The legande of Dracula's daug...

By veronicatruter

38.9K 1.1K 278


The legande of Dracula's daughter (Vampire knight x reader)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Takuma Special Chapter

chapter two

7.5K 208 34
By veronicatruter

Normal POV

(Y/N) made her way to the night dorm after recieving her white uniform. As she arrives at her dorm.


I open the doors to my new dorm and walk inside. A tall boy with curly strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes approaches me."Hello there beautiful, I'm Aido but you may call me Idol like my fangirls, what's yours?" Aido says as he kisses my hand. "My name is (Y/N) Rose Dragul, daughter of Dracula." Every looks at me wide eyed. "That's impossible Dracula died years ago " said a boy with orange hair and blue eyes. I shake my head and say "He is very much alive till this day, he is the vampire who started it all with the creation of all vampires.. he is the one who sent me here."

Ruka POV

'Impossible...  that mean she is the princess of all vampires,  even more powerful than Lord Kaname.'

Aido POV
'So it's true they have returned...  she is more beautiful than the legend had discribed her, Lord Kaname would want to meet her'

I stare at her and bow "I apologize for any rude actions Princess" I say as I straighten myself. She giggles that angelic voice. "It's quite alright,  please just call me (Y/N) , no need for formalities, but I do believe I must meet the dorm president, who might that be?" She asks. I walk up to her and say "That would be Lord Kaname, I'll lead you to him." I smile at her and she returns the gesture and it makes her glow from her beauty. "That would be lovely thank you Aido, please lead the way" she says as she links her arm around mine that sends chills down my spine.  I lead her to Lord Kaname's office after knocking on the door, I heard a faint 'come in'. I opened the door for her and she steps inside "That would be all, thank you Aido " she says and I nod my head and close the door.


I walk into Kaname's office and thank Aido as he closes the door. Kaname approaches and kisses my knuckles lightly as he says "Princess Dragul,  it is an honor to meet you." I smile "Likewise Lord Kaname but no need for formalities, please just call me (Y/N) , and I shall return the favor Kaname." I say as he sits behind his desk and I sit opposite him.

Kaname POV
'She is the definition of pure beauty..  but I love Yuki don't I? What's wrong with me... could we have met before?'

I give her a small smile and say "But ofcourse,  would you like me to take you to your room? It's next to mine on the right." She looks at me and smiles a genuen smile and nods "That would be lovely Kaname, thank you." She says with her beautiful voice. I nod and lead her to her room and bid her farewell and made my way to my office. 'This will be one interesting school year'

Time skip


I change into my school uniform and make my way to the Window. I open my curtains and my window. The small breeze flows threw my hair as I hum..

(Y/N) verse:
"Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please, promise me you'll try

And then you'll find that once again you
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me

We never said "our love was evergreen"
Or "as unchanging as the sea"
But if you can still remember,
Stop and think of me

Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been

Think of me, think of me walking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind

Recall all those days, look back on all those
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you."

Tears run down my cheeks as I look at the moon and give a weak smile as I whisper "I miss you mother."

Kaname POV

'That voice..  it sounds as beautiful as an angel, could it be her voice?'

I made my way quietly into (Y/N)'s room. 'I was right it is her voice... it's breath taking.' I smile and make my way back to my room and hum the song she had sung. 'She is truly an amazing creature that can make any man's heart melt.. she is a true treasure and I won't let anyone have her.'

(Hope you enjoyed the second chapter,  let me know if you want more and I'll update as soon as I can, this is my first story,  sorry if it's not that good.)

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