Consequences of Attraction

De NeekyWriter

1K 117 129

First it was admitting to her best friend, Sarah, that she never kissed a boy throughout her whole high schoo... Mais

1. Study Group
2. Set Schedules
4. Old Enemies, New Faces
5. Late Night

3. Wrong Turn?

138 23 29
De NeekyWriter

It's been about a week since the whole ordeal happen with me and my clumsy self. My ankle still feels a little sore, but at least I'm fully capable of walking again. I haven't talked to Duncan since then and neither has Sarah, which she is very disappointed about. There was the casual awkward eye contact between the two of them in Calculous, but that was mostly due to Sarah turning her body into a full 180 degrees to see if she can catch Duncan staring at her. That ended with Duncan giving her a weird look and her quickly turning back around and sinking into her chair, blushing from embarrassment. So besides that, Duncan hasn't been involved with us and I was quite please about that.

I didn't need to deal with his silly games and how immature he can be at times. The comment he made about how he wouldn't 'fuck' me still lingered along in my head and the reason for it is I find it so ridiculous how he just jokes about something so intimate, something so personal to a person. Besides, sex jokes are not funny and anyone that thinks they are, are just fools to begin with.

"Earth to Kass, class is over, let's go." I must've been too deep in thought to realize that class is over and we were the only one's left in the classroom, not even the professor was there. I apologized to Sarah and packed up my things. As much as I enjoy journalism and writing, English can be boring for me since I learned a lot of the stuff on my own free time. Now, I just listen for the assignments and zone out into my own world, day dreaming about how I could be a famous author or a journalist at a big news company. However, today I thought about Duncan, which has never happen before. In fact, I never think of boys unless they're fictional.

"Do you think Duncan likes me?" Sarah blurted out as we walked down the hall to the front doors of the English Arts building. I shrugged, I believe Duncan is incapable of genuinely liking someone.

"He flirted with me though! That has to mean something!" I halted. Does this girl not know who Duncan is? I slightly turned my body towards her and placed my hand on her rather slim shoulder.

"Sarah, honey, I'm gonna tell you this only once, so pay attention." She nodded for me to continue.

"Duncan is a playboy. I'll say it again: Duncan is a playboy, a heartthrob, and a major heartbreaker. He flirts with almost every girl, it's in his blood." Sarah pouted her lip at my response. I'm sure she was hoping for some words of encouragement, but I had none to give. I will not support her perusing a relationship where she's bound to get her heart broken. Not to mention that she doesn't take breaks up well at all and it'll take at least six months for her to even smile again. Trust me, I would know, I've been there for them all.

"He's a HOT playboy. Have you seen his eyes? They're just so green and I want to stare at them all day and he has very muscular arms that I just want to be embraced with." Old classic Sarah. No matter how many times you warn her, she'll still believe whatever she wants. In some aspects, that a great trait to have, but in others, I fear for her well being. I shook my head and chuckled as a response as we made our way across campus. Silence engulfed us for a few seconds before someone from my poetry club approached us.

"Kassandra!" I looked and smiled. It was Willow, the president of the club. She waved back at me and returned the smile. Once she reached us, she handed me a piece of paper.

"Are you busy tonight? Our club is participating in a poetry show off and I wanted to feature one of your amazing poems. I was gonna tell you Saturday, but you were mixed up with something else." Okay, everything sounded great until that last sentence. The saltiness was evident in her tone of voice and I began to feel bad.

"Yeah, I'm deeply sorry for that, but yeah I'm not busy-"

"Yes you are. Sorry Willow, but Kassandra has a math study group to attend to at Duncan's place." Sarah interrupted, slapping my arm for lying. My eyes widen for I completely forgot that it was today and I mentally slapped myself for Sarah mentioning Duncan. Duncan was the reason why I never made it to poetry and I was spotted with him by them as well, which only ruins my image even more. Willow looked taken aback and shook her head with disappointment.

"I am so sorry, Willow. I completely forgot about that." She raised her hand up to silence me of any more excuses that she clearly won't buy. I sighed and looked down, why am I acting like this? I never screwed up this bad in my whole life and I know that Willow will reconsider who she's making Vice President next year.

