The Miscalculation

By silverfire0

353K 9.8K 2.9K

My name is Amara O'Connell. I wasn't born an O'Connell I was born a Potter. I have an older brother named Ja... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Story?
Chapter 11
Face Claims
Face Claim for New Story
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I would like your input...
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Help and Other Face Claims
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important Question?
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter 10

13.5K 406 207
By silverfire0


Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian



We headed home. Once we got home I took my trunk upstairs. I made it big again. I took the robes out. I left mine on the bed and took the other robes to the rooms that they belonged to. When I came back into my room. Imhotep was sitting on my bed.

"Why do you have to be so creepy?" I asked

"I don't know what you mean," Imhotep said

I rolled my eyes at him. I turned around the grab something and when I was turned back around he was standing in front of me. I stepped back and he reached up and grabbed my chin.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Imhotep said

"Okay," I said

He let go of my chin and moved back over to my bed. I turned around and headed into my bathroom. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up. The day was over so I didn't need to keep it down now.

Who does that guy think he is to touch you. -Tom

It's fine Tom.

It confused me that Tom sounded angry. I walked out of my bathroom, to see that Imhotep was still sitting on my bed.

"We need to think of a different name for you. We also need to figure out what you are going to do while I'm off at school." I said

"What's wrong with my name? And can't I just come with you to school?" Imhotep asked

"Your name is too weird, and no you can't come with me. I can't just bring a person with me." I said

You could always turn him into an animal. -Tom

I don't know how to do that.

"Fine," Imhotep said

There was a knock on my door. I opened it to see Charles are butler.

"Dinner is ready," he said

"Thanks," I said

I looked back at Imhotep who was directly behind me. We headed down to the dining room.

"Sorry, that took all day," I said

"It's okay. We had fun and I got some new books. We also fully adopted you." Mom said

We started to eat dinner.

"I think that while we are in public that Imhotep should have a different name," Dad said

"I was thinking the same thing," I said

"But names nowadays are so normal," Imhotep said

"What?" Jonathan asked

"He said that names nowadays are normal." Mom said

"Then don't pick a normal name. Just pick a name that isn't as old as the pyramids." Dad said

Imhotep nods. Once we finish eating. I headed upstairs and grabbed Mom's books. I came back down with them and handed them to Mom. We headed into the library. I sat down and looked out the window.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked

"Nothing," I said

"You can tell me." Mom said

"The goblin told me who my parents were. I have an older brother. Two parents that are very much alive and a godfather. So I guess Vernon and Petunia were right, my parents didn't want me. There was a part of me that hoped they had died and that those two were just lying," I said

"Oh, baby." Mom said

She pulled me into a hug.

"Well, it was their loss, because you are an amazing daughter. You are smart and kind." Mom said

"You can almost outshoot me," Dad said

"You can be mean, cruel, and vindictive when you have to be," Jonathan said

We all kind of just looked at Jonathan.

"What it's the truth," Jonathan said

"You're the best big sister I could ever ask for. Always getting me out of trouble, or getting me in trouble. But you always protect me." Alex said

"Thanks, guys," I said

"No problem baby girl." Mom said

"I'm going to go up to bed," I said

"Okay. Sleep tight." Dad said

I gave mom a hug and kiss goodnight. I did the same to Dad. I rubbed Alex's head and hugged Jonathan. I headed upstairs and noticed that Imhotep followed. I walked into my room and noticed that Imhotep walked in behind me.

"Why are you following me around?" I asked

"You seem off that's why I'm following, I'll go to my room once I figure it out or you tell me," Imhotep said

"I might need you tomorrow," I said

"Okay. Goodnight Amara." Imhotep said

"Goodnight Imhotep," I said

He left my room. I moved and locked the door. I moved over and grabbed some nightclothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower and change. I threw my dirty clothes into the clothes basket and climbed into bed hoping that I wouldn't wake up to Imhotep in my bed again.

Next Morning...

I was woken up by someone knocking on my door. I got up and opened the door, to see dad.

"Why was your door locked?" Dad asked

"Um... I didn't want to be bothered last night and I wanted to sleep in." I said

I looked at me funny but believed me none the less.

