Be mine

By sweetenersrings

19K 432 193

*GxG* Arianas tour is gonna start in a few months. She practiced every day with her crew. A few months ago sh... More



1.1K 28 9
By sweetenersrings

Arianas Pov.

„What do you think who you are?" I said and pushed her away.

I ran outside and sat into my car. What the fuck? What the hell? What did she think who she is? The queen? This is my girlfriend.

„Ariana?" I heard Dana saying.
„Why are you here?" I asked her naughty.
„Girl please calm down. This wasn't necessary. You know that I'm yours." she said and took my hand.
„I'm sorry but I got jealous. Very very jealous."
She pulled me into a hug.

„You know what? Let's go to buy something to eat. And then we can drive home okay?" she said happily.

During the car ride we heard music and danced.

„I wanna be a billionaire so fuckin' bad
Buy all of the things I never had
I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen" we sang loudly and laughed.

We went inside the Burger King and ordered some burgers.

Danas Pov.

„You know I just couldn't imagine a life without you Dana. That's why I became jealous that fast. And I mean Dilara is pretty tho." she told me and ate her burger.
„How many times have I told you that you don't have to be jealous. These girls are maybe beautiful and friendly. But they don't have that what you have. You own my heart." I said and pointed on my heart.
„You are here! Inside my heart! You are my heart." I took her hand and placed her on my chest.
„I'm sorry for being that much jealous." she said and slowly stroked over my chest. She looked deep into my eyes and bit her lips. She went down to my breasts and stroke over them.
„Ehm let's go home." I said and pulled her with me.


When we reached the house we went to bed and fell asleep.

Arianas Pov.

Courtney and I were downstairs while Dana was sleeping.
„What was wrong yesterday Ariana?" she said a little bit pissed.
„I'm really sorry tho. But she started to touch my girl."
„Yeah but that's no reason to push her against the table." I nodded. I really felt a little bit sorry for her. But it's her own fault.

Courtney went home after our conversation.
I relaxed next to Dana who was still asleep.
I went on Instagram and watched some stories.

„Good morning." she suddenly said very sleepy.
„Good morning babe." I said and gave her a kiss.
This felt so good damn.
„What are you doing?" she asked me and got a up.
„Nothing I just stalked some people you know."
„I need to go home babe. I've to finish the paperwork for the company."
Oh yeah right. She's got a job.

„Will you come back afterwards?" I asked her and hugged her.
„I can't. I've to go to my family tomorrow."
„Buuut tomorrow you can come with me to my family. Of corse if you want to." she said and smiled at me.
„Really?" I said happily suprised.
„Yeah why not."

I shrieked and jumped on her. It made me really happy. So I'm gonna meet her family tomorrow.
I started to kiss her cheek and then her lips.
„Babe I need to go." she said and tried to stand up.
„But I need you baby." I said and kissed her neck.
I heard her laughing which made me laugh too.

„Don't start something you can't finish."
„Who says that I can't finish babe?" I answered and looked horny at her.
She winked at me and kissed me quick.

Then she put on her clothes and went outside to her car. I know she's away for 2 minutes but I miss her.

Danas Pov.

When I came home I went in my office room and finished the paperwork. I heard my phone vibrating and took it out of my bag.

baby🥵: I miss u already babe
baby🥵: I'm looking forward to see u tomorrow
baby🥵: I'm exciting af 🤭
baby🥵: anyway I don't want to distract you baby
baby🥵: I love you🤍
Me: I love you too baby🖤

These little messages made me happy. I never felt the feeling love like with her. It was different. Maybe because I'm in love with a girl. For the first time. It doesn't matter what it is. It felt right and that's the main thing.

After 2 hours of work I noticed how tired I was. I want to turn off the computer but I fell asleep.


On the next day I was in the front of Arianas house. I was waiting for her to drive to my family. I missed them. They didn't even know about my relationship with a girl.

When we arrived the house of my parents we rang the bell.

„Just relax baby don't worry they'll like you. Promise." I tried to say calmly.
She nodded and smiled to me.

My dad opened the door. I hugged him and introduced him with Ariana.
„This is Ariana. M-my girlfriend." I said and looked at him.
He smiled at me and patted on my shoulder.
„Nice to meet you Ariana. I'm Alexander. Come in."
I led her into the kitchen. On the table my family was sitting.
„Hello guys." I said and hugged everybody.
„Ehm this is Ariana. My girlfriend." I said proud in front of my family.
„Nice to meet you." my mother said and pulled her into a hug.
„I'm Isabella. This is her grandmother Sophia. And these are her siblings. Katie, Dylan and Ava." she said to her and smiled at her.
Ariana greeted everybody and sat next to me.
My mum cooked for us.

Arianas Pov.

„What is you job ariana?" my mother asked.
„I'm a singer." she said and smiled.
„Everybody knows her mum." Ava said and smiled at me. She was really cute. She came to Dana and whispered something into her ear.
„She asked me if you can make a pic with her." Dana told me and laughed.
„Oh my god of corse." I said picking her up and sat her into my lap.
„You're so cute baby." I said and kissed her cheek.
„I love you Ariana." she said and kissed me back.
„I'm gonna get jealous." Dana whispered into my ears what made me laugh.

After the dinner we went home. During the car ride we were talking.

„And what do you think about my family?" she asked an looked at me.
„I like them. They're really cute."
„Could you imagine my mother as you mother-in-law?"
„What's that for a question? Of cors!! She's really friendly and beautiful." I answered.

