To Be So Lonely (Styles Tripl...

By louisssmolbean

393K 11.6K 5.3K

Louis is an insecure omega who wishes he had someone to care for him. The Styles triplets go to the same scho... More

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Thank you
character ask

n i n e t e e n

10.4K 287 247
By louisssmolbean

After Marcel left the other boys had supper together and then slept a very peaceful slumber.

Sadly the same can not be said for Marcel, as soon as he got dropped off in Bradford a black van took him to his boss' house.

"Marcel my boy, how are you?" asked a man wearing a very expensive suit "Good evening sir. I'm fine". He shifted uncomfortably he truly hated being there "Aren't you gonna ask me how I am? Well no need I'll tell you, I am fucking pissed at some dimwitted alpha triplets who think its completely fine to STEAL from me!" it was obvious he lost his composure near the end of his speech.

"Listen here fucker you don't get to manipulate us anymore, we aren't fucking 14 year olds trying to make extra cash. And as for your money, its been spent. You will receive the next 'shipment' in the next few days" the man was evidently frightened of Marcel. Why wouldn't he be, the alpha is taller and more muscular than him.

"Very well I expect you to stay until it arrives, you can accommodate in one of my guest rooms, pleasure doing business with you Mr. Styles" he put out his hand and Marcel shook it "I will be staying at a hotel. Thank you Mr. Cowell".

The next day when Louis woke up he immediately grabbed his phone to call Marcel. At the second ring he picked up with a very groggy voice "hello?" "Hi froggy" "baby why you call me froggy that's mean" "Well Marcy you and your brothers look like froggies" he giggled when he earned a glare and a slap on the butt from Edward.

"If you say so sunshine" "How'd your business go?" "Really boring but I'll talk about it with my brothers later" Louis was truly concerned, why wouldn't they tell him what they did for a living. "O-okay I miss- 'arry that tickles" he couldn't finish his sentence because as per usual Harry was clinging to him "I miss you too baby" he chuckled from the other line.

"Kitten are you talking to Marcel" asked Edward looking at Louis "Yea let me just say goodbye - Marcy I love you sososososo much" he said before passing the phone to the tall alpha. He went to the living room to continue the call. "Hazzy can we have breakfast now?" Louis' tummy was grumbling "Course baby lets go".

Even though Louis was having fun talking to Harry he kept glancing over to the living room where Edward was pacing he could kind of hear what they were talking about. "- yea we don't want to owe him anything so good job staying at the hotel" him? Who don't they wanna owe anything to?

"I think I'm gonna hang out with Niall today" he stated. The omega needed to clear his mind and think about something else other than the secrets the triplets were keeping from him. "We can all hang out" said Edward finally joining them at the table "I think its just gonna be me and Ni today, if you don't mind". The brothers were confused but obliged "Ye baby its fine, we'll drive you".

The omega got dressed in tight jeans with an open back shirt. "You look really good baby" growled Edward into his ear kissing his neck from behind him. They went to the car and drove Louis to the mated mates' house. Then the blue eyed realized he didn't text Niall to see if it was alright.

Loubear: Ni I'm on ma way to your house

Niboo: Lou I'm not there, the alphas took me out for a "romantic weekend" on a Monday

'Well shit' thought Louis. He was annoyed at the triplets for keeping secrets but he didn't want to be alone. He could either; a) go to Niall's apartment cause he equally has a key, and sit alone. Or b) suck it up and be with his future mates. Unfortunately he chose option a.

Loubear: is it okay if I just hangout at your place for a bit, mad at the triplets atm :(

Niboo: yeah stay there all you want bubs, we will talk about your anger when I get back

Loubear: thanks niboo you are amazayn :p

Niboo: i will murder u if u keep using that cheesy shit... but look at my attractive sleepy alpha

Niboo: *image attached*

"What are you smiling at?" asked Harry fondly but a tiny bit jealous "Look how hot my best friend is" he smiled sticking the phone way too close to Harry's face. "Baby we are the only alphas you are supposed to be calling hot" pouted the man adorably "Sorry" said the omega and giggled.

They finally arrived at the apartment building and Louis quickly kissed each of their cheeks and when he was going to leave Edward grabbed his arm softly "You know you can talk to us about anything right?" the omega nodded and walked away feeling slightly guilty.

He watched tv until lunch time, then he saw a message from Edward

Bear: Are you going to eat lunch with Niall?

He wasn't mad or anything, Edward was a cold texter. He replied a quick 'yeah' and headed out, he knew there was a park nearby and a sandwich shop just outside it.

He walked alone and then remembered why he would never go out without company. It was so lonely. He sat down at a bench eating his sandwich, about ten minutes later he noticed someone was sitting opposite him. His breath caught in his throat. It was Stanley.

