Boarding School (AGxReader)

由 saygng

180K 7.5K 5.9K

Being a parent is hard, and when you keep throwing signs that you are no ordinary teenager, your parents deci... 更多



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由 saygng


A month had passed. A whole month since you first arrived to this old creepy-looking house. A month since you last saw your parents. A month since you last stood somewhere outside the house. But most importantly, it had been a whole month since you met Ariana.

Due to Easter coming around, Mrs. Blakey managed to convince Mrs. Brown in allowing you all to have a bonfire the Saturday of that week. It was the least she could do, since you were not supposed to have any of the Holy Week benefits, like spring break.

You could not complain about life, but only because you had the privilege of waking up everyday to an angelic face, with a big smile, and a sneaky kiss followed by a 'good morning baby'. You had developed a newfound passion for her. Watching her, smelling her, hearing her, feeling her. She was an undiscovered art, an unrecognized world wonder. You could not understand how people could be around her so much indifference, as if she were just another human in the world. Were they... blind?

Your doubt regarding Ariana's feelings and her intentions have reduced, to a point you could proudly say you were in a relationship. A serious relationship. A committed relationship. You, sometimes, woke up in the morning thinking it was all a painfully good dream, but then you would turn your head and look to the bed aside, a brunette lazily laying on it, already watching you.

Life could not get better than this, and it terrified you. The fact that things could crumble down so much quicker than they could build up made you anxious. You could not help but wonder at times what was going to be the first bump in the road you were going to encounter with Ariana. Bump, or boulder.

Your thoughts were interrupted by someone jumping in your back. This aggressive and sudden action becoming a little too familiar for you. If it were not for the fact she weighed less than a hundred pounds, you would have smashed your face right against the floor. Ariana had the annoying habit of scarring you. She liked to make fun of how you would always drift away. You were a little too much of an over-thinker.

"Hewwo Bunny." Ariana whispered in your ear in her baby voice that had managed to get higher everyday.

"Bunny? Why bunny?" You asked as you, even though were not the biggest fan of having bodies on your back, still managed to place your hands underneath her thighs so she would not fall.

"It's Easter," Ariana spoke from behind. "I was told to let you know you were in charge of branch collecting. For the bonfire." Ariana wiggled out of your grip so she could stand on her own feet. You turned around to face her.

"And you?" You asked, fixing the baby hairs that would sometimes fall on her face. That face, you could melt.

"I threatened Lorde into assigning me with you," She shrugged, as if she were narrating day-to-day events. They kind of were. "Told her I'd spread the rumor of her being in love with Taylor... oops, did it anyways."

"I can't help but think how evil you'd be to me if your friends hadn't told you the truth..." You, with widened eyes at her cruelty with others, spoke.

"I would have still been into you, baby..." She giggled mischievously. "Let's go into the forest! We have to pick branches and make out." You let her lead the way through the trees, watching your step so you would not fall or slip between all the mud and slippery rocks.

The two of you, indeed, picked up branches that had fallen from the trees. You more than Ariana, who was constantly goofing around and pouting whenever you told her to do something productive. "These aren't big enough..." You muttered as you watched the pile of tiny branches. "You should climb up a tree and bring one down."

"I am not putting a tree through pain just so those bitches can roast their fucking marshmallows," Ariana quickly fought as she pointed back to the house, the people it contained being 'bitches'. "Which, by the way, aren't vegan, so that is another reason why I am not going to allow this."

"Baby, he'll grow them back." You chuckled at her madness. She had, luckily, never concentrated her anger on you, but you have seen her with others. She was a terrifying person when mad. Some type of possessed Chihuahua.

"No, Y/N!" She gasped, offended at the fact that you are even considering it. "He has nothing to do with this, we will only take the ones that are already down."

"If you don't take it, I will." You crossed your arms across your chest.

"I will hate you forever." She sternly pointed at you, silently warning you to not piss her off. Gritted teeth, dark eyes. Still beautiful.

"Didn't you say that to me last night because I didn't give you my desert?"

