The Adventure Begins - (RWBY...

By Railrider99

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(y/n) (l/n) was your young and ordinary mechanical and technological genius living a quiet life in his home v... More

Prologue - Crash Landing
Chapter 1: Out From the Ashes
Chapter 2: Coming Together
Chapter 4: The Dark Room Treatment
Chapter 5: Initiation and The Encounter
Chapter 6: The Badge and The Burden
Chapter 7: Jaunedice
Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting
Chapter 9: The Stray
Chapter 10: Black & White
Epilogue: Gravity VS Polarity
Author's Note

Chapter 3: STARcrossed

204 3 0
By Railrider99

Mistral - 3 hours before Beacon.....

(Y/n)'s POV

Price and I walk into Buster's for lunch. The place is pretty spacious and kinda nice for being in the lower parts of Mistal. There's numerous tables in the center with some booths in the corners and along the walls. There is a stage for live performances to our right towards the back of the building with a narrow upstairs level going around the room. The owner, Benny, sees us walk in and greets us.

Benny: "Well if it isn't the boys of the TSC! What brings you both back around here?

Price: "We're just passing through Benny. Figured we may as well grab some grub on the way."

Benny: "Ahhh I see. Where you all headed out to this time?"

(Y/N): "We're heading to Vale. We need the change of scenery if ya know what I mean."

Benny: "I gotcha. Sit wherever you like boys. One of-"

???: "Hey Benny!"

The both of us plus Benny look over to see another guy about our age. He's wearing black pants, with a red jacket over a black t-shirt. He's waving his right arm in the air, which appears to have some kind of shine to it. Could it possibly be an artificial one?"

???: "How about another drink?"

There is a wolf faunus girl sitting a few seats down from him at the bar. She looks rather irritated at the short outburst this dude is causing. She appears to be trying to read over some notebooks she has scattered by where she is sitting.

Wolf Faunus Girl: Can you please quiet down?! I'm trying to work here."

Benny: "Just a second Bruce!"

Benny turns back to us.

Benny: "Sorry about that guys. Dude's been coming here drinking his problems away for the last few days. One of the waitresses will be with you shortly."

Price: "No problem. We'll grab a seat over there."

Price and I make our way to a table by the stage in the center of the room while Benny walks back to the bar. I look over the menu thinking about what I would want to have for lunch when I see the main door open out of the corner of my eye. I see two middle aged men step in. One being tall with a mustache and the other guy looks like he is some kind of professional wrestler with that huge body build of his. Guy had to duck his head under the door for crying out loud, I mean what does he eat? Better question how much does he eat?

I nudge Price and gesture to the two guys that just walked in.

(Y/N): "Check it out. You don't see people like that every day."

Price: "That big guy must hit the gym a lot. Either that or he eats bowling balls for breakfast."

(Y/N): "That.....actually wouldn't surprise me."

We watch the two men look around the restaurant. Must be meeting somebody here or something. They look towards the bar and notice one of the people sitting over there. They walk over to the bar and grab the attention of the wolf faunus girl that shouted at that Bruce guy from earlier. They start talking her.

Price: "Think they know each other? Family perhaps?"

(Y/N): "Doesn't look like it. I doubt they're related considering the two guys are human and the girl is a faunus. Even outside of that there is nothing similar between them."

Price: "Well you got me there."

We notice that the girl starts trying to shoo them off but they don't leave. The tall guy keeps talking while his friend starts moving to the other side of her. This catches both mine and Price's attention. Even that Bruce guy at the end of the bar starts looking over.

Price: "Somebody should help her out. What's say we step in? They don't got any right to be messing with her like that."

(Y/N): "Let's wait a bit longer and see if this plays out any better than it is. If they don't leave in the next minute, then we'll run interference."

Price nods and we continue watching.

Callie's POV

I've been sitting in this place for about an hour now waiting for Jessica to show up. I had my notes out as I wanted to make sure I had everything in order before I showed her what I found so far. If Jessica can confirm my theories or my research, I might be on the right track then.

This guy sitting a few seats down from me over at the end of the bar is being rather annoying though. He's been here drinking even before I got here. While he is not saying all that much, he becomes an annoyance when he does decide to speak. Most of the time he shouts for the bartender to get him another drink. I can't help but wonder how much his bill actually is.

Guy Drinking: "Hey Benny! How about another drink?!