"Breakfast is ready," Dad said

"Okay, I'll change and be right down," I said

"Just come down in your nightclothes," Dad said

"Okay," I said

I walked out of my room and followed dad downstairs. We both sat down at the table to see that everyone minus Imhotep was already there. We were halfway through breakfast before anyone talked.

"When does school start?" Mom asked

"September 1st. I have to be at King Cross station before 11 because that's when the train leaves." I said

"Okay. What are you doing today?" Mom asked

"I think I'm going to deal with some of the information I got from the goblins. So I might be gone most of the day." I said

"Are you fact-checking by yourself or..." Dad trailed off

"I planned to ask Imhotep to come with," I said

"Good," Dad said

"What about me?" Imhotep asked as he walked into the room

"I planned on asking you if you would be okay in helping me out today," I said

"Sure," Imhotep said

Everyone looked at him like he grew a second head at the fact he was talking English and not Ancient Egyptian. I could tell that he didn't like talking in English either, but we all know it's something he needs to get over.

We all finished eating breakfast. I stood up and headed towards the door.

"Hey, make sure you let one of us know before you leave," Dad said

"Will do," I said

I headed upstairs to change. I knew what I planned to do today. So once I was in my room I headed straight to my closet, I changed and then headed into my bathroom to do my hair. I walk out of my bathroom and see Imhotep sitting on my bed.

"We are going to Scotland, Ireland, Russia, and Egypt," I said

"Why?" Imhotep asked

I didn't answer him. I simply left my room and headed downstairs. I found Mom in the library.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that we were leaving," I said

"Okay have fun with whatever you are doing." Mom said

"I'll try," I said

I hugged Mom goodbye. Imhotep followed me outside. Tom had told me this morning to go Gringotts and they would be able to send us where we needed to go.

"Where are we going?" Imhotep asked

"Gringotts. The goblins should be able to send us where we need to go." I said

He nods his head. We quickly make our way to the Leaky Cauldron, then to Gringotts. We enter Gringotts I head to a teller and wait for him to finish. Once he's done he looks up at me.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you knew if Demonhook was busy," I said

"Name?" the goblin asked

"Amara O'Connell," I said

The goblin's eyes got big.

"Of course, I'm Griphook. I'll go see if he is free." Griphook said

Griphook climbed down and headed down the hallway. While Imhotep and I were waiting. Someone ran into me knocking me over. I looked up from my place on the ground to see a family. The woman had auburn hair and green eyes, the man had jet black hair, hazel eyes, and glasses. There was a boy, the boy had reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. I stood up and brushed myself off. The parents of the boy weren't paying attention they were talking to a goblin.

"Watch where you're going, you little muggle-born." The boy said

"You ran into me," I said

"Who do you think you are to talk back to me. You are nothing but a stupid mudbl-born that knows nothing," he said

I was about to say something back when Griphook walked back up.

"Demonhook is ready for your friend. Go ahead and down to his office." Griphook said

"Thank you, Griphook," I said

I ignored the boy and headed down the hall to Demonhook.

"He was very rude," Imhotep said

"Yes, he was," I said

We get to Demonhook's door. I knock on it.

"Come in."

I open the door and head inside.

"Hello Demonhook, thank you for seeing me," I said

"Of course, anytime for a goblin friend. What can I do for you?" He asked

"My test yesterday said somethings and I was wondering if you could verify it before I move forward," I said

I handed him the paper and then sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

"Let me guess you want me to verify the information regarding Russia, Scotland, and Ireland," Demonhook said

"Yes, if you could," I said

"It will just take a moment," Demonhook said

With that, he got up and left the room. I turned to Imhotep.

"Why did you bring me with you?" Imhotep asked

"Other than the fact that you need to be around people more. You are kind of intimidating." I said

"I stopped being intimidating when Anubis took my powers," Imhotep said

"Why do you think your powers make you who you are. You can't honestly tell me you had them your entire life?" I asked

Imhotep was quiet he didn't say anything.

"Why don't you take a look at that paper on his desk," I said

Imhotep looked at me but moved over and read over the paper I gave Demonhook. It took him a second but once he read it his eyes grew huge.

