By winksyy

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The story of a true crackhead who lives in a boring arse town in Britain More

The One Where Joe Was A Basic Bitch
The One Where Joe Tricked You
The One Where Joe Died
The One Where Joe Shows His Famous Relative
The One Where Joe Gets Soppy
The One With The Q&A
The One With The Q&A Part 2
The One With The Halloween Party
The One Where Joey Is Bored
The One Where Harry Eats Joe's Eggs
The One Where Joey Actually Cares
The One Where Joey Actually Died
The One Where Joe Becomes A 2013 Youtuber
The One Where Joey Plans To Go Worldwide
The One Where Joey Turns 18
The One Where Joey Turns Into Eleven
The One Where Joey Is Conflicted About Everything
The One Where Joey Took A Break
The One Where Joey Took It Too Far
The One Where Joe Felt Odd
The One Where Joe Is Kind To His Devil Ex
The One Where Joe Has Had Enough
The One Where Joe Stayed 2 Metres Away
The One Where The Sun Gets Involved
The One Where Joe Did A Thing
The One Where Joseph Hates Harold
The One Where Joe Can't Handle The Peer Pressure
The One Where Joe Snaps
The One Where Joe Is On A Break
The One Where Joe Isn't Fat
The One With The Incredibles
The One Where We Take A Trip Down Memory Lane
The One Where Joe Goes To Uni
The One Where Joe Wants A Bucket List

The One Where Joe Tells Ghost Stories

72 8 27
By winksyy

So you guys seemed to want to know about the ghost in my house and I'm wide awake now so I'll tell you about him.

A little back story, so when me and Harry were the only two children, we used to live in a house with just my mum. Harry was like 3 ? And I was about 5/6 and he would continuously go and talk to himself at the bottom of the stairs. Well one day he asked my mum if he could play with the little boy at the bottom of the stairs and my mum was just like Harry's got an imaginary friend, that's cute. Well anyway, I had the second biggest bedroom at the back of the house and I was playing with Harry in there with Lego's and dinosaurs and Harry suddenly ran out crying and screaming for my mum. When I say screaming I mean it was like he was in pain, he's told my mum that there was a scary man in my bedroom being nasty to him. My mums all confused because she's a single mum with no partner, she walks into my room where I'm playing, MINDING MY OWN FUCKING BUSINESS and she could smell like an old mans sweat and stench. I've never been removed from somewhere so quick in my life. We'd have things taken and never replaced and things that went missing and then would reappear in weird locations. My mum knew this weird woman who could sense shit and we were moving house because my mum was having none of this. So this woman walked in and looked at my mum and said ' there's a beautiful young boy sat on the stairs, he loves your son, he's very playful but I bet he's a handful' WTF. Then she basically walks around the house, my mum hasn't told her shit either, she senses the boys mother around the house too but says she doesn't like interacting with us. She goes upstairs and goes into my bedroom and goes ' get Joseph out of this room, I see him, an older gentleman, a nasty man who has no good in him'. My mum flipped her shit, like I hadn't been back in that room since my brother had said anything but like wtf ? How did this woman know all this shit ? So we basically moved out and thank god we did.

Current date, so we've lived in this house for like 8 years now ? Never had any problems but where we live used to be some WW2 site. Automatically screams haunted right? So like a few years ago when we had some family changes, we noticed things starting to go missing and we blamed it on my mums partner at the time. As time progressed and a new man entered the house, it started to get weirder. So Harry, once again the fucking ghost attractor was laying in bed and his door handle started going as if someone was pushing it down and letting it go, he's called out asking who it was. When he didn't get a response he opened the door and looked in my mums room to see her laying in bed with my sister. He asked what they wanted and my mum was so confused and said that no one had been near the door, my mum was in her bed with my sister, my other sister was asleep in her own bed and I was fast asleep too. Weird shit right? Well I started hearing tapping like all the time in my bedroom, I could get the tapping to stop and start so if that's not weird then I don't know what is. I was laying in bed one evening and I heard what sounded like my dogs tail wagging at my door, I was confused because my mum doesn't let the dogs upstairs. I FaceTimed her because I weren't stepping out of my bedroom, she said the dog was on her lap. My brother was asleep and no one else was in the house, what made that repeated tail wagging noise on my door? My mum also had her tablets to help her sleep at night opened and they were all over the floor, me and my brother wouldn't touch her medication and my sisters wouldn't be able to reach them. Who the fuck is doing that then? During the summer of last year, I was home a lot alone because I finished college early and I would come downstairs and make lunch and shit and one day I heard giggling, like a child laughing. I stopped dead in my tracks, frozen, like I couldn't move. When I finally did manage to move I checked the house with a knife, gotta be careful to find nothing. I'd also heard a knock in my hallway one day when I was in the kitchen which sounded like the front door, nothing there. In between all of this we hear tapping all the time, we also hear running on the landing and up and down the stairs when no ones there. That's what I heard just now, running along the landing when everyone is asleep. It likes to play often, tapping noises and it likes encouragement to do it even though it creeps me out when it responds to me telling it to stop. I also heard crying before Christmas, like sobbing. Shit my pants because I was alone in the house with my mums partner in the garden smoking. We lose things often, only to find them weeks later in plain sight in a different room. So this is the really weird part, my mum usually gets this feeling when someone's in her room like if I was to open the door and stand there, she'd wake up and ask me what's wrong and that's without me making any noise, she just knows. Well she woke up not long ago thinking one of my sisters was in her room sick, she looked and there was no one there, she walked into my sisters bedroom to find them both asleep. She got back into bed and she hears someone walking at the end of her bed all the time, but this time she felt someone get on the bed, they stepped on his leg/ankle and my mum is adamant that it felt like a child, because it was like the weight of a small infant. My mum refused to look and hid under her covers which is where I get it from. Like we tried to get that woman back but corona fucked it up, I'm a little glad I don't know because then I can believe my own little story which is that Gerry is a child who died on the site due to the testing of ammunition, they love it here and they are very cheeky, never leaving us alone for more than two seconds. We don't mind having Gerry here, a little scary at times but that's it. I think I said everything but maybe not as it is 2:30 in the morning 😂

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