Callie: Can you please quiet down?! I'm trying to work here."

Benny: "Just a sec Bruce!"

The guy glares at me for a moment before going back to what looks like to me is him sulking. I turn back to my notes while the bartender here brings him his next drink.

About a minute or two later, I hear the main entrance door open and two middle aged men step in. I go back to my notes but I hear someone asking for me.

???1: "Excuse me, pardon the interruption but would you happen to be Miss Callie Anthony?"

I look over and its the same two guys that just walked in. They don't appear to be threatening but at the same time I should be careful. After all, I'm a young lady sitting alone in a bar in the lower parts of Mistral.

Callie: *hesitates* "Yes...that's me. Is there something I can help you with?"

???1: "There is actually. We represent an organization that is looking for talented individuals such as yourself. Our organization has a particular interest in these relics and we have heard that you have been researching these artifacts heavily for quite some time."

Callie: "You've heard correctly. Although I can't help but question your motives."

???1: "Our goal is merely to discover and preserve these extraordinary pieces of Remnant's history much like yourself."

I want to believe him but I have a gut feeling that what he is telling me is not truly the case.

Callie: "I see....and what is your friend here for? He your personal bodyguard or something?"

???1: "We are what you would call, co-workers. We would like to extend an invitation to come with us and meet with an associate of ours who oversees our entire operation. They are expressing a high amount of interest in working in a mutually beneficial partnership."

Callie: "And why couldn't they just reach out to me or better yet introduce themselves to me in person like you two basically are right now?"

???1: "Our associate is a rather busy individual and could not make it at this time. She asked us to come in her stead to arrange a meeting. She would prefer it to be as soon as possible. If you would come with us, I can assure you that you won't be wasting your time."

Yeah. There is definitely something fishy about this. Come on Jessica, what is taking you so long?

Callie: "While I appreciate the offer. I will have to respectfully decline. I prefer to work alone. Plus I am meeting with someone soon."

???2: "I'm afraid we cannot allow that."

Callie: "My mind is made up and I have work to do. *waves them off* Now please move along I have work to finish."

The big guy makes a move to my right and grabs my arm tightly.

???1: "I was hoping we could do this without having to resort to less than desirable measures. But we must insist."

Okay. Yup. Bad news. These guys are DEFINITELY bad news. I try to get out of the big guys grip but he's got a tight hold on my arm and isn't even budging.

(Y/N)'s POV

Price and I watch the scene unfold as Mr. Muscles drags her out of her seat.

(Y/N): "Shall we do this the fun way or the subtle way?"

Muscles then begins walking out with his friend and the faunus girl in tow.

Price: "Definitely the fun way."

I reach for a large empty vodka bottle that was sitting at the table next to ours and throw it at the big guy.


The bottle breaks into pieces hitting Mr. Muscles directly in the back of his head. Both the men stop before turning around towards us. I pull out Heart and Soul in each hand and aim directly at them.

(Y/N): "Hey Captain Steroids! The lady didn't finish her margarita!"

Price pulled out Maverick Striker and aimed his weapon towards the other two men also. Everyone in the bar stopped what they are doing and watched the scene we are making unfold. More and more people are quietly filing out one by one knowing what is probably gonna happen.

???1: "I hate to be the one to say this again but she is coming with us."

(Y/N): "And I hate to burst your bubble fancypants, but you are not walking out of here with her."

Captain Steroids: "I do not wish to fight you over this. Do yourselves a favor and stand down while you still don't have any of your body parts broken."

I fire off a lightning dust around from Soul and it skims between the two men hitting the wall. The big guy didn't even flinch while fancypants quickly moved out of the way a bit before regaining his composure.

(Y/N): "That was your only warning shot pal. I'm not sure who exactly you two are. But you are going to leave the girl alone. If not, then I don't have a problem forcing you to let her go."

Captain Steroids: "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into. Since you don't know who you are challenging right now."

Price: "You don't know who you are messing with either."

Fancypants: "Those guns you have there, the gold and silver ones, they look awfully familiar."

(Y/N): "You must have me confused with someone else."

Captain Steroids: "Take the girl. I'll make this quick."

Fancypants grabs the girl and tries to get out with her. Captain Steriods cracks his knuckles ready for the throw down that is about to happen.

(Y/N): "Price. Take care of Fancypants and get the girl to safety. I'll take care of muscles over there."

