Pokemon Gates To Infinity The...

By badarlie

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Ash and his friends continue to find the answers they're looking for and Ash meets mewtwo Again on new island... More

Ash's past episode 1 Season 2
Ash's past episode 2 season 2
Episode 2 return of the pallet town
Episode 3 The League Starts
Episode 4 Round 1 Of The League
episode 5 Round 2 of darkness and vengeance
episode 6 round 3 Ash vs Ritchie
Final Episode the indigo league is over
Special Chapter: Ash,Umbreon, and Espeon's Father Mother and Son Moment

Episode 1 Mewtwo's Wrath

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By badarlie

He could remember it clearly.

There was no way he could ever forget.

The true purpose of his existence, and it wasn't just him. There were others, Ambertwo being one of them and someone else who he cannot remember. After he and Ambertwo were created they would link their consciousnesses together and talk that way since they couldn't speak freely the normal way in fear of the scientists recording their conversation and using it to their advantage.

While they were speaking telepathically the two of them came across a certain boy at the same time.

Ash Ketchum.

The first opinion Mewtwo had of him is that...he was different. Unlike the humans who created him, this boy truly cared about Pokémon and went out of his way to make them feel happy and help them recover. A prime example of this is that electric type Luxray who was just a bruised and damaged little Shinx with zero trust in humans. But that trust was soon regained back when the damaged Shinx came into contact with Ash Ketchum who took care of it and cared for it with such love and patience that Mewtwo thought he was dreaming. It wasn't just the young Shinx, the young boy took care of plenty of other Pokémon that came his way and met them once again when he went out on his journey and met new Pokémon on the way. He helped them, protected them, and healed them. This is what prompted him and Ambertwo to watch over him during his childhood, which was unpleasant to say the least. The other humans were cruel to not only him, but those that surrounded him, but the boy wasn't alone. His mother who he assumed was the woman with brown hair that was always in a ponytail was always there by his side as was the elderly man and his other human friends.

But they didn't stay around for long as all three left, but after watching him for some time once more he reunited with the one that turned out to be his cousin and now here they are traveling together. When Ambertwo asked him to bring Ash over to where they were because she wanted him to read her a story as well as tell them about what they are he did so without protest. There was a difference when seeing him in person as to where he was only watching him from afar. Up close he could feel the boy's warm aura that exuded from him and wrapped around him like a warm blanket, but it was different from the warm blanket Ambertwo would put over him when he felt cold. His aura felt warm, safe, and protected.

It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant.

He closed his eyes as he felt the water droplets from the sky touch his skin. It wasn't long before he escaped that wretched human Giovanni Rocket and his abominable armor that held back his psychic power. But he didn't relish in his freedom for long for as soon as he got back, Ambertwo's condition had suddenly changed and not for the better. The other clone Pokémon were keeping her company while he went outside to think. Ambertwo, his friend would be taken away from him soon unless he does something to prevent that.

Snapping his eyes open he felt a wave of his psychic power surround him as felt anger and fury, remembering what some of scientists back then said about letting her perish for she was not stated to last long unlike him and other cloned Pokémon. The only human who protested this was her so called father. He didn't remember much of his time there with them, but what he does remember is it being destroyed by someone that wasn't him, but it allowed him to escape with Ambertwo and the other cloned Pokémon. While he was sure to keep the fact that she was still alive hidden, he was still used as Giovani Rocket's precious weapon that only he could control.

But he was wrong.

As soon as he sensed Ash's presence near the Viridian City Gym he felt a burst of power like never before and was able to break free from his confinements and escaped. And this time...Giovanni will never find him. But the fact still remains that his psychic power had never felt that powerful before, and it only happened because of Ash.

Because of Ash...

Looking up at the sky he made his decision, "Dragonite!" He called out to the cloned Dragon type pokemon who appeared before him with a smile.

"Go and seek out Ash Ketchum and bring him here," Mewtwo ordered as he sent a picture of what Ash looks like to the Pokémon's mind, "We need him."

Dragonite cooed and took off the cloudy sky that had at some point ceased the rain. Mewtwo didn't know what sort of power Ash held within him, but if it could somehow save Ambertwo and prevent her from leaving this world then he didn't care what it was.

"Only you can save her." He said to no one.

With Ash and his friends

Ash blinked as he slowly opened his eyes and saw the clear blue sky staring down at him. Ever since they left Viridian City he'd been getting an ominous feeling that just wouldn't leave him. He heard laughter and turned to see it was his siblings and the Pokémon running around and playing while Misty was helping Brock prepare dinner, and Ritchie and Zack were having a battle.

With a groan he sat up and saw Pikachu noticed he was awake, coming over to him.

"Pikachu (Have a nice nap)?" Pikachu asked, jumping in his best friends lap.

"Hey look whose awake." Misty smiled.

Ash gave her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry for just sleeping like that."

"Hey, don't worry about it," Brock assured him, "You were pretty exhausted when we left Viridian City after that gym battle you know about Giovanni. Not to mention all the information we had to give to Officer Jenny."

"I know." How could he forget? As soon as they left the gym they went off to find Officer Jenny and told her everything that happened, with the Viridian City Gym leader being the head of Team Rocket whose real name is Giovanni Rocket. She felt like she'd been fooled and started beating herself up for not looking into him sooner when she noticed something off about him. Luckily the gang told her she wasn't the only that was fooled because they were, too.

Misty clapped her hands getting everyone's attention, "Enough of that now, so what's for lunch?"

Brock smiled, "Its my famous "Stew Special!"

"Sounds good, Brock." Ash smiled as he got up and walked over to them with Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Cool, time to eat!" Ritchie said.

"Starving." Zack said.

Molly, Tomo, Togepi, and Teddiursa were still running around playing when they stopped and noticed someone approach. Togepi immediately ran over to Misty who held her little one close, while Molly and Tomo went over by Ash who gave them a confused look until he saw the mysterious stranger. The person was wearing a light orange shirt that was sleeveless, dark green pants, purple shoes, sporting a red bandana.

"Hey, you there!" The stranger pointed, "I'm looking for a Pokémon trainer named Ash from Altomare! You know him?"

Ritchie went on the defensive, "Yeah, and who are you?!" He demanded.

Ash stood before the man, "That would be me, can I help you with something?"

The man grinned, "Let's have a match! Unless you're afraid to lose!" He taunted, pulling out a poke ball.

Ash narrowed his eyes, "I have no interest in battling someone who can't even tell me his name."

The man smirked, "Fine, names Raymond! Now, let's battle!"

Misty frowned, "What a jerk."

"Don't worry, Ash will handle him." Brock told her.

Ash said nothing as he released Ivysaur who stood there ready to battle the Pirate

Raymond grinned as he sent out his pokemon, which is one Ritchie had never seen before. It is a gray, elephant-like Pokémon with a thick, black band of hide running down the length of its back and extending to the tip of its long trunk. He scanned it:

[Donphan, the Armor Pokémon. With its strong tusks and tough skin, Donphan is known for its powerful Tackle attack. The length of Donphan's tusks indicates its level.]

