My master(jikook)

By 22_97j

212K 8.8K 822

18 year old, Park Jimin life changes drastically when a sexy, mysterious man shows up to take him away from h... More



4.3K 205 21
By 22_97j


It was finally the day I got to get a dog. Jhyoun was still with us, much to Jungkook's displeasure. I could walk without the crutches and Jhope and Namjoon moved back to the living quarters once Jhope was confident enough that he would be fine, Namjoon disagreeing.

"Jimin, you ready?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled getting up and following him out of the room, though I could walk, my leg was still extremely sensitive and I couldn't walk down the stairs without help.

I took the hand Jungkook offered so he could help me get down the stairs.

We met Jhyoun in the living room, Jungkook tried to convince him to stay but I said it was fine if he came along.

We all piled into the car and drove to the nearest shelter which was at least an hour away.

"So what are you going to get?" Jhyoun asked, breaking the awful silence that filled the car.

"I don't know yet." I answered.

"Shouldn't you know before you get there?"

"Jhyoun ," Jungkook groaned, "Stop talking."

Jhyoun sighed and we were quiet until we got to the shelter.

Jungkook had called in advance so they had set up an area where we could look at all the puppies they had there or if we wanted an older dog they had selected some family friendly ones.

Jhyoun naturally gravitated to the pin with puppies. He stepped over the small fence and sat down getting all the loving from the playful puppies.

There was a mix of labs to pit bulls to shepherds and also a few small dog breeds.

There was a black pit bull that was staying away from the rest of the puppies, crying to his or her self.

I stepped over the fence and slowly approached him. As soon as I carefully kneeled down he shot over jumping in my lap and trying to lick my face, completely different from what he was like just a few seconds before.

I played with the puppy a while before he (I found out) passed out in my lap. Deciding I really loved that one over all the other energetic pups I looked over at Jungkook , who hadn't stepped inside the fence yet.

"Is that the one you want?" He asked.

I nodded and the lady that helped us disappeared to go get the paperwork.

I stood up with the puppy in my hand and walked over to Jungkook , "You don't like dogs do you?" I asked, smiling.

"They were never my favorite pet." He said.

"Well I don't have to get a dog." I said.

"No, it's fine." He smiled.

"Jungkook !" Jhyoun shouted, "This one looks like you." He laughed holding up a puppy that seemed to have a serious pout on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh, Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

Just then the lady came back with paper work for the puppy, which he filled out. Once we were ready to go Jhyoun sadly stepped out of the pin and waved goodbye to all of the puppies who yipped in return.

We went to a pet store after to get, Oliver (that's what I decided to call him), some toys, food, bowls, a bed, a collar, a leash and whatever else he needed.

While at the pet store Jhyoun wouldn't leave the section with the bunnies, ferrets and hamsters.

"No," Jungkook said before Jhyoun could ask, "You're leaving soon, I don't want to have to take care of it when you leave."

Jhyoun sighed. Jungkook paid for everything and I let Oliver use the bathroom before we headed home.

Once we got home, I let Oliver walk around sniffing around his new home. As soon as he noticed one of the men in suits he whimpered and ran back to me, jumping to get back in my arms.

"Aww," I smiled, taking him in my arms, "It's alright."

Once we got inside I set him down and let him explore him new home but it didn't take long for him to just pass out in his dog bed which I had placed in the living room.

* * *

We had had Oliver for a week and he was used to the house, but with getting used to the house came chewing on everything and using the bathroom everywhere. I knew it would take a few more weeks to fully get him used to doing his business outside and not inside.

I knew it was pissing Jungkook off, but he was a puppy and puppies chewed on things and pissed everywhere.

Mr Jeon would be stopping by to get Jhyoun . I was outside walking Oliver, Jungkook was inside working and Jhyoun was packing his things again.

I had just taken off Oliver's leash like I always did so he could have a few minutes of free time to run around, but this time there was a bird playing around and he decided it would be the perfect idea to chase it into the woods.

"Oliver!" I yelled stupidly, he hadn't gotten used to his name yet.

I ran after him, straight through the trees, trying my best to make sure he didn't get out of sight.

"Jimin." I heard one of the guards shot out at me but I couldn't stop, I couldn't lose Oliver.

I tried my best to whistle to get him to stop, I was so close but he kept turning, no longer chasing the bird, he was just running away for the hell of it.

"Oliver!" I yelled again this time stopping him.

I was panting along with him as I yanked him up, "Bad dog." I huffed.

He just jumped in my arms, licking my chin.

I rolled my eyes, still trying to catch my breath. I looked around and it sank in then that I was totally lost.

"Shit," I whispered. I started walking the way I thought we had come but that only took my into a clearing that I didn't remember seeing.

It wasn't the clearing where we got married either because I didn't see a pond anywhere.

I continued to walk, hoping I would exit the forest and find the mansion.

I cursed again as I go no where close to another clearing.

"Jimin." I froze at the unfamiliar voice.

I slowly turned and saw a woman, "Who are you?"

"No one important, I just wanted to come and see you with my own eyes."

"In the middle of the fucking forest?" I asked, skeptical of the beautiful woman in front of me. Her hair was black and cascaded down her back. She wore a tight black dress and heels which I had no idea how she could walk in the woods with those. "How did you know I'd be here?"

"Those are unimportant details, just know that you are very popular in the mafia business world. Keep walking straight to get out of here. Stay safe." She winked, I turned around to see where she pointed to and when I turned around she was gone.

"Creepy." I whispered to Oliver who stayed still and quiet.

"I think it's time to leave." I said and jogged in the direction she told me too, having no other way to go but that way.

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