Queen of Dragons

By Tayawriting

131K 3.1K 496

Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley This story is set in the 6th year of the golden Trio. Hermione and Charlie... More

Chapter 1: The Meeting
Chapter 2: Introduction
Chapter 3: Late Night Encounters
Chapter 4: Falling Asleep
Chapter 5: Mornings and awkward Breakfasts
Chapter 6: Old Friends
Chapter 7: Expecto Patronum
Chapter 8: Dumbledore
Chapter 9: A Reason To Smile
Chapter 10: The Walk
Chapter 11: Favourite Person
Chapter 12: Crush
Chapter 14: Rubber Ducks
Chapter 15: The Plan
Chapter 16: A comforting Hug
Author's Note
Chapter 17: A Not so Flawless Execution
Chapter 18: Apparently brewing tea is difficult for misogynists, who knew?

Chapter 13: Magical Adoption

6.1K 167 8
By Tayawriting

"I have the papers for magical adoption here, the trouble that we have is that I am a werewolf and so I am not allowed to adopt a child, Sirius also can't adopt Harry because he still is a wanted murderer- falsely accused of course."

"Are you serious! Those stupid idiotic ignorant morons! Just because someone is a werewolf doesn't mean that they are evil! Once I am I in office I will change those fucking hateful, unjust and discriminating laws! Those bastards won't know what hit them when I create anti-discrimination laws that will make them lose so much money that they would be scared even thinking about it! Of course, the money would be donated to the cause!" Hermione rambled angrily.

The two men found themselves agreeing with her.

"It's house-elves and goblins all over again! As well as all the other magical "creatures" and part-creatures!" She continued. "I just can't believe how evil people can be! Why can't we just accept each other the way we are? Why can't we just live in happiness and peace? With love and acceptance?"

"People want to hate, kitten. They don't want to accept people that are different from them, and there is the issue that most people in power only care about themselves, about money and about power not about their people." Said Sirius.

"This is so unfair!" She exclaimed.

"We know." Remus said and grabbed her hand. "But I know that one day you will change the whole world."

"I hope so." Hermione whispered.

They fell into silence for a short moment.

"So, what are we going to do about Harry?"

"Well we were thinking, since you are seventeen already- thank the time turner- that you would be his magical Guardian and Mother? After we win my trial, I will adopt him in the muggle world and if I can't Remus will."

Hermione was speechless.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Remus added.

"You... you would let me do that? You don't want adopt him magically once you are a free man?"

"Hermione I know that you have been there for him ever since you met him, I know that you care about him deeply, you love him the way only a mother could, you protect him with everything that you are, you would do anything for him. Even Harry told me once that he thinks of you as a mother figure, one that he never had. So please let me do this for you, I hate to say this but we both know that you probably will never have biological children after what Dolohov did to you. I know how much you want to be mother and I know it breaks your heart when you think about it."

Hermione's eyes filled with tears.

Sirius was right, she remembered the day when Dolohov fired an unknown curse at her. It hit her in the abdomen and the damage was mostly internal although a big ugly scar stretched across her whole stomach.

She could have died if she hadn't thrown a silencing charm at him beforehand. The young witch recalled a stinging and burning pain before passing out.

When she woke up in the infirmary at Hogwarts, Madam Pomfrey told her that the curse had heavily damaged her uterus and ovaries making it practically impossible for her to ever have children. Hermione demanded to know the exact percentage and was shocked to hear that it was only 2% of one hundred.

The situation even worsened when Madam Pomfrey explained to her that her period would be extremely painful and dangerous if she didn't go easy on herself. The wounds could be ripped open by too much physical activity and sudden movements during her time of the month.

Luckily her other Organs weren't a problem. The healer prescribed her pain potions that were normally for women giving birth. Professor Snape was nice enough to make them for her.

Shaking herself out of her memories, she nodded.

"I would love to. Thank you so much, I can't express how thankful I am. Really thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me."

Hermione threw herself at Sirius, hugging him tightly. Both pulled Remus into the hug. Tears escaped her eyes and soon she was crying.

"Hermione, you need to stop crying, or I will cry too." Sirius whispered as she let out a sob that was supposed to be a laugh. Soon enough the three of them were crying.

"We need to stop or else we can't get him." Remus whispered and pulled himself away from them.

With a wave of his wand he conjured three tissues and they dried their tears. With another wave he produced the magical adoption papers and a self-inking quill.

"You need to sign here. Harry will sign when we get him, and the contract will be complete."

Hermione nodded.

"You know the risks, right?" Remus asked.

"Yes, death, if I neglect or abuse him. Which won't happen."

"Obviously." Sirius added.

Hermione grabbed the quill and signed her name. Her signature glowed in golden light and vanished shortly after.

"So, now you are officially Harry Potter's legal Guardian and we are officially family!" Sirius announced.

They laughed.

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