Donphan was moving its leg, ready to start the battle.

Ivysaur calmly stared at the elephant like Pokémon, along with Ash

Raymond ordered Donphan to use Roll Out on Ivysaur who simply stood there waiting for the right time to strike.

Ivysaur jumped just as Ash ordered him too and Donphan's Roll Out missed, so it used Roll Out to come at the grass type again.

As Ivysaur was gathering up the necessary energy to use Solar Beam, Donphan stopped rolling, but Raymond told him to do it again, so it obeyed.

Ivysaur came down from the sky and sent the Solar Beam attack straight at the rolling Donphan.

Raymond returned Donphan, clearly angry that he lost. Ash meanwhile went over to Ivysaur and put his hand on to his head with a smile and the grass type smiled back.

"That was an Excellent Solar Beam, Ivysaur. I think your getting stronger." Ash praised.

Ivysaur (I think so)." Ivysaur smiled.

Raymond sent out his next Pokémon, a Machamp this time.

Machamp flexed its muscles, Ash simply sighed and sent out Wartortle this time who was ready to battle, judging by the smirk on its face.

Machamp tried to punch Wartortle but the water type jumped over the punch to avoid it, including the kick Machamp tried hit him with.

Wartortle avoided Machamps attempts to get a hit on him again, by jumping all over the place.

Wartortle used Dragon Pulse on Machamp, making it a direct hit as it hit the fighting type in the chest.

Machamp fell to the ground, unable to battle much to Raymond's shock and disbelief.

Wartortle ran towards Ash, giving him a hug which Ash returned a smile.

Raymond, still very angry having lost two matches against Ash sent out three more pokeballs, the Pokémon that appeared were a Golem, Venomoth, and Pinsir. All three Pokémon charged at Ash, but he had other plans.

Ash gave Pikachu a look who wasted no time in shocking all three Pokémon into unconsciousness.

Raymond returned his Pokémon and ran off with his tail between his legs. Ash sighed and returned both Ivysaur and Wartortle as Pikachu climbed back on his shoulder.

Ritchie sweat-dropped, "He was the one that wanted to have a battle."

Ash just shook his head, "It doesn't matter, let's just have lunch."

"Sounds like a plan." Misty smiled.

The gang didn't realize they were being watched by two parties, with one of the being unknown. Team Rocket was watching them of course with the New Plot of Kidnapping Ash.

"There they are." James announced.

"So what's the plan this time, Meowth?" Jessie asked.

Meowth grinned, "Well first, we'll sneak up on them once they finish eating, then once their backs are turned we grab That twerp." Meowth pointed at Ash

"Sounds good." James said.

"Let's start "Operation grab A Legendary Explorer Twerp from under their noses." Jessie smirked.

The three nod and get ready to start the operation but stopped in their tracks when they noticed a Dragonite flying towards the group. They ducked down out of sight immediately.

"What's a Dragonite doing here?" Meowth whispered.

"Don't ask me!" Jessie whispered back.

"Its coming right towards the twerps!" James said.

Jessie and Meowth observe and indeed see the dragon/flying type flying towards Ash's group, landing before them.

"What do you think it wants?" James wondered.

"Don't know." Meowth said.

"Well shut up so we can find out!" Jessie told them.

Back with Ash's group they saw the Dragonite land before them with a smile plastered on its face as it stared at them. There was something about that smile though that eerily familiar.

"I'm not seeing things," Zack said rubbing his eyes, "There's an actual Dragonite standing in front of us."

"Its rare that one would approach humans." Brock said.

"Really? What about the Dragonite we saw at Bill's lighthouse?" Misty questioned.

"I think that Dragonite was a special case." Brock said.

"What do you think it wants?" Molly wondered.

"Maybe it wants to play with us." Tomo suggested.

"Ursa (Really)?" Teddiursa questioned tilting his head a little.

"You can tell this Dragonite's different from Bill's." Ritchie observed.

"Pika Pika (Its smaller than Bill's)." Sparky said.

"Pi Pika Pikachu (His Dragonite's bigger than the average so that doesn't count)." Pikachu told him.

Ash felt like he'd seen this Dragonite somewhere before. Could it be one of the cloned Pokémon he saw back at that place where Amber and Mewtwo are. Getting a closer observation he noticed there weren't any marks on the Dragonite so its not a clone. But why is it here?

Dragonite eyed the humans with a smile then spotted the human whose appearance was sent to his memory by Mewtwo. This was the human he was supposed to bring back with him. Leaning close to the confused boy's face the dragon/flying types eyes glowed blue and Ash stilled before falling forward into Dragonite's arms.

"Ash!" Ritchie, Misty, Zack, and Brock yelled.

"Big brother!" Molly and Tomo yelled.

Before Pikachu, Sparky, and Teddiursa could attack Dragonite, the dragon/flying type was already in the air and took off flying with Ash in its arms.

"Big brother!" Molly and Tomo yelled, no longer seeing Dragonite in sight.

"Get back here with my Friend!" Ritchie yelled, trying to run after Dragonite.

"What in the world is that?!" Zack exclaimed.

"What's going on?! Why did it just kidnap Ash like that?!" Misty was worried what would happen to Ash.

"I don't know! It's rare for Pokémon to just take humans away like that!" Brock was confused as to what just happened himself and didn't know how to explain it.

Ritchie came back with a frustrated, yet worried look on his face, "What do we do?"

Before anyone could answer Pikachu made a noise and Tomo picked what looked to be an invitation off the grass, "Look! Its an invitation!"

"Pika Pikachu Pika Pikapi (That must've been for Ash)!" Pikachu guessed.

Tomo opened it and it was indeed an invitation to go to some island and showed it to the others. Brock had finished reading the letter and nodded his head in confirmation, "It is an invitation! We can use this to go after Dragonite and save Ash!"

"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Ritchie said as they packed up their things and ran in the direction they believe they'll find Ash. They weren't alone as Team Rocket followed them.

New Island

With a groan Ash opened his eyes, closing and opening them, trying to get the fog out of his eyes. Seeing his vision is now clear he sits up slowly before looking around the room he was in and soon recognized where he was.

"Am I...at New Island." He said to no one.

"Yes, you are." A familiar voice confirmed.

Since he recognized the voice and calmly turn to the side to see Mewtwo looking at him in the corner of the room.

"I thought so," Ash said as he got out of the bed he was sleeping on and stood up, "Its good to see you again, but why am I here?"

Mewtwo simply eyed him for about a minute before he finally spoke, "Its Ambertwo..."

Ash didn't need to ask more and let Mewtwo take him to her room. What he saw almost made his heart break. There she was, shivering on the bed, sweat pouring down her face, and breathing short breaths. Her face was so flushed it looked like she was blushing in her sleep. He was already by her side in an instant and checked her forehead. She was warm, really warm.

