Immortal Infatuation (Jonatha...

By BrujaWrites

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The streets of London are always bustling with trouble. If you're not harassed by the Priwen guards, you're p... More

Part I: Immortal Infatuation
Part II: Immortal Temptation
Part III: Immortal Obsession
Part IV: Immortal Attraction
Part V: Immortal Intoxication
Part VI: Immortal Complication
Part VII: Immortal Annihilation
Finale: Jonathan Reid

Finale: Geoffrey McCullum

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By BrujaWrites

I shuddered at the slight draft gently tickling the soles of my feet. I noticed that the draft was coming in from under the door, I'd have to remind Geoffrey to fix that later, I thought with a sigh. Rising slowly from the leather couch, I made my way down the hallway towards the kitchen. I couldn't help but to stop when I noticed the large number of weapons that cluttered about on the ivory-colored wall. If I was in anyone else's house I'd be alarmed, but I know what Geoffrey does. Stepping back slightly my eyes fall upon a shiny jeweled dagger, carefully picking it up I admired its beauty. However, this moment was short-lived when the thoughts of just how many vampires have been extinguished with it. Shaking off the thoughts, I quickly mounted it back on the wall and began pacing the living room. Although those thoughts were gone my mind shifted to a certain vampire, Jonathan. I can't help but feel guilty for his heartache. Memories of his hurt expression fly through my mind. I was technically responsible for his hurt feelings, I shouldn't have led him on. Especially when I already knew my feelings for Geoffrey were deep-rooted. The history I shared with him was unbreakable, he knew my flaws as did I know his. We were the missing pieces to each other's puzzles. The sound of the front door flying open ripped me from my thoughts. Jumping slightly, I was greeted by the sight of my love. I watched as he placed a bloodied sword on the marble table and released a heavy sigh. It didn't take long for him to finally notice my presence. His startled expression quickly changed to a warm smile as he strode over to me.

"Hello love," He said, while gently placing small kisses all over my forehead, "Is everything okay?"

I nod in response and return a warm smile, " How was your day," I ask while kissing his cheek before taking a seat back on the couch.

"You know the usual. Although this one bloody leech just refused to die, I had to fully remove the head," He said, while slipping his trench coat on the coat rack, "It seems like more and more of them surface every day."

Slipping off his leather boots, Geoffrey seated himself on the couch next to me with a heavy, tired groan. His emerald eyes appeared deprived of energy as he creased his dark brows, sighing to himself. I feel pity for poor Geoffrey; he must spend a lot of energy slaying skals and hostile vampires to keep the streets of London clean. Suddenly, I feel his strong, muscular arms wrap around my small figure, followed by the sensation of his breath tickling my neck. He held me as a little girl would hold a doll; tightly and securely like it is their greatest and most loved possession. Curiously, my (e/c) eyes glanced up to his face and laid upon his resting expression. His eyes were closed and he seemed content, free of any worries that he may have had.

"You are truly a gem, my love; the greatest blessing that one can bestow upon me. You've been by my side since day one and I am pleased you will be by my side for the rest of my life. I knew well that Jonathan could never love you as much as I do, for you mean everything to me. You are my peace and my reason to continue hunting these bloody vampires," he spoke softly into my ears.

"Ah Geoffrey, you're too sweet. I do not mean to ruin such an intimate moment but I must inquire... do you harbor ill feelings toward Jonathan still? I understand that he does love me... but I only see him as a friend, nothing more. I just don't want you to feel such hatred toward him."

"Although I don't like how that bastard tried to sweep you off your feet, I must say I do not have a strong hatred toward him. He is a bloody leech indeed, but I am no better than him for he is the one who turned me... so we are the same. I will never forgive him for turning me into an immortal, yet I have no strong feelings toward him. I was considering him an ally at one point but alas, we could never be allies."

"And what makes you say that?"

"I am a hunter and he is my prey. Surely, you know that a predator cannot befriend its prey, my love."

"I understand that but... do you at least consider him somewhat of a friend?"

Contemplating my question, Geoffrey sighed before responding, "I suppose so. I do not love him, nor do I hate him. I assume that we are in a neutral territory of friendship. He can make a good ally when it comes to hunting other skals or vampires, I must add."

