Leon Kennedy X Reader

By _-Spyro-_

389K 10.6K 23.1K

☆~°Together in Darkness°~☆ ☆~°Leon Kennedy X Reader°~☆ ~°☆°~ (Y/N) Ortega was a normal person, they're living... More

☆°~The Beginning~°☆
1. First Day
2. Rookie
3. Re-Loaded
4. Close To Me
5. Cell Bound
6. Mr Who?
7. Under Umbrella
8. Watch out
9. Alive?
10. Its you
11. Welcome to the Team
12. A new place
13 Whats Wong?
14. Deep Water Troubles
15. Inside Out
16. Queen Of The Castle
17. What Happened?
18. Ada freaking Wong
19. Down Down Down...
20. Ritual?
21. You again?
22. Still here!
24. Get Out
25. How To Start Again
26. As We Go
27. I Remember!
28. Just Breath God Dammit!
29. Out Of The City
30. Open Sesame
31. AGAIN!?
32. Oh No-
33. China?!
34. Little Miss Sherry Birkin
35. Who To Follow
36. what just happened
37. You're back
38. Not right
39. Best Day
☆°~The End~°☆

23. Surrounded

4.3K 161 129
By _-Spyro-_


Leon POV


As (Y/N) and I were progressing through the grounds, we came across a problem....

We hid behind a wall and I peeked around to see the whole village swarmed with people.


I whispered as I saw a bright light fly above us,

A helicopter!

One of my little devices started blinking and I immediately answered it.

"Hey. About time."

I joked as (Y/N) and I smiled up at the helicopter.

"Sorry, we got back tracked. I'll cover you two."

The helicopter flew onwards.

It cleared the way with ease.

Dropping the water tower down on the large crowd and then rapid firing down on them.

"Now that's what I call backup!"

(Y/N) said,

"Looking for fire power, you've come to the right place!"

The man inside said over our com,

(Y/N) and I waved up at him before we ran through the canyon.

We came to the end of the canyon, it ended on a cliff but it had a small wall to protect those from going over.

We hadn't had any trouble with anyone till now

Hearing a laugh behind us (Y/N) and I were back to back as we became surrounded by a large group of villagers.

"Take cover."

It was the helicopter!! Hovering just from the side of the cliff,

"Come on!"

I grabbed (Y/N) hand and we dove behind a ruined wall as the helicopter took down all the villagers!!

Once we saw all the villagers were down we came out of hiding and I smiled up at the helicopter,

"Thanks, when this is all over, drinks on me."

I said into my com,

"Yeah! Hey, I know a good bar. I'm Mike by the way."

I chuckled with (Y/N) and the pilot,

"Leon, and (Y/N)."

I introduced as we all finally took a breather.

Then I saw something,

A massive missile came crashing into the side of the helicopter setting it on fire and destroying the propeller.

Along with Mike!



(Y/N) and I rushed to the edge of the cliff to see the helicopter go down in flames.


We both turned around to see two figures standing on a wall, one with a rocket launcher the other with a torch.

They both turned away.

(Y/N) hands were balled into fists as they glared at the area where the two people were.

"We'll make sure Sadlaar is the next one to go."

They growled and I couldn't help but agree.

As we were reluctantly walking away from the crashed helicopter my walkie talkie buzzed and so did (Y/N) earpiece.

"Oh... I'm sorry you two."

He said in mock sadness.

"Sadlaar you bastard!"

I growled at him,

"It's nothing to get all upset about! Dont tell me you've never swatted a bothersome fly. In essence it's the same thing."

"What did you say!? Insect lives doesn't compare to human lives!"

(Y/N) yelled,

"When you have acquired this power you too will understand."

"Guess it's another good reason to get these parasites out of our bodies."

I said, with a snarl.

"Good luck."

Sadlaar said, then the call ended.

"GRRR! I'm gonna rip his head off!"