"It's fine, Kassandra. I just didn't know you had something with Harper." And with that, she stalked away from us to her group of friends that were impatiently waiting for her. I dropped my face to my hands and silently screamed. Sarah placed her hand on my back,

"Willow is a bitch, Kass, don't let her get to you. Plus, I know you and Duncan don't have anything for each other." As much as Sarah tried to make me feel better, I still felt like I did something terrible. I've never made someone this disappointed before and the thought that I might get kicked out, scares me. I love poetry, it's one of my many passions and hobbies. I'm able to elope myself with the emotions I felt as I wrote down each detailed word to form a beautiful sculpture of stanzas that resulted in a vulnerable masterpiece, created by pure feelings that only I could feel. It was a way for me to escape the reality of tomorrow and focus on the oasis of today. Poetry was a part of my soul and I would devastated to have it ripped from my heart.

"Come on, Kass. Look on the bright side, there will be cuter boys." Her small comment brought a grin to my face. She knows that I'm not boy crazy at all yet she thinks that cute boys will poof all my problems away. I lifted my head up and shook it, playfully, "Sarah, you are absolutely terrible at making people feel better." In response, she rolled her eyes and lightly pushed me resulting with a laugh. Although she lacks in have sympathy for someone, I truly did love Sarah. She's been my number one supporter since the day I learned how to walk. Addition to that, she did have a good point. Willow IS a bitch and she was probably jealous that Duncan didn't pay any attention to her. I never would have thought that Willow would be jealous of me, she's been the star of the writing community since I started college. However, she could just be jealous that Duncan talked to me since everyone just adores the motherfucker.

"What's so funny over here?" A masculine voice asked. A voice that sounded oddly familiar. Sarah instantly turned towards the sound of the one boy she's currently obsessed over: Duncan. It's like he only wants to show up when it's beneficial for him. Although, our conversation has no business being told to Duncan. "Hi Duncan!" Sarah beamed a little too excitedly. She dramatically waved her hand and to save her from any more embarrassment, I quickly pulled it down to her side, giving her a look in the process. She realized how foolish she looked and gave an awkward cough, "I mean, hi Duncan. How are you?" I held in my laugh as she attempted to sound more casual. Duncan, in response, raised his eyebrow,

"Hi Sarah, I'm fine now that I've seen you." He winked while she nodded in response and shied away behind me. The gesture made Duncan smirk as he directed his attention to me.

"You two are coming tonight right?" I nodded causing a small smile to creep up Duncan's face. Gosh this guy is such a weirdo. I already told him last week I was. I'm not the type of person to ditch plans without notifying the person first.

"Great! Here's the address."

"I thought it was at your dorm?" I questioned as I grabbed the paper fro his hand. He shrugged, "location changed. I'll see you ladies, tonight." Sarah waved him goodbye as he walked passed us to who knows where. She then took the paper from me and squealed.

"This is so exciting! I cannot wait to see Duncan, erm, I mean study." She nervously rambled. I laughed at her cute response and we continued to make our way to our dorm. I wonder why he changed where we were going to study? Did he invite more people and his dorm was too small to occupy them all? Oh goodness, I hope that's not the case. That's just more people that wants to copy my work and notes because we all know that the people that Duncan hangs out with cares just as much about Calculous as he does. Which is a big fat zero. I've seen him sleep in class multiple times and how disorganized he is. I shivered as I remembered the one time he just shoved his homework into his backpack. No folders. No binders. I don't understand what Sarah sees in him at all, that not regarding his looks.

"Whatever, Sarah. We both know that you will be studying his toned biceps instead of your calc book." She went to argue with my point, paused, and decided that I was in fact right about that assumption. I then spent the rest of our walk listening to Sarah praise Duncan for his charms and how she plans to thank his parents for their wonderful creation and amazing genes. Yep, Sarah definitely has a medical problem and it's called Duncanitis; a highly attractive male that is an absolute chick magnet which causes girls to lose common sense, or in other words, a female's obsession. Symptoms include, excessive drooling, dilated pupils, sweaty hands, and heated cheeks. Please contact a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms because you might be entitled to compensation. I laughed at myself for coming up with that genius joke. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to tell Sarah it since she kept talking over me. Add a new symptom, talks nonstop about them.


I was sitting on my couch with my warm laptop sitting on my thighs. I was trying to get another paragraph in for my English essay. The topic that my professor presented was global problems that needed immediate attention and I decided to talk about plastic pollution. I've been gathering up creditable resources and sent some emails to environment activists to get their input. This is the one essay that actually means something to me. It's my ticket into EW (exclusive writers).