Before the omega's brain could process what was happening Stanley walked up to him. "Hey Louis" he was so scared, he thought about his alphas and how disappointed they would be. "So I just wanna say I'm sorry" wait what? Stan apologizing.. The boy said nothing and let the alpha continue "I was a jerk and terrible alpha. I didn't realize how good of an omega you were-" was this what closure felt like? Thought Louis.

Nothing could ever prepare him for what Stanley said next "- I see you aren't mated and.. I would like for us to give it another shot" this was too much for him how could this happen to him, the omega was still silent and confused "You were an amazing omega and I want you to be mine" the alpha slightly smiled. "I-i... no" he wouldn't fall back into the arsehole's traps. "I already h-have three alphas t-that are better than y-you in every way" he was stuttering and it enraged him that he was so nervous.

"Oh, we'll we could try and be friends and then maybe if it doesn't work out with those guys I could be here for you" Louis was having a discussion in his head. 'He seems different, and being friends can't hurt' he said to himself. "I-i guess we could, you k-know be friends" Stanley smiled after hearing that.

They talked for a while about random things for a while and Stan was slowly getting closer to him on the bench "Can I just say, you really got so much prettier in these years" he said placing his hand on Louis' thigh. The omega felt grossed out, he finally took a good look at the man and realized he was so unattractive. He didn't have green eyes or curly hair, he wasn't tall or muscular and he wasn't a Styles triplet.

"I should g-go" said Louis getting up "Don't be disrespectful omega, when somebody compliments you, you say fucking thank you" and there was the old Stanley, same bastard as always. "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" excused the alpha when he saw Louis' reaction "Give me your phone number and I'll text you yea?" it sounded more like a demand than a question. The omega gave him his phone. 'I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he has changed' thought the omega.

He walked off with a bad feeling in his gut but ignored it. Than he called Harry and asked him to come get him.

Back at the house Edward was grabbing the keys to go with Harry for their future mate. "We have to tell him" stated Edward and the other alpha looked at him confused. "We have to tell him about the business, we can't mate him without him knowing everything" the triplets greatest fear was, that for some reason Louis regretted mating them and broke the soul bond.

Harry nodded slightly and look at his hands fidgeting anxiously. "When Marcel returns".

They pulled up to the building and saw Louis shaking from the cold waiting outside "Baby what are you doing its freezing" Harry took off his hoodie and put it on the omega. This made Louis' heart flip, why would he ever choose Stanley when he had them. "Thanks Hazzy" he giggled shyly and kissed his cheek.

"How was your day with Niall?" asked Edward, Louis was pondering over if he should tell them that Niall wasn't there or not. They would equally find out eventually so the omega confessed "He isn't here, I went to the park" the alpha slammed the breaks causing Louis to fall forward.

"What?! Louis I understand if you want to be alone, but lying and putting yourself in danger by going out unmated isn't a good way to pass time" growled the oldest alpha. And like the crybaby he was Louis started crying, not only cause of the harsh words but cause the fall hurt him.

Edward switched the drivers seat with Harry and sat in the back with his omega cradling him. "I'm so sorry kitten please don't cry, I just want to protect you but I can't if you don't talk to me" that only made Louis cry harder. "I-i'm sorry a-alpha please d-don't leave me" the alpha immediately felt guilty and shook his head "I'll never leave you" and kissed the top of the feathery haired boy's head.

When they got to the house Edward carried Louis into the living room and sat him down. "Sunshine we know something is bothering you and I would appreciate it if you told us what" the omega sighed and sat down on Harry "You're keeping a secret from me and I'm worried" the brothers looked between each other "We will tell you baby, just not right now" although Louis was still skeptical on that answer he accepted it.

"What'd you do today?" they changed the subject to lighten the mood but the omega felt his chest tighten. He didn't want to tell anyone about Stanley, they'd tell him he's and idiot for trusting him again. He wasn't even planning on telling Niall.

"Not much just sat in the park and ate a sandwich" he lied. Harry put him on the couch and placed his mop of curls on top of the boy's lap. Louis mindlessly started playing with them when Harry suddenly got up, his eyes were red. "You smell like another alpha" he stated, that alerted Edward and he walked over "Smell his thigh" and the alpha did so.

'Shit' thought the omega "It was the.. the hot dog vendor" he stuttered out "I thought you ate a sandwich?" the alphas didn't think Louis would cheat on him, but maybe someone touched him and he was afraid to say "Did he hurt you?" Edward almost yelled "No! I just bumped into his hand on my way out of the store" the alphas hummed as an okay, but they knew they had to keep an eye on him.

After a while of watching tv Louis received a notification.

Unknown number: Hello doll, this is Stan ♡

(1972 words)

So what'd ya think? Oh and have you heard Liam's new song midnight? Its amazing

Vote and comment, stay safe lovelies

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