Danganronpa oneshots

By Sayocat

335K 4.4K 16.3K


Movie night-Irumatsu
Skipping school-irumatsu
Angie x Tenko chapter owo
Toko x Komaru
Maki x Kirumi
Maki x kirumi
Sayaka x Mukuro
Maki x Kirumi
Maki x kirumi
Mikan x Ibuki
Mukuro x Sayaka
Mukuro x Sayaka
Peko x Ibuki
Mahiru x Hiyoko
Ibuki x mikan
danganronpa kids but its canon characters as kids raised by the other characters
sonia x akane
dr characters raised by other dr characters pt 2
Junko x kyoko-Detective work
Junko x Kyoko- Detective work part 2
Tsumioda-Rock Star
Tsumioda - Rock star part 2
Tsumioda- Rock star part 3
Monster Au
Tenko x Angie
Tsumugi x Himiko
himiko x tsumugi part 2
Toko x Komaru part 2
Tsumioda- happy birthday Mikan 0///0
Junko x Kyoko
Kirumaki part 2
Tsumugi x Himiko
Chiaki x Peko
Mikan x peko
sonia x chiaki
kyoko x chiaki
Chiaki x Peko
Tenko's traumatizing event
i felt strongly compelled to do this (not a oneshot)
This is not funny (not a oneshot)
Maki falls down the fuckin stairs
Tenko X Angie
Angie x himiko
Junko x Kyoko
Maki x stairs
Kirumaki [Smut]
Tenko x v3 guys
Apology/ update

mahiru x hiyoko part 2

4.4K 70 396
By Sayocat

This is a continuation of the last mahiru x hiyoko because i liked it alot and someone wanted more of this ship so, let's go homosexuals
Tw: self harm and blood

Mahiru saw hiyoko waiting for the rule explaining to end, she wanted to go explore, mahiru thought this was adorable and often laughed at hiyoko's sighs when she thought the teacher was done talking, though she cant pretend shes not excited herself mahiru couldnt wait to take pictures of all the landscapes and buildings around the area, maybe some animals, mahiru likes to think her spirit animal is a deer.

Soon everyone was free to go explore and visit the nearby store if they wanted to, hiyoko still wanted to finish what was started earlier, but was to busy realizing why her gummy bears where sweeter when she ate it from mahiru's hand, hiyoko blushed realizing that mahiru touhed herself before getting back on the bus, now that she thinks about it she did feel mahiru getting wet on the bus, soon she realized, hiyoko quickly brought mahiru back into the cabin and locked the door, she pushed mahiru onto the bed and took off her skirt

"i know what you did at the rest stop, you want me to touch you... Right?" hiyoko said

Mahiru shook her head, she blushed and looked at hiyoko take off her panties, this was really happening hiyoko was going to touch her they way she wanted to for the longest time

someone knocked on the door, and for the fear if it being a teacher, hiyoko awnsered.

"h-hi im shuichi my hat got lost on the bus ride over i was just wond-"

"dont care" hiyoko closed the door in his face

"hey! shuichi, right?" ibuki called"is this your hat, some short guy with purple hair had it"

"MY HAT!!!"

hiyoko sat next to mahiru and sighed

"maybe we should do it tonight?" hiyoko said

"y-yeah! sure" mahiru was dying inside, 2 interruptions, all she wanted to do was fuck

Mahiru looked at the smaller girl who got up to grab a pack of gummy bears to eat

"do you want to go meet the students from the other class? maybe we will make some friends" mahiru suggested

hiyoko looked outside from the window, she saw Nagito and kokichi interacting with eachother, sure she didnt know kokichi but the fact that he's hanging around a guy like nagito scares her, hiyoko sighed and looked back at mahiru who was putting her skirt back on, she agreed and opened the door for mahiru to leave which she then followed behind, all the kids from the different classes scared her, she was so small compaired to everyone, well other than ryoma who was smaller than her, as she walked she ran into someone, and fell over

"hey wa-"hiyoko looked up to see a tall man looking down at her

"oh! gonta is sorry! gonta didnt see you, are you ok?" gonta reached his hand out to help her up

"H-HEY! D-Dont hurt me!" hiyoko said

"what? gonta dont wish to hurt? gonta is gentlmen, and gentlmen dont hurt people" gonta helped hiyoko up and gave her a laybug

"it was nice meeting you, gonta has to go find bugs now, goodbye!" gonta walked away from hiyoko

