Pulp Friction (Male Reader x...

By Peppy_Pepper

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I want to write something other than a bunch of tropes in story form. More



260 12 5
By Peppy_Pepper

"Holy shit!"  Setsuna yelled, clearly confused by the situation.  I understood how she felt.  Enjo could have died, after all.  "Is she fucking stupid?"  She screamed.  It was part of her nature to be loud and wear her emotions on her sleeve, so it didn't surprise me.  I was scared, too.  Of losing Enjo.  She was one of the most accepting people I knew, and made up approximately 50% of my friends.

"(L/N)!"  I yelled.  "What's your Quirk?"  I yelled over the commotion.  My Quirk, having earphone jacks hanging off my earlobes wasn't exactly very useful for the situation, and neither was Setsuna's.  He looked over at me and his facial expression was nearly indescribable.  I didn't know that a human face could show so any emotions at once.

It was a strange mix of fear, confusion, concern, and various others that I couldn't name no matter how hard I tried.  "Someone has to do something!"  I yelled, angry that he was being so non-communicative.  He turned his head back to the scene happening in front of us, and did something incredibly stupid.  He charged, too.

Funny thing was, he wasn't running. He was fucking sliding as if he were roller skating or ice skating.  It was such a strange sight.  He continued charging, gaining insane amounts of speed, eventually, reach near the gunk monster.  He was near it's side, so he managed to make an incredibly sharp turn my leaning onto his side and putting his palm on the ground and turning the same way someone would if they were skiing, but instead of a pole, it was his arm.

His erratic movements seemed to confuse it, as he grabbed someone's wrist, pulling them out of the green mass that was the villain.  It turned out to be Bakugo, as (L/N) threw him to the side.  What kind of Quirk did this guy have?  He began rushing at the monster again, grabbing another wrist, but this time it was Midoriya.  He threw him to the side as he did with Bakugo, stepping pretty far back to catch a breath.

Everyone was watching.  I think there was yelling but to be honest, I couldn't tell.  It was clear that since Enjo was the only one left still being held captive by the slime monster, it would be much more defensive.  (L/N) seemed to learn this pretty quickly, too, since the rest of his attempts to help Enjo failed.  His face was paler and redder than usual, making it look like he was sick and physically tired.

This fatigue showed when he rushed in again, only to get knocked out of the way by a well placed hit to the gut from the slime monster, sending him back into the crowd, as he landed in a very uncomfortable-looking position, and most likely had a broken bone.  Everyone was freaking out over what to do, myself included.

Me and Setsuna ran over to him, since he was now in the middle of the crowd, because he was knocked back to far.  "(L/N)! Are you ok?!" I yelled, not wanting to touch him in fear of worsening an injury.  He stared at the sky, gasping for air frantically.

He pushed himself up, wobbling around once he was back on his feet, rubbing his eyes and looking back at the scene.  The mass of green goo seemed to be in a defensive position, clearly trying to wear (L/N) out, which was clearly working.

He slid towards it in one final attempt, before falling flat on his face and not getting up.

The monster began cackling, as if amused by (L/N)'s pain.  "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"  It yelled.  "THATS THE BEST YOU CAN DO?  GOD AREN'T YOU A WASTE OF SPACE!"  It began to run (walk? slide?) towards a small opening in the crowd, trying to escape.  "I WAS DECIDING WHICH ONE TO MAKE MY VESSEL, SO THANKS FOR MAKING IT EASIER, KID!"

It continued zooming towards the gap in the crowd, until a tall, muscular figure fell from the sky in front of it.  This figure was All Might. All Might reached out to the monster with one hand, and in the blink of an eye, grabbed Enjo and took her to our side.

I soon realized what this meant in terms of the fight. He could be as reckless as he wanted without hurting any hostages. He cocked his fist back, yelled something, and thrust it forward. His fist didn't even hit he monster, but it mad enough wind to blast it into nonexistence.

After the panic calmed, the group of Setsuna, Enjo, (L/N), and I got swarmed. "Are you ok?!" "Do you need help?!" "Should we call an ambulance?!"

Setsuna clearly had the most social skills, so she handled most of the questions as (L/N) slowly picked himself up, noticeably clutching his left wrist.

The way he held it as if it were in pain made the people worry even more. "Did you break it?!" "Someone get a doctor!"