Price nodded to me and ran over to confront Fancypants.

???: "Mind if I join you guys?"

The guy from the bar who shouted at Benny earlier came over and stood next to me. He pulls back the sleeve a bit on his right arm and his hand pops inside the arm before a blaster comes out in its place.

???: "Bruce J. Speedle at your service."

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N)."

Bruce: "What do ya say we teach him a lesson?"

(Y/N): "You hit him low, I'll hit him high."

Bruce: "Hmph."

(Y/N): "Last chance muscle man. Let her go now and everyone walks away."

Captain Steroids: "You're going to regret crossing paths with us."

3rd POV

Bruce & (Y/N) VS. Hazel Rainart, Price VS Arthur Watts

Play Music below during fight

(Y/N) fires off two rounds from Heart and Soul and makes a dash for Hazel. Bruce charges up his blaster while rushing towards the side to shoot Hazel point blank. Hazel sees this and grabs Bruce by the arm and throws him across the room with Bruce landing on the stage. (Y/N) quickly switches his guns to their katana mode. The top and bottom of the barrels extend out to form twin blades. (Y/N) jumps up and starts slashing at Hazel only for Hazel to block each swing (y/n) takes at him.

Bruce gets up and charges another shot from the stage while (y/n) and Hazel exchange blows. Bruce's arm blaster reaches a full charge and fires at Hazel. (Y/N) sees the blast coming from the corner of his eye and uses his semblance to jump and stand on the ceiling out of the blast radius. The blast hits Hazel as he sees it at the last second but is unable to get out of the way. Bruce and (y/n) pause to see the damage while (y/n) switches Heart and Soul back into gun mode. The smoke clears and Hazel is still standing as if it didn't even phase him.

Bruce then charges another shot and runs towards Hazel. Hazel goes for another punch and Bruce dodges by diving for the floor and slides underneath before turning around and blasts Hazel in the back. (Y/N) fires a few shots at Hazel and re-loads his guns. Hazel begins to get annoyed and looks up at the ceiling to find (y/n) aiming his guns back at him again.

Hazel: "Come down here and fight like a man!"

(Y/N): "I don't suppose I could convince you to come up here and fight like a spider." (Ha, spider man reference lol)

(Y/N) shoots at Hazel twice before dropping down and switching his guns to katana mode again. He goes for a few slashes at Hazel's arms but Hazel responds by blocking again with each slash of (y/n)'s blades. Hazel grabs (y/n)'s head and throws him back into the wall.

(Y/N): *gets back up rubbing the back of his neck* "Does this guy even know what pain is?"

Bruce fires another shot at Hazel from behind and Hazel just takes the hit like it was nothing.

Bruce: "I've been wondering that myself for the last few minutes!"

(Y/N) jumps up and goes for another set of swings from Heart and Soul. Hazel blocks him again.

Hazel: "You both know you can't win. Stand down or else I won't keep holding back."

Price vs. Watts

Watts makes for the door with callie in hand while Bruce & (Y/N) begin to fight off Hazel. Price jumps in to stand right in front of the door stopping him. Price points Maverick Striker at him while Watts grabs a hold of his revolver.

Price: "Let her go fancypants. Whatever it is she has nothing valuable to offer to you."

Watts: "That is where you are wrong. She will indeed be very useful to us."

Callie takes advantage of Watts being distracted and drives her heel into his foot as hard as she could. Watts reels back briefly from the pain and Callie tries to run. Watts quickly grabs her and handcuffs her to a narrow support pole that was just the right size for one end of the cuffs to hook onto.

Watts: "Didn't your mother ever teach you to respect and obey your elders?"

Watts takes a shot at Price but he dodges out of the way and shoots back at Watts with Watts also dodging out of the way just in time.

Price: "Didn't yours ever teach ya how to treat a lady?"

Watts: "You insolent little...!!"

Price and Watts begin taking shots at each other. Price fires a few rounds while charging him. Price holds his gun by the stock and swings it at Watts's arm and knocking his revolver across the room. Price puts away his gun and the two of them begin engaging in close combat trying to land a punch on the other. The two blocking every blow the other sends their way. Watts manages to hit Price across the face. Price retaliates by jumping down and sweep kicking Watts sending him falling back onto the ground. Price jumps up on top of him and starts laying blow for blow across the face depleting Watt's aura bit by bit.

