Toxic [2gether]


203K 8.5K 1.9K

[COMPLETE] Tine was not into dudes. Seriously, he wasn't. But looking at Sarawat on that dimly stage, the yel... 更多

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16 🔞
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23 🔞
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Extra: A trip to heaven (I)
Extra: A trip to heaven (II)
Extra: Love never dies (I)
Extra: Love never dies (II)

Part 10

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Sarawatwaifu333333 said:


[image attached]

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 01:00                    Reply            Like              

bunnyhonny said:

looks like tine_chic on ig

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 02:30                    Reply            Like

XXxkookiexXX said:

Is that sarawat's promo shirt? WTF

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 01:01                    Reply            Like

Sarawatwaifu333333 said:


[image attached]

[image attached]

[image attached]

[image attached]

[image attached]

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 03:26                    Reply            Like

Sarawatwaifu333333 said:


[image attached]

[image attached]

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 03:33                    Reply            Like

XXxkookiexXX said:

@Sarawatwaifu333333 Hes an ulgy mf.

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 03:47                    Reply            Like

musiclover<3 said:

I think they are friends from university...?

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 01:21                    Reply            Like

bananarama said:

I saw this guy at sarawats fan sign. coincidence??

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 05:26                    Reply            Like              

iLiVeInAtRashcaN said:


Posted 2019-03-04 @ 05:49                    Reply            Like

XXxkookiexXX said:

@iLiVeInAtRashcaN hell no!1 i vote for a peititon to protec sarawat

Posted 2019-03-04 @ 03:47                    Reply            Like


"You're trending again," Ohm said while scrolling through the feed on his phone. The bright light from the device eliminated his face, turning it ghostly white in the dimly lit bar. It was still quite early so the place was practically void of people.

"What?" Tine asked, leaning over to see the blinding screen, balancing in the high chair while having to fight for the glimpse of the device with Fong and Peuk, all of them wobbling dangerously in their seats at the tiny round table. "Why?"

"Obviously because of that couple shirt. How stupid can you be, walking around in Sarawat's clothes?" Tine frowned, flopping back in his seat and kicked at Ohm's chair, making it scrape against the floor, the loud screech overpowering the subdued music in the bar. Unperturbed, Ohm shook his head in disapproval, the studs in his ears glinting.

Sarawat's fans were nothing but dedicated. Who could even manage to randomly snap a picture of Tine at that precise moment?

The picture of Tine had surfaced last week, of him wearing the infamous striped shirt, caught red handed when he was leaving Sarawat's apartment in gay panic. It was really not that hard to draw the conclusion that this dude was that one guy Sarawat followed on instagram. Tine rubbed at his nape in frustration. One of his least proud moments was on display for everyone to pick at.

This had obviously raised some heavy speculation about their, uh, couple wear. Tine's phone had then blown up with all sorts of notifications, both supportive but also somewhat unnerving.

Sarawat, however, had been unperturbed, already used to the random burst of netizens' fickle hearts. On the other hand he only had instagram on his phone, so yeah, it was not like he had to put in a lot of effort into shutting off the notifications when they started to annoy him. Tine, however, was an attention seeker, nothing could make him quit the plethora of social medias out there. No, no.

"Yeah, Tine. How stupid can you get?" Peuk parroted bringing Tine back from his thoughts.

"It was an accident," the man whined, putting his chin on his arms while sprawling sullenly over the table. Tine was not going to explain the whole backstory to his friends. They were a close knit bunch but hopefully not that close as wanting to hear him talk about his sex escapades with Sarawat.

"What, did you slip and fall on his dick too?" Fong piped in, making the other two guys laugh obnoxiously while Tine yelped in outrage, springing upright in his seat. All right, maybe they were a tiny bit curious. These dudes were weird.

"Don't presume that you know anything," he quipped, crossing his arms and wagging his brows. "I don't kiss and tell."

