Be mine

By sweetenersrings

19K 432 193

*GxG* Arianas tour is gonna start in a few months. She practiced every day with her crew. A few months ago sh... More



1.4K 39 26
By sweetenersrings

Ariana's Pov.

I was sitting in the waiting room. Courtney came too.
„What if she dies?" I asked her.
„I could never tell her that I love her, that she is my world my life my everything. What if she never ever see the light again."
„Don't think about something like that Ariana. She will survive. Try to think positive." she said and hugged me. I never cried for a long time as much as I cried now. The last time was when Mac died. I couldn't lose two persons who I love. I felt how tired I was and at the same time I fell asleep.

Courtney's Pov.

Ariana was still sleeping on my shoulder. We were in the hospital for 3 hours. Ariana wouldn't survived something like that. The love between them is somehow different. Suddenly the door opened and the doctor came out. Carefully I stood up and went with him.

„How's the situation." I asked with hope to get a good news.
He shook his head. No this. No please.
„W-„ I stuttered.
„We remove the bullet but the lungs are damaged. We could try to fix this but at first I need to talk to her girlfriend."
„With whom?" I asked suprised.
„With her." he said and pointed on Ariana.
„Oh sure I've to wake her up."
„I'll wait in my office. It's straight ahead and then the first door right." he said and went away.

How should I explain that to her.
„Ariana? Wake up." I whispered.
„What happened. I-Is she okay?"

I told her what the doctor said to me and we went to his office.

Ariana's Pov.

Courtney had to wait outside. I went into his office and sat down.
„I'm sure your friend told you about the situation of Mrs. Deville. We could try something to save her lungs. If this doesn't work she will die in two days."
When he said that I felt tears falling out of my eyes.
He explained me the operation.
„Do that. Please just save her!"
„We'll try." he said.
„Am I allowed to go to her?" I asked.
„No but you can look out of the glas." he said.

I ran out and went to her.

When I saw her I fell down. I couldn't see her like that.
„She can't die Courtney she can't!!" I screamed and cried.
She pulled me strong into a hug.


It was finally  the next day. Today Dana was getting operated. I couldn't sleep and I didn't eat. I just want her healthy. I want her alive. I want her by my side.
The operation started 1 hour ago and it took 3 hours.
Courtney wasn't here. She was in the supermarket to buy some food and cigarettes for herself.

„Hey are you Ariana?" a unknown girl asked me.
„Yes why?"
„You know my best friend. Dana.." she said  with tears in her eyes.
„I'm dilara." she said and shook my hand.
„how did you found out where we are?" I asked her.
„Ehm..Riley called me and then I called every hospital and asked for her."
„So you know what happened?" I asked.
„I know. Ariana she's in love you!! She texted me that like 10 times a day." she said.
I had to smile a little bit.

We talked about dana and everything. I liked her she was friendly.


The operation finally finished.
The doctor came out and everybody ran to him.

„How is she doing?" I asked.
„She survived it and she's on the way to recovery. We could save her." he said and smiled at us.
„Can I see her please?"
„In 15 minutes." he said.

We hugged and cried a lot.

After 15 minutes I was allowed to entire her room. She was sleeping.

I sat down and took her hand.

„Hey my everything. Maybe you can't hear me but I'm here. I'm by your side. I was so worried about you. I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep and I couldn't leaving without you. I know I didn't tell you, but I love you more than words can say. You'll be mine.

„A-Ar-Ariana?" she stuttered.
„Dana?" I said and started to cry because of happiness.
„Do-Don't cry. I-I'm gonna be o-okay."
„If you're okay I will be too!" I said and kissed her hand.
„D-Do you re-remember? I promised you. I-I'll never let you alone." she tried to say.
„I will never leave you! You're my life!" I said and put my hand on her cheek.

I went out and hugged Courtney and Dilara. I was so happy. I went to a doctor and asked if I could stay here tonight in a room with Dana. And I was allowed to. So I hated hospitals but I couldn't leave her. I need her.

Liked by nickiminaj, zayn, bluebird and 4.031.789 others
arianagrande in sickness and health 🤍

bluebird I hope I'm gonna see u 2 get well soon 😟
nickiminaj get well soon we wanna meet your girl💕
arianagrande @nickiminaj u will🤍
lizgillz get well soon😞
arianasdiamond ARE U TWO A COUPLE?

I was on the bed and went threw some Instagram stories.
„Ariana?" she said.
I stood up and went to her bed.
„Is everything okay? Does something hurt you?" I asked her.
She slowly took my hand.
„I want to say thank you that you're here by my side."
„There is nothing to say thank you for. I couldn't imagine a life without you Dana. Never! I'm afraid of the thought. You're my heart." I said and she looked into my eyes.
„ I could never tell you. But I'm so fuck-."