Watts kicks Price off of him and runs for his revolver. Price runs after him and pulls out Maverick Striker again and fires a full mag at Watts with a few rounds hitting him in the back. Watts grabs his revolver and points it at Price shooting him point blank in the chest with his aura taking the hit. Price then grabs Watts and starts throwing punches again forcing Watts back a bit. Price then charges Watts tackling him into some furniture; some of which flies up and falls on top of him, trapping him as a result. Seeing the opportunity he has, Price runs back over to Callie and begins working on freeing her from the handcuffs.

(a/n: stop music here)

Back with Bruce and (Y/N) Vs. Hazel

Hazel: "You both know you can't win. Stand down or else I won't keep holding back."

(Y/N): *looks over to Price and sees that he has Callie free* *leans over to Bruce* "When I give the signal, follow my lead and run like hell for the door."

Bruce nods and gets back into battle stance.

(Y/N): "We don't have to win." *fires another few rounds at Hazel*

(Y/N): "We just need to stall you."

Hazel: "What are you talking about?"

(Y/N): "PRICE. NOW!"

Hazel looks over to Price seeing him with Callie.

Price: "Come on miss!"

Price grabs hold of Callie and becomes engulfed in a bright light which blinds Hazel.

(Y/N): "GO GO GO!!!!"

(Y/N) and Bruce run past Hazel and out the door of the entrance.

Price and Callie appear in the cab of The Southern Cross across from the bar. Price grabs a shovel and throws a few loads of fire dust into the firebox.

Callie: "What are you doing?!"

Price: "Getting us out of here and away from them. Here, take this! Keep shoveling fire dust into that little hatch door right there. We need the pressure to be maxed out! Now hang on!"

Price hops into the driver's seat and opens the throttle. The train begins to move forward. (Y/N) and Bruce see this and run towards the caboose. Behind them Hazel and Watts run outside pursuing them. (Y/N) jumps on and turns while holding on the railing. The train continues to pick up speed as Bruce is sprinting to jump aboard.


Bruce reaches out and manages to grab (y/n)'s hand. (Y/N) pulls him up as they stand on the caboose. (Y/N) and Bruce begin firing at Hazel and Watts to slow them down. (Y/N) reaches for his scroll and calls Price.

(Y/N): "Price! We need full steam for an emergency takeoff, now!"

Price: "Already on it! Hang on!"

The Southern Cross continues to pick up speed as Callie keeps throwing fire dust into the fire box. Price pulls back on the flight lever and the train slowly begins lifting itself off the ground into the sky climbing higher until it was out of sight in the clouds.

Hazel and Watts stop running and Watts pulls out his scroll and dials a number.

???: "Did you get the girl?"

Watts: "No. She managed to escape. She had help from a couple boys who were feeling brave."

???: "Clearly you underestimated them if they held you two off. I suppose it falls on me to clean up your mess?"

Watts: "They took off into the skies heading west on a old styled train. Steam train with old style cars, large battle grade guns on one of the cars, can't miss it."

???: "So HE IS still alive and kicking....the mistress will want to hear about this... Very well, I will take care of those pests. Although I can't guarantee any of them will make it out alive....."

Hazel: "What exactly was she referring to?"

Watts: "We'll find out when we return."

Outside of Mistral................

The Southern Cross blasts across the sky at high speed. (Y/N) and Bruce begin walking through to the engine from the caboose. They enter the cab to find Price looking ahead and around for any danger, and Callie sitting in the fireman's seat all shook up.

(Y/N): "Are you two alright?"

Price: "I'm good. Can't speak for her though."

(Y/N): "Hi there. I'm sorry about what happened back there. We saw that you were in trouble and we thought it would be best to stop them from doing anything to ya. I'm (Y/n) (L/n) by the way, and that's Price Thompson at the throttle. Welcome aboard the Southern Cross."

Callie: "Callie Anthony. And thanks a lot. Sorry if I seem a little on edge. It's just I legitimately thought it was all going to be over for me. Gods know what they would have done."

Bruce: "Bruce J. Speedle. It was no trouble at all. I watched you three go at it with those guys at the start and it just wouldn't be right if I didn't step in to help. I used to go to Haven after all."

Callie: "You're a huntsman?"

Bruce: "Used to be. I only just finished my first year. I'd rather not talk about it right now."