"Whatever man," Ohm said, locking his phone dramatically and placing it on the table with a thud. "What're you gonna do now?" Tine blinked his eyes at him, not following. Ohm just rolled his eyes. "You have to fight back," he said conspiratorially, palms together and fingers splayed against each other in front of his chin.

Yeah, about that. His friends were not known for having the best of ideas and still knowing this, Tine could not help asking, "What do you have in mind?"

It was not like they would start a war or anything.


Sarawat wiped a side of the steamed up mirror with his hand, staring at his own somber reflection, damp hair falling into his dark eyes and lips pensive. He needed to tell Tine how he fully felt. For some reason it was strangely suffocating him but he also did not want to overwhelm and spook Tine. The other man was skittish and Sarawat did not know when Tine would think that too much was indeed too much, so Sarawat had tried to avoid the topic of real feelings altogether, bottling it up.

He had an ambiguous idea of letting Tine settle into them dating before he brought it all up, but that annoying brat only acted on things when provoked or drunk. Ah. This was so fucked up. Why did he feel lost when everything was going so good? Although could anyone blame him for wanting more?

He combed his unsteady fingers through his wet hair, revealing a wide forehead and strong brows. His upper lip was jutting out slightly. He was sulking, wanting some reassurance but that idiot was still asleep. For all of Tine's teasing that Sarawat slept like the dead, Tine certainly put up a fair completion. Once Sarawat had gotten them inside his apartment after the drive from Fong's drinking party and on the bed, Tine was already out cold. He better not act this carelessly when being with other people.

He should check up on Tine, it was soon noon and they should get breakfast, brunch or something. Sarawat pushed away from the sink, steering his steps to the bedroom.

He walked slowly over the floor, not wanting to disturb the dozing man and stopped at the foot of the bed. Tine looked all cute and fluffy on his bed and inside his home, inside his heart even. Unexpectedly the other man opened his round eyes and lifted himself up on his elbows haphazardly, reclining backwards and blinking at Sarawat. No longer asleep apparently.

A taunting flush bloomed instantly on Tine's sharp cheeks, spreading along his neck and lapping at his chest when he noticed Sarawat's nakedness, only a towel around his hips.

"Good morning?" Tine said in a hoarse voice, setting off an avalanche of tingles down Sarawat's spine.

"Are you sober now?" The musician asked, trying to control a sudden impulse to pounce on Tine, looking at him being all loose limbered, broad shoulders and wiggly toes peeking out of the white sheets. Sarawat could certainly get used to this, in fact he was already addicted.

His legs moved as if by an invisible force, one after another, as he crawled up on the bed, his tanned hands denting and scrunching the white bed sheets as he went. He kept his gaze steady on Tine, whose eyes grew larger the closer Sarawat crept. Running out of options, lest he wanted to bump heads with the other, Tine flopped back, hair flying. Sarawat was towering over him, hands on each side of his head and Tine's chest heaved in trepidation.

The musician lowered his head, kissing Tine's brow slowly and then nosing at his rosy cheek. A smirk pulled at his wide, bow shaped lips as he noticed Tine's indecisiveness on where to put his slender hands, flailing them miserably, fingers jerking. He obliged to help him by taking one of Tine's hands in his own and placing it on his left pectoral, right over his beating heart.

Tine's round mouth opened slightly in awe, scraping his nails along Sarawat's skin, innocently grazing a nipple. Sarawat drew in a hitched breath and reclined backwards, fully straddling Tine, knees on each side of his narrow hips. The towel had somehow managed to hang on for dear life, faithfully covering Sarawat's modesty. Tine's free hand fell to the musician's thigh, squeezing the lithe flesh and leaving half moon indents from his nails. Sarawat winced at the sting of nails digging deeper into his skin.

Then he put his own heavy hand on Tine's chest, long fingers spread apart and pressed down, to stop the other one from running away at what he was about to say. He could feel Tine's hand tighten in reply on his thigh from the abrasive push. Sarawat's licked his suddenly dry lips, swiping a pink tongue over his bottom lip before evenly asking.

