The Dragon of The Demons (RWB...

By VrgsDrgn

490K 8K 8.9K

I don't own anything in this story. You are the king of the dragons, so powerful nothing can defeat you, so y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
New Cover + Poll
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Birthday Special!!!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Polls for Future Events
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 18

9.2K 166 82
By VrgsDrgn

Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) was sitting in his seat with his eyes widened, and Summer was shaking her head, what had caused the The King of Dragons to become wide eyed, you ask? It was Dr. Oobleck speeding around in the classroom at speeds (Y/N) didn't think a normal human could achieve without the use of a semblance.

Summer: "I actually think he's gotten slower."

(Y/N): ". . . . I am definitely going through Ozipn's secret coffee stash."

Summer just sighs, while Dr. Oobleck moves at neck-breaking speeds.

Oobleck: "Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution--more popularly known as the Faunus War—" *zooms up to the front of the class and the map covered in papers behind his desk* "—humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie." *points at the map of said-area with his stick, then zooms off to the side for a sip of his coffee before appearing in front of the desk* "Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!" *zooms around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom and talk* "Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?"

Some students raise their hands.

(Y/N): 'Surprising, if this would've been any other world, the humans would be discriminated, probably something to do with the amount of population difference.'

Oobleck: "Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!" *takes another sip of his coffee* "I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War?" *Weiss raises her hand* "Yes?"

Weiss: "The battle at Fort Castle!"

(Y/N): 'A stupid name for a stupid battle, fitting.'

Oobleck: "Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

Unseen by the professor, Cardin flicks a paper football at Jaune's head, causing him to wake up.

Jaune: "Hey!"

Oobleck: *zooming over into Jaune* "Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?"

(Y/N): 'I'm surprised he didn't notice that. You'd think if you were to achieve those kind of speeds, you would notice every little detail.'

Jaune: "Uhhhh. . . . The answer. . . The advantage. . . that the Faunus. . . ." *looks behind Oobleck's focused face at Pyrrha, who coughs and motions to her lips as she gives him the answer* ". . .had over that guy's stuff..." *he sees Pyrrha cup her hands around her eyes and goes for the most obvious answer* "Uhh... Binoculars!"

While Jaune looks pleased with his answer, the class laughs at him and Oobleck *back at the front of the class* sips his coffee. Pyrrha sighs and facepalms as Cardin pounds his fist on his desk while snorting.

Oobleck: *zooming back behind his desk* "Very funny, Mr. Arc! Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject!"

Cardin: "Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."

(Y/N): "Guess that shows how much lower you are than animals."

The students laugh, apart from a few, while Oobleck turns around to hide a small smirk. Cardin stands up furiously.

Cardin: "You wanna go punk!?!"

Pyrrha: "You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you, Cardin?"

Cardin: "What? You got a problem?"

Pyrrha: "No, I have the answer! It's night vision. Many Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark." *Cardin growls at the correct response*

Blake: "General Lagune was inexperienced, and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured." *turns to Cardin* "Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure."

Cardin then went to march towards Blake, his fists clenched.

Oobleck: "Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat."

Cardin grumpily sits down while glaring at (Y/N), Pyrrha and Blake. Jaune laughs at Cardin's embarrassment, which is noticed by Oobleck.

Oobleck: "You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional readings." *takes yet another sip of his coffee*

Jaune: *shoulders slumping* "Oohhhh..."

Oobleck: *zooming away* "Now! Moving on!"


After class was recess and all the students were doing what students in recess do, chatting with their friends, if they have any or just sitting alone and eating. (Y/N) was sitting with Team RWBY and JNPR, while Jaune was looking down and being absent-minded while Nora was telling a story with Ren correcting her.

Nora: "So! There we were, in the middle of the night..."

Ren: "It was day."

Nora: *to Blake, paying no attention as she is lost in her book, and Yang, who is hanging on her every word with her hands cupping her face* "We were surrounded by Ursai..."

