By okaharreh

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In which a small town girl gets herself involved with the biggest popstar. She has no idea what she got herse... More



2.4K 63 2
By okaharreh

As I was getting ready I didn't put to much makeup on, I went light with it by using a little bit of concealer, some mascara, and also filled my eyebrows in a little bit.

After my makeup I threw on a white button up t shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I didn't want to go all out and wear a dress since we're only going to a bar, I was pretty satisfied with what I had on.

I looked in the mirror and took the curler that I had heated up before I did my makeup, and curled my hair. Once it was fully curled I left the curls to cool down while I went and put my shoes on, which were black heels.

I heard my phone ding, and I checked it to see that Katie had texted me. "I'm almost there, be ready"

I replied with just a simple, "okay" then began to run my fingers through my hair to loosen up the curls.

I made sure to lock up the front door before I made my way outside to wait for her and once she pulled up I hopped in the back seat.

"Hey girl!" She said then looked back towards the road.

"Hey." I smiled at her and put my seatbelt on. "You guys look great."

"You don't look to bad yourself." Katie replied.

"Did you and Cameron talk?" She asks.

"We did but I'm still pretty upset with him." I told her.

"Wait what did he do?" Linda asked, I forgot that I didn't even explain the whole situation fully to either of them. I did explain a little bit to Katie though.

"He was just talking shit about Harry when he freaked out earlier." I explain.

"So is he coming tonight?" Katie asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Do you know who else is coming?"

"I know Harry is going, since Evan is going." Katie said. "And I would be the last person to know if Cam is coming."

Katie parked in the front of the parking lot then we all got out and walked through the crowd of girls and through the doors that were guarded by security. We made our way to the back where Harry and Evan were both sitting at a table.

"Are you guys ready to have a good time?" Evan said.

I kind of wished Evan wasn't here, I'd love to hang out with everyone without him on our backs. He's like the annoying parent that you have to bring when you go out with your friends. Hopefully he's not up our asses tonight. I can probably speak for everyone else.

A round of shots he had ordered were delivered to the table. We all picked up a glass and clinked them together before all downing the strong liquid.

"Come on girls, let's go get some drinks." Katie said and grabbed me and Linda before pulling us to the bar. We ordered ourselves all margaritas and sat at the bar and started talking amongst ourselves basically till we all felt a little buzz.

Eventually we all gravitated to the dance floor and started dancing with each other. I kept my eyes closed as I just let my body move while I listened to the loud music booming through the speakers.

Harry was on the dance floor as well. He looked like he was actually having a genuine good time. That's something I haven't ever seen before.

"That's a rare sight." I said, making the other girls turn their heads to where I was staring.

"It's only because he has alcohol in his system." Linda shrugged.

"That's probably why he drinks so much." Katie added.

He must be going through something in order to just drink all the time to be happy. But what is it?

"You might wanna stop staring now." Katie laughed.

He was looking over at me now, so I quickly looked away hoping he doesn't say anything. He probably already thinks I'm weird enough and now he just caught me staring.

"Don't worry about it, he won't remember anything tomorrow." Katie said.

I turned back to see if he was standing there anymore but he wasn't. He was no where to be found.

"Hey." Katie said, waving a hand in front of my face. "Don't worry about him, let's just have some fun."

"Okay, okay." I nodded, and followed them to get even more to drink.

We sat down at the bar and talked for a little bit till the bartender set a couple drinks down in front of Katie and Linda.

"This is from the two gentleman at the end of the bar." He points over to the guys then goes back to making drinks.

"They're cute." Linda said still looking down at them.

"You should go say hi." I tell them.

"Are you sure?" Katie asks. "I don't want to just leave you here by yourself."

"No seriously, go say hi. I will be fine." I told them. They both thanked me then got up from their seats to go and say hi.

I sat and waited while swirling the straw around my glass and watching as the ice as it spun around it. Someone sat beside me but I didn't think much of it and continued to move the straw around.

"You don't want to look at me anymore." I heard Harry's voice from beside me.

"Yeah, sorry about that earlier." I said and let go of the straw.

"I don't mind." He said with a chuckle, then took a sip of his drink. "So where's that little boy toy of yours?"

"Cameron? He's not my uh, 'boy toy'" I told him and he just chuckled again.

"Maybe that's a good thing. He's an asshole anyway." He said and drank the rest of the brown liquid in his glass.

"Not all the time." I say. I don't know why I'm defending him right now.

"Well do you see him anywhere? He's supposed to be one of the main people in the music video yet he isn't here." He exclaimed.

"Maybe he isn't feeling good or something." I said.

"Yeah.. 'not feeling good'" He rolled his eyes and got another glass of bourbon.

"Are you okay?" I don't know why I asked but I am just concerned. The way he just drinks without any emotion as if he's been doing this for years concerns me.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He asks and drinks even more. I'm surprised this bartender just keeps giving more to him. Why is he giving him more?

"Maybe you should slow down a little bit." I tell him. I look towards the bartender but all he does is shrugs.

"You aren't my mummy" He slurs.

Finally I just decide to take the now empty glass from him. He tries to snatch it back but I pull it away.

"Give it back." He says, with his eyebrows furrowed. I can tell the anger inside him is building up, but I'm not going to give in to him.

"You might get alcohol poisoning or something, you need to stop." I looked over to the bartender and gave the glass back. "Don't give him anymore."

"I knew you were a fucking buzzkill." He sighed and got up from his seat then walked towards the back.

I pulled a fifty out of my back pocket and set it on the counter then ran after him.

"Harry, what's your problem?" I asked and grabbed at his shoulder to stop him but he pushed me off.

"Don't fucking touch me. Why do people always have to control me like I'm some fucking object?" He says, turning around to me.

"Hey, calm down." I pleaded.

"No. I'm not gonna calm down, you're acting like them. Don't do this, don't do that! Why cant I just be me?" He ran a hand through his hair.

Should I get Evan? I don't know what to do.

A calming tactic my mom would always use is place her hands on both sides of my head, and sung to meSo I did that as well. He seemed to have been startled by my actions and tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him.

When he seemed calm enough, I pushed his curls out of his face so I could actually see him.

"Calm down Harry, please." I stated again.

Now that I'm so close to him I notice that his pupils were enlarged, due to the large amount of alcohol in his system. For once he didn't look angry or bitter, he looked more hopeless and sorrowful.

"Are you okay?" I said again, this time more softer.

He shook his head, then replied with a quiet; "No"

"Hey I've been-" I jumped and pulled away from Harry once I noticed Katie. She looked both shocked and confused, I don't blame her. I wonder what this looks like from her perspective.

"What's going on?" She asks. She will never let me live this down.

"Nothing." Harry said. He looked towards me like he wanted to tell me something, then turned around and walked away.

"Anna?" She looks to me for an answer.

"It was nothing, like he said." I told her. I don't know who I'm trying to convince, me or her.

"Well Linda is puking her brains out, we should get her home." She said, thankfully changing the subject and letting it go. I know I'm gonna be asked about it eventually but at least I don't have to explain anything now. I don't know what I would even say.

"Okay, I'll help you get her to your car."


a/n: believe it or not, this chapter took me FOREVER to write and I really don't know if I like it.

tell me what you think! -g

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