"Mind explaining what that means?" I asked

"If it's what I think it is we had something like it back in my time but we referred to it by something else. We would say that the person was favored by the gods. We saw it as a great honor. Those that were favored were viewed with just as much power as the Pharaoh. And sometimes depending on the god more." Imhotep said

"Maybe if you help me I'll put in a good word for you. Plus you still have some of your abilities just not your immortality." I said

"You saved my life, Amara. You know I'll do everything in my power to repay you." Imhotep said

"I don't want your help because you have to. I want you to help because you want too." I said

Imhotep was about to say something but Demonhook came back into the room. He sat back down at his desk.

"It would seem that it is correct, you inherited it. I would suggest going and taking up the titles. But there are a few things you should know. You inherited these from Morgana and Merlin. Even though Merlin was light and Morgana was dark neither one cared if you were dark or light. So the people in these three countries don't hide what side they are on." Demonhook said

"Do you think I should go and claim them?" I asked

"Like I said I do think you should. If the look on your face yesterday, is anything to go by then these titles would help." Demonhook said

"I'll accept them. Will you be able to send us to the right places?" I asked

"Of course. I'll send you to the Gringotts branch in Scotland. They will take you to the Scotland Ministry then once you are done there you can use the floo network to get to Ireland and then repeat the process for Russia and Egypt." Demonhook said

"Okay thank you for your help Demonhook," I said

"You are a goblin friend and as such you have more priority than others. Plus you are one of the few to treat us goblins with the respect we deserve. Now then let's get going you have places to be and people to rule." Demonhook said

We got up and left his office and headed back to the lobby. He walked over to a fireplace.

"You will get in here, say the way you want to go, then throw the powder down. Normal you can't floo into a bank but you are going from bank to bank." Demonhook said

I took a hand full of that powder and Imhotep and I stepped into the fireplace.

"May your gold continue to flow," I said

"May your enemies fall at your feet," Demonhook said

"They will. Gringotts Scotland branch." I said

I threw the powder down and Imhotep and I were engulfed in green fire. I felt this pull in my stomach, I looked to see openings move pass me and soon I was standing in a new fireplace. Imhotep and I stepped out of the fireplace and looked around. The bank looked the same as the branch in London. A goblin walked up to me.

"You must be Amara O'Connell, Demonhook said you would becoming. I'll be escorting you and helping you with the takeover." the goblin said

"Nice to meet you..." I trailed off

"Thyne," Thyne said

"Nice to meet you, Thyne. Before I get started with as you put it the takeover. I would like to see how the Scotland magical community has done in the last 10 years." I said

"Of course follow me," Thyne said

Imhotep and I followed Thyne to his office. He told us to sit and we did. He left and came back a few minutes later with some papers. He then sat down behind his desk.

"Unlike the British Ministry, Scotland is very neutral when it comes to magic. We do not care if you practice dark or light as long as you do not use your magic to kill or take over. Also know that every time a new person is elected as the leader of magical Scotland they are told that there is someone above them. They know that if you ever did come that you would be their boss." Thyne said

"So the current leader wouldn't be out of a job," I said

"No, they wouldn't be," Thyne said

"Then let's go," I said

We left Thyne's office and headed back out to the lobby, and into a fireplace. Thyne said where we needed to go and threw door the powder a few seconds later we were standing in someone's office. We stepped out of the fireplace and Thyne moved to stand in front of a desk with a woman sitting at it.

"Thyne what can we do for you." the woman said

"We are here to see Mr. Adair," Thyne said

The woman got up and walked into a room she came out a few seconds later.

"Go on in." the woman said

Thyne, Imhotep, and I walked into the room the woman had just come out from. Once we entered the room the man stood up.

"Please have a seat. I'm sorry that there are only two." Mr. Adair

"It's fine," I said

Thyne and I each took a seat. Imhotep stood to the left of me and a little bit behind me.

"What can I do for you guys today?" Mr. Adair asked

"Adair I would like for you to meet Lady Amara Slytherin-Pendragon-Le Frey-Peverell-Ambrosius-Fleamont-O'Connell," Thyne said

Adair's eyes got huge.

