Long Game? - Enoch O'Connor

By Depressed_Ravenclaw

3.5K 49 7

Katniss Portman is Jacob's younger sister. The story begins when Kat is fifteen and her grampa Abe dies. Foll... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

602 11 2
By Depressed_Ravenclaw

A/N The outfit is for her second day on the island.
Ages: Enoch - 17.
Millard - 16
Hugh - 15
Fiona - 15
Horace - 14.
The rest are movie.

Kat's POV.
Right now we're on a boat on our way to the island Cairholm and I'm reading a piece of book out loud for jake and dad to hear about Cairholm. When I finished we notice a bird and Dad says "Hey Jake, Kat that's a Peregrine Falcon" then Jake says "Like Miss Peregrine?" and Dad replies slightly exasperated "Hey that's probably where Grandpa got the whole turning into a bird thing" and Jake says "Or maybe it's really her. Hey Miss Peregrine it's us Jake and Kat, we're Abe Portman's grandkids! Please don't crap on us... Dad chill I'm joking". Once we are at the Priest Hole me and Dad go to the beach to take some pictures of the birds for his book while Dad sends Jake to the other side of the island with some wannabe gangsters to have a look at the children's home though I was planning on going to the home tomorrow and just writing a bit today. As I sit in the Priest's Hole I continue writing about a couple of teenagers who are part of a organisation and go on secret missions, in walks a strange looking man who gives me a bad feeling and suddenly I hear a rush of thoughts clearly from this person, the boy isn't here. I'll have to try find the loop in a couple of days. Until then no one can know. My eyes widen slightly but I still continue writing my story as not to draw attention to me after a little while Jacob shows up so I go over to him and he talks to me about how it was bombed but honestly I don't believe it was so I decide to still go tomorrow.

*The Next Day - Kat's POV.
After Jake asks dad if we can go with those kids from yesterday Jacob and I leave going to the other side of the island where the Children's Home is so as I walk with Jake we finally get there. As I walk through the huge house I find a picture of the children including Grandpa so I quickly take a picture with my phone before putting it down then we go upstairs and I have a look in this one room, which was clearly Enoch's by the jars in cabinets. I walk out of the room and there is a girl from Grandpa's pictures, Emma says "Abe?" before we run down the stairs and out of the house but Jacob trips making me fall as well.

No one's POV.
Katniss' eyes slowly begin to open soon followed by Jacob coming conscious then they are dropped to the floor by Bronwyn. Standing straight Kat stares at the people in front of her as Jake says "You're Emma and the twins, and Olive, Bronwyn and he's Millard" before turning to Emma asking "in the house you called me Abe, why?" and she replies "You looked like him for a second before you started screaming and running away and concussing yourself".

Kat's POV.
As they lead us through the loop I hear the voices in my head though this time they seem happy? When Jake runs from away I awkwardly say "Well I'll just stay here" before Bronwyn and the Twins lead me to the house and I'm greeted by Miss Peregrine who says "Ah Katniss right on time, I knew you would be easier to get to come" but then I hear voice Katniss really has changed so much since she was a little child. When I'm sitting in the kitchen I see Olive who smiles at me happily saying "Hey Kat", I nod saying "Hi Olive" and she asks "Kat, what's fall out boy?" making me go into full band mode explaining everything about them including how they came up with their songs. Then in comes Jake and Miss Peregrine just as Olive makes some tea, after the loop is explained to Jacob I notice a boy around 16, maybe 17? And in my opinion extremely gorgeous, then realise this must be Enoch so as he collects some jars Olive says "let me help you with those Enoch" but he answers coldly glaring at Jake "Don't bother, I don't want to disturb your tea party" before storming off and Olive following close behind him.

*Five minutes later*
I'm standing with Emma and Jake when Emma asks Jake for help with her daily chore that Enoch usually helps with so noticing their blushing I excuse myself. As I go to the top floor I'm called to Enoch's room by Olive, we stand in his room and Olive says in excitement "Kat this Enoch, Enoch meet Katniss. I thought you two might get along" and Enoch finally lifts his head as we both give her weird looks clearly we both feel the same despite me believing him to be hot. I ask "When were you born?" and with a smirk Enoch answers "26th August 1892, and you were born when?", "22nd July 2001".