When we arrived my home we went into my room and laid on the bad. We watched Netflix.
„I need to go to the bathroom." she said and went away. At the same time suddenly her phone vibrated.
I went on iMessage and saw that someone texted her.


best friend🤯: can we still be friends?
best friend🤯: you know that I can't live without you Dana😣
Me: I can forgive you but it doesn't matter!
Me: I can't be with a girl who loves me Dilara
Me: I've got a girlfriend tho
best friend🤯: We know each other for 12 years Dana
best friend🤯: you don't have to choose it's kinda clearly
best friend🤯: It was always been me
best friend🤯: it was always like that me and you. We. US!!
Me: but I don't love you dilara please understand that
best friend🤯: please let's meet then we can talk from face to face
Me: I don't know I think my girl isn't gonna like that idea
best friend🤯: just don't tell her please let's meet
Me: okay when?
best friend🤯: tomorrow 1 p.m in KFC
Me: okay see ya
best friend🤯: see u everything 💕

Okay that kinda hurt. She wanted to hide that from me. She'd lie to me. I felt tears in my eyes.

„I'm back baby." I heard her saying. I looked very disappointed up to her.
„What's going on babe why are you crying?"
„Are you serious? Are you fucking serious?" I screamed and put her phone up.
„You wanted to meet dilara tomorrow?" I screamed louder.
„Babe please let me explain this to you." she begged and took my hand but I pulled her out.
„Don't touch me!"
„Please listen to me. I just want to talk to her. I'd never cheat on you babe!" she screamed back.
„Go! Please just go!" I said and cried louder.
„Let me explain everything Ariana!!!!!"
„Go please do me the favor!!!"

She took her jacket and went outside.
„I lied don't go please be by my side and tell me that this was everything a joke." I said to myself.

I called Courtney and told her what happened. She said that this wasn't Danas fault. Dilara begged her to meet her. Actually Dana didn't want to meet her. I'm so fucking stupid.

Me: I'm sorry baby
Me: this wasn't your fault but I got jealous...again
Me: I need u😞
Me: Dana please answer me
my🌎: yeah? You didn't even allow me to explain that to you!
my🌎: I'd never have the thought of cheating on you girl ! Are you insane??? I love you and I'm alive because of you girl!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Me: I'm sorry babe really !!!!
Me: I just got very jealous...
Me: please forgive me baby!!!
Me: I'd do everything!!! 
my🌎: just let me in peace for tonight
my🌎: I'm gonna sleep at home tonight okay?
Me: please don't do that to me
Me: please come back Dana I beg you 😩
my🌎: Imma see u tomorrow Ariana

Wow this kinda hurt. Why was I that stupid?

Me: I love you 😞🖤
my🌎: I love you too

But she loved me. I was really stupid. I was really sad because of that.

Danas Pov.

I woke up really early because somebody made loud noise outside. I looked out of the window when I saw Ariana with her car in the front of my flat. I couldn't pinch my smile. I took a jacket and went outside.

„You're really crazy." I said and laughed.
"I'm really sorry baby!" she said and opened her arms to pulled me into a hug.
„You know that I love you." but instead of a hug she got a passionate kiss.
„I missed your lips." she said and kissed me again.

The kiss was interrupted because of Arianas phone.
„Hey Court"
„W-Wait what?"
„Okay we're commin"
When she hang up she took my arm and pulled me into her car.

„What happened?" I asked her worried.
„Someone sat fire to Courtneys house." she said and drove really fast.
„Does she know whom?"
„She thinks that her ex-boyfriend Charlie made that. Two days before he was released from prison." she answered.
„For gods sake."


When we arrived we saw 6 fire engines in the front of her house which was in fire.

„Courtney what happened." I asked her.
„I-I don't know. I-I was in the bathroom when I-s-smelt smoke. When I w-walked out I saw flames in front of the bathroom door. I called the fire Department. They said that someone tried to put my house in fire. It was intentional."she said and started to cry. Ariana pulled into a hug.
„You can be with my in my house Courtney. You know that this isn't a big deal okay?" she said to her.

I went to the police officer and asked them about the fire.
„Did you found a note?"
„We found a cigarette box. Mrs. Chipolone told us that this isn't hers. We're going to send the box to the laboratory to examine it. Maybe we can find some fingerprints." the office said.
„Okay thank you."
„Come on guys let's go. We couldn't do anything here." I said and we drove to Ariana's.


We were at home. Ariana and I were in our bed and cuddled. „I missed your hugs baby." she said and kissed me. „I missed you too but I need to talk to you. I want you to trust me!!"
„I know I'm still sorry baby. I just...when I saw that.." she stuttered and put her hand on my cheek.
„I'm really feel sorry baby."
„I know that you don't." I said and smiled.
She laughed and started to kiss me.
„Hey can you guys please fuck a little bit quieter. I want to sleep." We heard Courtney saying from another room.
We had to laugh really loud.
„fIrST mY hoUSe wAs sAt oN fIre aND THaN yOU tWO." she screamed.
After a big laugh-flash we fell asleep.

During the night I got a call from the police.
„Hey are you Mrs. Deville? I couldn't reach Mrs. Chipolone." an officer said.
„Ehm Yeah I am, did something happen?"
„Kinda. We found a note in front of our office from the man who sat Mrs. Chipolones house on fire. He said that he'll find our. Please lock every door in your houses. Two police cars are driving to you."
„Okay, okay I'll" I said and hung up.

I ran downstairs and locked every room.
I went upstairs again and laid down. Now I couldn't sleep.

A/N: Maybe a little too much drama but I like it :) 💋

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