Danganronpa~ here we go again

By michael_j_r

280 27 13

Hello! I'm Monokuma! And as you know....or dont...here at Hopes Peek High, we only take the best! Normally we... More

Where it begins
Who dunnit? (Pt.1)
Who dunnit? (Pt.2)
Romeo and Juliet
A murder is announced
To be, or not to be
The Pitiful Children
Now it's time for a breakdown
Who? When? Where? What?
Everything is not what it seems
Do You Have A Brain?
*Record Scratch*

One Out of Ten

24 1 1
By michael_j_r

There she was...pinned to the wall...it couldn't be real...no way...I..I just talked to her...

"Hey! What are you guys- WHAT THE HELL!" I heard micha scream. "Wh-" I heard another scream, this time it was Reg.
Before anyone could get another word out, there was a bell...
Bing bong bing bong~
~the official crew of Hopes Peek High would like to make an announcement! A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, a class trial will begin! Good luck!~

It was quiet apart from a few sobs.
"W-who would...who would do such a thing!?" Micha said shakily..rose shook her head "t-that's..not what we have to worry about right now..we..need to find clues to put them together.." rose said and slowly stepped forward. I followed close behind. "We need to find what we can before others get here and it gets too crowded.."
"Y-yea.." micha says and slowly follows inside. He and rose got closer to liz while I stayed back and looked around the class. Reg however looked like he was going to pass out.
"Hey dude..go get some water okay?" I say gently. He nodded and left the room to get a drink.

"It looks like she has multiple wounds.." rose said softly.
"Oh- hey look at your handbook-"
When we did we all saw a file..it looked like it gave details about the murder...but not how liz was murdered..or who dun it..
"Whatever..look- she has a mark around her neck...but it's not from a Rope...it's much wider then a rope.." micha said softly.
"And it looks like she has a wound on her head and kitchen knives where used to pin her to the wall..." rose said.
"But what's her official cause of death-?" I ask. We all three look at each other, but no one talks.

"Hey! G-guys look what I found.." reg said walking in. He was holding a textbook...
"It...it has blood on it and was found by the drinking fountain..and it's wet with water..."
rose looked at him and took the text book. There was a mix of blood and water on it. "Is...that one of the murder weapons...?" Micha asked quietly. "I believe so.." rose said. I looked around, the text book matches the ones from in this room. Everything else but the spot where liz was was clean..
"Hey- oh...oh shit..." it was Luna. Pip Angelica and Luna had arrived. Angelica looked sick..
"What the hell?! Who...why?" She said tears forming.
"I.." Luna started but couldn't finish.

" Alright...we need alibis..." rose declared.
"Can't we do that later! There is a dead body here!" Pip exclaimed. "...fine.. micha reg you've already done investigating...I need your alibis.." rose said. I nodded going along with her.
Micha nods. "Well after we got done eating we decided to explore...just as everyone so I just kinda followed Reg...and before we could finish exploring we saw that you two went in here and we haven't been here so we just thought we would join you and that's when...we saw..." michas voice trailed off.
Rose looked at reg for conformation. He nods. "I was with him the whole time...and we never saw liz after she left the cafeteria..."
rose nods. "Alright...well the same goes for M.C and I.."

"Hey...does anyone know where Maya and Nev are..?" Pip calls out, looking around. There where no's going around. Then it got quiet.
"I'll look-" Angelica started, but Luna cut her off with a scream. She had opened a closet to maya and nev sitting on the floor unconscious.
"ARE THEY DEAD-?" Pip screamed. Micha ran over in a panic and checked their pulses. "N..no...they...they are asleep.." he said shakily.

Rose nods and walked over. "Let's get them out...and  wake them up...they may have clues..." micha and reg worked to get them out and set them laying down on the floor.
"How do we wake them up-?" Angelica asked softly.
"Water-?" Luna suggested. Pip nods, and ran off to get water. 

Soon she came back and dumped a bucket of water on the both of them. They both slowly woke up. "W...what-?" Nev mumbled. Maya sat up and looked around. "What's..going-LIZ?!" She screamed when seeing liz.
Nev looked up and screamed, and started to cry out of shock.

