«amnesia»「nejire x reader」

By _Wildfire_Puppeteer_

78.6K 2.7K 634

【Nejire x Fem. Reader】 Y/N had one friend, one and only friend in the whole school of UA. Everyone avoided he... More

〔1〕- Uravity To The Rescue
〔2〕- Incident in Alleyway
〔3〕- Find Her
〔4〕- Amnesia
〔5〕- Rehabilitation
〔6〕- Rehabilitaion 「pt. 2」
〔7〕- Study Time and Suspicion
〔8〕- Phone call
〔9〕- Nightmares
〔10〕- Text
〔11〕- "I'm going, there's nothing you can do to stop me,"
〔12〕- Small Incident
〔13〕- The Truth...?
〔14〕- Little Birdie
〔15〕- No, You Lied To Me
〔16〕- 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑤~
〔17〕- Where I Ended Up
〔18〕- Come Back
〔20〕- Mission pt.2
〔21〕- Bubblegum, Stars and Cravings
Not An Update, Sorry Guys- BUT ITS IMPORTANT.
How The Arcs Will Work~
〔𝐕〕- Her, It's Always Been Her
〔𝐕〕- Just Drive
〔𝐕〕- forgotten, but not from memory.
〔𝐕〕- Rain's Fault
〔𝐕〕- Arrest
〔𝐕〕- Not For Long
〔𝐕〕- Well Planned
〔ℜ〕- I don't want to be this anymore
〔ℜ〕- And So He Apologises
〔ℜ〕- The Last Goodbye

〔19〕- Mission pt.1

1.5K 55 11
By _Wildfire_Puppeteer_

ყ/ŋ'ʂ ℘ơ۷
It's been months.
I basked in the privacy and secrecy of the League's headquarters, the sultry glow of the dimly lit bar gave the room a dark aura that I'd grown fond of. I laid down four kings and a run of 4, 5 and 6 of spades.
Twice groaned and threw down his unfinished hand.

"Damn it I never win Rummy! Well done!" He twitched between his personalities.

I crunched into my lollipop and then threw it in the bin beside me.

"That's because Y/N doesn't change her cards and sticks to it!" Toga mentioned, "card games are what she's good at!"

"Honestly, I don't know why you bother, Twice, she'll always beat you, you know that," Dabi sneered from the barstool he was sat at, his feet balanced on the next stool along.

Twice, in response, huffed and pulled up half of his mask to take a large inhale of his cigarette.

"Let me dream," he disputed.

I collected up the cards and discarded them on the table, taking a seat next to Toga and looking at the information sheets provided by Tomura, while she twisted ashy ends of my hair through her fingers. I always wore it as a safety flame when around the others, but let it loose when on a mission.

"Hey, Y/N, ever think of letting me win?" Twice called from behind the bar, where he made his way to grab a small glass of Malibu.

"I'll kill you," I muttered in response, still looking at the pages, "do we have a mission today?"

Tomura nodded and threw another sheet to the circle table. I looked at it and saw that we had to 'interrogate' another part-time security guard. We were planning to break out this woman from a loony bin or whatever, and we needed to get information as to how the layout of the massive institution holding her looked. It said that she was this assassin that got caught, and that we wanted to break her out so she could join us.
This security guard looked like he had retired god knows how many decades ago and his unshaven beard and gross teeth made me want to throw up, knowing I'd have to lure him to where we could knock him out. I let out an irritated sigh.

"Oi, Twice, pour me a glass of that," I remarked, gesturing to the alcohol he was downing in one go.

I had developed a habit of drinking a little when I had to do one of these dreaded sessions. Partially Twice's fault.

"Underaged!" He mock-gasped, pouring me a glass.

They let me do whatever I wanted really, be it smoking, drinking or whatever, it was liberating really. He handed me the glass and I downed a third of it, turning the page to read the target's location.

"When're we going?"

"When it's darker, around 6," Tomura responded.

"Will it take long?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I have plans," I answered shortly, not wanting the conversation to continue forward, taking another sip of my drink.

They'd learnt not to question my activities outside of the LOV, mental stability issues. They knew I'd come straight back, straight back to them.


I picked and fiddled with the revealing dress. Toga was doing my makeup, all in an attempt to make me look older. She covered up my small freckles and lined my eyes with eyeliner and red eyeshadow.

"Toga, this is the most I've dressed up for a mission," I complained, "can I just drag him out of the club?"

"You won't get in at all without looking at least 18," Dabi mentioned from the doorway.

Toga grasped one of her knifes and threw it at the door, barely missing his head.

"We're not finished! Out!" She cried, to which he rolled his eyes, put his hands up nonchalantly and walked out, probably not really caring that much, the flying blade barely phasing him.

Toga sighed and picked the makeup brush back up.
She tapped some light blush on my nose and, with brandishing the brush, she smiled and said, "done!"

I picked up the red lipstick, it matched with my outfit, red and suggestive.

"Oh, that'll tie the whole look together!" Toga cheered.

I applied it to my lips, tentatively touching up the corners of my mouth as to not ruin the rest of the makeup. I looked in the mirror... I looked completely different.

My body is disgusting.

I'm not what you'd call ideal.

The insecurity piled up on me as the imaginary feeling of phantom weight did the same. I grasped my head as it lit up in flame. Toga jumped back, as I let out a cry of distress.