"are you ok?" mahiru asked

"he was so tall, it was scary" hiyoko grabbed onto mahiru's hand and didnt let go for a while

they walked around for a bit, trying to decide who are the best people to interact with, after walking around for a bit they spotted 2 girls one with short dark hair and had freckles on her face though she was holding a knife and carving a peice of wood, her friend had long blue hair and was sitting next to her

"they look nice" mahiru said

"one of them has a knife"

"so does that girl over there but you still wanted to meet her" She pointed at Maki

"she looked like she could take on that big scary guy..." hiyoko quietly said

"lets go meet them"

they walked over to the girls hiyoko trying to resist but failing due to her being small and weak, once they got closer they heard the conversation

"come on, dont you think junko and kyoko are way to close" Sayaka said

"you dont know that, they could just happen to be around eachother sometimes" mukuro put her knife down and dropped the wood carving to turn and look at her girlfriend

"babe, do you really think she's not dating her if she sneaks off with kyoko every chance she gets, you know i have a room next to junko, lots of moaning"

"she could be masterbating, she has no shame, it got akward when we had to share a room" mukuro quietly said

"yeah but i see k... Wait... She masterbates with you in the room?

"no shame..."mukuro said again

Mahiru and hiyoko got in front of them to introduce themselves

"hi im Mahiru and this is my girlfriend, um friend? Hiyoko"

Hiyoko waved at the two girls

"oh, you must be in the class with that weird guy the one with white hair, he came over here and talked about how great it was to be in the same area with so many ultimates, and something about hope and despair i think he got pretty horny off of it, oh im Mukuro by the way"

"im sayaka, and before you say anything, i have appeared on magazine covers so thats why i look familiar"

" how did you know i was gonna say that?" hiyoko asked

" i can read minds" the idol joked

"really! can you read mahiru's mind is it like filled with cameras or girls, or both?"

"im joking! calm down i just have amazing intuition"


"so, im guessing your type is teenagers who look 6" mukuro asked who quickly received a punch

"i-i um... Well... You see... I... Its more of a bonding thing i guess, im attracted to her because of personality? i... I have to get back to you on that"

"wow im kidding but good to know 6 year olds turn you on, so i guess a bit about myself im the ultimate solider i have a younger sister who youre probably familiar with her, her name is junko enoshima"

"wow! thats interesting ive seen her in a couple of magazines shes pretty hot, well i mean... Y-you get what im saying ..."

"no, no i completly agree" mukuro said

Everyone went quiet for a bit before mukuro realized what she said

"No! i ment that yes my sister is hot! but im not attracted to her, i was just agreeing with you im not attracted to my sister i dont want to kiss my sister im just saying, yes my sister is attractive but not as in i want to fuck my sister i just think she's pretty but i dont like her like that she's my sister i was just complementing her, i dont want to fuck my sister" mukuro's face was red and she was barely managing to get her words out

"aww thanks sis! i guess?" junko said, appearing from one of the cabins, kirigiri quickly walking out the cabin to avoid attention

"i told you" sayaka said quietly

"w-wait! you heard that!" mukuro wanted to die, i mean you would to if you where saying that your sister is hella attractive but you dont want to fuck her

"oh please, you talk about me so much, im not surprised you think im hot, but dont you think you should save the wet thoughts for your girlfriend" junko joked

"alright im leaving" Mukuro got up and started walking away

"hey! i was joking, i know youre not that attracted to me" junko joked again


"oh jeez, im so sorry for that, it was nice meeting you two, i hope you enjoy the trip, and we get to talk more soon" Sayaka said, giving them a warm smile then walking off twoards mukuro and junko

"they seem sweet, well do you want to go hiking, or just chill in the cabin" mahiru asked

"uh, lets go in the cabin, but... Why did you seem so confused on what to lable us and why where you so confused on why you like me" hiyoko asked

"well we never made it official and i wanted to make sure you where ok with the lable... and to be honest i-i dont really know where my feelings started, i know im super attracted to you, you turn me on, but i dont know why it just started and i couldnt get rid of it, it scared me because i like girls, no surprise there but they never made me feel the same way i feel for you, its complicated and i wasnt even planning on making a move but ibuki convinced me, you know she's realy good at this stuff, haha, but hey dont take it in a bad way, i know i love you alot and im not confused about that"

"i-i love you too" hiyoko said quietly

"hey, dont be upset, i brought my laptop we can watch movies and cuddle, would you like that?" mahiru tried to give hiyoko a kiss but she moved away before she could get close

"i-i need some time alone, s-sorry" hiyoko walked off in a random direction and sat under a tree

Mahiru walked off, to ibuki's cabin, mahiru knocked on the door, hoping ibuki was inside

The door soon opened and a very timid and frightened mikan opened the door slightly where you can only see part of her eye

"hey, is ibuki here?"

