Prison Bait: Bryson: Recovery

By BeautyHeartBouquet

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All Rights Reserved!!! BoyxBoy, Book Two of Prison Bait Series Knowing life is too short to hold... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Twelve

423 16 0
By BeautyHeartBouquet

"If we were going to be rational... that's the dumbest shit you could of done." Lloyd said, propping his head on his arm as he sat at the cafeteria table. 

I was in complete agreement with Lloyd as he scooted his tray aside while glancing around, and it was obvious that he was just as uneasy as I was as I felt the tension as thick as honey, it felt suffocating to an extent. It felt like everyone was watching us closely, as if they were expecting us to go crazy and start ripping through the gangs with shanks and guns, but that wasn't the plan because Freddie was planning on beasting the competition. Mickey made a noise of agreement as well as he shoved an egg, sausage, and cheese burrito in his mouth and loudly chewed, he sucked a little cheese off his finger and pointed it at Freddie.

"Dumbest shit." Mickey countered, going back to licking his fingers.

I pushed aside my untouched tray of pancakes with a sick feeling pitting in my stomach, I was upset that Freddie had declared war with all the other gangs because that meant he had no ally in the competition. Freddie also refused refused to bend backwards to find someone that would have his side, and I felt like was thinking selfishly because I was also going to be in the car. I bit my lip while unconsciously rubbing at my studded earring that Mautrice had given me when he did pre-touching up to my hair. I was still sitting with aluminum foil variously placed around in my hair to give me an entire new color and he wouldn't tell me what color it was, which caused me to huff and puff but I knew there was no getting him to talk. 

I glanced over at Freddie as he gave Mickey a bored look while chewing on a Honeybun for breakfast, his eyes suddenly drifted in my direction. I quickly averted my eyes because it was a topic I wasn't open to discuss right now, I was worried about other things like what would happen to everyone else around us once Freddie won. Of course Freddie and I wouldn't have to worry about the other rivals causing trouble with us, but the people we left behind would definitely have to deal with them in the future. 

"We're gonna be okay." I looked up Freddie as he spoke, he was talking with security that made me believe him, I had to believe something. 

I felt his hand lightly lay over mine and I simply flipped mine to hold his tightly as he continued to nibble on his breakfast and I didn't bother touching mine, I didn't have an appetite because the race would start tomorrow and that's all I could think about. Everyone was going to targeting Freddie's car and not because he was leaving, but also because he had declared war every single gang that would be racing against him. Six cars would take all their energy to shoot at us, run us off the road, and target their cannons at us but I was at least going to be with Freddie and at his side the entire time. 

If Freddie was to get hurt, I could be there to help him the best I could so that it wouldn't lead to us dying right away. His declaration only meant that Freddie and I would have to fight for our lives and failure wasn't an option in this situation, we had to kill everyone. I squeezed Freddie's hand tighter as he calculatedly glanced around, watching almost every angle of the cafeteria as I looked up as well just in time to catch a few people looking at us. I didn't know anyone, I never met anyone outside of the VL Gang so I couldn't even tell you who these people where because I had never came in contact iwth them before. All I could do was avert my eyes constantly to avoid causing an altercation between any gangs around us, but I only knew the Renegade leader, not anyone inside of his gang. 

"They'll be cool." Turner spoke up, making us all look in his direction as he nursed an orange juice slowly. "Reggie won't target you." 

Everyone almost instantly understood what Turner was saying but me, I was out of the loop and I wanted to know why were the Renegades not going to gun for the car because he said so. There was definitely something going on between them and I was eager to know, I wanted to know if they were sleeping together, that's the only reason I could see the Renegades trying to start war with us. In prison, sex spoke many volumes.

"Why not?" I asked softly, looking at him wearily.

"Because he won't." Turner said. "He knows."

"You're doing that thing again." I huffed. "That thing where I don't understand shit you say and I feel out of the loop." 

"It's nothing to understand, you're in good hands." Turner replied before rising up and dismissing himself swiftly. 