"Ah, I see. Neither friend or foe, more of a respectable acquaintance?"

"I suppose you can say that."

"Hmm..." I hummed, "I'm pleased that you don't feel such hate around him, that's bad on your precious heart, Geoffrey."

"I know but what can I say? London needs a savior for this vampire menace and I'm the answer."

"Of course you are."

Smiling, I fall back deeper into his arms, gradually feeling his heartbeat against my chest. It was a rather calm, steady pace that almost repeated in a happy melody. In response, Geoffrey ran his hand up and down my back, comforting me and holding me close. His touch was invigorating and addicting since he was so gentle and delicate with my figure. Nothing can make me feel more loved than his simple touch, for it brought me great joy and reassurance. Although he coddled me like a child, it made me feel secure and grounded; as if there were no worries in the world, only serenity and love. With my mind full of ease, my heavy lids began to weigh down on my eyes as I let out a pleased hum. The feeling of contentment in the room was enveloping and pleasant, causing me to mindlessly drift off to sleep with no distress or troubles whatsoever.

Geoffrey's POV

(Y/n)'s sleeping figure laid gently on my chest, breathing slowly and occasionally humming dreamily. My fingers found their way into her (h/l), (h/c) locks, twirling them around and feeling the soft silk of every strand. Staring down at her, I watched her chest rise and fall against my own as she slept so peacefully. Her (s/c) skin glistens ever so brightly in the moonlight, as well as her long lashes and pursed, peachy lips. How lucky of a man I am to have such a beautiful woman as my lover... It almost seems surreal. Is this a delusion? No, it is a reality; a lucky one at that. How could I, a cursed creature, such as I end up with one of the fairest women in all of London? Luck must be in my favor, no doubt. Since she is the greatest gift, I know what must be done: I have to protect her at all costs. Harm must never come in her way, for what kind of savior would allow that? Most certainly, I am a vampire hunter: a slayer of all bloody beasts that plague the innocent streets of London. However, I am now a protector as well: a protector of something so sacred and gentle. It all seems so overwhelming to be both a hunter and a protector but in the end, it is worth every second of my time.

"Where would I be without you, my love?" I mindlessly mumble to myself as her peaceful figure captivates and blesses my eyes.

Inhaling deeply, I reached into the pocket of my black trousers and pulled out a white box that was adorned with a red and pink ribbon. Gently opening the small box, a golden glimmer shone brightly in the moonlight, nearly blinding my green eyes. Pulling out the golden object, the form of it became clearer: it was a golden cross necklace that I had picked up from the jewelry store after I had finished my daily hunting. Vampires, and all creatures alike, seem to be repulsed by the cross, considering it is a holy figure and wards off evil beings and spirits. My love needs to be protected when I'm not around and this cross necklace is the solution. Carefully, I wrapped the necklace around her slender neck and clasped the lock in the back. The golden necklace seemed to compliment her glowing skin perfectly, making her appear as a majestic goddess. Pulling my hands away, I returned them to her back, stroking her sleeping figure slowly and steadily.

"What a beautiful being you are," I whisper as I pull her even closer to my body.

She shifts around a bit in her sleep before returning back to her normal position, humming and releasing a small groan. Taking in her features one more time, I lay my head back onto the leather couch and feel my eyes tug downward due to my exhaustion. Hunting seemed to take more out of me than usual today but nonetheless, I am glad I can come home to my love. Although many consider me to be a heartless, cold murderer of the undead, they do not see the side that I reflect to (Y/n); mostly because they are not her. If anything, (Y/n) knows the real me and will be the only one to ever see that. She means everything to me and I will do all in my power to protect her against the bloody leeches that prowl the streets. Humming pleasantly, I felt my mind pulling me back into slumber as I held (Y/n) close. Nobody will hurt you, (Y/n), and I will make sure of it.


Thank you so much for reading our story! We really appreciate all the friendly comments and thank you for waiting so patiently! I hope you all enjoyed the story and perhaps look out for more stories to come in the future :) Also, please be sure to check out the Jonathan ending as well!

~ PeachySav and Raven2019

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