"Tine, do you wanna fuck?"

Panic rippled over Tine's face as he looked up in astonishment at the other man towering over him. Sarawat smirked but dark eyelashes lowered in avoidance of the clear gaze, he  focused on the contrasting sight of their skin tones instead. He did not want to examine Tine's emotions too closely in fear of finding them void of what he was looking for. What if Tine was just going with the flow? But what if he was not?

"Hmm?" Sarawat urged, petting Tine's warm skin impatiently with his hand and raised a heady gaze, in end still trying to gauge Tine's telltale signs of actual distress. He would stop if this upset Tine for real but he would not let Tine's silly ego get in the way of this, they have already wasted too much time skirting around this tension for years. "Or are you going to run away?"

Tine squeezed his eyes, mortified at talking openly like this with Sarawat in the sheer light of the day. It was unusual for him to find a guy to be this attractive, or to clarify, Sarawat was the only guy he found to be hot. Period. Even letting him take the lead was not something Tine did inconsiderately.

Tine shook his head vigorously and the musician smirked anew, his heart soaring. Adorable. Tine was such a tease. He doubted that Tine ever acted this way with the numerous women that he had played and then left. It made Sarawat feel content that this shyness, or whatever the hell it was, was only for him and no one else.

"Good, because I won't let you." Tine's chest heaved and Sarawat felt his heart beat faster against his palm, in the enclosure of Tine's ribcage, like a trapped bird.

"Wat," Tine rasped. "We can't kiss if you keep me at a distance." He looked meaningfully at the hand Sarawat was using to press the other into the sturdy mattress, while slyly creeping one hand upwards Sarawat's thigh, sneaking it under the towel. The musician arched his brows, challenging Tine to go further. "I can-" Tine started saying but got interrupted when there was a slam of a door somewhere in the apartment. Both men looked confusedly at each other. What?

Then Sarawat sighed, slumping. There could only be one person. He pecked Tine's soft lips quickly in remorse and slipped off of him, collapsing on the bed next to the other man. He reached out one hand to pull the blankets up to Tine's chin, successfully covering the wide expanse of creamy skin. He then glared at the door, obviously annoyed, awaiting the reveal.

"Phi, are you home?" A male voice called, footsteps coming closer to the bedroom before a series of rapid nocks followed. The door was then ripped open without pausing to wait for a reply.

There stood Phukong, Sarawat's brother, stunned at seeing the other two casually lounging on the bed. Well, Sarawat was lounging, his hands behind his head, while Tine was just a big lump under the covers, round eyes blinking at Phukong. Shit.

He scrunched his nose at seeing his brother in nothing but a towel, but was quick to smile and bow with palms pressed against each other, greeting the two older males.

"Oh, hi," Tine said awkwardly, sitting up and pulling the blanket with him to keep himself shielded. For some reason it felt wrong to parade half naked in front of Sarawat's brother. Weird. Tine was not even the one to use a towel to cover himself when changing in the locker rooms at the gym.

"Why are you here?" Sarawat asked irritated and rose abruptly from the bed, hands on his hips and shoulders tense. His brother had the worst timing.

"What do you mean?" Phukong asked cheerily, casually reclining in the doorway, arms crossed and observing the pissed man. "I've been trying to reach you this whole morning. What have you even been doing?" He asked but then snickered when a mortified blush blossomed on Tine's face. "Sorry, sorry. Let's talk out in the living room, you guys get dressed." He waved a teasing hand and pushed away from the doorframe to turn around and disappear into the other room further down the hall.

Tine arched his fine brows, turning to look quizzically at Sarawat, who just shrugged his wide shoulders.


I am not sure if I should address this but there seems to be some kind of blow out in the Win & Bright fandom, I do not fully know what happened and have no opinion of my own about the issue, but I just want to point out that the story line of this fanfic, the plot and its characters are not meant to offend anyone. Everything written is just fiction.


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