"It is an honor to meet Morgana's and Merlin's heir. I take you're here to take over." Adair said

"No," I said

Adair and Thyne jut somewhat looked at me like I was crazy.

"Let me explain. Thyne showed me how Scotland has been doing and I think it is going just fine. I would like you to continue as if nothing has changed. Then once I graduate we can reevaluate things." I said

Thyne and Adair nodded.

"I would only like for a few people to know who I am and that I have taken over. No major laws or anything of that sort should be passed without me okaying it. Other than that nothing has to change. I also want you to remain as leader until further notice." I said

"Are you sure my term is almost up. You could have someone new." Adair said

"Like I said earlier the Scotland magical community has been doing great," I said

Adair nodded.

"I take it you will also be paying a visit to Ireland, and Russia," Adair said

"Yes and Egypt," I said

"Well, then I hope to see you soon," Adair said

"You as well," I said

Thyne, Imhotep, and I got up and headed towards the door. But before I got to the door a wall on the right side started to glow. I walked over to the wall. The wall opened and showed a room connected. In the middle of the room was a ring. I hadn't even made halfway into the room before the ring flew into the air and over to me. It put its self on my finger. I turned to looks at Thyne and Adair.

"Well, it would seem that if there was ever any doubt there isn't now. That door wouldn't have glowed or opened if you were not who you say you are. That ring most definitely wouldn't have gone on your hands. So let me be the first to properly say, Welcome home Amara." Adair said

We left the little room.

"I will make sure everything you asked will be handle. It will be an honor to serve under you." Adair said

"See you soon Adair," I said

Imhotep, Thyne, and I left the room and head back over to the fireplace.

"I thought you could floo directly to a bank unless you were in a bank?" I asked

"You can't but I'm a goblin and you are with me so it will let you through," Thyne said

We all got into the fireplace and flooed back to the bank. Thyne got out bu Imhotep and I stayed in the fireplace.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Thyne," I said

"No, it was an honor to meet the heir of Merlin and Morgana. They were some of the only people to treat us goblins like actual people." Thyne said

I smiled down at Thyne.

"Where are you headed to next?" Thyne asked

"Ireland," I said

"Okay, I'll make sure a goblin is waiting for you," Thyne said

"Thank you," I said

I reached out and grabbed some floo powder.

"Gringotts Ireland Branch," I said

I threw the powder down and we were off. It didn't take us long to reach the Ireland branch. We were meet at the bank by a goblin named Ahane. And much like in Scotland we flooded into someone's office. I learned that the leader of the Irish magical community was named Aralt. The meeting in Ireland was very much like the one in Scotland. Aralt's eye grew hug when Ahane introduced me. And much like Scotland before I left a wall glowed, I entered and the ring flew and put its self on my finger. Once it was on it merged with the other one.

"It has been an honor to meet you. I look forward to serving under you." Aralt said

"It was nice to meet you Aralt," I said

Imhotep, Ahane, and I leave the room. We climb into the fireplace and floo back to the bank. We said our goodbyes.

"Gringotts Russia Branch," I said

I threw the powder down and we were off. It didn't take us long to reach the Russian branch. We were meet at the bank by a goblin named Akim. And much like in Scotland and Ireland we flooed into someone's office. I learned that the leader of the Russian magical community was named Felix. The meeting here was very much like the one in Scotland and Ireland.

"Felix I would like to introduce Lady Amara Slytherin-Pendragon-Le Frey-Peverell-Ambrosius-Fleamont-O'Connell," Akim said

Felix's eyes grew huge. He stood up and moved over in front of me and bowed.

"It is a great honor to meet you, your grace," Felix said

"Your grace?" I asked

"Yes, as heir you not only inherited the Russian magical community but also the muggle one," Felix asked

"Do I have to accept them both at this time or..." I trailed off

"No, you accept one now and one later. I will just have to let the muggle leader know that you are alive and in the future will pix up the crown," Felix said

"Okay," I said

I then proceeded to tell Felix the same thing I told the men in Scotland and Ireland. He agreed to everything I said. Akim and I stood up to leave and just like before the wall glowed and opened. I walked into the room and the ring flew up and onto my finger and merged with the others. We left the room.