"How did she get sick?" He wanted to know how this happened because the last time he saw her she was perfectly healthy.

The look on Mewtwo's face told him that he Pokémon was lost and didn't know what to do. Despite the stoic look on Mewtwo's face Ash could tell he was worried and scared about what was happening with Ambertwo.

"I don't know what caused this, but what I do know is this," Mewtwo started to explain, "If this virus continues...she will die."

Ash stilled as he took his forehead off of Ambertwo's forehead.

Mewtwo lowered his head, "Ash There's nothing I can do..."

Nothing he can do, then why did he bring him here...?

Wait a minute!

"Are you saying...there's something I can do?" Ash asked carefully.

Mewtwo floated over by him, "I noticed it since the first time I saw you. There is something within you, a strange and unknown power that is foreign to me and yet it helped me break free."

"So I was right, back at the Viridian City Gym that was you I felt." Ash already had a feeling it was Mewtwo he sensed back then but he wanted to make sure.

"Your mere presence was enough to free me from the binds that prevented me from breaking free," Mewtwo continued, "There is a power deep within you that feels warm. I do not understand what it is."

Truth be told, Ash didn't fully understand what this mysterious power within him was either. Sabrina told him it wasn't anything to worry about, but when he used it to try and warm Ritchie and the others up when they were stuck in that frozen cave all by themselves he used too much of it and ended being in extreme pain to the point where he couldn't even move.

Well, that was then.

So how about if he tried it now? What would happen?

Without hesitation he placed one hand on Ambertwo's forehead and the other on her chest.

'I don't know if whether this will work or not, but I pray it does.' He thought as he slowly channeled the same unknown blue energy like before. Blocking out all of the sounds around him he simply focused on Ambertwo, trying to get her fever to go down. He couldn't just sit here and allow Ambetwo to stay this way, she's Mewtwo's friend, he won't allow her to suffer like this any longer! As he kept pouring the blue energy into the green haired girl he felt her forehead was no longer warm and opened his eyes. Her face was no longer flushed and she was breathing normally.

He rested his head on the bed as he relaxed, "It worked..."

Mewtwo went over by his friend and saw she was indeed a lot better than she was originally. As the genetic Pokémon looked over at Ash he saw the boy was already asleep, so he tucked him in next to Ambertwo and left the room. The Pokémon decided he trusted Ash Ketchum, but as for the other humans.

They were all the same to him.

With Ritchie and friends

Meanwhile with the gang they were headed towards New Island where the invitation that Dragonite dropped when it kidnapped Ash informed them to go. They still didn't understand why Ash was taken and they didn't care, it doesn't matter right now. What does matter right now is saving Ash. When they looked at the invitation again a hologram of a mysterious woman appeared and Brock had this feeling he knew who she was.

So here they are now, on their way to Old Shore Wharf where New Island is located.

"We're almost there." Brock says to the group.

"I hope so," Misty said, shivering slightly, "I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

"Me, too." Ritchie shared the same sentiments.

Molly pointed up at the sky, "Look!"

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds begin to gather and knew a storm was coming. This was either a coincidence or planned perfectly. Either way they needed to get out of the storm and find some shelter. Luckily they spotted a Pokémon Center and didn't hesitate to go in.

Misty sighed in relief, "What a relief we didn't get wet."

"Yeah," Ritchie looked around the center and noticed something was off, "Hey...where's Nurse Joy?"

"Now that you mention it, shouldn't she be at the front desk? Is she on break?" Zack wondered.

"No, she's gone missing."

They turned towards the entrance and saw it was Officer Jenny.

"Offer Jenny~" Brock was about to start on another one of his love delusions when Misty grabbed his ear and Knock him out quickly.

"Not the time!" Misty growled.

Togepi giggled.

"What do you mean she's gone missing?" Ritchie asked.

Officer Jenny shook her head, "I mean just that. She's been gone for quite some time and no one's heard from her since."

"That's troubling." Misty said.

"Anyway why are you kids here?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Oh, we're trying to get to New Island! Our friend was kidnapped and taken there!" Misty told her.

"What?!" Officer Jenny exclaimed.

"Please is there any way we can get there?!" Ritchie asked.

"There are some boats outside but in this weather you might not make it there in one piece." She warned them.

"I don't care about that!" Ritchie said, shaking his head, "My Friend's in danger and needs our help!"

The others in the group weren't backing down from this. With a sigh she escorted them outside where some boats were waiting for them, they took the one that could hold everyone and sailed off and noticed some others trainers were also headed towards New Island.

"Guess Ash wasn't the only one to get an invitation to this place." Ritchie looked around.

"Hmmm, but the question is. Whose responsible for gathering all of these trainers here in the first place and what do they want?" Brock wondered if there some kind of sinister plain involved.

"Guess we'll find out when we get there." Zack said.

No more words were said after that as they simply focused in trying not to fall in the water. Unknown to them Jessie, James, and Meowth were following them once again through the water, but unknown to both parties they were being followed by a mysterious Pokémon.

The mysterious Pokémon is a pink, bipedal Pokémon with mammalian features. Its snout is short and wide, and it has triangular ears and large, blue eyes. It has short arms with three-fingered paws, large hind legs and feet with oval markings on the soles, and a long, thin tail ending in an ovoid tip.

This unknown Pokémon is the Mythical Pokémon Mew that sensed something dark was about to happen and followed closely after both parties.

Luckily they arrived to New Island unscathed, as did the trainers that came ahead of them.

"Welcome, Explorers."

All the Explorers turned towards the very same woman they saw in the hologram invitations they got. She was even wearing the same cloak.

"Welcome to New Island, please follow me inside." She said in the very same monotone voice.

As she leads the Explorers inside Brock decided to speak, "Excuse me, but you feel very familiar to me."

"It is your imagination," she told him, "I have never left this island, therefore it is imposssible to know who you are."

"Never left the island?" Ritchie muttered.

"That doesn't sound right." Misty said.

She lead them all the way inside, "This is the dinning hall, please rest here while my master prepares for his arrival." With those parting words she left the trainers to their own devices.

"We might as well eat something." Brock told them.

"Yeah, trying to rescue Ash on an empty stomach won't do us any good." Misty agreed.

Pikachu's ears lowered sadly with worry.

Misty rubbed the electric types head, "Don't worry Pikachu we'll save your friend Ash."

"Pika (You're right)." Pikachu nodded with a smile.

The gang had their own table as they started eating but with a solemn atmosphere. They knew Ash was here somewhere, but they were more worried about this mysterious "Master Explorer" person they gathered all of these trainers here.

Misty noticed Molly was eerily quite since the moment they got here, "Molly is something wrong?"

