Dancing with Shadows

By mammacub4

92 19 0

When her husband dies in an earthquake on their wedding night, Jasmine has to find a way without him. Or does... More



2 1 0
By mammacub4

They bathed and managed to keep their hands to themselves most of the time. Jasmine admired Zeke's body with her eyes at first. He had the physique of a hard working man; rather than someone who went to the gym on his days off from the office. He had his head tossed back, his arms high as he rinsed the shampoo from his hair. Jasmine smirked, and dropped to her knees. He'd been slightly erect most of their shower, but she was thankful for it. She'd heard of the oral sex, even if she hadn't participated before. She was a virgin, not a nun.

Here he was just minding his own business, when he felt her take him in her mouth. Zeke gasped, just missing taking a mouthful of water, and wouldn't have minded at all if this was how he kicked the bucket. He turned surprised eyes down at her golden locks bobbing forward to take him in her mouth, and retreating again. He could tell she'd never done it before from the way she seemed to struggle around him.

"Slow," he suggested, and was rewarded when she turned large eyes up, slowing her movements. "Tighten your lips."

When she complied, Zeke had to use the tile of the shower wall to keep himself upright. He couldn't tear his gaze from hers. So innocent, it squeezed his heart to see her so willing to give him pleasure.

It was no time before he felt his balls tighten, his belly clench. He struggled with himself as to whether or not to tell her of his climax, but just before he lost all control, he thought better of it, and said, "wait." She pulled off with a pop from the suction she'd created while sucking. As if that pop was what he was waiting for all along, he came with a violent grunt. He wrapped his hand around his shaft to prolong the orgasm, his seed sputtering all over her wet breasts.

He burned the image of her on her knees in the shower. Her hair hanging in long golden clumps. His seed all over her breasts. Her eyes confused. Her mouth a surprised 'o'. Her cheeks a subtle pink. This would stay with him on those nights when he lay in his bed alone. When. He was out on a job. When he was waiting for the next time he could worship her body the way she deserved.

Jasmine was surprised that he told her to stop, and felt embarrassment lend a flush to her cheeks as she wondered if she was doing it wrong. But when he came all over her, she realized what he meant. The look of possession in his eyes made her blush harder. He held out his hand and as soon as she took it, he pulled her tight against his chest, successfully smearing his seed all over himself as well.

She expected the kiss that followed. She wasn't all to surprised when he pressed her against the wall, trapping her between a rock and hard place. But when he took one leg and hooked it with his elbow, leaving her to stand on one foot, she wondered how he could possibly be ready so soon. He kissed her once again until she was breathless.

Only stopping when she started mewing, Zeke moved his kisses to her neck. He hiked her leg up and rested it on his elbow, at the same time keeping her pinned against the tile. He slipped his fingers into her and started coaxing her body to come for him.

They washed up for a second time before turning the water off and drying their bodies between knowing glances and secret smiles.

Jasmine slipped one of Zeke's t shirts on without bothering with her panties and bra. The feel of the material clinging to her overly sensitive nipples made her body beg for more of his attentions. Zeke just donned a fresh pair of underwear and nothing else allowing Jasmine to feast on his body as his muscled bunched and shifted with each move he made.

Zeke turned and caught Jasmine watching him with desire clear in her eyes. He gave a slow smile and said, "come on." Without waiting for her, he went through the door and made his way down the stairs in a second attempt to find provisions. "We need to get some meat on those bones," he teased.

Jasmine gave a snicker. "Oh, please you sound just like Derick." The sound of his name spoken aloud made Jasmine gasp. She stopped where she was, just two steps above Zeke.

He heard the gasp, but it didn't register that she was thinking of her late husband. No, he heard that gasp and turned thinking that she must have twisted an ankle. The look on her face, however. That look betrayed her thoughts.

What was she doing? Here she was having mind blowing sex with a virtual stranger, and Derick was probably pacing the house worried sick over the way she left that afternoon. She shouldn't have been there to begin with.

"Jazzy?" Zeke broke into her thoughts. He could see her focus on him. He felt his heart stop. He knew that whatever she was thinking, it wasn't going to end well for them. He said what he figured she was thinking of. "Do you want to go home?"

