Making My Way Back To You

By Kenzey_Queen24

1.4K 48 22

Sequel to I'll Give My All To You The girls are struggling to reconnect after Regina's release, and Emma's ne... More



97 7 3
By Kenzey_Queen24

Double update, what? I love you guys! Viva la Swan Queen!

"Listen, I'm sorry, but Regina's not home yet," the old woman's voice causes me to smile. 

"That's okay Cora, actually, I came here to talk to you," I say, as she motions for me to step inside. "Thanks." As I step through the large oak door and look around, I notice that not much has changed since I was last here a few years ago. 

"I'm sorry if it's such a mess, I have been quite swamped the past few days," she apologizes as we walk to the kitchen. "Would you like some coffee?" she asks, pouring herself a mug full. 

"No, that's okay," I decline. She pours me one anyway and slides it across the counter with a small wink. I smirk at the older woman and pick up the ceramic mug, my palms being instantly warmed. 

"So, how are you darling?" she asks, sipping the steaming liquid from her mug. 

"I'm doing okay. How are you and Henry?" I ask, setting down the warm drink to give my hands a break from the heat. 

"Henry hasn't been home much since... well, since Regina's been locked up, so I've been home alone most nights," she says, leaving her eyes glued to the marble white counter top. I reach out and take her wrinkled and delicate hand in mine, causing her eyes to shift to mine. "I'm sorry, dear," she whispers as she takes back her hands to wipe her eyes. 

"Please, don't apologize Cora. So earlier, you said Regina wasn't home yet. What does that mean? Do you know when she's coming home?" I ask, hoping I'm not overstepping. I bite my lip, waiting for her response. 

"Actually, I'm to go pick her up tomorrow. You wouldn't want to join me, would you?" she asks, and I can tell she's not ready to face her daughter alone. 

"What about Henry? He's not going with you?" I ask, stitching my brows together, and sipping from my mug. 

She shakes her head. "Like I said earlier, Henry's not been home lately. He didn't want to see her and I don't think I'm ready to see her either," she says, hating herself for saying those words. Once again, I reach out and take her old frail hands in mine. 

"I'd love to accompany you to pick up my ex girlfriend," I smirk, "but unfortunately, I have plans with my mother tomorrow. I'm visiting for the weekend and she wants me to stay with her every second." 

"What about right now?" she asks, pinching her brows together and smirking. 

"She's out," I plainly say, pressing my lips to the much cooler mug.

"So your father's home alone?" she asks. 

"No," I simply say. 

"Dear, are you keeping something from me? Since when do we keep secrets?" she asks, making me feel bad. 

"I brought my boyfriend to meet my parents this weekend," I whisper, putting my chin down.  

"Hey," she says, lifting my chin up with her two fingers. "Regina's away. Just because you guys swore your love to each other forever, doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to move on in an event of tragedy and pain, understand?" she asks. Unlike my mother, she doesn't put me down about my new relationship. I nod. "Now," she smirks, "who's this boy?" 

"His name is Killian," I smile. 

"Hold on, a boy? I thought you were..." she stops herself from her assumption. 

"A lesbian?" I finish. She nods with a small hum. "I found out earlier in college that I'm not only attracted to women, but men as well. I'm bi-sexual." 

She nods, "Go on." 

"Well, he's tall, dark, and handsome," I shyly smile. 

"Ooh, my type, tell me more," she chuckles, pouring herself another cup of coffee. 

"We met around my first week of college, and he wouldn't stop bugging me. First, I thought it was a stalker thing," she turns back to me with her lip curled and an 'uh-oh' look. "But then, when I confronted him about it, he told me that he was crushing on me and wanted to take me out... so I let him. It was wonderful. And, even though I set some rules, he's still with me," I finish. 

"What do you mean rules?" she asks. 

I let out a shaky breath. "Well, you know how I thought Regina and I would be forever?" she nods. "Well, we kind of... still are in my mind." She raises her eyebrows. "I mean, Regina was my first, sorry for that, but I didn't think I could love anyone other than her. So I told him that we needed to take things slow, meaning..." 

"Meaning you haven't slept together," she finishes. I nod. "Honey, that's fine. I didn't sleep with Henry until a week before he proposed."

"Wasn't the reason he proposed because you slept with him and got pregnant, though?" I ask. 

"That's not the point," she says, causing me to laugh. "The point is, waiting is okay. In my opinion, you and Regina moved absolutely way too fast."  I scoff and roll my eyes. "You did! I'm sorry, but you guys were how old when you lost your virginity?" she asks. 

"Seventeen," I say. "But-" 

"No 'buts'. You know I'm right, Emma." She is, and the only reason I'm protesting is because I hate it when people talk about me and Regina rushing into our relationship. "I know that when it feels right, it feels right. I'm not judging you girls, I only think that if you had taken things slower, we wouldn't be in this predicament." 

"Spoken like a true wise old lady," I smirk. 

She points her finger at me. "I am not old!" she protests. 

"Your gray hair says otherwise, Cora," I chuckle, pointing to her head full of dark red hair, accompanied by a few grays. She slaps my hand away from her head. "Alright, I should get going," I say, sliding off the bar stool. 

"Tell your mother I said 'hello' will you?" she asks as I place my mug in the sink. 

"Of course," I say, wrapping her in a hug. "Goodbye Cora," I say, pulling away. 

"Goodbye darling," she replies as I walk away. I make my way into the foyer and pass a picture of Regina and I, probably around thirteen. I smile and run my fingers along the frame. My eyes glisten as I push myself to move my feet to the door. I shut the door behind me and look back at the big white house I practically grew up in. I let out a large sigh before making my way back to my own childhood home, ready to face my father and boyfriend with only one thought on my mind.

Regina's coming back tomorrow.

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