(Y/N): "Fair enough. I suspected that a little bit watching you fight."

Bruce: "How so?"

Price: "Both my father and (y/n)'s father were huntsman."

Bruce: "So where is this crazy train going anyway?"

(Y/N): "Vale. That's where we were headed anyway before you know who showed up."

Callie: "Do you think you guys could drop me off there? I probably should find a hotel or something there and call my mother. She'll want me back in Vaccuo once she hears about this."

Price: "Not a problem. What about you Bruce where do you want to go?"

Bruce: "I'm..not sure. I kinda been living at home drinking my sorrows away the last few days. I've been looking for something to get me out of my depression I guess. Could I...possibly...tag along with you guys for a while? If not, I understand, just drop me off in Vale as well and I'll see about getting back to Mistral on my own."

(Y/N): "I don't see why not. It's just been me and Price all this time since we started traveling. More the merrier I say. What about you Price what do ya think?"

Price: "Sounds good to me."

Bruce: "Thank you. By the way here is my scroll number if ya need to reach me in the future."

(Y/N): "Thanks. How about you take Callie back to the quarters coach? Get you guys patched up if ya got any injuries or something to look at. It got pretty wild back there."

Bruce nods and helps Callie back into the coach. (Y/N) takes the drivers seat while Price moves across to his seat on the other side of the cab. They were just about to relax until they heard something they did not want to hear.


(Y/N) and Price look around and see about a dozen or more Griffons come out of the sky. They get into a formation and start dive bombing the train. (Y/N) grabs his scroll and calls Bruce.

(Y/N): "Bruce! We got grimm incoming from all directions! Get to the turret car and start blasting!"

Bruce: "I'm on it!"

Bruce puts down his scroll and dashes for the turret car. Callie sees this and follows him.


Bruce and Callie reach the turret car. Bruce starts arming all the turrets and begins aiming them in numerous directions with all the grimm flying around. Bruce opens fire and starts killing grimm with each shot he makes. (Y/N) and Price remain in the cab maneuvering the Southern Cross away from the attacking grimm. The grimm seem to take notice of what is happening and they begin surrounding the train.

Price: "Why are they not attacking when they got us surrounded?"

(Y/N): "They're trying to get a read on us."

A griffon manages to dodge a turret cannon blast and latches onto turret one. Bruce fires the turret knocking the griffon off but it takes the lower barrel of the turret with it. A few more griffons start clawing and hitting various parts of the train.

(Y/N): "Price, man a 50 cal and take them down. I'll try to ditch them!"

Price: "On it!"

Price rushes to the baggage coach and mounts one of the two .50 caliber machine guns. Price opens fire and begins taking griffons down left and right as they all try to attack the train. Any griffons that managed to get their claws something to cling on to were killed almost on sight. After a few minutes of dodging gunfire from Price, two griffons make a run for him. Price manages to kill the first one but the second one manages to get in close to go for the kill. Price abandons the .50 cal just in time before the griffon's claws manage to rip it off from its mount with enough force. The situation continues to get worse as more keep coming. Price runs back towards the engine as (y/n) maneuvers the Southern Cross away from the griffons for a brief minute by making a hard turn. All the grimm remaining begin pursuing the train with the gap closing fast.

(Y/N): "I hate to ask for this, but we need to use your semblance if we want to survive this."

Price: "Are you out of your mind?! We don't know where we could end up if I try using my semblance on the entire train!"

(Y/N): "If we don't try we'll fresh meat served on a silver platter for these bird brains! DO IT NOW!"

Price: "I'm blaming you for this if this doesn't work!"

Price grabs a hold of the engines cab and closes his eyes as he begins to concentrate. He starts to feel the toll that is being taken on his body as a white light engulfs the Southern Cross from engine to caboose.


The pursuing grimm immediately stop in their tracks as the blinding light increases in size. A roar and a thunder like boom is heard. The white light disappears along with the train that it engulfed in the process. The remaining grimm look around trying to find their target but to no avail. On the back of one of the griffons, a lone humanoid figure looks around trying to find their target as well.

???: "Well then big have escaped once again.... We'll be reunited soon (y/n)...."


Well that was quite the blast to the past. It seems there was more to that attack then first thought. Starting next chapter, we'll be taken back to the present as Team STAR has to answer for their unannounced arrival.

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