Locking Down Love

By EmilyFRose

39 7 0

In the midst of a virus outbreak, with the world suddenly finding itself thrown into chaos and people forced... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

10 1 0
By EmilyFRose

Chapter 2 - Kash

Ever have one of those days where you wish you could have just stayed in bed, hid away from the world and pretend everything in your life was going just the way you wanted it to? Yeah, me too.

Actually, I was feeling that way right now.

You would think with me being who I am...Kash Kerrick; A-list actor, Life Magazine's most eligible bachelor for the last four years, and Hollywood heart throb (the medias words, not mine)...I would have the perfect life. And maybe my life had been, but that all changed over the last few days.

Especially this morning.

It all started with forgetting to set my alarm last night. I could blame it on that last glass of whiskey, or getting caught up in the latest Netflix craze, but the reality is I just forgot. I laid in bed last night just staring at the ceiling. My mind wondering over the last conversation I had with my mother two days prior before she went into the hospital because she was having trouble drawing in a deep breath without coughing. She'd been overseas on business for the last few months and had just been home a little over a week before she first mentioned not feeling too well. It took both my sister and I, but we finally convinced her to call her doctor and make an appointment. He'd told her to come in right way and I haven't talked to my mom since.

With the little information I'd received from my sister, I hadn't been able to stop the feel of worry and uncertainty from setting in.

So, I stayed up, my mind working over time until I finally fell into a fitful sleep...forgetting to set my alarm.

When I finally woke up it was to the insistent ringing of my phone. Four missed calls from my PA, two missed calls from my agent, and one from my sister. It had been the one from my sister that had grabbed my attention, the only missed call I returned, and the one that truly sent my day into an emotional whirlwind.

My mom just tested positive for the Corona Virus.

I didn't even know what to say. I think I mumbled an "I'll call you back" to my sister before getting up to get ready for work. It wasn't until I was in my car and heading towards the studio that it all really set in.

I'd skimmed through the articles, heard the news bites about how bad this virus was, but I hadn't really payed attention. I hadn't taken it seriously, and really, why should I have? It wasn't like this was going to directly affect me.

Now here I was, wishing I could just hit restart on the day. My emotions were bouncing back and forth, an all-consuming anger would flood my system at the unfairness of it all, only to be followed by heart stopping fear at what could happen.

Everyone seemed to want to talk to me this morning, and for the life of me, I just couldn't muster up even the smallest smile. If anything, seeing everyone go about there day as if nothing was wrong, as if my life wasn't falling apart at the seams, was just causing my anger to grow. Even the sight of Rose Masterson, the most adorable hair and makeup styles I've ever come in contact with, couldn't seem to lighten my mood.

I watch as her father, Donald Masterson – the biggest named Director in Hollywood for the last decade – began to yell something out, only to have Rose run back to him, the sun glinting off of her honey colored hair as she laughed. Even from here, I could see her smile lighting up her face as she talked to him.

"I can't believe she's still coming into work."

Turning my head slightly, I see a fellow actor's PA chatting with another worker.

"Yeah, doesn't she have asthma?"

"That's what I heard," the PA said, nodding.

"Doesn't that mean she's most likely to get the Corona Virus? What if she get's it then comes into work and spreads it to all of us?"

"How irresponsible of her to put the rest of us in danger of getting it."

I could feel my eye twitch as my irritation hit an all-time high. I just couldn't understand how these two could think like this of Rose, of anyone. Just because Rose was considered a higher risk for this did not mean she was going to get it and spread it to the rest of us. Shit, sadly it would most likely be the other way around, and since these two were probably at the bar last night and around infected people there, they should really be the ones to stay home. "Isn't there anything you all should be doing?" I asked, the anger in my voice coming though clearly.

Glancing back towards Rose, I noticed she was looking my way and couldn't help but let my eyes run over her enticing frame. She started walking my way and though I was still angry I felt a little twinge of warmth spread through my chest. I knew we were there to work but I couldn't help but have a second to wonder what it would be like to go out with Rose, to take her to dinner, to talk with her about something other than the latest movie we were working on.

Rose was just getting to me as the PA I'd just snapped at decided it was time for him to stomp off in a fit. His movements so rushed that he bumped Rose roughly as he walked pass her, knocking her a step towards me. I went to move forward to catch her, but stopped suddenly as I felt her coffee splash along the front of my shirt. The heat from the liquid took my breath away. "Jesus Christ," I growled, shifting slightly to try and allow my shirt to move away from my chest.

"I'm so sorry, it was an accident," Rose gasped out.

Sending a scathing glare towards the dick that ran into her, I looked back at Rose. Fully intending on telling her it wasn't her fault, I stopped as I got caught up in her soft blue eyes. I could look into her eyes forever, just getting lost in their beauty.

Just as I was about to say something my PA, Bradley, runs up. Noticing my now coffee drenched shirt he shakes his head. "Shit, you're needed on in two minutes. Let's change you up."

I could feel him dragging me away and, with the irritation of getting interrupted pilling on to the rest of my shitty morning, I could feel my lips pull tight in a frown. I look back at Rose for a last second before finding myself pulled into my trailer. Shirts flying my way, Bradley kept going on and on about how I needed to be ready. I would have said something back to him but my mind was still on Rose, wondering what she was doing and when I'd see her next.

Grabbing one of the many shirts laying on my couch, I was just tugging it over my head when my phone alerted me to an incoming text message. Pulling it from my pocket I was only slightly aware of Bradley asking me a question as I noticed the text was coming in from my sister.

*Mom is in isolation. They don't know when or if we'll be able to see her. I'll text you when I talk to her doctor. Love you big bro.*

My heart stops as I read it over again. My eyes lingered over the word 'isolation' as I tried to make sense of what my sister was saying. Why wouldn't we be able to see her? I need to call the doctor... I need...


Glancing up I notice Bradley watching me with concern.

"Kash, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, um," I looked around, straightening my shirt and sliding my phone back into my pocket. I was close to Bradley, he wasn't just my PA but also a good friend, but I wasn't ready to talk about what was going on. Not yet. "Everything is fine. Just tired I think."

"Well, let's get the scene done today and then you can head home to get some rest."

Nodding, I follow him out of my trailer. I just needed to make it through work today, I needed to get my mind on today's shoot, then I'd call my mom's doctor. It was time to take this virus serious and get some answers.

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