"Oh Kass! I have a very important question for you!" Sarah yelled, running into the living room. I wished she would've came just a Knute later because I had a really good idea for a sentence, but her sudden outburst made me lose my train of thought. Sighing, I closed my laptop and placed it next to me. I guess that's enough typing for the day.


"Should I shave down there? What if something gets heated and Duncan wants to take me to the bedroom?" She asked so casually that my jaw literally dropped. You got to be kidding me right now. Where the hell did she get this idea from? Water must be getting in her head and I should talk to her coach about this. It's clearly having an affect on her and her sanity.

"What the actual hell, Sarah. It's a study night not a fuck session." She pouted and stalked away before I could say anything else. Why does she even want his thing inside of her? It has touch so many places and been inside multiple peaches. I shuddered with disgust, I hope he got tested for any sexually transmitted diseases and I pray he doesn't have any because if him and Sarah ever do it, I would want her safe.

I looked up at the clock and saw that we still had 30 minutes until we had to be there, at 8. I stretched my aching body from me sitting in a rather uncomfortable position and yawned. I didn't think I would be tired since it's a Friday and usually I like staying up to read books while having a nice warm cup of chai tea. Suddenly the desire just to wrap up in a fuzzy blanket and read came to mind and I debated if I should make up a lame excuse to skip this study session. I wouldn't be much of a contributor because unlike Sarah, math isn't my forte.

"Kass, what are you wearing? I'm running out of time here and I still don't have a cute outfit!" Sarah frantically complained followed by her calling my name over and over till I came into her room. There were clothes all over the floor and I found Sarah hitched over in her closet, ripping opening every drawer to find the perfect outfit. It was kinda humorous to see her freak out about what articles of clothing Duncan would like to see her in. Even though, I highly doubt that he even cares. The boy wears Nike almost every day, its clear that he's not the 'dressy' type.

"Sarah, chill. It's just a study group. He won't care about what you're wearing." I tried to reassure her. She snapped her head up and glared at me for such a response.

"Duncan Harper likes skimpy stuff. I've seen the girls he talks to. They all wear short shorts and really cropped, crop tops. If I wear something like that, he won't be able to take his eyes off of me." She grabbed one of her favorite shirts and looked around her room, in search of something. Once the object was spotted, she jumped up and dashed right to it. It was a pair of scissors. This girl is literally willing to cut one of her favorite tops (a top that already makes her figure stand out) just to impress a fuck boy.

"Sarah, really? Do not cut your shirt, you're gonna regret it later." I warned.

"For Duncan, it's worth it." For christ sake this girl has an obsession problem. She brought the scissors to the shirt and before she could make the first snip, I lunged towards her and grabbed her wrist. Taken aback, I used my other hand and ripped the scissors from her hand. I was not going to let her ruin something over a boy that most likely won't take much notice to her. She screamed and tried to get the scissors back, but I threw them out her door and blocked it.

"Fuck you, Kass. Like what the actual fuck? This is MY shirt and I will do whatever I want to it." She sneered, crossing her arms. I could care less that she's upset with me. I KNOW how she gets and once she's done obsessing over Duncan, she'll hate herself for ruining one of her favorite tops. I should know because she has done this before with some guy named Paxton who went to our high school and she cried for week about a pair of pants she sliced open to make them a little more revealing. She's not a DIY queen as some may put it.

"You'll thank me later." I murmured. I looked at my wrist watch and saw that we now only have 10 minutes. Thankfully this saved me from Sarah the Tyrant and one of her many stupidly famous arguments since I told her the time resulted with a full on panic overload. She pushed me out of her room, slammed the door, and said she needs five more minutes to make sure she was presentable enough for Duncan. I walked into our shared bathroom and gave myself a good look in the mirror.

I wouldn't say that I was ugly, I mean I did have bags under my eyes from late nigh studying, but a little bit of makeup fixes up that problem. I stared down at my appearance and wonder if I should change into something else. I had skinny jeans on with small rips at the knees and a big oversized Champion's hoodie that I stole from my brother when I last visited him. Then I remembered that I have no one to impress anyways and figured that I rather be comfy while studying. I scoffed at the thought of seeing Duncan studying, there's just something fishy about it and how he even changed the place we would meet at. Am I overthinking things? Maybe, but Duncan is full of surprises and he has a few tricks up his sleeves that I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to use against us.

