Sightless Silence (Free De La...

By BlueAblaze

29.3K 839 261

(Y/n), loved nothing more than to sit beside her window listening to the sound of nature around her. Her whol... More

Divisions(Prologue) 1
Divisions 2
Divisions 3
Divisions 4
Divisions 5
Divisions 6
Divisions 7
Divisions 8
Divisions 9
Divisions 10
Divisions 11
Divisions 12
Divisons 13
Divisions 14
Divisions 15
Division's 16
Division's 17
Divison 18
Divisions 19
Divisions 21
Divisions 22
Divisions 23
Divisions 24
Divisions 25
Division's 26

Divisions 20

674 26 9
By BlueAblaze

(Y/n) stood up slowly her night wear was different it was not her normal (fav color). It was a striking dark purple and swirling black stripes.

She ran over to the dresser picking up the mask the panes of (eye color) glass reflected off of the light.

She picked up (Metanoia/ Bey name) and looked at it. It glinted up at her and her eyes prickled with tears. The bey's own fear revealing ability. Her connection with this bey. The beys connection with her mind.

(Y/n) ran her hands over it and smiled whispering a small thank you before getting dressed. She looked in the mirror at her outfit. Did she really look uo to Shu that much to change her outfit to match his? How strange.

She looked at her bey then to her clothes next her mask. With a sigh she tied her growing hair into a (ponytail/ braid/ pig tails/ bun) and slid the mask over her face. She'd just have to play the part for now. Till she can break away and go to Free and everyone.

She walked out of her room holding (Metanoia/ bey name) in her hands. She looked around the facility. What once was a place all bladers could go to get stronger. Was now a prison who's workers forced bladers to push to the extreme to break beys.

How was she ever a part of this?

"Ah! There you are. I was wondering when you would get up." She heard her head turned towards the voice and she was met with the presence of Red eye himself. He walked over to her wrapping an arm around her waist. (Y/n) recoiled a bit but she played along. She laughed half heartedly at Shu and walked forward.

"Theres no point in waiting is there? I got up pretty late. Ashtem will have my head if I don't report to him soon." She said and continued on walking her black boots echoing as they hit the ground.

Shu followed her much to her disdain. Ashtem brushed her prescence off and she excused herself to go train. During her training Shu stood in the doorway watching her.

"Are you feeling alright. You're more tense than yesterday." She said placing a hand on her shoulder she tried to get away from his grasp. But as she backed up she found herself trapped in his arms. She felt disgusted. "You don't usually recoil at my touch." Red eyes said lowering his hands to his sides.

"I'm just," she started. "I'm sore from training yesterday. I pulled my muscles." She said it was half a lie. Her arms were screaming at her but it was nothing she hadn't felt before.

Shu backed away accepting the answer. "You shouldn't overwork yourself before the world finals." He said. He removed his mask breathing out. "You want to beat Free right?" He asked. (Y/n) tensed up before her shoulders relaxed. Red eye chuckled and she swore she could hear his sickening smirk as he did so.

She heard his feet come up from behind her taking her hands. She was already in stance so she would have the pleasure of being able to reel her food and arm back to hit him.

But instead his hands grasped hers and guided her hands his foot gently nudged hers to the side. She felt unbalanced. "Heres an easier way to launch." He said. "Point your launcher down. Don't worry if you fall I'll catch you."

Edgy bastard of course she was going to fall. But to play along she tilted her launcher down and Shu counted down in her ear it was nothing short of distracting.

She launched her bey trying hard to catch herself when she almost toppled over. But to her disgust Shu caught her by her waist. Holding her in a dip. His eyes were fierce as she saw them slowly getting bigger as his face inched towards hers. His spare hand went to her mask. Lifting it enough to show her lovely pink lips.

Help me! Help me! She begged. As his face neared her hands pressed against his chest trying to gently push him away. But Shu wouldn't have it.

She looked around ready to accept her fate until. "Red eye. (Eye color) eye. Am I interupting a tender moment?" The voice of Ashtem rang out. "Might I remind you Red eye your orders were to oversee her sucess against Free De La Hoya. Not to hit on her like some savage." He said walking towards them.

Shu let (Y/n) go and she was thankful for Asthems prescence. Shu helped (Y/n) stand up straight grabbing his mask and adjusting it over his eyes. "I don't think it's quite appropriate for you to hit on your student." He said gesturing to (Y/n)."

"No sir." Red eye said. "It isn't." He said. Ashtem placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and smiled. "I'll be replacing Red eye with another subordinate so you can get some training done." (Y/n) just nodded to that and Red eye looked to Ashtem.

"Sir. I can look after her myself." Red eye said. Ashtem looked at him and turned his attention away from (Y/n). "If you believe you can Mr. Kurenai. I don't ever want to see you lay a finger on (Y/n) as she trains." He said and Red eye nodded.

"If you don't I'll have golden eye come in and teach her." He said. Red eye flinched he didn't like this. "Not a finger. Do you understand?" He asked and Red eye scowled and nodded. "Not a finger sir." He repeated and Ashtem only smiled.

"We can't have (Y/n) getting distracted during her duel with Free so you must give her the space she needs to move around to gain all her strength to defeat him." He said raising a fist. "I have faith in her. She will defeat Free and I will take pride in seeing the two of you fight in the finals." He said.

(Y/n) watched him as he let go of her and walked out of the room. "If I were you Red eye. I'd only teach her how to defeat Free." He said.

To Red eyes disdain he wouldn't be able to touch (Y/n) as she trained. So he would have to wait for her to stop training.

(Y/n) silently cheered and got back to training. She had to train to get away fron Red eye. To concieve her plan to get out and back to Free. Her friends. Her family. She wasn't going to give up. She needed to see Free again.

Even if it was on the opposite side of the battle feild.

A/N: and I'm back with another chapter only hours later! I hope you like this chapter, I worked late on this. Thanks for reading everyone!

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