Third Person's POV
Spinner and Dabi poked their heads into the room, hearing her cry. They saw the little flame in Y/N's hair, and knew what it meant. She'd had things like this happen before, and they'd sussed out that her hair displayed characteristics of her emotion. And distress or insecurity caused the lava to bubble and light up in a sizzling spark. They looked at each other, and Spinner

"Y/N, you can borrow a jacket to wear over the top, if you want,"

She calmed down, her hair returning to rock and ash, nodding silently. Toga still hadn't figured out what Y/N's different hair states symbolised yet, so she was upset that Y/N was acting strange.

"You okay?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

She nodded in return, and walked out of the room, the simple, shiny black high-heels clicking along the floor.

"You better get your gear on," Dabi called out to the blonde.

"Uuuughhh," she groaned, "it's so unsightly! It's not cute at all!"

"It doesn't need to be, it's just in case you need to get blood," Spinner called from the hallway.

(Time skip because I'm lazy)

Y/N had made her way into the club with a fake ID, walking into the neon-coloured room with a large mahogany bar and hundreds of different cocktails, beers and wines being handed out to the attendants. She made her way up to the bartender, sat down on the red leather chair and ordered her favourite, Malibu.

"You look pretty young to be in a place like this," he said in concern.

She countered it in a flirty tone.

" 'you complementing my complexion?"

She faked a smirk, which made the bartender chuckle, handing her the drink in a cocktail glass. She took an elegant sip at it, placing it on the table. The sweetness of her drink made all worries flood away, as she handed him the money for it.
Alcohol always seemed to give her a hint of confidence. And when she spotted the target, she couldn't help but smirk further. He was sat at a circular dark brown table with a few other men, all equally repulsive. His yellow teeth clinked against a pint of beer, his golden tooth flashing in the light. His buddies all had the same drink, obviously either already tipsy or pissed.

"I see him," she spoke into her earpiece, with Tomura on the other line outside of the building.

"Okay, follow the plan, the musicians know you're going to perform with them, so do that, and bring him out the back doors to us, got it? Are there any other people with him?"

"Yeah, he has around 5 friends,"

"Take the rest of them out, they aren't important,"

She took another sip at her drink, before standing up, her dress hugging her curves then spreading out at the waist, the colour of red wine and foreshadowed bloodshed. With her half-drunken beverage, she walked along the room, and passed the group of men. One of them called out to her.

"Hey red lips~" he cooed in a disgusting manner.

She could've thrown up there and then, but instead she glanced his way and smiled innocently.

"Come sit with us, Red Lady," the target said in a slurred voice, and she didn't need to be within a foot of the man to smell the disgusting breath from either his beer or his neglected teeth.
She took a seat next to the target, and next to a large, off-of-his-face man that could've been high, drunk or most likely both as his eyes were clouded over with malice and lust.
She had to hold back a gag as the unmistakable scent of cannabis could be smelt from his clothes.

She sipped again at her drink, before, while no one was looking, poured one of the doses of poison she took into the druggy's half-full pint. She held the rest in a black lace thigh garter. He soon took a swig of the concoction, then put an arm round her small frame, which caused the others to throw their coasters at him, saying sick things like,

"Don't take all the candy for yourself,"

She scowled to herself at the vile and disgusting manner of the men. Well, they acted more like apes for god's sake, all fighting over one piece of fruit.

The target pulled her closer to him, the stench of his mouth almost unbearable as his black scraggly beard itched at her cheek.
He was too drunk to notice it singing and catching light in her viscus.

The others laughed as he freaked out and put out the small flame on his chin.

Y/N giggled too.

"My apologies, it does that sometimes," she smiled innocently, which made the men erupt into heavier laughter.

The target scolded them and sat back down, staring at the stage. Y/N checked her watch, two minutes until they came out.

"Can we expect a performance from our tall glass of red wine tonight?" He slurred, which made her sick, yet she remained sickly sweet.

She put a finger to her ruby lips.

"Hush, no spoilers!" She said in a sing-song voice.

She sat up, downed the rest of her glass, then made her way to the stage. The target followed and sat closer to watch.

"Hey, where's she goin'?" One of the men said to another.

"She's performing, hey, taste my drink, does it taste weird to you?" The man who she poisoned first said to the other four.

They each tasted his drink, and agreed it tasted like, quote unquote, 'shit and cheap weed'.

After silently chuckling to herself at their stupidity to get her work done for her, Y/N slipped behind the curtain, and met with the band, who greeted her and shook her hand.

"So you're the one singing When We're High, right?" A bassist asked, to which she nodded.

"K, these are our backup singers," he pointed to a group of women, that smiled sweetly towards me, "and these are the guitarists and such,"

He gestured to the rest of the band.

One of the guitarists said, "Laura Pergolizzi, huh? You sure you can match her pitch, her song's got a wide range of vocals, can you replicate them?"

"Oh, trust me, of course I can," Y/N winked.

She put on a mic pack and adjusted the mic by her face.

The last singers exited the stage, and the lights blacked out, allowing the band and their guest to make their way onto the stage, drunken eyes all watching and waiting intently.


Another hella long update, and it's only part one! It's really feeling like the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter at this rate :')
Anyway, thankyou for 1K reads on this book, I really appreciate it, thanks for ready my trash, have a good day/night 💫

Wildfire + Puppet

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