All My Friends Are Dead

By jesssyee

79 13 0

Imagine knowing how your friends are going to die, but you can't do anything about it or you'll die. More

All My Friends Are Dead
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 5

5 1 0
By jesssyee

Part III: Cody

Chapter 17

Well, today is another bright fucking day. Since Orion's party, we haven't really talked to him. He's going through some shit just like everyone else and we all still have to go to school or else our parents will never shut up about it.

Still, everything it gets quiet, that just means the Reaper is looking for someone else to kill. I fucking hate that guy. Here's to round 3 of sadness and the Russian Roulette who gets to dies next.

School was the same. There are the loud kids in the back that don't know shit and there is us, the people who can actually learn in class. I go through the motions, but there doesn't seem like any way to get Ralph and Michael to stop being emo. What we need is a solution, cold hard logic. Being sad should only be a phase, but that doesn't stop the problem from happening.

"Guys let's make a pact" I announce.

"What kind?" Ralph asks.

"We agree for a time and place to kill ourselves on our own time and by our own decision. Fuck the Reaper."

"I don't want to die," Ralph says quietly.

"Well, you're going to die eventually," I state. "Better it's on our own terms."

"What would that solve though? Just make the Reaper's job easier?" Ralph asks.

"The way I see it, we all don't have much time to live anyway. It's about a year since Kyle died, Jen is gone, Nathan is gone, and it has been months since we even heard from Orion," I say. "That's our timeframe. It will be only a matter of time until one of us see the Reaper."

"What do you think, Michael?" Ralph asks.

"I think it's a plan. Are there any other plans?" Michael asks.

"There is the plan to not die," Ralph suggests.

"Ha. Yeah, let's try that idea. Why didn't I think of that? Not dying. Fantastic," Cody says sarcastically.

"It's better than killing ourselves for no reason. What's wrong with trying to live with whatever time we have left," Ralph snaps.

"Let's just put it in the back-burner guys. So far so, good, right? We have time now, so let's think of a plan and if he comes back, we will weigh our options," Michael negotiates.

"Sounds good to me. Does that work for you, Cody?" Ralph asks.

He's so sensitive.

"Yeah, yeah, that works."

After that talk, things tried to be normal, but in all honesty, with our group cut short, we don't really connect like we used to. Normally we'd have Nathan who's a smartass, Kyle was the loudmouth with the heart of gold, Jen was always with Nathan, and Orion would be here as a wise sage. You would think that death and loss of a loved one would bring us all together, but instead, it's breaking the group apart. The whole dynamic has changed and it's really pissing me off.

We all graduated and had the whole ceremony and shit with our folks. We're just going through the motions at this point because whenever things start to get back to normal, the Reaper always comes back out of nowhere and fucks us in the ass. I still game with Ralph and Orion every now and then, but Michael is nowhere to be seen. He's probably with Rosalie now. He acts decent, but he's the type of guy to drop his boys for a girl. Naw, I'd probably do the same to be honest. That chick is hot. So, what now? Where do we go from here?

I have an idea.

"Reaper?" I ask looking around my room. "So, what do you have planned for me."

You need to make a decision.

"Are you going to show yourself or keep hiding like a coward?"

Only people that have a life span of up to 4 days can see me. You are not ready yet.

"Okay, what do you want?"

Aha ha. I like your spunk, boy. I was getting there. I'm giving you a choice. If you kill yourself, then you can save your friends. But if you kill one of your friends, then the rest of you are saved and your lifespan will increase by 7 years.

"And if I don't choose?"

There will be a time when you have to choose. If you don't, then your death will truly be for nothing. Do me a favor and at least make it interesting.

With that, he was gone. I'm not completely sure if he was, but I just had a feeling he was no longer around because the air doesn't feel as cool anymore.

I sigh, "Damn it." Then hit the wall. I need some air.

Outside was overcast and there was hardly anyone out. I had my sneakers on with some sweats to go for a run. My usual path was through the woods and towards the bike path.

If I kill myself, then I would be saving Ralph's, Orion's, and Michael's lives. One death to save three. If I kill one of them, then I would also be saving three lives and I get to live. What happens if I don't have time? He said there will be a time when I have to choose, so that can only imply that I will be chosen soon. Which means... If I don't choose then I will die, and no one will be saved. What a waste. Fuck. I really do have to decide.

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