"y-y-yeah" mikan opened the door more so the photographer could walk in

"hey! i found a spider!" ibuki excitedly claimed, mikan freaked out and got ontop of the bed

"hey, i thought you guys weren't allowed to be partners?" mahiru said

"we was, we met a girl named kyoko and she helped us convince the principal, something about daddy issuses and how she refuses to talk to him positvely"

"ah... well ibuki i need to talk to you, alone" Mahiru gestered out the door which ibuki waved to mikan who, still shaken about the spider waved back, the 2 girls walked to mahiru's cabin

"so what do you want to talk about"

"so im sure you know that i confessed or rather made a move on hiyoko, she found out that i have no idea why im attracted to her and she's upset about it, i dont know what to do and i want to fix this asap but i dont know what to say i already tried explaining but i think that just hurt her more"

"oh! well ibuki knows exactly how to handle this, you dont know why you like her but i think its obvious, you like everything about her, she's adorable and is realy nice towards you, you like her personality, you 2 have a connection that you guys dont have with any one else, you dont know why you like her because you didnt realize the connection, the trust she has in you, the trust you have for her, you two love eachother alot, now, go get your girl!" ibuki shoved mahiru out the door giving her a supportive thumbs up

mahiru walked over to hiyoko who was sitting under a tree out of veiw from the campsite, She sat next to her, which hiyoko slightly moved away.

"its our connection, we dont have it with anyone else, i love you for who you are, youre nice to me and youre absolutely adorable, hiyoko, i love you alot and this may not be the sappy heartfelt speech you expected but its true, i love you, i love your personality, i love your looks, i love you, hiyoko" mahiru looked down at hiyoko who was crying

"w-woah, hey, its ok!"

"i-i love you" hiyoko gave mahiru a  kiss, which was returned

"U-umm, how about we make this relationship official, i-i would love calling you my girlfriend" mahiru said

Hiyoko smiled and gave mahiru a kiss

"Is that a yes?"

Hiyoko nodded

"So, I've told you why I'm in love with you, why are you in love with me"

"You're tall, pretty, have short hair, and a dorky photographer, you're the entire package"

Mahiru smiled, then laughed a bit, she looked down at hiyoko who had placed her head onto Mahiru's shoulder

"We should go back to the camp, we don't want to be seen as missing, you know we have to inform a teacher if we leave" mahiru stated

"Yeah, let's go"

Hiyoko got up, and waited for mahiru to join her

"I wish I brought my camera from the cabin, this spot is so beautiful, it would make an amazing picture" mahiru sighed as she got up

"Yeah, it is pretty cool, maybe we can come back later"

Mahiru smiled and grabbed onto Hiyoko's hand, she gave hiyoko a kiss, and started walking with her back to camp, They noticed Ibuki getting told off my The principal, who happens to be Kyoko's father

"Ibuki,I've given you a chance to be partners with mikan, and all I've seen is you be inappropriate with her I'm gonna have to separate you two" Jin said

"You walked in on me changing! And Mikan happened to be in the room!" Ibuki said

"I'm separating you two, that's the end of it"

"Come on, give Ibuki one more chance!!"

"Absolutely not, I gave you to many chances, find someone who will switch with you, or I'll switch for you" Jin Walked away

Mahiru watched curiously as Ibuki walked up to mikan, she assumed to speak about the situation, but she saw Ibuki quickly run back over to Jin

"I switched partners with mikan"

"Alright, Wheres Teruteru, I'll switch so you guys can be partners" Jin said


"Fine, I'll switch so you can be partners with kirumi tojo"

"I... but I want to be partners with mikan, she doesn't mind that I do these things"

"Ibuki, I don't care that you're gay, but don't force it onto another student"

"IM N-"

"ibuki! Listen to me, Mikan is our school nurse, she doesn't want you to force your homosexuality onto her, she's just to shy to say anything" Jin said