„Oh I'm sorry for disorder." Dilara said.
Okay, next time I'll tell her.

„Could I talk to her alone?" she asked me and I nodded. I kinda got jealous but I went outside.

Dana's Pov.

„Since when are you here?" I asked my best friend.
„Since yesterday. When I've heard what happened I took the next flight to L.A." she said while she was holding my hand. I missed her a lot. She was in New York because of her job as model.
„Sleep a little bit. I'll be here okay?"  she said and I closed my eyes.
I've heard Ariana came into the room again. I think she saw her holding my hand.
„So what did she told you." she asked.
„Nothing." Dilara answered.
„Could you go out? I want to sleep."
„Sleep I'm here for my babygirl."
Uhhh she shouldn't have said that.
„First. Take your hand off her. Second. She's mine. I'm by her side. And now I beg. Go." Ariana said.

Ariana's Pov.

I opened the door and she went out. I mean okay she's really friendly. I would share everything with her except Dana. She is mine. She will be mine. She is gonna be forever mine. I laid down and fell quickly asleep.


Dana's Pov.

I woke up and saw Ariana on the other side. She was sleeping. The doctor said that I'm allowed to stand up today after the nurse checked me. I was on Instagram and what I saw omg. First I saw this cute pic what Ariana posted. And then omg. I had 50 million followers.

„Ariana?" I whispered.
„Ariana wake up."
I threw my pillow on her head.
„What, what happened?" she asked.
I started to laugh and she laughed too.
She stood up and hugged me.
„What's the Problem baby?" she asked and took my hand.
„I am so hungry I'm starving babe." I said.
„I had some fries from yesterday." she said and laughed. We ate the fries and talked about her tour.
„dana I've to tell you something."
„I know we know each other since 1 week but I-I'm."

„Hello Mrs. Deville." the nurse said and entire the room.
I smiled at her and kissed her hand.
„So how do you feel?" she asked and checked everything.
„I'm feeling good." I said and laughed.
„Okay today we are going outside. It's really a super weather."

I slowly tried to stood up while she and Ariana held me.
„Is it okay?" the nurse asked.
Ariana took a wheelchair and we went outside.

She sat on a bank and took my hand again.
„This hand only belongs to me. You belong to me. You're mine!" she said and hugged me.
I've to tell her but I won't. I didn't like to tell her in the hospital. It's not the most beautiful place.
„Nobody is gonna hold your hand like me. Not Dilara not Courtney just me!" she said and smiled.
„You're really the most jealous human I've met." I said and started to laugh.
„Oh I'm not. I would share everything on this fucking world. Except you." she said and put her hand on my cheek. I looked deep into her eyes.
She looked at my lips and came closer and closer with hers.

„Hey Dana." a known voice said and interrupted our moment. It was Dilara. 
„Hey" I said and smiled.
„What's up? How are you doing?" she asked and sat next to Ariana.
I saw how Ariana looked at her.
„I'm fine." I said and took Ariana's hand.
I noticed how Dilara looked at our hands.
„So when are you allowed to go home?"
„I think on Tuesday. I mean I hope so." Ariana said and smiled at her.
„I really missed you girl." Dilara said and put her hand in my other one.
„Could you stop this?" Ariana said naughty.
„Please take your hand away." she said.
„She's my best friend why should I? You aren't my boss."
Ariana stood up and pulled her away from me.

Ariana's Pov.

„Look I really like you but don't touch my girl like that okay? She's mine." I said and looked angrily at her.
„She's my best friend I just missed her." she answered.

I went back to her and took her hand again.


After 2 days in the hospital we were allowed to go home. Thanks god my baby was healthy again. We were at her place and laid on the sofa. A new season Dinasty came out. I have to tell her finally. I need her to know how much I love her.
„Let's go out." I said.

We took our jackets and drove to the beach.
We walked trough the sand.
„Do you remembered when Mikey dare you to kiss Zayn and you said no? I was so relieved."
She just smiled at me.

Dana's Pov.

„I need to tell you something Ariana." I said and took a deep breath.

„Since the day I met you in Burger King. I knew that you are different. You are a woman with a big heart. You have no evil intentions. You are the most beautiful human I've ever seen. My heart beats faster when I see you. I get butterflies in my belly when you touch me. I have never been in love with a girl. But you? You are my first time. And you are my last time. Because you're my forever." I said und looked deep I to her eyes. I saw the tears in her eyes.

I put my hand on her cheek.
„Ariana I-I'm in love with you."

