The Snake Master: Fate/GO X M...

By GASTLY42957

21.9K 388 106

I don't have a description. It's easier to read the bio and look at the backstory in it. I don't own you I d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

3.1K 78 22
By GASTLY42957


The dark version of Altoria gripped her sword in both hands, before running down the hill.

Mash ran towards her, blocking an attack with her shield.

I was about to run forwards to help, but Olga grabbed me.

Olga: don't. You'll only get yourself killed

I heard a small explosion, seeing they blew some of the rock from the ground, sending pellets raining upon us.

Olga managed to catch one, throwing it at the ground in front of us, creating a small barrier.

I saw Altoria keep swinging her sword at Mash, forcing her to block it.

Altoria: what's wrong? Why won't you come forward!

Y/n: be careful Mash!

The Altoria keep up the defensive and eventually managed to hit Mash, throwing her backwards and tossing her shield from her hands.

My breathing got heavier, as I could tell what the darkened saber was about to do.

Mash struggled for a few seconds before managing to get her shield and herself up.

But she was only hit to the ground again.

The Altoria had a glare the entire time and I saw a purple glow surround her.

Y/n: mash, get up!

I saw Altoria raise her sword, a purple fire surrounding it.

Mash was getting up, raising her shield in front of her.

I saw Olga's barrier drop and I started running towards them.

Olga: L/n, get back here! L/n!

I ignored her yells, running towards Mash.


Her raised sword then burst into a massive beam of black, purple and red energy, directed at Mash.

Her shield was deflecting it, but I knew it wouldn't last long. With the beating she took, she wouldn't last long.

Mash POV

As I blocked the attack, I knew for a fact it was over. I would lose very soon.

It's done. I failed.

Trying to keep my strength, I started to fails as my head dropped.

???: come on now. You've taken a beating, and you still give in?

I felt someone's hand on my back and saw another on my shield.

I looked to my right, seeing Y/n.

Mash; Master, pleas-

Y/n: if you die, then I'll die with you. If you can keep us safe for however long she does this for, I can finish it off. You can rest

I felt tears in my eyes.

Y/n: I'm here for ya Mash. Always will be

I felt something in my for a second, as if I was regaining strength.

I looked at him, nodding.

As we blocked the attack, my shield started to glow, before it became larger, blocking the full attack in front of us. Then it formed into a massive castle wall, protecting us even more.

My noble phantasm.


I saw the attack go away and Mash's strength started to disappear again.

I helped her sit, the wall disappearing.

Y/n: rest now. I can handle it

I stood up, walking out towards the Altoria.

Altoria: you let your servant rest so you can die?

Y/n: I don't plan on dying anytime soon

I then dashed at her, almost appearing in front of her with speed no human should possess.

She swung her sword at me, ripping through my Master outfit.

I fell to the ground, before spreading my hood, rising higher than her.

Altoria; what?!

Mash: Master!

I looked down at her, seeing the fear in her eyes.

I hissed at her, before striking her with my fangs.

I moved away, before going in and striking her with my fangs again.

As the venom coursed through her veins, her movements slowed down.

Altoria: you snake!

I nodded, before moving in again.

She swung her sword at me, but I dodged it, before disarming her.

She growled in anger, before trying to stomp me.

She missed and I slithered around her body, wrapping around her tightly, forcing the air from her.

Altoria: you evil creature

I moved my head to be in front of hers, looking into her eyes. I then spoke.

Y/n: I know what i am. But if I'm the evil one, what doesss that make you?

She tried to speak, but I kept tightening my grip and forcing the air from her body.

I then transformed back, pulling out my knife and stabbing the stunned Saber through the heart.

She looked at me, chuckling softly.

Altoria; I do not know

I pulled my knife from her body and she stood there, accepting her fate.

She then started to say a bunch of crap the author really doesn't feel like writing down.

Her body started to disappear into gold dust, till there was nothing left.

???: that was a good show kid

I looked, seeing Cú, Olga and Mash looking at me, Fou on Mash's shoulder.

I saw Cú start to disappear also.

He chuckled before.

Cú: if we ever meet again, summon me as a lancer

Time skip(again cause I'm lazy and tired as FUCK)

I appeared back in Chaldea, Mash beside me. She had normal clothes on, no longer with the armor of shield she had as a Demi-servant.

So recap. Olga's dead, very dead. Leff was the back guy. And we pretty much have to save the entirety of humanity before it burns to ashes.

Yeah. Fun stuff to come.


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