(L/N) rubbed his eyes clearly annoyed with the panicked crowd. "Focus on the blonde kid!" He yelled at them, seeming like he had a headache.

Most of them followed his advice to help Bakugo, but a few stuck around. He rolled his shoulders and neck and looked over to Setsuna and Enjo, Setsuna making sure Enjo was ok.

"You good?" (L/N) asked, cracking his neck.

"Am I ok?!"  She laughed, offering a hand out to help him up, as he took it and stood up.  "You just saved us!"  She told him.

"Nah, I just saved Midoriya and Bakugo.  The only reason you're ok is because of All Might."  Enjo looked offended, and grabbed his shoulders shaking him.

"Don't under-credit yourself, (Y/N)."  She insisted with a warm smile.  "You did great.  Honestly I think you could be a great hero if you wanted to."

(L/N) looked away.  "I mean, maybe I could, but I'm not really interested in being a hero."  He told her, beginning to walk away from the crowd as we followed.  "Like I've said before, I'll just work a 9 to 5."

This is where I chimed in, "You should consider it, (L/N).  I think you'd be great at it."

(L/N) shook his head.  "Too much work."  He told us.  "I'm really bad at motivating myself.  I need other people to tell me what to do."  He explained.  "Want to get something to eat?"  He asked, pointing at a frozen yogurt place.

Setsuna didn't respond, instead getting out her wallet, counting a few bills and walking into the shop, as (L/N) and Enjo laughed, following her, while I sighed and followed, as we got some and sat down in a booth, with (L/N) and I in the same seat and Setsuna and Enjo across from us.

Setsuna, Enjo, and (L/N) were significantly better at carrying conversation than me. Either that, or they just spewed everything in their brains out of their mouths without a filter. Probably the latter.

We finished our fro-yo and sat there for a little while longer. I quickly learned that (L/N) and I had the exact same sense of humor, only laughing at the most exquisite of stupid shit. After a while of talking, Setsuna slumped down in her seat, so that her head was just visible over the table.

"I'm bored." She stated, right after Enjo had finished saying something. "There's nothing to do around here!" She whined. "None of us can drive, so transportation is limited."

"I have an idea-." Enjo smugly threw and arm around Setsuna and pulled her close.

Setsuna looked up at her with an annoyed expression. "We're not working out."

Enjo banged her head against the soft back of the booth chair, with an irritated expression. "How many times do I have to go through this? We want to become pro heroes, pro heroes have to be athletic!"

"You don't get into U.A. or Shiketsu because you're athletic. You get into those schools because you have a good Quirk." I chimed in, leaning back so I wasn't hunched over. "And either way, (L/N) doesn't want to become a hero, so it'd be kind of weird."

"I'm fine with tagging along." He shrugged, leaning back as I looked to my side, facing him with a disappointed expression. "I've been meaning to start working out, so this is a good way to get started."

This fuckin' kissass. He was supposed to say he didn't want to work out so Setsuna and I wouldn't have to.

"Great!" Enjo grinned, clapping her hands together, as Setsuna and I groaned, which (L/N) sheepishly noted, realizing he would responsible for the PAIN caused by Enjo's workout regiment.

"We don't even have anywhere to work out!" Setsuna pointed out, with an exasperated sigh. "Its not like we have gym memberships."

Enjo smiled in a very scary way that I can only assume can from Bakugo. "Who said we'd be using any equipment?"

"Uh, Enjo..?" (L/N) got her attention. "Um, on second thought, we probably shouldn't work out. You're probably hurt from the slim monster and I most definitely still am."

Enjo sighed in a disappointed manner. "I guess you're right." Setsuna and I sighed in relief. Wether he was serious or doing it because he noticed that we didn't want to work out, I appreciated it all the same.

"What are we gonna do than?" Enjo asked, stepping outside into the warm sunlight, clearly bored, as we all followed.

(L/N) was being much quieter than earlier in the day, very clearly still shook from the whole slime monster incident.

"(L/N), are you-" I began to ask if he was ok, when he interrupted me.

"(Y/N)." He simply said. "Just call me (Y/N). I hate my last name, anyway." He told me, as I slowly nodded.

"Well, (Y/N), are you sure you don't want to just go home or have some alone time or something? You, too Enjo. That was pretty intense." I told them as Enjo looked away while (Y/N) shook his head.