Picking up my hair brush, I combed the tangles out of my hair and did my hair up into a messy bun. I took my contacts out and placed them into their little round containers. I usually take them out at this time anyways since I have a fear that I'll accidentally sleep with them on. Opening the top drawer, I grabbed my glasses from it's velvet case and put them on. I laughed at myself as I looked at myself in the mirror again. A complete nerd was in front of me and I was living for it.

"Kass, are you ready go?" Sarah called. I peaked out from the bathroom, turned the lights off, and closed the door. I looked over at Sarah and I wasn't sure if I should be surprised or just annoyed at what she was wearing. A full on black stripper dress clung to her body, revealing every curve. The dress sat mid thigh and made her boobs look bigger than they actually are. No joke, if a stranger saw her, they would think she was either going to a club or working the pole NOT a study session.

"That's what you're wearing? You could've put something nicer on." Sarah commented as she brushed past me, focusing on not tripping over herself with the big ass heels she was wearing. I rolled my eyes because it was clear that I was more dressed appropriately for the occasion then she was. I followed behind her and grabbed my shoes.

"Not those." I ignored her as I put on my black converse, making sure I double knock the shoelaces so I don't end up tripping over myself again.

"At least I don't look like I'm about to 'bust it down' on the dance floor." Sarah laughed at my response and told me that she's only wearing this for Duncan. God, I am so tired of her doing everything for him. She's becoming so desperate that it wouldn't surprise me if Duncan refuses to sleep with her and that's saying a lot for someone who gets laid at least once a day. I picked up my back pack and my keys and walked out the door, not waiting for Sarah. She can wobble her way to my car for all I cared.

"Kass, wait! These heels are not tennis shoes. Stop walking so fast!" She pleaded. We haven't even reached our destination yet and I was already getting livid with Sarah. Maybe it's that time of the month for me.


"This can't be right, Sarah." I said as I parked my car across from the house where were 'supposedly' studying at. I looked at the piece of paper again and at the address written on the house. Indeed, this was the right place.

There was a huge party and the music was so loud that I swear it was making my car shake from the vibrations. People were scattered throughout the front yard. People that I had no recognition of. People who look like they aren't here for studying. The stench of alcohol reached my nose and scrunched up my face. My car windows were all up and yet the smell of smoke and alcohol still manage to make it's way through. I went to put my car back into drive and go home because clearly Duncan pulled a prank on us. I should've seen this coming, it's fucking Duncan we are talking about. However, Sarah placed her hand on mine to stop me.

"We should go in and find him." She said as she unbuckled. Is she crazy? I am not going into that house filled with sweaty people, loud music, and multiple drugs, which would get us in trouble if the police come because I'm sure having a loud party with probably underage teenagers is very illegal.

"No." I detested. Sarah gave me an annoyed look before reaching over and grabbing my keys from the ignition. I went to grab them back, but my reflexes were too slow and she dropped them into her abyss of a bra. I slammed my head on the steering will and pleaded with her not to go in. I can't be a part of this. If my parents were to find out, I would be dead even if I didn't do anything but drink water. I've seen the looks on their faces when the police brought my brother to their doorsteps and how they reacted when they were told that he was found at a frat house party.

"Come on Kassandra, we will be in and out. I know you don't like stuff like that, but don't you want to see why Duncan did this to us?" I bit my lip and turned my head towards her and nodded. I wanted to give him a piece of his own medicine. He wasted not only our time, but his by pulling this stupid joke. What even gives him the idea that I would find this funny? But instead of agreeing to go in with her, I focused my attention else where. So many thoughts erupted my mind. I know the consequences of doing this, but the pain of knowing the truth began to kill me.

There was an award silence as I looked at the steering wheel blankly, unable to make up a decision, I didn't want this, this isn't what I expected at all. She took a deep breath and turned towards me.