I nodded slowly in complete disbelief that he had ended the conversation so quickly, he didn't want me to know exactly what was going on between him and the Renegade leader but I was determined to find out. I wanted to know everything that was going on around me, I was supposed to be in the loop because I was going to be driving around with Freddie on the track and I needed to know what to expect if things got sour. I needed to know who was who in this battle but because there were no allies, it was easier to paint everyone red. 

"What color is your hair?" Mickey asked suddenly, gaining my attention as he cocked his head at me.

I simply shrugged my answer to him as I turned to him, Freddie caught my attention as I caught him reaching up to touch the foil in my hair out the corner of my eye, I moved my head and swatted his hand as he gave me a tiny smile. He was so handsome, even to be the jackass he was, and he held the strings to my heart to play however he chose. I was completey his and I knew it the moment I stepped in that cell and recognized who he was. Freddie knew it also, the moment he recognized me, he was hooked on me again. 

"I was just going to peek." He reasoned, but I shook my head, the foil dangled at the movement before settling. 

"No peeking!" I laughed, leaning forward and pecking his stubby jaw. "If I can't peek, you can't peek."

"Baby had blonde highlights," Mickey said catching everyone attention as he cocked his head in a dreamy fasion, "he looked so sexy."

"I'm telling Tony." Lloyd said seconds later, causing me and Freddie to laugh.

Mickey eyes widened and he quickly shook his head while Lloyd laughed and rose to his feet, dismisisng himself as Freddie the pulled me to my feet and led me away from the table. I expected us to go outside but instead, Freddie led me up the steps as I realized I never stepped outside to just simply lounge like everyone else. I went outside to go to the garage and I went outside to do other things but I never sat outside to enjoy the sun, I didn't feel the need and I still didn't feel the need as Freddie pushed me lightly into the cell before hungrily walking up on me. 

He was like a predator as he wrapped his arms around me and suddenly lifted me in his arms, I gasped and instantly moaned in heat as he pushed his front flush against mione. His hard cock brushed against mine as he pushed me against the wall before pressing his lips against mine eagerly. I moaned into his mouth as he ran his hands sensually down my body while keeping me propped against the back wall of the cell, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as I started to grind back against him just as greedily as he was me. 

I wanted Freddie just as bad as he wanted me, probably just as much as he wanted me and I was going to prove that as I reached up and toyed my fingers through his dreads, I was going to miss him once he left. Of course I had time to prove myself to him, as he would have to race one more if we make it through the one that starts tomorrow. I held onto Freddie body tightly as he moved us from the wall and laid me down on the bunk gently but horror rushed through me as something attempted to wiggle from beneath me suddenly. I squealed as I sat up quickly and me and Freddie immediately bumped heads, making him grunt and me moan in pain as he sat back and we both turned our attention to the white Pitbull that made a desperate escape from my weight. A laugh rushed through me as I shook my head while grabbing Butterfinger and pulling her to my chest comfortingly.



"What happened between Turner and Reggie from the Renegades?" I asked, glancing at Mautrice through the mirror before us. 

Mautrice appeared to stiffen at my question as he paused with a large banana hairclip in his hand for preparation on cleansing the dye of my hair once he finished the rest of his book. I was definitely okay with sitting and waiting on him to finish his novel before he went to work, mostly because I was mentally preparing myself incase things went sour with my hair. I didn't have a clue what color Mautrice had put in my hair and he was so loyal to make sure I wouldn't find out, he even hid the empty box from me. His reaction to my question made me nervous as I averted my eyes while he pursed his lips before glancing around his cell as if he was making sure I was the only one in earshot. 

"You didn't hear anything from me," Mautrice started in a whisper, "but Turner used to sleep with every Renegade leader for them to ally with the VL Gang, we never asked him too, he just did. I think he has a special thing for Latinos, if you ask me." 

"Why did they wage war on us then?" I asked him quietly, confused even more than I was before with the little information Mautrice shared.

"Apparently Turner wasn't as fond of Reggie as the other Renegade leaders." I pursed my lips as Mautrice moved closer to start removing the aluminum foils in my hair. "I think it's more than personal... I think Reggie wants to turn Turner into Renegade, but Turner's loyal to VL Gang."

"That's good, I like Turner." I whispered, nervous that Reggie could take Turner from the group, and it made sense. 