"Yes, but then I accepted your apology because you let me sleep with you..." Her madness suddenly vanished, quickly replaced by a smile and a bit lower lip, probably remembering the events of you giving into her whims. She started coming closer to you just she could wrap her arms around your waist. "I was the big spoon last night, remember?" She giggled as she looked up to you so your faces were inches away from the other.

"Yes, I remember the snores." You smirked, only saying that so she could have the next reaction, which was quickly pulling away and giving you a harsh shove on the shoulder with her hand.

"I do not snore, Y/N," She deadpanned. "I wanted to be sweet and payback all the times you are the big spoon and you say that?" She angrily ranted.

"Baby, I'm just kidding," You bit your lip, holding back the smile. Was it bad that you liked it when she got mad? It was an excuse just so you could come from behind and wrap your arms around her, then put your chin on her shoulder. "You don't snore, and I liked having you as the big spoon, regardless of you being a thousand times hotter and a million times more selfish with the covers." You reassured with your face nuzzled against her neck.

"Are you going to hurt the tree?" She asked with her spoiled brat tone.

"No, baby," She then turned around with the biggest smile and met her lips with yours, wrapping her arms around your neck so they could help her pull herself up to your height, just so your lips could wonderfully dance together. You stepped forward so her back could touch the tree, pinning her against it. She squealed into the kiss, reading your corporal language and jumping to have you catching her, her legs securely wrapping around your waist. You pulled away as you carried her, just so you could see her face. The only thing you hated about kissing was the fact that you were restricted from seeing her. "Show me that dimple." You smirked.

"Shut up..." She covered her face with one of her hands. "Kiss me more." You could not refuse to that. Kissing Ariana had been reaching new levels, still respecting her decision completely. Things did not have to get sexual in order for you to enjoy them. You had come up with a corporal language that trascended the animal need of pleasure and reached new levels of affection, respect, and care that you had never felt for anyone before.

She had managed to boost your confidence up in all ways, and that showed in the way you acted with her. You did things that you could have never thought of doing before, like grabbing her to your liking, kissing her without warning, and staring at her for as long and as much as you pleased. She liked it. And you loved it.

"Guys?! What's taking you so long?!" A voice from afar forced you to quickly pull away, let Ariana drop to the floor, and almost push her away so there could be a decent distance between you.

"Why don't you come here and look for the fucking branches yourself?" Ariana snapped angrily at the approaching girls. You did not know them, but then again, you did not know anyone.

"Calm down, baby," You whispered to Ariana, putting your hand on her back from behind. "Why are you always so angry at the world?" You questioned her.

"Not at the world, at all these hoes that think they rule the world," Ariana, with crossed arms, nodded her head to the pair coming closer every time. They finally reached where you two were. You let go of Ariana as she spoke again. "So? Are these okay for you, your majesty?" She sarcastically asked.

"Those aren't big enough," One of the girls commented on the pile you had collected and then looked up to the other branches on the trees. "Let's take one down."

Oh, oh. You thought.

You heard Ariana let out an angry huff and was about to implode in cursing and offensive words but you went ahead and denied their proposal, respectfully.

"No," You held the brunette back like an angry bull. "I'll keep looking, don't worry."

"Fine, but be quick." The girl, even though was a little rude, did not realize the favor you had made her of preventing Ariana from becoming a minion of the antichrist.

"We'll take the time we have to take." Ariana yelled at the pair that had already turned around their heel and walked away.

"Ariana..." You sighed, trying to calm her down, but she turned away with an angry face.

"Did you just call me Ariana? Who the fuck do you think you are?" She snapped. "I'm baby." She scoffed.

"Fine, baby," You rolled your eyes. "If you want to save your precious tree, you are going to have to work."

"But you have been making all the work..." Ariana pouted.


"Okay, cuddly bear," She gave into your pleasing eyes and kissed your cheek sweetly repeatedly, babying you like always. "Stop making that mad face, you make me want to devour you in kisses." She muttered against your skin.

"So, is that a bad thing?" You asked, she teasingly shrugged with a flirty smile.

"Didn't you say we had to work? C'mon, soldier, let's work."