Ibuki tried to speak but He walked away before Ibuki could say anything
Ibuki tried to keep her tears in but all the negative thoughts came into her head all at once, she didn't want to believe his words but she couldn't help but think about it, she couldn't help but think that Maybe it was true, Ibuki is just forcing this on mikan and she's to shy to say anything about it
She looked up and saw Mahiru and hiyoko looking at her, she waved like nothing had just happened and turned around to go back to her cabin, Mahiru noticed Ibuki started crying when she turned away

"U-uh, I got to go real quick, I love you, I'll be back" mahiru gave hiyoko a quick kiss and jogged off to Ibuki's cabin

Hiyoko waved as mahiru jogged off, she saw mikan walking around, picking flowers and looking at the trees, Hiyoko decided to go speak to her about Ibuki

Mahiru knocked on the door, and proceeded to enter, she didn't want to be rude but she knew Ibuki wasn't going to answer

"Ibuki?" Mahiru called

She heard sniffles and a metal clang in the bathroom, mahiru's heart began to race, she quickly made her way to the bathroom, only for the door to be locked, she kept trying to open the door and burst in, but she couldn't get in, mahiru tried speaking to ibuki but she got no response, she could only hear crying and small drops of a liquid hitting the floor
Mahiru ran out the cabin and quickly got mikan, she apologized for taking Mikan away from her conversation with Hiyoko and quickly made her way back to the cabin

"W-whats happening, w-w-whats going on?" Mikan asked

"I-ibuki's in the bathroom crying, I hear liquid hitting the floor and I heard something drop when I entered the room, she refuses to answer me and I don't know what to do" mahiru said

Mikan didn't respond and walked over to the bathroom, she tried opening the door but it was locked, Mikan tried throwing herself at the door to break it open but nothing happened

"I-ibuki! It's me, mikan, are you ok?" Mikan asked

Ibuki didn't respond, Mikan then heard that Ibuki was crying, this sent some relief through her body, But the sound of liquid hitting the floor immediately took that relief away

"Goddamnit Ibuki!! Open the door, Please" Milan cried

"Let me help, we can try to force it open together"

Mikan agreed and they tried forcing it open, the door wouldn't budge, like something was blocking it
As if on cue hiyoko came into the cabin, asking what's happening, she didn't get a answer, she was just being told to help, hiyoko hurried to the door and helped
The door eventually opened

A knife was on the floor, blood surrounded Ibuki, slowly growing as the blood fell from Ibuki's arms onto the floor

"I-ibuki!!" Mikan ran up to Ibuki and hugged her

"Ha, have you been working out, that door is pretty strong" Ibuki said

Mikan checked Ibuki's arms and saw how dangerously close she was to cutting her veins

"Ibuki! W-what were you trying to do?" Mikan said, tears falling down her face

Mahiru wanted to say something, she watched 2 of her good friends on the bathroom floor covered in blood, Mikan crying as she constantly shifts around, trying to check for any other cuts, closely inspecting every new cut that was found, slowly getting more and more covered in her lover's blood, and as Ibuki made jokes as she continued bleeding onto mikan and the surrounding area, the tears falling down her cheeks, and her gloves next to her soaking up the blood, Ibuki was acting like nothing had happened, like everything was normal, making jokes and flirting with Mikan, the same dorky smile on her face that she shows everybody

"Ibuki! W-what happened, w-why did you-"

"Do you really love me" Ibuki asked, the smile slowly fading from her face

It all suddenly hit mahiru, she didn't hear much of the conversation with Jin and Ibuki, she thought Ibuki was crying over loosing Mikan as her camp partner, but the question and everything she was witnessing
She realized Jin had said something to Ibuki

"W-what? Of course I love you, w-where is this coming from?"
Mikan had grabbed the first aid kit she brang with her that she placed under the sink, she was cleaning Ibuki's wounds and use the Gauze inside to bandage up the cuts

"I was, talking to... Mr Kirigiri earlier, he told me that I'm just forcing everything on you and you're to shy to say anything about it, i-it got me thinking, that... what if that was true" Ibuki looked down and away from mikan

Mahiru looked down at the blood, then Ibuki, the words Ibuki had said, bouncing around in her head, she found herself moving towards the door and walking towards Jin,

Mahiru looked up at Jin, who gave her a warm smile and a wave
She proceeded to slap him and flip him off

"Mahiru k-" jin was interrupted

"What the fuck! What is your problem with Ibuki!" Mahiru said

"Excuse me? Watch your language, and don't place a hand on me"