She put her hand on her mouth and I saw tears falling out of her eyes.

„Maybe you don't feel the same as I but it's okay. I'm glad I told you."

She looked into my eyes and smiled.

„I love you too!" she said and started to cry.
„I love you more than anything else on this earth." she said and pulled me into a hug.

She had the most beautiful eyes on this earth. I starred at her lips. Slowly I came closer to her and then it happened. I put my lips on hers and kissed her passionately. My hands were around her waist and her hands on my neck.

„Do you want to be mine forever?"
„Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her and put my hand on her cheek.

„Yes! Yes yes yes and Yes!!!" she said and smiled.
I pulled her into a strong hug.

We drove home and went sleeping.


Ariana's Pov.

I woke up and I felt warm hands around my waist. I smiled because I couldn't belive that she was my girlfriend. Anyway I stood up and went downstairs. I was so fucking hungry. I took orange juice and made toasts for my babe. Then I went into our room but she was still sleeping.
I jumped on her and tried tickle her but that didn't work. I started to kiss her cheek then her nose.
„Baby wake up." I whispered into her ear.
„w-what time is it?" she stuttered and slowly opened her eyes.
„It's 3 p.m."
When she realized that I was sitting on her she looked at me.
„Oh sorry" I said and laughed.

I stood up and gave her, the breakfast which I make for her.

„Aww Baby." she said and hugged me.
„But before you start to eat I want a good morning kiss." I said and smiled at her.
„Come here." she said she gave me passionate kiss.

This was everything I've ever wanted. We ate and put on our clothes. We had to go to Courtneys place to help her with the decoration for the party. Her brother Damon came back from Italy.

We sat in our car and drove to her.

„Hey Court." I said and hugged her.
"Hey gi-wait. You two are holding hands." she said and looked at us.
„Are you two a c-?" she stuttered and her mouth opened.
„We are." I said and smiled.
„Finally." she added and rolled her eyes.
„Now could you two help us? We need some help in the kitchen and in the dining room."

I went in the kitchen and Dana in the dining room.i had to cut fruits. This was soooo exciting wow.


When we finished we drove home to put on some beautiful clothes. I went to take a shower while Dana did her Make up.

Dana's Pov.

I finally finished with my make up. Now I need my dress and I'm ready. Ariana was doing her make up too. She had just a bathrobe on. This turns me on. Her long legs. Omg okay calm down bitch. I was in my oversized sweatshirt. Should I change my clothes in the front of her? Maybe isn't ready but okay. I mean she's my girlfriend now. But just for one day. I took my dress and went into the bathroom.

Ariana's Pov.

She went to the bathroom to change her fucking clothes. That was sad but okay. If she's not ready. I put on my dress and waited for her.

When she came out I thought that I was dreaming. This was damn hot.

„How do I look?" she asked and smiled provocatively.
„Ehm- your-." I stuttered.
„Ehm you're really beautiful. I mean you look gorgeous." I added and smiled.

She came closer to me and put her hands on my hips.
„You're hot." she said erotic and kissed me.
„We've to go." I said into the kiss and she smiled.

Liked by nickiminaj, danadeville, bluebird and 3.670.326 others
arianagrande my mrs.🥵 @danadeville

nickiminaj omg she's so gorgeous💕
bluebird donna😎
zayn hottie 😏
arianagrande fuck off she's mine😘😘

We drove to Courtneys house and greeted his brother Damon.

„You wanna dance?" I asked Dana and she nodded.

She looked so hot while she was dancing.
„Hey." I heard an known voice saying.
When I turned around I saw Dilara. Why did she come? Why? Fuck you Courtney just fuck you.
„Hey." I said pissed.

She pushed me away and went to Dana.

Danas Pov.

„Hey my one and only." Dilara said.
Somehow she's different.
„Ehm hey."
„How are you doing?" she asked me and took my hand.

„Are you blind? Are you crazy?" Ariana screamed.
„Calm down." I said and tried to calm her down.
„I won't! What does she think? I'm her girlfriend birch okay? She is mine. Don't touch!" she screamed at her.
„Baby please calm down. Let's go."
I took her hand and went away into the kitchen.

„Don't be annoyed. You know that you're the only one in my life Ariana." I said and she put her hand on my cheek.
„I'm just afraid to lose you." she said.
„You will never. I promised you!!! I will never let you go okay?"

I gave her a passionate kiss when I noticed that Dilara was looking at us.

„You stupid bitch." dilara said and pulled ariana to her.

„Don't touch my babygirl!" she screamed at Ariana.

A/N: This chapter was kinda boring except the kiss. I hope you liked it :)

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