(Y/N) said, hulk mode coming out!

"Yeah... let's go."

With one last glance over our shoulders we left the crash sight.



We were rushing through the ruins running and shooting at anything that came our way,

We were both pretty pissed.

I ran ahead with Leon right behind me as we were going through a large section,


I stopped, turning to see Leon double over in pain.

"Leon! You alright? What's wrong?"

I asked him, wandering if he needed another tablet.

He pushed me off him,

"Yeah... I'm fine."

He held his stomach again,

"Leon, you ok?"

Ada walked casually into the room and I glared at her as Leon finally stood up properly.

He didn't even glance my way as his eyes set on Ada...

And then he grabbed her throat and began to strangle her!


I yelled, what was I supposed to do?!

I rammed my shoulder into the side of Leon making him lose his grip on Ada,

She took the chance to stab him! In the side, he pulled away.


I yelled glaring daggers at her as Leon bled,

"It was self defense, relax hun."


I growled as I helped Leon stand up properly.

I reached into his pocket and pulled out the tablets, handing some to him.


He quickly took three of them and took some deep breaths,

"We have to get this parasite out of you."

I said with worry, Leon glanced at me.

"And out of you."

He replied.

"But before that we gotta save Ashley..."

Leon finished as he gave me a sad smile,

"Fine, let's split up."

Like we were gonna follow you anyway

I thought as Ada silently left the room.

"You sure you're ok?"

I asked Leon and he nodded looking at me with concern.

"How's your cheek?"

I touched the red mark, I had forgotten it was even there...

"Has it spread more?"

He asked, honestly I didn't know!

I couldn't very well just check the rest of me!

"Not sure."

I said, it had covered most of my collarbone so I guessed it had spread to the rest of me.

"Anything else happen to you?"

He asked,

"...no... no nothing."


He kissed my good cheek as we both left the room,

We came to an underground facility and Leon pushed open a big door,


I gasped as I saw her stuck in some strange machine!

"You will soon harbour an awesome power, yet it seems you will both choose death."

Leon and I turned around to see Sadlaar,

"We're taking Ashley back whether you like it or not."

Leon said,

"Ah, the audacity of youth."

Sadlaar put one hand out and Leon went flying backwards! He hit the front of the machine that had Ashley,


I yelled as I grabbed my pistol to shoot at him,

But Sadlaar was quicker and simply put up a hand.

I dropped my gun,

Leon POV


I felt raw pain again as I struggled to breath properly and watched as (Y/N) dropped their gun to the floor.

Sadlaar still had one hand stretched to me, keeping me down with the pain as he stepped towards (Y/N) and in a sing song voice said,

"Kill him."

I was confused, until (Y/N) turned in a robotic manner and took out their knife,

Slowly stepping towards me I tried to get a word out, but my voice was cut off by the pain as (Y/N) advanced!

Then a round of bullets came bursting from above me into Sadlaars chest,

Luckily whoever was shooting didn't shoot (Y/N) as they suddenly stopped moving.

I got to my feet, and saw Ada with the submachine gun.

"Leon now!"

She yelled as I hit the button to unlock the machine with Ashley in it.

I pulled Ashley out of her chair and held her up as she was still semi unconscious,

But that's when I turned to see Sadlaar still standing, looking fine other than his shaking fists.


he yelled pointing a long finger in my direction,

(Y/N) head snapped up and back towards me as they began to advance, more quickly this time.


Ada yelled, taking aim at Sadlaar as he and (Y/N) followed me.


I called back at Ada as Ashley and I ran through a large open door.

Ada's bullets did nothing to Sadlaar so she took a different approach and shot at the barrels above the door.

Blocking the way to Ashley and I by a wall of fire.

I looked through one last time locking eyes with (Y/N),

They weren't their normal eye colour, now a dark deep red.

What were we gonna do now..?





A/N: I know but like T~T
Anyway that's all for now
Love u all my guardians

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