Molly, who had been in a trance finally snapped out of it after hearing Misty's voice, "I'm okay." Tomo noticed something was wrong with his sister but didn't comment on it.

"You guys okay over here?" The gang were approached by a girl, wearing a dark and light purple crop top with a white collar, a Poké Ball keychain around her neck, a yellow-tan wristband on her wrist, yellow-tan pants, and gold sneakers.

Brock instantly grabbed her hands, "I am now that you're here~"

Misty yanked him by the ear Angrily, "You're the last person she feels safe around!"

Togepi giggled.

The girl chuckled, "Hi, my names Neesha. Guess you guys got an invitation, too?"

"Not exactly," Misty said, "We came here to rescue our friend who was taken and brought here."

"Oh, no that's awful." Neesha said.

Zack eyed the other two trainers, "So all of you got the same invite?"

"Yeah, we did," Neesha looked over at the two boys, "The one over there is Fergus and ther guy next to him is Corey."

"They look strong." Misty commented.

"That Fergus guy got here on his Gyarados which is pretty impressive since they're known as temperamental Pokémon. Corey got here while riding on the back of his Pidgeot." Neesha explained.

"So basically only skilled trainers were called here." Brock observed.

No more conversations were said as the mysterious woman appeared again, "Thank you for your patience. My master will now address as to why you are here. Please welcome my master...Mewtwo."

Mewtwo made his entrance that sure enough got all of the trainers attention as they had never seen a Pokémon like it before.

"What kind of Pokémon is that?" Misty wondered.

Ritchie scanned it.

[There is no data. There still are Pokémon yet to be identified.]

"No data?!" Ritchie stared at Mewtwo in awe.

"So its an unknown Pokémon?" Brock said out loud.

"Looks that way." Zack said.

Fergus stepped up and started insulting the psychic type, "You've gotta be kidding me. Are you seriously telling me this Pokémon is your master?"

Misty and Ritchie looked at the guy like he was a Fool, 'This is a mysterious Pokémon and the first thing you do is go and insult it?!'

Pikachu, Sparky, and Teddiursa sigh as though they heard their thoughts.

"Hmph, as expected of a foolish human." Mewtwo spoke.

"I-It spoke! It actually spoke!" Ritchie exclaimed.

"But how is that possible?!" Misty wondered, freaking out a little.

"That sounded like telepathy." Brock said.

"Telepathy?" Tomo questioned.

"Some Pokémon are able to communicate with humans by using telepathy," Brock explained, "This mysterious Pokémon must be one of them, too."

Fergus stood before Mewtwo, "Let me show you why Pokémon can't be masters! Gyarados, use Hyper Beam!"

Gyarados sent a Hyper Beam attack at the genetic Pokémon. Mewtwo stood there calmly and waited for the attack to hit and as it came closer a blue barrier surrounded the genetic Pokémon, rendering the attack useless.

"No way!" Fergus gasped.

"What was that just now?" Misty questioned.

"That must've been Barrier," Brock guessed, "Its a defensive move, and a very powerful one."

Mewtwo's body had a blue outline around it as it flung the giant water type across the room, slamming it against the wall.

"Gyarados!" Fergus cried.

Molly held Teddiursa close to her, "Poor Gyarados..."

"Ursa (That looked painful)." Teddiursa winced.

Team Rocket who had finally snuck in and saw what happened had their mouths wide open.

"Did you see that?!" Jessie whispered.

"I've never seen a Pokémon like that before." James stared.

"Its a frightening one that's for sure!" Meowth shivered.

Mewtwo's eyes glowed blue as it summoned a cloned Charizard, Venasaur, and Blastoise. The genetic Pokémon then eyed the woman, "I have no further use for you." And just like that she fell over as though her puppet strings had been cut.

Brock quickly catches her and removes the hood, "I knew it! Its Nurse Joy!"

"He's right, it is her!" Ritchie said.

"You humans," Mewtwo spoke getting their attention again, "Are cruel and weak, making the Pokémon your slaves. The Pokémon who choose to stand by you are no different. You don't care about the pain of others and care only for your own ambitions."

"That's not true!" Misty yelled.

"We love our Pokémon, they're our friends not slaves!" Ritchie also yelled at Mewtwo.

"I love Teddiursa, I won't let anyone be mean to him!" Molly declared, hugging her friend close to emphasize her point.

"Its true that some humans are bad, but there are good ones, too!" Tomo defended, "Officer Jenny took care and protected me, and our big brother loves me!"

Mewtwo eyes the two children and knew who they were, 'They are...'

Team Rocket decided to sneak away and soon came upon a laboratory where they found several pods.

"What on earth are these?" James wondered.

"I think their pods." Meowth said.

"Pods? Why in the world would there be pods here?" Jessie questions as she sat down on the computer controls by accident. With a yelp she got off of it as she saw a strange man appear on screen with what appears to be a recorded message.

"At last. At last after so long we've finally done it. We've perfected cloning not only on Pokémon, but on humans, too."

"Whose this?" James wondered.

"Don't know." Meowth shrugged.

"I was finally able to bring her back from the grave, and not only did I succeed in that, but I've also created a perfect clone of Mew! Having obtained a fossilized eyelash of Mew I was able to create Mewtwo. A superior genetic Pokémon that stands above all others!" The screen became static before it cut off completely.

"You mean to tell me that Pokémon out there is actually a clone of Mew?!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Talk about mad scientist-ow!" Meowth yelped as he held his tail.

"What's wrong, Meowth?" James asked.

"Something nicked my tail!" Meowth cried then saw it was a machine that had a piece of his hair and started making a weird noise.

"What's it doing?!" Jessie questioned.

"How should I know?!" Meowth yelled.

As the pod opened it revealed another Meowth that blinked at the three, "Meow~"

"It cloned Meowth!" James said.

"Then this machine must be cloning machine!" Jessie said.

Suddenly the cloned Meowth was lifted into the air and was brought out of the room.

"Hey, where ya going?!" Meowth yelled after the cloned Meowth.

With Ash and Ambertwo

Something was patting his cheek. It was soft and small, at first he thought it was Molly or Tomo trying to wake him up but when he finally opened his eyes he saw it was Ambertwo. She was giving him a worried look that prompted him to fully wake up.

"Amber, what's wrong? Are you feeling better?" Ash asked, still a little tired.

"Ash, thank goodness you're awake. We have to stop him!" Ambertwo pleaded.

"Stop who?" Ash sat up, now fully awake.

"Its Mewtwo! He feels humans are creatures that are only capable of causing pain to others, but he's wrong! Please...please..." Ambertwo pleaded, almost in tears.

Ash may not know these two on a personal level but he couldn't let Mewtwo believes all humans are what he believes them to be. Getting out of bed, he carried Ambertwo on his back and left the room they were in, "Don't worry Amber, I'll stop him."

With the Others

Mewtwo had brought everyone to the stadium where they will battle against his cloned Pokémon against the organic Pokémon the trainers have with them.