Non of us knew what to do...we where all in shock...I mean...someone had just been killed after we said we weren't going to kill..
Rose sighed and went to Nevs side to calm her down, when she saw the back of not only Nevs head, but the side of Maya's head had a mark and there was blood...
"Where..you two hit with a book?" "I...I don't know..I just came in here and...that's all I remember...but when did liz die?! She was with us!" Maya said frantically. "That's what we are trying to figure out.." pip said.
Micha was in the closet looking for other clues while others looked around.

"Where did the knives come from?" Luna said quietly.
Pip walked up close, but didn't seem like she wanted to. "They...look like..knifes you use to dissect things..."
"Hey, what classroom are we in-?" Micha called out.
I quickly look around and grab a text book and flip through the pages. "Science...biology..." I say and glance up. Micha nodded.
There was a moment of quiet before reg spoke up.

"Angelica..why is your hair wet-?" He asked looking at the girl.
Her face became flustered. "What? I took a shower after Luna and I where done exploring! I hadn't taken one yet so I took one and didn't have time to dry my hair! Are you trying to accuse me of murdering? Why would I do that?" She said, growing close to tears.
"Hey...hey no I...was just asking..." reg said quickly.
"I didn't kill anyone! I could never!" Angelica said tears starting to fall.
"Hey...hey we know..." Luna said quietly and hugged Angelica. Reg started to look uncomfortable.
"I'm...going to go check around the halls for more info..." he mumbled. "Yea..good idea I'll come with" rose nodded and the two left.

Micha bit his lip and shook his head, grabbing a note pad out of his pocket. and starting to write things down.
"What was used to strangle her...?" Pip asked quietly. I shrugged. "It's not a rope...it's much wider..if anything it looked like a ribbon..." I say. "Well I think she was being...strangled as she got hit in the head...because if you look there are no blood marks where the strangle marks are..."
I think for a moment. How is that possible? Did the murder tie the thing around her throat then hit her over the head-? "If it was tied around her throat wouldn't there still be something around her neck-?" I asked.
"No...because the murderer didn't want to leave that much evidence to how she actually died...but I can guess it was a mix of being strangled then hit over the head.."
"But...how? If maya...and I where with her and got hit in the head first..would liz as well?" Nev said softly.
I thought for a moment. "We will have to go over that more at the trial when everyone is there" I nod.

Soon after that rose and reg came back.
"Hey- we didn't find too much, but there is a trail of water that leads down the hall...but it doesn't lead to anything as it stopped in the middle of the hall on the way to the dorms.." rose said.
"And when looking closer to the water fountain there is blood on the sides of it..." reg said.
"So the killer definitely used the water fountain..." micha nodded. "But is it just to wash off blood? And why was the textbook just sitting there..wouldn't you want to bring it so it doesn't become suspicious-?" Micha said furrowing his brows.
"Maybe the killer saw us coming as they where washing and dropped the book and ran?" Reg asked. "M.C...? Did you see anyone as we walked down the hall?"
I thought for a Moment. "I think maybe when we turned down the hall?" I said, but I'm really unsure..

"Pip...Luna Angelica...we need your alibis..." micha said addressing the three. "As well as what you remember leading up to coming in here maya and nev..."
Pip nodded. "After I ate breakfast I saw Luna walking down the hall...when I approached her she said her and Angelica had already visited most the areas but Luna was doing another sweep because Angelica said she needed a shower and to get ready for the day...so we walked around...we where walking down the dorm hall when the announcement went off...so we knocked on Angelica's door. It wasn't too long when she opened it, and she did look like she had just gotten out of the shower... so we three rushed over here and yea..." pip mumbled.

Luna nods. "Angelica and I did a pretty quick run through because Angelica wanted to get ready for the day so we didn't see everything to the fullest, but I wanted to..so after I had dropped Angelica off at her dorm I walked around and met up with pip...and have the same alibi as she does from then..."

Angelica nodded. "As said...I didn't get to take a shower and stuff before so I did after I had seen the basic area of the school! As soon as I was done with my shower was when the dead body announcement went off.." she said softly.
Rose nodded. "And how long would you say...from when you guy dropped Angelica off to the announcement..how much time was that?"
Luna thought for a moment. "25 minutes at least..." she nodded.

Before anyone else could say anything, Monokuma showed up. "Alrighhhht everyone!! It's time to start the trial!" Monokuma said, grinning. Where did he even come from?
"Please head to the trial room!" He grinned.
We all looked at each other and sighed as we started the dreaded walked into the trial room...

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