Why does Olive have to try and set me up with someone who is 109 years younger even if physically it's only a year? Clearly Enoch. 

Won't they just date! They'd be adorable! Think of the babies.. the kids, there would be two, a girl and boy with Enoch's dark brown hair and Kat's forest green eyes and pale skin. It would be perfect!
Hold your horses Olive, I'm fifteen not twenty nine.

Turning back to them I ask Enoch "Can I see one of your homunculi please?" nodding he begins working on these two before putting animal hearts into them and they begin fighting until one stabbed the other in the chest and pulls out it's heart. Surprising them both I smile ever so slightly at it and I hear Olive and Enoch think,

Holy Bird! How are they not married already? It's bloody madness! Because Olive I'm fifteen! It is illegal .

Why is she smiling? This is meant to scare people not make them happy.
Enoch I'm intrigued not happy, there is a huge difference.

Around five minutes before dinner Olive says "Come on Kat, you can wear one of my dresses to dinner", yippy dresses *sarcasm*. I change into this black dress that honestly looks like something I'd wear to a funeral.

We walk downstairs and I see we're late for dinner so I say "Sorry we're late Miss Peregrine" but she just nods and Millard looks up from his plate saying "You can sit next to me Katniss" as Olive takes her seat next to the twins I sit between Millard and Jacob. I turn to see Enoch glaring at Millard and Hugh says "Look at Enoch, he's jealous", "Why would I be jealous? Katniss can go marry Millard for all I care" Enoch says angrily and Miss Peregrine says "No one is getting married".

Why do they always say this stuff? I don't like Katniss and honestly I believe it has escaped their notice she is fifteen. Finally someone who knows my age.

After a few minutes Miss Peregrine says to Claire "Why aren't you eating?" and Millard answers "She's embarrassed in front of Kat and Jake", "Don't be please" Jacob says kindly as I nod in silence when she puts the meat to her curls and a second later she puts a raw bone done on her plate and I say in interest "You have a back mouth? Did you know your peculiarity was most likely a form of the Japanese myth futakuchi-onna from mythology, a woman with lips and teeth at the back of her head and their was a rumour that the occasional one can speak but none have been documented for centuries". "When did you learn that?" Jake asks in surprise at my knowledge of myths and I say "I read it in this book on Ancient History", "when was that?" he questions, I mumble under my breath "well you might know that if you weren't always chasing after those bimbos".

Why does Katniss seem jealous of Jake? Honestly she's the smarter so why?  And she's even more beautiful than any one I've seen. Me beautiful? That's bloody ridiculous!

Jacob really is insufferable, how doesn't he know that about his own sister? He's horrendous!

Who thought that? Maybe Enoch? He and Jacob don't seem to get on or Millard he has been very nice to me. But they've all been very nice.

After a bit Horace asks "What are your peculiarities?" and Jacob says "Oh I'm not peculiar", "and that my friends is why he won't be staying no matter how hard you beg him. Why would he stay here when doesn't have to, he can live out there, grow old. He'll leave just like his grandfather did" Enoch say while glaring at Jacob. Then Emma storms out of the room and Miss Peregrine says to Enoch sternly "You know full well why Abe LEFT."

Hugh continues "To join the army!", Bronwyn then says "Then he met a lady and they had a cake" before Claire finishes "And a lovely little baby". Miss Peregrine says "Children, I'm sure you'd all like new friends but I'm certain Jacob and Katniss have plenty of friends back in florida".

Not really. It's much nicer here especially the children since the teenagers are evil in Florida.

After we go and watch Horace's it begins with Horace being fitted for a suit then him meeting Jacob and I, next a lady being pushed through a tunnel with these strange people with white eyes. Then a scene on a boat surrounded by skeletons with older Enoch and older me, we're about to kiss when Miss Peregrine says as she turns the screen off "Okay that's enough Horace".

After going outside for reset I walk to Olive's room changing into my normal clothes, I'm walking with Jake and Emma when I notice them talking then take a photo before a bird crashes into the wall and Emma decides to take it back to the house. When we find dad he decides to ground us because some sheep were killed and Jake was accused of it, honestly I'm disappointed since I want to talk with Enoch for god knows why but I still do.

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