"Prove your worth, Explorers. Who are superior? The clones or the organic Pokémon you have in your possession?" Mewtwo challenged.

The all gasped.

"Its going to battle with those clones?" Misty said, eyeing the cloned Charizard, Venasaur, and Blastoise.

"If He wants a battle then He'll get one!" Ritchie sent out Zippo who was ready for battle.

"Ritchie be careful, those are cloned Pokémon." Brock warned in a serious tone.

"Got it." Ritchie said, just as serious, "I can't afford to lose because if I do, then we'll never get Ash back."

"Well? Who among you will battle me first?" Mewtwo challenged.

Neesha decided to go first, "I'll go first! Let's do this, Shellshocker!" She called out to her Blastoise.

"Very well." Mewtwo said as the cloned Blastoise faced off against Shellshocker.

"Let the fight begin!" Mewtwo declared.

"Shellshocker, use Hydro Pump!" Neesha started off first.

"Rapid Spin." Mewtwo countered.

Clone Blastoise used a Rapid Spin attack to counter the Hydro Pump, it tore through the Hydro Pump like it was nothing and slammed right into Shellshocker knocking the Pokémon out.

"Shellshocker!" Neesha cried.

"In one hit man!" Misty said.

"This guy's not messing around!" Zack said.

"Who amongst you will challenge me next?" Mewtwo questioned.

Corey stepped forward this time, "I will! Bruteroot, lets go!"

"Venasaur (Understood)."

Mewtwo's cloned Venasaur stepped forward this time.

"Use Razor Leaf!" Corey commanded.

Venasaur sent a Razor Leaf attack at the clone.

"Counter with Vine Whip." Mewtwo ordered.

Clone Venasaur countered with a Vine Whip attack that sent Bruteroot flying, just like Neesha's Blastoise.

"Bruteroot, no!" Corey cried, going over to his Pokémon.

"Another direct hit!" Brock said.

"Those cloned Pokémon are way too strong!" Misty was starting to get scared now.

Ritchie felt fear grip him, too but he couldn't waver. His Friend needed him and for once Ritchie will be the one to help him not the other way around.

"Its our turn now, Zippo. Are you ready?" Ritchie asked.

Zippo smirked with a low growl, "Roar (You need to ask)?"

Ritchie smiled, "Get ready, Zippo!"

Zippo was the last of the Kanto starters to go up against its cloned other.

Mewtwo eyed the boy. He remembered seeing him with Ash a long time ago and here he is now.

"Zippo, use Flamethrower!" Ritchie called out.

Zippo sent a Flamethrower attack at the clone.

"Counter with your own." Mewtwo ordered.

Clone Charizard did just that. The others saw as its Flamethrower tore through Zippo's but Ritchie wasn't about to let his friend get hurt.

"Stop using Flamethrower and get in the air!" Ritchie said, quickly.

Zippo immediately stopped and got in the air, avoiding the Flamethrower from the clone.

Misty sighed in relief, "Thank goodness..."

"Yeah, but its not over yet." Brock reminded her.

Ritchie kept his eyes on Mewtwo, waiting to see what its next move will be.

"You get in the air as well." Mewtwo ordered.

Clone Charizard was in the air before Zippo.

"Use Flamethrower again." Mewtwo ordered.

The clone did as it was ordered, but instead of having Zippo use a Flamethrower too, Ritchie had something else in mind.

"Let's use that new move Zippo, use Steel Wing!" Ritchie countered.

Zippo's wings glow white as it practically sliced through the Flamethrower like butter, slamming into the clone and sending it flying downwards but Ritchie still wasn't done yet.

"Grab it!"

Zippo grabbed the clone and already knew what Ritchie was going to do, "Now, Use Seismic Toss!" Ritchie said.

Zippo flew in the air, spins around, zooms back down, and tosses the clone into the ground. Zippo stood before its trainer and stared at the smoke covered spot where it tossed the clone and simply waited, as did Ritchie and the others. The air became even more tense as the trainers gathered there were wondering if he was able to beat one of the cloned Pokémon. The smoke finally cleared and the cloned Charizard was down but still conscious.

"Guys...I think I did it." Ritchie said, sounding unsure.

"You did, it may still be conscious but you beat it!" Brock said.

Ritchie breathed a sigh of relief at that before staring at Mewtwo, "Mewtwo, what have you done with my Best friend Ash?! Where is he?!"

"Pika Pika (Give me back my friend)!" Pikachu demanded his cheeks sparking.

"Please give us our big brother back!" Molly pleaded.

"Ursa (Yeah)!" Teddiursa said.

"He's our brother!" Tomo said.

"Silence!" Mewtwo's ordered as his voice suddenly got more menacing, "You have defeated one of the clones that is true, however this changes nothing." Just the strange looking pokeballs appeared and sucked in Neesha's Blastoise and Corey's Venasaur, much to their horror.

"Shellshocker!" Neesha cried as she tried to grab the pokeball but it got away from her.

"What did you do to my Pokémon?!" Corey demanded.

"Your Pokémon belong to me now and will be cloned here. The clones will stay here with me on New Island while my storms is destroying this planet!" Mewtwo declared.

Ritchie returned Zippo immediatly but those weird pokeballs took his friend anyway, "Zippo!" He cried out.

"Ritchie, those pokeballs are getting the other pokeballs, too even Ash's!" Brock cried out horror.

"Oh, no!" Ritchie ran over to try and keep them safe but it was too late.

Misty covered Togepi, "I won't let anything bad happen to you Togepi!"

"Togi (I'm scared)." Togepi shivered.

Psyduck and Vulpix were suddenly captured as well, "Psyduck! Vulpix!" Misty and Brock cried out.

Pikachu, Sparky, and Teddiursa are the only ones left, but Ritchie, Brock, and Misty weren't about to let Mewtwo's pokeballs have them.

"Guys, run!" Ritchie yelled.

Molly and Tomo ran away with the two electric types and Teddiursa. The two children were afraid but they still wanted to find their brother. They ran up the staircase just as more pokeballs started to come. Pikachu and Sparky used their Thunder Shock attack to prevent them from coming towards them while still being on the run.

"Pika Pikachu (There's no end to them)!" Sparky growled.

"Pikachu Pika (Just keep shooting at them)!" Pikachu told him as he sent a Thunder Shock towards another pokeball.

Molly and Tomo were still running away like Ritchie told them too. Both of them were scared but they still wanted to find their older brother that had to be here somewhere.

"What should we do?" Molly asked Tomo.

"Find big brother! He must be here somewhere in this big place!" Tomo answered as he refused to let go of his sisters hand. Pikachu and Sparky soon began to get tired as they stopped running after the children and fell.

"Pikachu! Sparky!" Molly cried out to the Pokémon.

Before the two children could try and help them up the strange pokeballs sucked them up and carried the two electric types off to who knows where.