The night had been going on perfectly. The fact that you were surrounded by Ariana's friends made it easier for you to be as close as you could to her and interact as much as you could with her. People thought you had made your way into the "mean girl's" group. They did not know you rarely spoke to them and were only there because a certain someone was. Except for Courtney, she was always checking up on you and speaking to you when Ariana was not around. You liked her.

Right now, everyone was scattered around the bonfire, roasting marshmallows and sausages, making S'mores. You were dying to have one, but Ariana was watching you like a hawk. "Every time you look at those marshmallows like that, I'll kindly remind you they come from a cow's leg." She crossed her arms across her chest defiantly, you chuckled.

"You could tell me they come from a cod's sperm and I'd still eat them," You joked, only to have her rolling her eyes the way she did. "I won't eat them because I don't want to get killed today."

"Are you sure you don't want?" You did, but Ariana was so freaked out by the amount of people eating out of a cow's leg, that you decided to team up with her and support her vegan movement.

"I want you to kiss my cheek, that's what I want..." You put some of your hair behind your ear, giving her a full view of your expectant cheek.

"Baby, we can't, not here." Ariana giggled, talking in the same low tone you spoke with.

"Then I guess I'll have a marshmallow," You tried standing up, but Ariana quickly pushed you down. You looked at her, raised an eyebrow, and watched how she scanned her eyes around and made sure no one was looking before she connected her lips to your cheek, holding them a couple of seconds as she held your face with her hands. Your heart fluttered, really taking in the instant of having her holding you and kissing you like that. "Thank you, I'm better now."

"You don't know how crazy I am for you, Y/N." She spoke closely to you, pretending no one else was around. They were too busy worrying about their own lives to notice how drawn you were into each other.

"Don't I?" She shook her head. "Show me then."

"What? Now?" She widened her eyes, an excited look on her face.

"The bedroom's empty," You shrugged. "We could 'go to the bathroom'." You then air-quoted.

"Go, I'll wait a couple of minutes." She nodded back to the house. It took you back, expecting her to decline your dangerous proposal. 'Guess you should not expect anything from this girl. She is a box full of surprises.

As planned, you walked back inside the house, hoping you would not be noticed, and ran up the stairs, excitement rushing through your veins. How boring life would be without Ariana? Even thinking about it hurt.

You waited by the door, making sure no one was around in the dark second floor, as you then watched a familiar silhouette coming up the stairs. A jumping ponytail. As soon as she saw you, she ran to you and jumped, wrapping all of her extremities around your body.

She started kissing you without taking time, taking it all out due to the couple of hours you had to resist touching and kissing each other. You felt so passionately strong about this girl, it terrified you.

She was a land you wanted to discover, to cherish, to show off. You could not get enough of her. There was always something new to obsess over, to drool over. The way she played with your hair when you kissed, how gentle she was with her soft hands against your face, how perfectly she coordinated with the pace of your lips. A perfect synchronization. Heaven-matched souls. You could die here, holding her.

You started to walk so you could reach your bed. When you did, you carefully placed Ariana on top of it just so you could hover her after, both of you sliding towards the pillows so she could rest her head comfortably on top of it.

"You're everything." You whispered the random things that ran from your heart to your mouth.

"You are." She whispered back, watching you push your hair to the side. That way, it would not meddle in between the process of kissing. Ariana gently caressed you cheek, staring deeply into your eyes, you stared right back at hers.

She closed hers, bringing your face down, connecting your lips together into a slow sensual kiss. That is how you always did it. There was never a rush to devour each other's mouth. It felt good to take it all in; the feeling of your mouths opening and closing, the sounds of your uneven breaths caused by the intensity of emotions, the sensations of the other's body through touching, the silent screams of delight.

It felt so good to have her here, with everyone else elsewhere. You wish it could always be like that. You wish you did not have to hide this obsession you were developing for her. But what mattered is that you had her now, underneath you, expectant to your next moves.

She had been moving her hands up and down your torso as your tongues glided into the other's mouth and then went back, fulfilling an indescribable sensation of ecstasy in the simple act of making out. You decided to grab one of her hands, pin it on the side of her head. Then the other, repeated the same action. This simply because you wanted to feel her. You wanted to express your feelings through the grip of your hands, squeeze, reassure her you were present.