"Plus maybe you'll end up making out with a hot boy." She teased, nudging my shoulder softly. By the time she finished that sentence, my face was beating red. She was only joking, but little does Sarah know, I never kissed a boy before. I know, a 19 year old girl who hasn't kissed a boy. Almost sounds unbelievable to most. I had my reasons; focusing on school and having the mindset of any hardheaded billionaire. I strived for success and ended up missing out on such a special milestone. I could've kissed a boy senior year, but instead, I told him that I wasn't interested leading to him completely ignore me the rest of the high school year.

"I never kissed a boy." I mumbled softly under my breath.

"What did you say?" She asked, confused. I looked at her with my red face and sighed,

"I said I never kissed a boy before." She looked at me, surprised. Couldn't blame her, I lied to her back in our junior year because I felt so pressured and it was the only way to get her to leave me alone.

"But I thought..." she paused, trying to conjure up words to say to me. She shook her head as she continued, "never-mind, we'll talk about this later. I promise that it won't be long." She reached out her pinky for me to grab.

"You promise?" I wanted to be reassured that she would keep that promise since she knows how my family is. She nodded and I reached over and connected our pinkies together while she opened the passenger door. Even though I don't wanna do this at all, at least she didn't get completely mad at me for lying about such a big moment. Although, I did see a hint of disappointment when she paused for a brief second.

When the door was completely opened, a whiff of air came into the vehicle and I already felt sick to my stomach. The stench just keeps getting stronger and I know that I'll end up having a headache later if I stay here for any longer. Taking a deep breath I opened the driver's side, got out, and closed it. I looked back at the house and prayed that we stay there for five minutes max. But by the looks at how many people there were, I doubt that we'll find Duncan in that amount of time. I walked over to Sarah and we slowly approached the building.

As we stepped onto the lawn, a few people gave us dirty looks which were mostly aimed at me. Boys were already gawking and drooling over Sarah with her skin tight dress. One male tried to come up to us, but I stepped between them and directed us into a different direction. I scanned through the sea of people, but I still couldn't find Duncan. Where the hell is he?

"Found him!" Sarah yelled over the booming music answering the question I had in my head. I followed her gaze and saw him playing beer pong with a few other guys that I don't know. I moved in front of Sarah and stalked towards him, anger evident in my face. He was smiling and having a good time and it made me pissed. Does he really think he can get away with this? As I got closer, Duncan saw me and waved.

"Kassandra, you made it!" He welcomed me with a big smile and went to give me a hug, but I punched his gut instead. I held in a groan because that hurt more than it should and I swore that I heard my knuckles pop. Damn him for having hard abs. He gave me a weird look and rubbed his stomach probably questioning why I gave him such a weak punch.

"You call this studying?!" I screamed into his face, annoyance displayed in my voice. He laughed and patted my head before looking past me at Sarah. He gave her a quick scan and licked his lips. Disgusting. "Hey, I'm talking to you." He looked back at me and shrugged,

"It was a dare to see if we can get the school's most uptight girl to come to a party." Hearing the word 'uptight' created a tightness in my chest. So that's how a lot of people view me? Is it because I don't party? Or because I get good grades? I dropped my head and slightly cussed at myself for not seeing this sooner. The change of address was clearly the best evidence. I was all just a bet to them, nothing more than to see who can get the good girl to a party. Well, fuck them all. I looked back up and saw that he was still eyeing Sarah.

He was eye fucking her, specially at her chest where her boobs were about to explode out of her outfit at any second. I lifted my hand to his cheek and turned his head so he had no choice, but to shift his gaze back to me. He swatted my hand away and gave me an annoyed look. Sorry for interrupted your perverted thoughts. Of course Sarah was too caught up talking to someone else to even back me up nor notice that Duncan had his eyes all over her. I guess she was right about him liking skimpy clothes. What a bastard.

"Who dared you?" I asked. Generally, I wouldn't care because wasting another breath on these people made me feel nauseous and seeing how Duncan was looking at my friend, lust filled with his eyes, made me want to throw up. You could tell that he was getting impatient with me from the way he fidget his feet and looking everywhere but at me. Yet, I cared little to none because I came here to study, not to play games. Plus, my noisy ass wanted to see who had the energy to pull something so ridiculous and immature.

Eagerly to get rid of the parasite, otherwise known as my presence, he nodded behind him before pushing past me to go talk to Sarah. Run, Sarah, run before you get eaten alive.

I attempted to turn around only to be welcomed by a hard chest and a dark voice whispering two chilling words under his alcohol scented breathe, "I did."

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