"No!" Molly cried.

"Wait, we can follow those pokeballs!" Tomo suggested, "They might lead us to where big brother and other Pokémon are!"

"Okay!" Molly nodded as they followed the pokeballs.

With Ash and Ambertwo

Ash was going in the direction Amber was leading him to. For such a small looking place on the outside it was really big on the inside.

"It was here." Ambertwo said suddenly.

Ash was confused, "What was here?"

She closed her eyes, "It was here on New Island where we were created. Me, Mewtwo and the other cloned Pokémon."

"What? Here?" He gasped.

"Yes, I remember the scientists faces vaguely, but there was one I remember clearly. His name was Dr. Fuji, and the reason I remember him to clearly is because he called me his daughter." Ambertwo said.

"His daughter?" Ash questioned.

She nodded, "His real daughter "Amber" died a long time ago, and in his grief he was determined to bring her back to life through me. That's why I am "Ambertwo."

"I see..." Ash didn't know what it was like to lose a child but in the eyes of a parent its the most heartbreaking thing to ever experience.

"Dr. Fuji was a scientist for Team Rocket," Ambertwo continued, "He didn't really like them and only stayed because he wanted to be a part of the cloning project. Then a man named Giovanni appeared and told him that he had to clone "Mew" too."

Ash's eyes narrowed in anger, "Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket. He's responsible for his desmissed."

"Dr. Fuji successfully cloned me, Mewtwo, and the original Kanto starters you saw before. While we were still in the test tubes we watched the outside world together and saw you." She smiled.

"You saw me?" He had no idea.

"We were always watching you," she revealed, "You were smiling so bright and kind to everyone around you, despite your own deep sadness. It made us sad for you."

He said nothing and simply looked down at his feet. His childhood wasn't the greatest, no, but he wanted to keep smiling for his mother's sake and Molly's, too.

"Even as you grew and the people you knew moved away we still watched over you. We saw how you cared for the Pokémon that experienced their own sadness and healed them through kindness or simply stayed with them until it was time for them to leave. You became our first friend." She smiled.

He stopped walking to try and one of his tears falling down. These two, Ambertwo and Mewtwo were suffering and yet, they still watched over him and called him their "friend."

"Mewtwo is hurting even more because Team Rocket's leader kept using him for his own ambition," Ambertwo said sadly, "He's in so much pain..."

Ash started running, but not too fast, "Don't worry about Mewtwo, Amber. If he's in pain then I'll save him even that means giving up."

Ambertwo smiled, "Thank you..."

He stopped running when he saw strange pokeballs going in another direction, "What are those?" He followed after them to the very same room Jessie, James, and Meowth are, "What are you three idiots doing here?" He demanded.

"Its the twerp!" Meowth exclaimed.

Ash ignored them and stared at the machine, "Are these..."

"Yes, these machine are used for cloning." Ambertwo said sadly.

"I see."

"Big brother!" Molly and Tomo cried out happily, hugging him.

"Hey you two, I'm so glad to see you!" Ash smiled.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Molly said, relieved.

"Ursa (Are you hurt)?" Teddiursa asked.

"I'm fine, but what are those strange pokeballs?" Ash asked.

"Those weird pokeballs took Pikachu, Sparky, and everyone else!" Tomo told him.

"What?!" Ash looked back and saw some Pokémon were in the pods, "It must be trying to clone them!" He puts Amber down on the ground gently and grabs two cloned pokeballs, fighting the machine over it. Eventually he managed to get the two pokeball's out of the machine's grasp, destroying it in the process. He opened the pokeballs, revealing both Pikachu and Sparky.

"Hello kiddos." Ash smiled.

Pikachu's eyes lit up, "Pikapi (Ash)!" He jumped on his trainer with a happy smile as did Sparky. The other cloned pokeballs were forced open as well revealing all of the trainers pokemon that were captured, even Ash's pokemon were set free.

"You guys are okay!" Ash said.

All of Ash's pokemon surrounded him, asking him of he was okay.

"I'm okay, we need to stop Mewtwo, will you help me?" Ash asked.

His pokemon gave him a look as if saying, "You need to ask?" Making him smile. He turned to the rest of the organic pokemon, "How about you guys?"

All of the pokemon there agreed to help him.

"Let's go." Ash said, putting Ambertwo on his back as he left the room, followed by Team Rocket and the organic pokemon as the cloned pokemon went to join Mewtwo.

With the Others

Ritchie, Brock, Misty, and Nurse Joy were with the other trainers as most of their Pokémon were taken away by those cloned pokeballs. The only good thing about all of this is that Molly and Tomo were hopefully safe somewhere.

"All of our pokemon were taken away by those cloned pokeballs." Ritchie gritted his teeth.

"Not Togepi and Teddiursa." Misty reminded.

"Oh, right." Ritchie said.

Brock looked around, seeing all of the cloned Pokémon, "Now what?"

Just as he said that there was an explosion causing smoke to appear.

"What in the world was that?" Nurse Joy questioned.

From the smoke appeared not only Ash, but Molly, Tomo, Ambertwo, Pikachu, Sparky, and all the other organic Pokémon that were in the clone pokeballs.

"Its Ash!" Brock and Misty smiled.

"Ash!" Ritchie was relieved to see his friend was safe.

Ash gave them a smile, "Glad to see you guys." He told them honestly and watched as the organic Pokémon went over to their trainers, happy to see them. Ash went by the others along with Pikachu, Sparky, Molly, Tomo, and Ambertwo who was still on his back.

"Are you okay?" Misty asked him out of concern.

"I'm fine." Ash assured her.

Brock noticed Ambertwo on his back and was curious, "Ash, whose this?"

"Her name is Ambertwo, but just call her Amber." He introduced.

"Hello." Ambertwo greeted politely.

Nurse Joy volunteered to hold her, "What are you doing here, little one?"

Ambertwo gave them a smile, "I live here with Mewtwo and the other cloned Pokémon."

"You do?" Zack questioned.

"Its a long story that we don't have time to talk about right now!" Ash reminded them of their current situation.

"Right." Ritchie said, glaring at Mewtwo, "Mewtwo, we will stop you with all of our Pokémon here!"

Mewtwo narrowed his eyes at Ritchie, "You are the boy he would always save."


"Ash," Mewtwo clarified, "Would always come to save you."

Ritchie's eyes widened, "How do you...you know about our past...?"

"Your past?" Misty wondered what he meant by that but then got a flashback to when they were at Bill's lighthouse and Ritchie told them some stuff about the past.

Ambertwo looked down, "I saw it, too. All of what happened." She said before looking at Mewtwo, "I know the real reason you're doing this Mewtwo but you have to stop!"

"I do too," Ash said, "i know You want revenge on people but don't do this Mewtwo, please!"

Before any more words could be said there was a bright pink light that almost blinded everyone. When the light disappeared the same small pink pokemon that had been following Team Rocket inside the castle appeared before them all.

