana nervously played with her fingers. "Okay, maybe I don't really have an explanation but I know I was very stupid and I didn't know what I was doing. I'm really sorry, guys." She apologized.

"I don't think we're the ones who need your apology the most, Sana." Momo spoke. Sana nodded. "I know." She said softly.

"She's not here by the way." Mina told the girl. Sana's face fell but she already expected this. What she didn't expect was for the five other girls to engulf her in a big hug. She felt a lot safer with them.

When they pulled away, they saw Nayeon shedding some tears. "I missed you, Snake." She said, giving the girl another hug. Sana's tears fell down her face as well. She's been holding them back ever since she saw the other member's faces for the first time after how many months.

"I'm really sorry about everything, guys." She apologized for the second time. Jihyo hushed the girl. "That's enough. But we have to ask, where were you?" She asked.

"I went back to Japan." Sana answered. "Wait so how did you not get caught or something?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I took the private plane and I never got out of the house the moment I got there." She said. "Wait so JYP knew about this?" Nayeon asked. Sana nodded her head and mumbled. "Yeah."

"So why did you leave?" Mina asked.



"Can we go back now? I'm pretty tired." Tzuyu asked. "You know it's been a while since I've went out." She added.

"I want to check on some street foods, ya know." Dahyun said. Tzuyu stared at her with a confused face. "Do you guys not get full or something?" She asked.

"C'mon I was just going to check." Dahyun said. Tzuyu shook her head. "You guys go. I'm going to head back." She said before walking back to their place.

Dubchaeng looked at each other in panic. They quickly ran after the girl. The two followed her until they were almost in front of their door. That's when Dahyun stopped in front of the taller girl. "Tzuyu, I think it's too early to go in." She awkwardly laughed.

Tzuyu crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. "Are you guys hiding something from me?" She asked. The two looked at each other worriedly.

"Quit playing, what's going on?" She asked again. Before they were able to answer, Tzuyu walked passed them and barged inside their apartment.

"Sh*t" Dahyun and Chaeyoung silently cursed before walking behind Tzuyu. "I don't know what you guys are up to but--" Tzuyu stopped in her tracks. She stood there, frozen.

. . .

. . .

. . .



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