Enjo looked to me. "I should probably go home. My sister would probably be pretty pissed if I stayed out any longer, since that slime thing happened." She said, turning away and waving. "Later!"

Setsuna and I looked over to (Y/N). "How bout you?" Setsuna asked, as he shook his head.

"I'm good with staying out." He said, holding his hands on his head the way someone would if they were winded. "The bigger problem is what to do." He pointed out.

"I know!"  Setsuna smiled, with closed eyes and a finger pointed in the air. "Kyoka! You have a bunch of instruments at you house, right?" I nodded in response, seeing where this was going. "Lets go to your house and play them!"

I sighed. "I would, but my mom said she'd be on a business call for a while today, and I don't want to interrupt it." I explained, as Setsuna's expression quickly turned into a disappointed.

"Finding something to do is impossible!" She whined, throwing her arms in the air as we continued to walk. Suddenly she checked her pockets. "6 texts and 4 missed calls from my mom? Shit." She ran a hand through her hair before sprinting away. "Bye, guys!"

Well now its just me and (Y/N). The people in the group who are least acquainted with each other. This feels uncomfortable already.  We continued walking around, to keep ourselves busy.

Any time either of us would speak it would be followed by silence for twice as long as one of us was speaking.  We didn't really talk much, only discussing things that happened on the fly, such as buildings we passed, before he brought something up that would make us talk much, much more.

"Setsuna said you played instruments?" He pointed out, glancing over to me, as I nodded.

"Yeah. I can play most instruments, like guitar, drums, piano, but my favorite is bass." I replied, rolling my shoulders and make awkward eye contact for a moment.

"So I take it you're a music fan?" He asked, having to step closer to me so a group of people could pass us, while we were walking down the street.

I nodded. "I've been kinda obsessed with music since I was a little kid. My dad is the same way, so growing up with him it just kinda happened." I explained.

We continued to talk about music, about bands we like, musician, artists, instruments, genres, music in general.  Turns out he likes a lot of the stuff I do.

His face gained a solemn expression after a while, and it was clear there was something on his mind. "You ok, (Y/N)?" I asked, half-jokingly.

"Yeah its just-." He began, tossing his hair, as I looked up at him, since he was clearly about to start talking about more serious stuff. "Back when I was fighting the slime thing. It was clear that for Midoriya and Enjo, they moved to fight on instinct. They did it because they cared, but when I did it, it was because I felt like a I had to. I had the Quirk that let me so I felt pressured to do something. And now I feel like a kind of shitty person." He confessed, as he poured his feelings out, with his facial expression being mild disappointment, presumably for his own action.

I put a hand on his shoulder and tried my best to give him a warm smile, as we made eye contact. "(Y/N)," I began, "You know how Setsuna, Enjo, and I said you could and should be a good hero?" I asked, as he nodded. "Well my opinion on that hasn't changed at all. And I'm sure their's wouldn't either."

(Y/N) sniffed. "Thanks, Kyok- Jiro." He corrected himself, as it seemed that he had gotten used to using people's first names.

I shook my head with a slight smile. "Kyoka is fine." I assured him as his face got more and more happier as I had been speaking for the last couple of minutes.

He took a dee breath. "Well the sun is setting. I should probably get back home before my dad starts to worry too much." He told me, as I nodded.

"Me too. See ya, (Y/N)." I waved as he began light jogging away.

"Bye, Kyoka." He waved with a grin as he set off back home, doing his dopey-looking mix of walking and skating.

Once I got back home, I went to my room and flopped down on my bed, sighing deeply. As I was beginning to relax, my phone buzzed. It was a text from someone I didn't know.

(Is this Kyoka)

(yeah , whos this ?)

((Y/N). Enjo gave me your number)


(I just wanted to say thanks for what you said earlier. It means a lot)

(no biggie.)

(Yeah maybe to you)
(Anyway I just wanted to say I appreciate you)

(thanks , (y/n))
Read 7:38 P.M.

I set my phone down next to my head, and thought about what he said: "Anyways I just wanted to say I appreciate you". I sighed. Maybe I'm overthinking things but I noticed he said "you" and not "it". He said he appreciated me as a whole, not just what I said, I turned onto my side, while lying on my bed.

Whatever, I'm probably just overthinking it.

2609 words

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