Jasmine didn't want to leave. It made her all the more guilty for wanting to stay here forever. To just forget about her whole life. To just enjoy all the new experiences that Zeke was showing her.

Zeke took hold of Jasmine's hand in both of his, and brought it to his chest. "I can take you home. It's okay."

A single tear slipped from the corner of her eye. Zeke used the pad of his thumb to reach up and wipe it away. "Let's go home," he said making up her mind for her.

Jasmine nodded wordlessly. He attempted to lead her to the door, but she pulled her hand from his grip. "My clothes," she said.

As if Zeke forgot her attire, he blinked at her and looked down at his shirt. "Oh," was all he said. Jasmine turned around and made her way back to the room. As she lifted each foot, her legs felt like lead. Her heart ached like the universe was telling her that she was making a horrible mistake.

She stopped at the door. Her eyes roamed the evidence of their lovemaking. This was it. When she was lonely in that big house, she would remember this room. That bed. The feel of the sheets. The feel of him. Jasmine could feel her lip quiver. She pinched them together and forced herself to go in and gather her things.

Zeke was just behind Jasmine. He waited patiently while she fought whatever demons she needed to. It was bittersweet when she spurred into action. He was sad because he didn't know what would happen next. But at the same time, he watched her lift his shirt from her shoulders and hook it on one of the bed posts before bending over to pick up the bits he stripped from her over the last few hours.

Wanting to keep a little piece of her, he lifted the discarded shirt and pulled it on. Before finding a pair of shorts. Neither said a word as they dressed. They stayed quiet as they went out to the truck. Silence stretched the whole drive back to her house.

Zeke kept glancing over at Jasmine, but the whole while, he never suggested what was really going through his head. He never told her that he didn't want to take her home. He didn't want to spend another minute away from her.

Jasmine stared aimlessly out the window. The sun had already set, and she could easily see Zeke's reflection as the window acted like a mirror to her peripheral vision. She could see every time he chanced looking over at her, and silently wished he would just turn around and just tell her that she didn't have to be lonely any more. That she had no reason to feel guilty for being happy. Each time, he didn't comply.

The next turn would be her street, and Jasmine was dreading every inch they came closer.

Zeke noticed the lights, and slowed. Jasmine noticed the lights and sat up straighter in her seat. She felt like they were at her house, but couldn't imagine why. The u shaped drive was large enough to accommodate many cars. There was hers, her mother's at least four cop cars that she could see, and Zeke's truck came through on the inside bend that was still clear.

As soon as he put it in park, Jasmine opened the door. As is she materialized out of thin air, a female officer came up to her. "Ma'am," she said with a firm tone. "I'm gonna need you to identify yourself."

Jasmine let her irritation show in her voice. "I live here, what is going on?"

Just then, her mother came into view. "Jazz! Oh, Jasmine! Where have you been? I've been so worried about you?"

"So you call the cops?" She couldn't help but shout at her mother. This was beyond anything she could have imagined. Jasmine looked around at all the chaos that her mother caused. "Everyone needs to leave now!"

A cop who looked like he was used to getting his way came up to the two of them. "Miss, we can't just leave, this is an active crime scene. There is obvious evidence of a struggle. We need to do our jobs."

Zeke came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's okay," he assured her. "Just let them figure things out. What if someone broke in while you were gone."

Jasmine looked up over her shoulder at Zeke. She wanted to just scream at everyone to leave her alone, but he was right. If there were signs if struggle, then something must have happened while she was away. She gave an awkward nod and looked back to see a startled expression on her mother's face.

"And where have you been anyway?"

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Honestly mother? You tell me that I need to get out, and then when I do, you call the cops? I wish you would just make up your mind."

Zeke applied pressure on her shoulders. He could feel the tension radiating from her body, and willed her to calm down.

Her mother was completely oblivious to the stress she put on her daughter. Zeke wondered, as the woman kept picking into her daughter's wounds, if this was how they always were. He wanted to scoop her up and just take her back home. To tell her that she never had to deal with that situation again.

