Reality (BWWM)

By _Phidd

33.1K 1.6K 182

After a night of an unexpected disaster and death. Caleb and Avery naturally link up, investigating of what... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Five

2.5K 149 13
By _Phidd


I guess you can call me a horny teenager. But this time I have a reason why I did what I've done. She started to blackmail me. Saying she would tell if I didn't give her what she wants. Usually I would ignore this type of shit, but she knew too much. How? I don't know. If people found out it would cause all types of confusion. Question everything.
So I told her to meet me in one of the storage rooms, while everyone's at Zack's school memorial.
Thought it'll be quick but she wanted more. I couldn't say no. So I kept going.

Seeing Hannah, Megan and Avery faces wasn't apart of the plan. I dodge them jogging to the auditorium, where I soon will begin my speech.

Adjusting my clothes while I hear Principal Lacking speaks.

"Thank you for your positive peom, Eric Martin." He reads off his paper, standing at the front podium. As the next student goes up.

I stand in the walkway seeing girls crying, guys Snapchating, and some sleeping. Our generation.

Zack parents are present with their son Cody. Who seems to be more interested in his toy car. He's young.

Sitting on folding chairs, on the stage, watching each student speak. A blown up picture with Zack's face, and flowers around it.

"Thank you, Emma Chandler. Our next speaker is Caleb Moore." He says, dryly. Taking a seat in a folding chair.

I walk my way up to the front podium, stepping up the stairs. Clearing my throat when I get to the mic. I take out my paper of my speech that I prepared.

"Zack was the type of guy that everyone knew. That played in every sport that he could do. Very social, outgoing, and always willing to try new things....."

I pause, realizing the crowd is at my full attention. Seeing Megan and Hannah giving me a death stare. But Avery, nothing.

"He wasn't just my best friend, he is my brother. And will always be. Even if...."

I felt a lump in my throat. Get yourself together! But I can't. For the first time in month's I feel water forming in my eyes. I'm not a crier. But it's happening, tears stream down my face. I quickly wipe them away, though they keep coming.

I hear people go awwww in the crowd.

"Sorry..... Even if..he's gone. He'll be never forgotten." I walk off, shortening my speech, since I'm becoming so emotional.

The crowd clapped and some stood up. Which I don't understand. My speech wasn't powerful, it didn't bring him back. I walk out the auditorium.

"Caleb." I feel someone grab my hand. I jerked it away. I turn to see Avery. "Are you okay?"

"Fuck no!" I yell, not caring who hears me. I pace back and forth. "He didn't deserve to die young!! He didn't Avery!!"

"I know but it's apart of life, people die."

"Why him?! Who would do such a fucking evil thing!!"

"Wait, the fire wasn't an accident." She glares at me.

He meet my eyes. "Hell no. Someone planned that shit! Someone planned to kill him and everybody else that was in that house that night." I spat.

From the corner of my eye I see Principal Lacking approaching.

"I'm out of here." I walk down the hallway, hearing Lacking call out my name. I keep walking.



It went from depressing to straight up craziness. I never thought by a death, people behavior would of started to change. Especially in only a week.

After the memorial was over, i wait for my dad to come pick me up. It's my weekend off from work and i feel the urge to go home  and sleep.

He drives home,  parking in the driveway. I get out opening the front door, making my way to my room. I close the door to be peace. Laying on my bed. Sleep is my only escape.


I woke up hearing a tapping sound from my window. I get up, moving my curtains a bit to see what it is.

"Avery..." I hear him mumble my name. I push up the window.


"I know you probably hate me, but I want to apologize, for everything. For the storage incident to blowing up on you today." He says, calmly.

I look over my shoulder at my alarm clock.

"It's 11:56 P.M. An it's dark outside in a bad part of town. And you came here to just apologize?"

"And explain everything else." He says.

I move back, and he climbs in. I leave out of my room, closing the door behind. Entering the bathroom, to brush my teeth.

I walk back in my room, closing the door back. Seeing a bit of him on my bed. I walk over.

Me: "Don't get too comfortable. " I whisper. "We don't need another incident like today."

Caleb: "I don't think you'll ever let me go that far with you."

Me: "Your right, I wouldn't." I sit next to him, on my bed, waiting. "Though my parents are next door, so you should whisper." I couldn't see his response,  but he began.

Caleb: "Your best friend started black mailing me. Saying if I didn't give her what she wanted then ...she would let something out. If she didn't have that over my head then I would have never done what I did."

Me: "Bryn did this?"  I'm not shock anymore, today said enough for me. Which brings me back to what my dad said about Bryn. How he doesn't trust her and doesnt believe  her story.

Another question comes in mind.

"How did you know that she was my best friend?"

Caleb: "She told me, right after you storm away. She said that you and her are best friends and that you tell her anything."

Me: "I do not tell her everything, actually the last time I talked to her was the morning you took me home. My dad made a rule for me not to talk to her anymore, because he doesn't trust her and her story she told about that night.

Caleb: " What did she say? "

Me: "Well...To think of it, I'd never receive a phone call from her..."

Caleb: "What?"

Me: "That night, she said she  called me but I never received a miss called from her. And she told me that Megan called you said that I was with you.

Caleb:  "What? I called Megan the morning after I took you to your house. "
My dad is right, her story doesn't add up but something is missing.

Me: "Maybe she's covering up something."


"Probably so...... Wait a minute!"

His voice went up.

Me: "Shhhh. Whisper."

Caleb: "Remember that night when we were locked in the  basement and you were telling me that you were looking for your friend and the she was with a guy with blonde hair. And I asked if he wear glasses and you said yes and he was about my height.

"Ohh God." Shit this is scary.

Caleb: "It all makes so much sense now, she probably doing all this lying to cover up her tracks."

Me: "But Bryn, a killer? I don't see it."

Caleb: "I couldn't see Zack being dead, but after today the reality of it hit me. He's gone." He was quiet.

"She probably wasn't his killer, but she must know something of him of that night."

Me: "So you didn't really want to do it with her?" Changing subjects.

Caleb: "No I didn't, and I regret every bit of it. It's going to come out anyway."

Me: "What is it?"

Caleb: "You'll find out soon."

He pause. "You don't like that I fucked Bryn."

I sign. "No, I really don't."

I lay on side, looking at the clock.
12:10 A.M.

I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"I didn't mean to make you feel this way." He mumbles in my ear and gets up off the bed.

"Don't go." My voice sounds broken.

"Why should I stay, I don't deserve-" The sound of foot steps approach my room door. Opening the door slowing.

I grab my iPod on my night stand, plugging my earphones in my ear, laying back down. Closing eyes.

The click sound of the light turning on. A presence coming close to me. Another  of my bed room window closing. Then the light turns off, closing my door behind.

I wait a few minutes making sure I hear there room door close.

I take the earphones out of my ears, sitting back up.

"That was close." I hear Caleb from under me.

"Where did you hide?" I whisper.

"Under your bed." He gets up. "He may come back and check up on you."

It was my dad. I get up, opening the window as quiet as I can.

"You are going to his funeral Sunday?"

He mummers.

"I wasn't invited."

"Well now you are. Will you come?"

"Sure, I guess."

He climbs out the window. A street light is near, advantage to see his face.

"I'll pick you up at one." He says. Before walking off.

"Caleb..." I call out to him.  He turns nd looks at me. "I can never hate you."

He smiles then turns back into the darkness.

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