Ash's eyes widened as he recognized the Pokémon from an ancient text Prof. Oak showed him, "It can't be... it's it's..."

"What's wrong? What is that Pokémon?" Misty wanted to know what it was.

"Its Mew! Its the legendary Pokémon Mew!" Brock exclaimed.

"No way..." Ritchie scanned it.

[Mew, Because it is able to use every move, there are many scientists who believe that it is the ancestor of all Pokémon.]

"The ancestor of all Pokémon?! No way!" Ritchie exclaimed.

"But, why is Mew here?" Tomo wondered.

Mew tilted its head and went near Ash. It blinked a few times before giggling cutely and circling around the boy.

"I guess She came here to play with me." Ash said confirming the gender of mew.

Ritchie and the others fell down anime style, "Now's not the time to play!"

"Pika Pika (That's right)!" Sparky agreed.

A shadow ball was then sent at Mew, sending the legendary pokemon flying but she regained herself in mid air.

"Mewtwo, stop!" Ambertwo pleaded.

Mewtwo glared at Mew, "I cannot," he says, turning his attention towards Mew, "I may have been created from you, but I am far superior and stronger than the original."

Mew shook her head and said something that only Ash could understand, "Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew (A Pokémon's real strength comes from the heart, not genetics)!"

"What did Mew say?" Ritchie turned to Ash.

"She said that a Pokémon's strength comes from the heart, not genetics." Ash translated.

Jessie and James looked at Meowth who nodded, "The twerps right."

"Nonsense!" Mewtwo scoffed in disgust and sent another Shadow Ball at Mew who dodged the blast and flew away not wanting to fight her clone, but Mewtwo was in hot pursuit.

"Mewtwo!" Ash called out to the Pokémon.

"Guys we got bigger problems! The Our Pokémon and the clones are fighting each other!" Brock alerted them.

And it was true, Neesha, Corey, and Furgus's pokemon were fighting with their clones while the gang's Pokémon had a different reaction.

Poke Speech On

Froakie had absolutely no interest in participating in this lunacy as it was keeping is eye on Chespin who was looking around for something to eat.

"Are you seriously looking for food at a time like this?" Froakie said, dryly.

"Well, duh! I'm hungry!" Chespin said.

Froakie merely shook his head in exasperation before dodging a fist and turned to the culprit, which was his clone.

"Can I help you?" Froakie said, sounding not impressed.

"Fight me!" Clone Froakie demanded.

"No thank you, as you can see I'm currently babysitting right now." Froakie turned back to Chespin as he was engaging with his own clone.

"I'm hungry..." Chespin groaned, holding his stomach.

"Who cares about eating! Why don't you fight me?" Clone Chespin demanded.

Chespin wasn't listening and instead looked around until he found some food just abandoned on the table. His eyes lit up, "FOOD~!" And with that he ran off to the table to eat.

"Hey!" Clone Chespin followed after his original.

Froakie merely sighed and followed after the two all the while ignoring his clone who demanded they fight.

Psyduck meanwhile was smacked by his clone and didn't really think much about it, but he did smack back and his clone had the same blank expression.

"Wanna just stand here and do nothing?" Psyduck asked.

"Okay." His clone said.

Ash's Shiny Eevee saw all of the fighting and wanted nothing to do with it and simply sat down on the ground and watched helplessly.

"You okay?" Kirlia asked, coming over to her friend and patting her head.

Eevee looked at her sadly, "They're all fighting."

Kirlia looked at all of the Pokémon fighting and didn't like it, "I know..."

"Why don't you fight?" Clone Kirlia demanded of Kirlia while Clone Eevee glared at her original.

Kirlia stared at her clone calmly, "Do you want to fight?"

"Of course!" The clone replied.

"Are you sure? Are you sure its your choice? And if it is then what do you gain from fighting me? What do you want to prove?" Kirlia asked calmly.

The clone paused and actually began thinking about what her clone was saying.

Eevee looked at her clone, "Do you want to fight me?"


Eevee shook her head, "I don't want to fight."


The Shiny Pokémon saw all of the fighting and said only one thing to describe it.

"Its so sad..."

Ash's Charizard was shaking his head at the pointless violence along with Zippo, "puny Idiots!" He said.

Zippo looked sad, "Maybe, but...I feel sorry for them. It doesn't matter whose superior and whose not, does it?"

"They seem to think so." Charizard said emotionless.

Zippo saw his clone and Charizard's approach and got worried, "Do they..."

"Want to fight with us? Yes." Charizard eyed his clone, "I have no interest in fighting you because its not of your own free will."

Clone Charizard narrowed hie eyes at that, "What do you mean?"

"Exactly as I said." Charizard said seriously.

Zippo stared at his clone, "We could just stand here and not fight. I'm not really in the fighting mood anyway."

"Me neither." Zippo's clone agreed.

Pikachu and Sparky were maneuvering around the chaos to get to their trainers.

"I can't believe they're all fighting like this." Sparky said, sad to see all of this is happening.

"I know." Pikachu said, his ears lowered in sadness.

Sparky looked in another direction and his mouth went wide, "Bro! Bro, look!"

Pikachu looked over to where Sparky was gesturing and saw it was a clone of not only him but of Sparky, too.

"Including us..." Pikachu said sadly.

Sparky didn't even knew what to do, "They're glaring at us, what do we do?"

Before Pikachu could say anything his clone came at him and Sparky had to tackle his brother out of the way so his clone wouldn't hit him.

"Snap out of it! If you don't want to fight then say so!" Sparky yelled at Pikachu.

Pikachu still looked conflicted but nodded and held his ground, "I'm not fighting you."

His clone glared at him, "You think you're stronger than me?!"

Pikachu shook his head, "That's not it. It doesn't matter how we're born, no one is better than the other."

Sparky nodded with a smile, "He's right! You're my clone but I don't think I'm better than you! So we don't need to fight!"

"But we must!" Sparky's clone said, stubbornly.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket was watching the horror that was going on and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"This is awful..." James said.

"I can't believe that Pokémon is making them all fight each other." Jessie stared in disbelief and sadness.

Meowth was said and talked to his clone who had no interest in fighting, "You not interested in fighting too, huh?"

His clone shook its head.

Meowth smiled, "I see, you know it doesn't matter different people are because we all have a lot in common on this planet."

His clone smiled at that.

Poke Speech Off

The Pokémon were either fighting or refusing to fight but the clones soon began crying as they were either fighting their original or just standing around. Some of the originals like Kirlia, Charizard, Zippo, Wartortle, and Ivysaur were comforting their clones, even Pikachu and Sparky.

Nurse Joy saw all of this and felt sad for the Pokémon, "This is terrible...all of this fighting and the Pokémon don't even want to."

Ritchie clenched his fists, "Why...why does it have to come to this?! Who cares if your a clone or not, as long as you're alive and living in this world that's all that matters! We're the same!"