Ren: *holding a coffee cup* "They were Beowolves."

Nora: "Dozens of them!" *she screams this as she stands at the table of both Team RWBY and JNPR, where Weiss is ignoring Nora and filing her nails, Ruby and Pyrrha are listening politely, and Jaune is messing with his food*

Ren: "Two of 'em."

Nora: *while Ruby and Pyrrha now look at a distant Jaune with concern* "But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!"

Ren: *sighs* "She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now."

(Y/N): "A very. . . sane dream, I say."

Nora: *zooms to (Y/N)* "You understand!!!" *cups his hands in hers* "Let us go, my brother! And venture the lands, breaking every leg we can find!!"

(Y/N): "Nora. . . you also have legs."

Nora looks down at her legs, before her eyes widening.

Nora: "No. . . this can't be happening, off with my legs!!"

Nora then proceeds to do a snapping motion on her legs before playing dead while (Y/N) salutes. They stay like this for a while before her eyes open.

Nora: "Waaaaiiiiiittttt a minute, you also have legs."

(Y/N): "No, they're called bones, coated with the finest fibre called muscles, they help me find legs to break."

Nora: "I see, a professional leg-breaker, 'tis the first I've seen one."

(Y/N): "'tis the only one, you'll be seeing."

Nora: "Affirmative, Good day."

(Y/N): "Good day."

Nora then goes back to playing dead for a few seconds, before she stands up and laughs while (Y/N) chuckles, Ren shakes his head with a small smile on his face while Yang wanting to join in. Eventually (Y/N)'s attention focused on the other side of the table.

Pyrrha: *looking at her Jaune* "Jaune? Are you okay?"

Jaune: *snapping out of it, turning back toward them* "Huh? Oh, yeah! Why?"

Ruby: "It's just that you seem a little... not okay..."

Jaune: *as the others stop their distractions and stare at him* "Guys, I'm fine. Seriously! Look!" (he holds up a thumb while laughing nervously until his attention is focused on the members of Team CRDL, standing around a girl with brown rabbit ears jutting from her hair as Cardin laughs at her and Sky holds up his hands to his head in a mock interpretation of her rabbit features*

Pyrrha: "Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school!"

Jaune: "Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah... He just likes to mess around! You know, practical jokes!"

Ruby: "He's a bully."

Jaune: *scoffs* Oh, please! Name one time he's 'bullied' me."

(Y/N): 'I sense a flashback coming.'


Jaune is seen on the way to class as Cardin is going the other way down the hall. When the two pass, Cardin knocks his arm into Jaune and makes him drop his book, then continuing on his way with his hands out as if daring anyone to challenge him.

Jaune: "Ah, come on!"

Flashback 2

Jaune and Cardin are about to pass through a doorway, but Cardin clicks on Jaune's sheath and extends it into its shield form as he's going out, causing him to run into his own defense and have it block the exit.

Jaune: *grunts in frustration as he tries to lift his shield back out* "Come on...!"

Flashback 3

Glynda is in the locker room with several students, gesturing at the devices.

Glynda: "Each of you will be assigned one rocket-propelled locker to store your weapons and extra armor. Additionally, your locker can be sent to a custom location based on a six-digit code."

Hearing this, Cardin looks at Jaune - standing between him and the only open locker in the room - and the cliché plays itself out as Cardin quickly pushes a shocked Jaune into the small dark space and closes the door on him, pressing random buttons on the pad right after that.

Jaune: "What?! No, wait, wait! You've gotta get me out of here! Please! Don't! Don't! Don't do it!"

However, he was too late to protest when the locker scrunches down and launches up with a burst of blue fire coming from its base. Cardin watches as the locker slowly soars across the sky.

Jaune: *from the distance* "Ahhh, coooome oooooooon...!"

Flashback series end

The others are totally focused on him now.

Jaune: *attempts to laugh it off* "I didn't land far from the school!"

Pyrrha: "Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask."