But she stopped kissing you, started shuffling from underneath. "Y/N, stop." She whispered. You quickly retreated from the kiss and stared at her quizzically.

"What's wrong?" You, concerned, asked. She was starting to hyperventilate and wiggle her way out from underneath you.

"Y/N, get off me!" You quickly jumped off the bed after you let go off her hands. You could not process what was happening. One moment you were kissing and the other she was having a panic attack.

"Ariana-" Her hand reached up, slapped you right across your face making it go sideways. You took a moment to process things properly as you held your burning cheek, wondering what you have could possibly done wrong to be slapped that way. When you returned your head to its original position, with the intention of asking her what you had done, she was no longer there.

The quick escalation of the events was hard to understand. You debated with yourself, if going after her was a good idea. You did not know if you wanted to. You had think things over. Was it the fact that you had gotten on top? Was it the darkness? Was she simply not in the mood? None of these questions could really explain why you had gotten slapped the way you did.

Never had Ariana looked at you with so much despise and anger. What fucked you was there was not a single action that you had made that was not caused by the desire of treating her right. You felt disappointed, knowing you did not have a bad intention with her, ever.

She could have simply denied the kiss. You could have just cuddled. You could have spent the night talking as they you gotten used to. Was the slap really necessary?

These worries and doubts rummaged through your head until the moment Mrs. Blakey walked inside your room and switched the lights on. "Y/N, Mrs. Brown won't hesitate in throwing a bucket of water to the bonfire if all fifty girls aren't downstairs."

"Sorry, I just got cold." You lied, standing up from your bed, knowing you had no other option but return. Would Ariana be there?

The walk back with Mrs. Blakey alongside was quiet. She respected your shyness. You appreciated that. Nonetheless, this peace stopped when Billie appeared right in front of you.

"I mixed sausages with S'mores." She excitedly spoke and showed the repugnant combination.

"That's- absolutely disgusting," You grimaced, but eventually switched your attention to scanning the backyard, looking for Ariana. "Have you seen Ariana?" You asked without stopping your scan through the crowd.

"Yes, she was crying," Billie spoke, taking the food away and looked at you concerned. "She went somewhere with her friends. What happened?"

"I don't know, we were kissing on my bed and she suddenly got all weird and nervous and slapped me." You held a flustered and lost expression as you explained the events to Billie.

"Hm, that makes sense..." She muttered underneath her breath.

"What?" You asked, almost immediately.

"I've just heard some rumors about Ariana ever since I came here," Billie shrugged, taking a bite of her- thing. "I am not going to tell you, though. I don't know if they're true, and I am not the person to tell them. She is."

"Oh, c'mon Billie," You rolled your eyes. "Can you just be an average teenager snitch and tell me? I am very frustrated right now."

"Dude, no! It doesn't concern me." Billie fought with a mouthful. "But I can give you a bite of this if you want..." She extended the sandwich but you pushed her hand away and stood up.

"I hope you choke with it." You angrily walked away, could not care less about Mrs. Brown ending the bonfire. You did not want to be there. You wanted to be with Ariana and speak with her. You were mad, at absolutely everything. The fact that you made her cry, the fact you did not mean to, the fact that she is not around to talk it out, the fact that Billie would not tell you.

The rest of the night consisted of you waiting, sat on the edge of your bed, for Ariana to come back to her bed and sleep. First came Camila, then Miley, then Billie, then Demi, then Selena. Ariana never came back. What triggered you the most was the fact that Mrs. Brown came over to turn off the lights, took in Ariana's empty bed, and did not even question it. Simply left.

You did not know what the hell was going on. All you know is that the next morning, you got ready as quick as you could, just because you had to look for Ariana.

You looked for her in every room (regardless of the spats and yells you received from your classmates), you looked for her in the third floor, in the dining room, in the offices, even in Toulouse's spot, but you could not find her anywhere.

She was nowhere to be found.

She was gone.

Well.......... cliffy

At least y'all have something to jump off to now

Would any of y'all read an Ariana x Njomza book? I mean the GAY CONTENT is otherworldly (!!!)


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