Brock, Zack and Misty nodded.

"Fighting is bad." Molly said sadly holding Teddiursa.

"They have to stop, someone has to stop this." Tomo said.

Ambertwo's heart was breaking as she witnessed this, "Please stop this...please Mewtwo...!" She then began to have a coughing fit, prompting Nurse Joy to check on her.

"Oh, dear," she said, "Her forehead feels a little warm."

Ash was instantly by her side, "Amber!"

She put her hand on his arm, "Please...stop, Mewtwo...make him see that's he's wrong..."

Ash held her hand and nodded, "I will." But that was easier said than done. What was he going to do? What could he do? As he rummaged through his pockets he found a leaf and wondered how it got there, but didn't wonder about it for long.

As Mew and Mewtwo prepared to use their most powerful psychic attacks Ash started playing the one song that will stop this madness.

(Song: Oracion)

As soon as his touched the leaf and started playing the song, all of the Pokémon stopped fighting and turned to look at him. Mew and Mewtwo also stopped their fighting and looked at Ash, whose whole body was glowing blue as a blue sphere surrounded him. In the hearts of all of the Pokémon there they felt an unknown force invade their hearts, but this force was full of kindness and understanding. Pikachu and Sparky brough their clones over to their trainers as did the other gangs Pokémon and their clones.

Nurse Joy put a hand to her chest, "This feeling...Its so warm."

Ambertwo smiled, "This song..."

"It calmed all of the Pokémon down." Brock saw all of the Pokémon had stopped fighting.

"He did it." Misty smiled.

"Togi Togi (Yay)!" Togepi cheered.

Ash's still glowing form lifted off the ground and floated over by Mew and Mewtwo. As soon as he reached them, a glowing white light surrounded all three of them, blinding those present.

When Mewtwo opened his eyes he felt arms were wrapped around him in a hug and sensed it was Ash.

"You've been through so much." Ash said to him.

Mewtwo said nothing.

"I didn't know," Ash continued, "I didn't know you were watching over me all this time. I didn't know Team Rocket's leader put you through so much pain and suffering, both you and Amber."

Mewtwo felt a foreign presence in his chest and just knew it had to be connected to Ash. It was warm and filled with an emotion he couldn't identify.

"Mewtwo," Ash faced the Pokémon this time, "Thank you for watching over me, and thank you for considering me as you friend. Because you're mine, too." He smiled.

Mewtwo didn't know what to say for a few minutes but eventually spoke, "Ash..."


They both turned to Mew who was also in the white space. The pink Pokémon was smiling at them, "Mew Mew Mew. Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew (Your hearts have connected. That is the true bond between humans and Pokémon)."

"Mew you little rascal." Ash smiled.

Mew kiss his left cheek and he let the adorable Pokémon do so, "Mew Mew, Mew (You've done well, Ash Ketchum)."

Ash's eyes widened as he stared at Mew who tilted its head and blinked a few times.

"I see," Mewtwo said, "It doesn't matter who is more powerful. The clones and the original have value, and the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant. Because...it is what one does with life that determines one's destiny."

Ash smiled, "That's right, Mewtwo you're my friend and I say your destiny is to help the pokemon and work together as a true team, bonds, and families."

Mewtwo smiled, "Ash, you have my thanks."

Ash merely smiled, "So what will you do now?"

Mewtwo's eyes glowed blue as a pokeball appeared within the white space. This pokeball's top half is purple, with a white letter "M" on the front, with a pink circle on either side.

"What kind of pokeball is that?" Ash asked.

"It is known as the Master Ball." Mewtwo said.

"Master Ball?"

"This pokeball is capable of catching any Pokémon without fail," Mewtwo explained, "Team Rocket had this only one in possession, however I took it with me when I broke free from that man's control thanks to you."

"I see." Ash said, "But why are you showing this to me?"

Mewtwo brought the ball closer to Ash and he grabbed it, "Because Ash, I wish for you to be my leader."

Ash's eyes blinked alertly, "are you sure about this?"

Mewtwo nodded, "I cannot think of a more worthy human than you, Light guide."

Ash smiled remembering his childhood friends called him his name, "If that's what you want, then I won't reject it."

Mew's eyes then glowed blue and another pokeball appeared. This pokeballs top half was pink with a heart shapes symbol on it.

"I've never seen a pokeball like this one before." Ash stared.

"Neither have I." Mewtwo said.

"Mew Mew. Mew Mew, Mew (This is the Love Ball. I want you to catch me, too)!" Mew said with a smile.

"Huh?" Mewtwo was one thing but Mew?!

"Wait!, Are you really sure about this?" Ash questioned.

Mew nodded, "Mew (Yep)!"

Ash would have said more but he decided to just drop it, "Alright, i won't take it as a no." He grabbed the Love Ball in his other hand, "Mewtwo, Mew, welcome to the team and a family." He said with a smile.

The white light died down and the gang saw Ash, Mew, and Mewtwo were all standing there. Ash smiled at everyone like a Legendary hero the gang ran over to him with smiles on their faces and Ash's pokemon were just glad he was okay and dragged their clones with them.

Mewtwo saw Ambertwo and apologized, "Amber, please forgive me."

Ambertwo gave him a gentle smile, "Its okay, I'm just glad the darkness in your heart is no more."

Mewtwo gave her his own smile before addressing the others, "Forgive me for the trouble I caused."

The gang and the pokemon forgave the psychic type.

Mewtwo then lifted its head, "It would be better if certain individuals forget about what happened here." And with that his eyes glowed blue as Neesha, Fergus, and Corey disappeared along with their Pokémon, even Jessie, James, and Meowth were gone.

"Where did you send them?" Ash asked.

"To the Pokemon Center," Mewtwo answered, "They have no memory of what happened here today and neither do their pokemon."

"What about us?" Misty asked.

"You are exceptions." Mewtwo told them.

Ash took Ambertwo in his arms, "Mewtwo could you teleport Nurse Joy back to the Pokémon Center?"

Mewtwo nodded, "You will not speak of what happened here, correct?"

Nurse Joy smiled, "You have my word, Mewtwo."

And with that the psychic type teleported the nurse to the center, much to Brock's dismay.

"Uh, why is Mew still here?" Ritchie wondered.

Mew blinked at the boy.

Ash chuckled, "I'll tell you after Mewtwo teleports us home along with the clones."

"You want to take them with you?" Zack questioned.

"Of course I do," Ash smiled, "I don't want them to think that they'll be alone in this world, and besides grandpa would love to have more Pokémon around helping him and my mom would love some company while I'm not there which means im doing billboard jobs."

"Classic Ash." Brock smiled.

Ash made no comment and gave Mewtwo a look, "Mewtwo, lets return to Altomare."

"Yes Light Guide." Mewtwo teleported them all back to Altomare.

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