Nora: "Ooooh!" *gets up from the table and presents her diabolical plan with a not-entirely-sane grin* "We'll break his legs!"

(Y/N): "I agree, I haven't broken any legs in a while, only cut some off."

Jaune: "Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me, he's a jerk to everyone."

They all look over as they hear the sounds of laughing grow louder, mixed in with cries of pain from the rabbit girl when one of her ears are tugged on by Cardin.

Velvet: "Ow! That hurts! Please, stop..."

Cardin: *continues laughing as he turns to his teammates* "I told you it was real!"

Russel: "What a freak!"

Pyrrha: "Atrocious. I can't stand people like him."

Blake: *staring daggers* "He's not the only one..."

Yang: *sadly, leaning her head on her hand* "It must be hard to be a Faunus."

Ruby: "Hey, where's (Y/N)?"

They all then notice (Y/N) walking towards Team CRDL and the bunny Faunus.

Nora: "Oh this is going to be good."

Ruby: *squeals* "Go (Y/N)!"

Blake: 'I hope he saves her.'

Yang: "Awwww, I wanted to go with him."

Pyrrha: "Wait, I want to see how this goes."

Ren: *leaning towards the table* "Me too."

They all thought that (Y/N) was just going to teach Team CRDL some manners, but what they didn't notice, was that (Y/N)'a eyes were flickering from his normal eye colour to his demon eye.

(Y/N): 'He called her a freak'

'Why would a freak like her, take in a demon like you!?'

(Y/N): 'He called her a freak'

'Hah! What a freak! Look at her, she likes a demon!'

(Y/N): 'He called her a freak'

Time seemed to slow down for Cardin as his vision changed from him pulling on the faunus's bunny ear to moving his head and seeing a fist coming towards his face. As (Y/N)'s fist connected with Cardin's face, Cardin was sent flying through a table of food, with all of the food onto him sticking, and him slamming into the wall.

(Y/N): *emotionless* "I thought I held back quite a bit, I guess my anger took over for a second."

All of Team RWBY and JNPR were wide eyed, each with their own respective thoughts.


Yang: 'He was holding back!!?'

Blake: 'Just how strong is he?'

Weiss: 'I'm glad I'm not on his bad side.'

Nora: 'With that power, he could break so many legs!!'

Jaune: *gulps*

(Y/N) then turned towards the rest of Team CRDL, just to see that they had mysterious wet spots on their pants, and a yellow liquid is seen under them.

(Y/N): "Get Lost."

With that single command, they immediately ran towards their leader before grabbing him and running away towards the infirmary, and the washroom. (Y/N) then turned towards the Bunny Faunus, who was frightened, but had more courage than the others who had an 'accident', he then gestures her to follow him, which she replies with a nod. They both then start walking towards the exit, but not before (Y/N) turns to look at Team RWBY and JNPR, a disappointed look on his face, most of Team RWBY and JNPR were confused, but Blake, Pyrrha and Ren understood his look and looked down in shame. (Y/N) and the Bunny Faunus then walk out. The two walk for sometime in silence, before the Bunny Faunus gathers enough courage to start a conversation.

???: "Um. . . T-thank you f-for saving me."

(Y/N): *without looking back* "Don't be, instead be sad that others didn't help you."

The Bunny Faunus then looks back down and responds with a 'Yeah'. They both then reach a garden and (Y/N) finally turns to the Bunny Faunus, before softly grabbing the bunny ear, which they had pulled and rubbing it softly. The Bunny Faunus tenses for a bit before relaxing.

(Y/N): "Velvet Scarlentina."

Velvet: *surprised* "H-how do you know my n-name?"

(Y/N): "I read your transcripts, I have to say, your faith in the peace between Humans and Faunus is impressive but foolish."

Velvet: *looks down* "Mhmm."

(Y/N): "You're strong enough to fight them, why didn't you?"

Velvet doesn't respond.

(Y/N): "Is it because of your semblance?"

Velvet tensed for a bit, before relaxing again.