"I can wait to see how things will change," Felix said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I could tell the second you walked in here that you have something planned, and the stuff you just requested proves that you do," Felix said

Imhotep and I shared a look, then I looked back at Felix.

"You're right I do, and I can't promise that Russia will stay neutral in the next war," I said

"Next war? Are you going to start one?" Felix asked

"No not me, but I'll choose aside," I said

"Can I ask which side?" Felix asked

"I'll tell you later," I said

With that Imhotep, Akim, and I got up and left. We entered the fireplace and flooed back to the Russian branch. Imhotep and I stepped out of the fireplace.

"Where are you headed to next?" Akim asked

Imhotep smirked.

"Egypt." We said

"Will you be taking the floo, because you can't floo to the Egyptian branch?" Akim asked

Put your hand over the bracelet and think of where you want to go.

Who is this? ~Tom

Mathayus the former Scorpion King -Mathayus

Now you're in my head too, great.

"No, we will be taking a different means of transportation," I said

"Okay. It was an honor to meet you." Akim said

"It was nice to meet you Akim," I said

I looked over at Imhotep.

"Feel like scaring some people," I asked

"I'm always up for that," Imhotep said

"I thought you might say that, grab on," I said

Imhotep grabs my arm, I covered my bracelet and we disappeared in a cloud of black sand. And reappeared in the Egyptian Branch of Gringotts. Once the cloud was completely gone there were gasps. But what surprised me was all the goblins and most of the magical creatures were down on one knee.

"Welcome Imhotep and Scorpion Queen." a goblin said

"Rise, you do not need to bow to us," I said

"Speak for yourself I quite like the bowing," Imhotep said

I glared over at Imhotep.

"Fine. You don't need to bow." Imhotep said

The goblins smirked at the two of us.

"What brings you two to our branch?" a different goblin asked

"I need to talk to the head of this branch in regards to some information on an inherence test," I said

The goblins were stilled bowed, but when I finished speaking one of them stood.

"My name is Abbot. I am the current head of this branch." Abbot said

"Is there a place where we can talk?" I asked

"Of course follow me," Abbot said

Imhotep and I followed Abbot. I saw out of the corner of my eye that once we were out of the room those who were bowing stood back up.

The Egyptian Magical community is one of the oldest and strongest. The creatures that live and that are from Egypt are proud, strong, and powerful. Most of them will bow and follow only because you wear the bracelet of Anubis. But others will follow because you have Imhotep backing you. But ALL of them will back you because you are Anubis Next. -Mathayus

So you are telling me that no matter what I do, or who's side I choose. The whole of Egypt will follow me.

Yes, even the muggle side of Egypt. -Mathayus

We entered an office. Abbot gestured for us to sit down, so we did. I waited for him to talk.

"What can I do for you friend," Abbot said

I took out my inheritance paper and handed it over to Abbot. He read it over and his huge eyes got even bigger. He got off his chair and headed over to a cabinet and pulled a box from it.

"Follow me," he said

We got up and followed him. We ended up climbing into a cart and shot off to the bottom level of the bank. Once we reached the end of the line we climbed out. He walked up to a door. The first thing I noticed about the door was the mark of Anubis. I looked at the box in Abbot's hand to see that the box also had his mark. I opened the box and inside was a small statue of Anubis. I picked it up and put it in the spot that was on the door. It fit and turned into a handle. I pushed the doors open. The inside was huge and filled with gold. It kind of reminded me of the room at Hamunaptra that was filled with gold.

"This is the vault of Anubis. You were able to open it which means that everyone in the whole of Egypt knows that there is a new Queen." Abbot said

"Queen?" I asked

"Yes, you are favored by Anubis and you are the Scorpion Queen. They will know that there is a queen just not who you are. The ones that you saw this morning will be the only ones that know what you look like. Well until you make yourself known. As Amara Slytherin-Pendragon-Le Frey-Peverell-Ambrosius-Fleamont-O'Connell Queen of Russia and Egypt, the Scorpion Queen leader of the Army of Anubis." Abbot said

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