"-with this strange man. Did he take you without your permission?"

"What?" Zeke shouted, finally losing his patience with the woman.

"No, mother. I was not kidnapped!" Jasmine was so angry she was willing to kill someone just to go to jail and get some peace and quiet.

"Ma'am, there is no need to get excited. Let's come over to my car where we can talk in private," the arrogant cop said.

Jasmine didn't like the tone, as if he was insinuating that she couldn't speak in front of Zeke. "I don't know what kind of zoo is going on here, but you can be damned sure I will be suing the agency for harassment. You are neither welcome, nor do you have the rights to be here. I am very clearly not in any kind of trouble. There is no reason for you to be here. It is time for you to pack all this up and get out."

Jasmine turned in the circle of Zeke's arms. She placed each of her hands on his pecks, but didn't push away, she just needed to anchor herself. She looked into his eyes, and was given a semblance of peace knowing that he was just as flabbergasted with the whole situation. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

Zeke flashed a smile at her. He quirked an eyebrow. "I guess this is worse than my sister storming in on us," he said.

The cop seemed to sputter about trying to sidestep with all the mess he made in her front yard and who knew what in the house.

Jasmine shook her head. She gave Zeke a sarcastic smile. "Maybe we should just go back and pretend this never happened."

He knew she was joking, but he was not the least bit opposed to her suggestion. His arms came around her tiny waist. "Don't tempt me," he warned.

His voice dropped low enough that she could feel it vibrate through her body. She was suddenly breathless. She shook her head, "no, I think you should go. Thank you for everything. I couldn't even express how much I enjoyed today."

Zeke leaned in and lay a kiss on her cheek. "Me, too."

Jasmine did give a little push this time, and felt her heart clench when he unwrapped his arms, taking a step back.

"Before you go, son, I need to ask you some questions first."

Jasmine did lose all patience then. "No, you don't. You've taken up enough of my time, and made enough of a mess. I'm calling my lawyer right now," she said and stormed past her mother an the cop, whose mouth was agape with shock.

She went into her house to find another handful of officers parading all over. There was powder coating random surfaces, little number markers in random places, and nothing different from how she left it that afternoon. Her father was in the kitchen sitting at a table speaking to someone who was scribbling wildly on a piece of paper.

"Dad, you need to control your wife!" Jasmine screamed at her father.

Her father looked up, clearly not expecting to hear her voice, angry or otherwise. "Jazz?"

"You guys keep pushing me to get out and start living again, and when I do, I'm reported as missing?" Jasmine crossed her arms over her chest. "Would you please tell mom to stop hovering, and just let me deal with Derick's death in my own way?" She dropped her hands at her sides, fingers fisted into balls. "Just allow me to grieve for my husband. I should be able to be sad without having to worry about what you guys think. I'm trying to move on. In trying to be happy again, but when you pull a stunt like this-" she swung out her arms to emphasize what a mess it was. She shook her head. "Just leave me alone already." Jasmine knew she was acting like a moody teenager, but she didn't give a damn. Not after what she had to come home to. She stormed up the stairs and left her father holding the bag. Again.

He noticed he exchange out front between her and the AC technician. He felt nauseous with jealousy as he watched her take comfort in another man's embrace. When she slammed the bedroom door shut, and tossed herself on the bed, he noticed that her hair was damp and clumpy like she'd just taken a shower and hadn't brushed her hair yet. Another wave of nausea crashed through him. What had they been doing the last few hours? His heart was in his throat when he touched his finger to the phone making it ring.

Jasmine knew it would be Derick calling for her. She wasn't all that sure that she was ready to talk to him. Not right now. Not with everything that she'd been through. But she couldn't just not answer. She lifted the receiver and pressed it against her ear as she lay against the pillows.

"Jazz? Are you okay?"

She couldn't help but scoff at the question. Of course he saw what had happened outside. "No, I'm not. I'm tired, and I'm angry. And I just want this day to be over already."

"Okay," Derick whispered. He didn't say another word.

Jasmine held the phone against her ear and closed her eyes.

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