"Lloyd told me that Reggie was upset that Turner wouldn't sleep with him, and that's why he waged war. Freddie put the nail in the coffin when he told Turner he wasn't allowed to sleep with the Renegade leaders anymore. Tony had all this shit in place so that he had many allies and Freddie don't want any, they're two different people, that's for sure." Hearing Mautrice compare Freddie and Tony gave me a sour taste in the mouth.

I didn't know Tony other than what people told me, but I still didn't like the idea of him comparing the two, but I didn't say anything as I watched Mautrice pull the last foil out and I looked at my bleached pink roots with a glare before I turned my eyes to him. I was shock that he had bleached my hair and that made me more fearful because whatever color he chose will only be more visible and the color he chose was pink. FUCKING PINK! As I got a better view of the pink coloring in my hair, my mouth dropped wide open in shock as I slowly turned the chair to look at Mautrice in completely disbelief. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't a simple dark pink but A FUCKING BRIGHT MAGENTA PINK! 

"What you think?" Mautrice asked, a smirk on his face as I slowly turned back to the mirror with my mouth still wide open, still not believing my hair was pink, MAGENTA PINK!

"I know you didn't, Mautrice." I huffed, whining as I covered my face with my hands and shook my curls unhappily. "Pink... are you serious? PINK!" 

"It's adorable!" Mautrice squealed, shocked at my distaste of the color.

"I HATE PINK!" I confessed, growling angrily as I shook my head again. "No, I don't like it."

"Well, you better start liking it." He chuckled, turning the water in his sink on. "I think it's cute, pink is such a cute, bold color. It's you."

"No. It's not." I grunted, pouting as I moved to the sink so he can wash it thoroughly.

"Yes. It is." Mautrice mocked, rinsing my hair slowly with a tiny smile on his face. "Why do you hate pink?"

"It's for girls." I said without a thought, closing my eyes while counting slowly to ten to stay calm.

"You're Freddie's girl." I ignored Mautrice's snarky comment while taking a calming deep breath. "And guess what..."

"What, Mautrice?" I asked, tired of his bullshit already.

"Freddie told me to dye it pink... not pink but.... PINK!" He laughed as my mouth fell open in shock.

"And everything she wears is that ugly ass pink." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest in disgust. 

"What's wrong with pink?" Freddie asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as I sat near the wet floor sign in the janitor closet. "I like it."

"I don't, and it's for girls, Freddie." I said, shaking my head as I leaned against his side before glancing up at him for a reaction.

"No color is simply for a gender. I like pink... not pink but PINK." He chuckled, making me only grunt in more disgust as I pulled away with a frown on my face.

"Pink is for girls." I spoke again, completely ignoring his statement as it was now his turn to shake his head at me. 

"Girls look good in pink, but pink is for anyone." Freddie said, pulling me taut against him again. "You would look good in pink panties." 

"You're disgusting." I joked while playfully rolling my eyes.

I was snapped out my thoughts, or memory train, when Mautrice started giggling uncontrollably while stepping back. He immediately covered my head and view with a fluffy towel from commissary as I closed my eyes and lightly prayed to the lord above that this was a joke, but I felt like it wasn't. I was going to gut Freddie nice and slow, make sure he feel me rearranging his organs by the time he dies. 

"You ready?" Mautrice asked, I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Not rea..." I fell silent as Mautrice yanked the towel off my head and I was able to see the locks of magenta pink hair flow down my shoulders and toward the middle of my back in tangles. 

He started to lightly comb through the tangles while grabbing his flatiron to slowly smooth out the curls as he combed my luscious locks I didn't really ever realize I had, considering I'd always throw my hair into a ponytail every morning. I blinked in shock while reaching up but Mautrice's reactions were quick as he smacked my comb on my hand to keep me from messing with it.

"Nope, you didn't like it, remember?" He joked.

"I change my mind... it's not... so bad." I said, still not believing my own words as I looked in awe at my hair.

"Freddie know you so well." Mautrice laughed lightly. "He said you'd be mad at first but you'll like it."

Freddie knows me pretty well after all. 

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