Velvet: "Y-yes, Coco said that I should keep it a secret so that others don't find out about it."

(Y/N): "A good strategy, but is she helping you against those 'bullies'."

Velvet: "S-she tries, but I don't let her."

(Y/N): "Why?"

Velvet: "It's because I beli—"

(Y/N): "If it's something about your 'faith', then I don't want to hear it."

Velvet quiets down, unable to respond.

(Y/N): *sighs* "Don't fret about it, you just need confidence, and if your team leader is who I think she is, you might be confident at the end of your time at Beacon. Now go on. I'm done rubbing your ears."

Velvet: "E-Excuse me, why did you bring me h-here?"

(Y/N): "I thought you would've been embarrassed if I started rubbing your ears in front of everyone, so I brought you here."

Velvet: "O-oh, thank you."

(Y/N): "Don't worry about it, and I suggest you let your team help you, at least a little."

Velvet: "O-okay, bye."

(Y/N): "Bye."

Velvet then leaves and (Y/N) starts walking towards the roof of Beacon to get some fresh air.


(Y/N) reached his destination and as he was about to open the door, he heard two familiar voices.

Pyrrha: "I can help you Jaune."

Jaune: "I. . don't need help, I can manage fine!"

Pyrrha: "You just need a little push."

Jaune: "You're saying I need help."

Pyrrha: "N-no! What I'm saying is—"

Jaune: "No! I don't want to be some - damsel in distress in need of saving, I want to be a hero—"

(Y/N), having enough of Jaune's shit, opens the door with a loud bang. Surprising both Jaune and Pyrrha, Jaune responds with a 'manly' scream and Pyrrha helps before noticing it was (Y/N) and looking ashamed.

(Y/N): "If you want to be a hero, you've got to train to protect others, and you barely put any commitment into training. You're only bringing your team down."

Pyrrha: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "I'm right, aren't I?"

Pyrrha: ". . . . yes."

Jaune's eyes widen before he looks down.

(Y/N): "You want to protect others, but how will you protect others, if you can't even protect yourself against some weaklings."

Jaune then looks up, an angry look on his face.

Jaune: "I don't have your powers! I don't have Pyrrha's skills! I don't have Nora's strength! I don't ha—"

(Y/N) grabs Jaune by his shirt before hanging him off the ledge.

Pyrrha: "(Y/N)! Stop!"

(Y/N): "You don't have my powers? I was born with them, I learned to control them. You don't have Pyrrha's skills? She didn't either, she perfected them through training. You don't have Nora's strength? She got it by living off the streets, with Ren. Everyone earned their strengths and powers, just because you haven't unlocked your semblance, doesn't mean you can cry about it."

Pyrrha: "Y-yeah! And besides, you got into Beacon! That's an impressive feat alone!"

Jaune stops struggling against (Y/N) and slumps. (Y/N) smirks.

(Y/N): "Oh? He didn't tell you?"

Pyrrha: "What?"

Jaune: "No! Don't tell her! No!"

(Y/N): "He faked his transcripts."

Jaune screams and tries to hit (Y/N)l but (Y/N) retaliates by throwing him back onto the roof, Pyrrha being too shocked to help him.

Pyrrha: "What do you mean? Jaune?"

Jaune gets up with a few grunts, before standing up fully.

Jaune: "I-I faked them, just to get into Beacon."

Pyrrha: "B-but why?"

Jaune: "So that I can be a hunter! My father was one and his father too! I wanted to become a hunter to be a famous hunter! It was my dream!"

(Y/N): "He was after fame, all of them were." *chuckles* "Doesn't surprise me, now if you excuse me, I'm tired from all of this, I'm heading back, you two can sort this out."

(Y/N) then opens a portal in front of him and walks into it while yawning, leaving Jaune and Pyrrha on the roof.

(3100 words. A good chapter. I'm really tired right now, so sorry if the ending seemed a bit rushed, but I really want to sleep. See ya!)

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