
By IrregularYu

482 31 86

⚠️ WARNING!: Alcoholism, Heavy Cursing, Possible Suicidal Themes, and Possible Make out Scenes will be Presen... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

112 7 2
By IrregularYu

A/N: After a very long time of planning and writing this story out. I'm happy to announce that it's finally out! Warning for future reference too, this story will be having adult content in later chapters like very heavy cursing, alcoholism, possible suicidal themes, and possible small makeout scenes [Lemon and Smut Excluded] The most you're gonna get for the makeout scenes though is probably a person on top of the person and etc. In Reality, it won't be that bad compared to others, but if you're still sensitive to that kinda stuff I warn you now.

It was a bright Friday afternoon. The sound of two young boys made up the room as their shouts and insults reached the roof of the house, creating constant echoes. Two young women can be seen sipping their drinks as they watch the youthful boys play or more or less mildly insult each other. They continue to shout unhurriedly getting physical as one decides to push the other, with a couple of explosions involved. One woman stands up and picks up one boy and the other does the same.

   "Stop it you brat" and "Stop it sweetheart" was simultaneously heard as the little boys started to cool down, both with a fierce look in their eyes.
   "Pfft, whatever! I'll win next time, loser!" One said with a grudging look and tight fist. The other scoffed as his mother put him down. As annoying, cocky and mean he was to others, he could never be that way with his mother. After being put down, he opens the house door and walks off as his mother waves goodbye to her good friend. The boy can be seen in what looks like teleporting away with some green lightning coming from his feet. A unique and scary quirk for a 5-year-old but it's not like it can be used for anything else besides getting to places faster. Right?

Before closing the door he shortly waves to his partner and runs off with his mother. After seeing the small wave, the other boy scoffs as he slightly smirks after. Oh, what a troubling pair these two were.
   "Katsuki! Go clean your room!" The young Mitsuki yelled. Her hair was an ash-blonde and her figure was fairly masculine for a young woman.
   "Yea! Yea!" She clicks her tongue as she watches her boy stomp to his room with his mighty attitude. A brat he was true.

The ash-blonde boy, taking more after his mother, continues to hit his head on the wall. He complains a great deal before slowly starting to pick up his clothes. He slightly cussed under his breath. After all, he was his mother's son and continues to pick up after himself. After a great deal of cleaning his mess, he then begins to rest in his bed. Gradually falling asleep and being at peace for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, Katsuki's partner and friend, Izuku Midoriya, could be seen racing his way home, leaving his mother in the dust. He gets home just a couple minutes before his mother and laughs as he moves on to say   
   "Eat me dust~" The young woman slaps her son's head slightly, glaring at him for his small impolite action. The boy grumbles as she unlocks and opens the door to their house. There he runs in and rushes to his bedroom where he begins to run around and play in.
   "Never thought he would be so hyper. I always thought he was gonna be a calm boy." Inko Midoriya continues to mumble to herself.

Izuku walks out of the room to give his mother a hug showing that he appreciated her letting him be with young Bakugou today. Inko stood there and smiled awkwardly, her hands not moving a muscle. 
   "You're Welcome." She said in a hushed stillness. Izuku walked off in a small frustration unsatisfied with his mother's reply. He had always seen his aunt Mitsuki hug her son so why couldn't she do it? Even so, he never let it get to him even after the many attempts and exact reactions that reiterated. He simply went back to his room like he did every day.

Inko gradually shuffles to her son Izuku's room just to check on him. Izuku seemed to settle down a few minutes after and started watching TV. She lets out a sigh, glad that he had calmed down and for the rest of the day she was able to rest and so was her boy.

The following day, Izuku arose to see his mother already taken off. He glimpses at the similar table he receives his labeled food from but throws it away, like often. To Izuku, even though he was relatively young, he was more mature than an accumulated grown-up. He was constantly left unattended at home on the daily and he had gotten used to this day-to-day routine that his mother set up, but he never even obeyed it. Instead, he simply went to his godmother's home and played around.

Initially, this angered Inko remarkably much. She desired the tasks accomplished and everything ready when she got back from labor. So after about two back to back weeks of Izuku's disobedient attitude, he was severely smacked. Noticing and understanding how Izuku felt, Mitsuki eventually stepped in and made a settlement with Inko which was Mitsuki assuming the chores while Izuku gave her son company. Inko couldn't deny Mitsuki's offer and conceded out of mere annoyance thinking she was spoiling Izuku rotten. Of course, in Mitsuki's case though. Someone needs to spoil the poor boy, so if mom isn't gonna do it, Izuku has the next best thing.

Ultimately, the plan was cut off by Inko not that long in and she simply did the work herself. Mitsuki didn't agree at first but had to stop nudging at some point. During this time there was a time period where Izuku stopped coming to his home and slept over at Mitsuki's which ultimately led to him getting his own customary room there. Nobody ever seemed to be present in his house anymore so it's not like it was a bad thing. Inko was always working so late carrying tons and tons of loads even though she has the opportunity to relax. Mitsuki thought she was just straight out punishing herself at this point.

The room was to take care of Izuku and give Inko more time to work like she didn't have enough already. Inko would visit each day but it got shorter and shorter and then became just the weekends where she would see her boy. She missed many events for Izuku but the boy in her eyes never seemed to care. So she continued with this filled schedule for 3 long years. Her son, growing into a proud but problematic young man and she seemed to miss it all.

At this time Izuku was found at Katsuki's house. Again, with only his aunt Mitsuki due to his mother working. Izuku always hated when his mother had to go to work and Inko wonders if that's why his attitude had gotten very much worse. Although she shouldn't be surprised since she can be quite hot-headed herself under heavy loads. He was as prideful as he was then, but the cursing was very new to her even though he has a burning character. He always seemed to be quite saddened as his mother had missed a few birthdays and events. Even though the boy formulated a terrible attitude, he had never ever disrespected any elder he has confronted and surprisingly not his mother. The boy seemed to have trouble having a regular conversation with her instead.

So, even though his mother was narrowly anxious about his behavior. She never fully dove into it understanding her son was still thoughtful to his elders. However, the contrary can be said for young Bakugou. This lad was a walking bomb and everyone knew. He loved his family and friends, but he still acted bratty to everyone and everything. Very cocky and prideful for his age, but the same can still be said for Izuku.

Although the youths were excessively arrogant, no one ever seemed to discourage them since their self-esteem is why they were achieving. Both boys were prestigious in school and by the time they hit there last year of middle school they could be accepted into any highschool they wanted. As smart as they were though, that doesn't excuse their disagreements or brawls, which there was a lot of.

Izuku played around with Katsuki a lot and even though they break into fights half the time, whether it be verbal or physical, they still enjoyed each other's company. Since Inko was always present at work, it depressed Izuku knowing he doesn't have as close of a relationship with his mom as Katsuki does. Even so, the boy would never get jealous or ungrateful since he still had his aunts and his best friend's company. As a young 8-year-old, it's something he never really paid mind to but he did seem to notice little things or the things he at least thought were little. The awful communication with his mother, the avoidance of eye contact, and avoidance of making time for each other and in all honesty, the list can still go on.

These are the things that can create a problematic relationship, but of course, young Izuku didn't know these things. So really, some could say that the fault lays with his mother. He always wondered why his mother seemed so distant but he never was able to get the answer. Sad that a little boy has to deal with adult problems.

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