"I fucking asked what your problem is with Ibuki"

"Ok, listen, that's personal, its between what Ibuki does and what I have to say to her"

"You fucking told her she's forcing stuff on mikan and mikan is to shy to say anything"

"Listen, I'm just telling her the t-"


He moved his hands and up close to his face, as if he was trying to indicate he felt threatened and he was going to back up

"Mahiru, I get you're concerned for your friend, and you're a lesbian so you're closer to h-"

"What is that supposed to mean" Mahiru said

"Oh you know, you guys are gay, so you have a closer connection"

"Please I'm friends with Ibuki, I'm not fingering her every chance i get"

"I mean, I'm not saying that, it's like my daughter Kyoko and Her friend Makoto, they have a connection because they're straight and close friends"

Junko happened to be close by, she over heard most the conversation, she knew kyoko would kill her after this

"Oh shit, are you suggesting kyoko is cheating on me with some twink"
Junko said, she smiled at Jin

"Junko, that isn't funny, I would appreciate it if you would Please go away and stop speaking"

"Well shit, you don't like me do you" Junko said

"Not really..."

"Ouch, well how about this, you put all your hate towards me, and leave Ibuki alone and let her stay with her girlfriend" Junko said

"They're not dating, Ibuki is way to inappropriate towards Mikan, who is visibly uncomfortable"

"Well have you asked Mikan if she's ok with it" Mahiru said

"Yes, she's clearly just nervous to say anything"

"Dude, what is your problem with lesbians"

"Nothing, its just that... they're a little more intense"

"Oh! Ok"
Junko looked around to see if she could spot kyoko, once she did she called Kyoko over

"What do you need junko" Kyoko asked

Junko gave kyoko a kiss

Kyoko's face became red and she smiled as she walked off

"Anyway, you can continue speaking"

"Oh now you're pushing your homosexuality on Kyoko"

"Can we just ignore that for a second, you hate Ibuki because she likes girls"

"Well I mean..."

Mahiru punched him and walked off

"So, wanna see me not, push my homosexuality onto your daughter, because I can and will go fuck her right now" Junko smiled

"Don't force anything on her"

Junko called Kyoko over once again and gave her another kiss


"Wanna go have sex" junko said

"I... yeah sure" kyoko responded

"Kyoko, you don't have to, I mean she's clearly manipulating you"

Kyoko glared at him and gave junko a kiss, she started forcefully making out with junko, which came to a surprise to the Model but accepted it

Mahiru walk into the cabin, she saw Ibuki on the bed, being cuddled by mikan, and hiyoko was watching TV with them on the other bed

"Hey guys" mahiru said

"Hey, where did you go?" Hiyoko asked

"I punched and Slapped mr Kirigiri, I honestly wouldn't worry about it" Mahiru sat next to hiyoko

"What? Why would you-"

"Turns out he only hates you because you're a lesbian, I got lucky junko came up to talk about how she was in a relationship with his daughter"

"Wow, so he's just a Homophobic dick, now I can see why his daughter hates him" ibuki sighed

"So, are you ok?" Mahiru asked

"Yeah, yeah I'm good, made another mistake, haha" Ibuki brang up her arms to show mahiru the bandages started from the start of her wrist all the way up to her shoulder, mahiru also noticed the bandages on Ibuki's legs

Mahiru sighed, and started smiling at ibuki

"Well I know you guys need some time alone, Hiyoko and I will go back to our cabin, and, its getting pretty late anyway, see you guys tomorrow" Mahiru got off the bed and so did hiyoko

"Hope you feel better soon buddy" mahiru waved goodbye and left

They walked to their cabin but only to be in by seeing Jin, angrily coming up to them

Mahiru quickly started kissing hiyoko,  which made him stop, Mahiru led her to the cabin and walked in

"Why did you do that?" Hiyoko asked

"Mr Kirigiri seems to have a problem with girls kissing, so he stopped once I  kissed you"

Mahiru said, she locked the door and layed down on the bed, hiyoko joined her and they cuddled, watching movies on the TV

Mahiru soon noticed that Hiyoko had fallen asleep, she smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek

"I love you" Mahiru whispered

She cuddled up more to hiyoko and soon found herself falling asleep

The two finally got to cuddle and be gay together without interruptions, and that's the best thing anyone could ask for

Please I'm serious I don't know how to end things

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