All My Friends Are Dead

Da jesssyee

79 13 0

Imagine knowing how your friends are going to die, but you can't do anything about it or you'll die. Altro

All My Friends Are Dead
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 3

7 1 0
Da jesssyee

Chapter 10

On the morning of school, things didn't change. I assume they had no idea that Jen died last night. Her parents probably tried to wake her up that morning to find out she wasn't going to wake up. I'm expecting them to call me anytime because they saw that I was the last one who was with her.

First and second period past. Just going through the motions.

Lunch period, I get a message.

"Hello Nathan, I wanted to contact you sooner, but I assume you are in class and I don't want your phone to get taken away. When you can, please give us a call," and that was the end of the message from Jen's mom.

I take a deep breath and collect myself for what to say. There is no way Jen was suicidal, but what she did would say otherwise. I was for sure there when it happened, but I could say when I left, we were fine.

I call Jen's mom and she answers immediately.

"Hello? Nathan?"

"Hi, Mrs. Conley."

"Do you know where Jennifer is? Please tell me she's at school. Is she there? Is she with you?"


"No, I didn't see her today. I don't actually know where she is."

"Oh, can you also please text her. She won't respond to me, but I know you two have a special relationship. Please do this."

"Okay, Mrs. Conley. If she responds, then I'll let you know."

"Thank you."

I hang up knowing Jen isn't going to reply. I swear I put her in bed before I left, but aside from that, she was home when I left. How can her parents not find her? People don't just disappear out of thin air.

"Yo, Nate!" Cody calls before he pats my back.

Ralph and Michael shortly follow with trays of food at hand.

"We are going out after school," Cody demands.

"Naw man, I'm not gay," I joke.

"Today is Orion's birthday," Ralph explains. "We want to get some stuff for a BBQ this weekend when we're all free."

"We are still figuring out the details, so if you have any suggestions, let us know," Michael says.

"You could bring your girly friend," Cody suggests.

Ralph chuckles a little. We know Cody would want that, wouldn't he?

"Only if Nathan brings Jen," Michael says.

I'm silent. They don't know what happened to Jen. No one does.

"You're not into her like that? I mean, she clearly likes you. You can at least try," Cody states.

"There's a lot more for them to lose. They have been friends for a while. It's not that easy," Ralph adds.

"So, the party?" I ask, hoping to change the subject.

Honestly, I did think about Jen that way at one point. She's someone I could be with long-term, but I don't know if I'm there yet. She was always so ambitious, smart, and had so many good things going for her.

"We'll just go to the store and see what we need? Did Orion say it was okay to be at his place since he has a grill?" Ralph asks.

"Yeah, he did," Cody answers.

So, it's settled.

Chapter 11

We got some marinated meat, drinks, stuff for burgers. We also got a cake for him and magic relighting candles.

I got home and went straight to the room with a bag of drinks. I left the drinks to the side for the party in a few days, then lay down on my bed. I play some Chill Nation.

I hear a snicker, almost like a giggle. Still, I remain with my eyes closed, trying to relax. There is so many things on my mind, I honestly just want everything to stop. I want the music to be the only thing happening right now.

The laughing continues, louder each time. I get up and scan the room. Why is the TV on? I walk downstairs to shut off the TV that no one was watching, then walk back upstairs to resume what I was doing.

"What the fuck!" I jump out of bed and stare at the creature on my ceiling.

This reaper was covered in a dark cloth with a skeletal figure inside. The body looks brittle yet held sturdy together.

"What do you want?" I ask.

The reaper continues to laugh. "You humans always think you're so special, don't you?"

"Why are you killing my friends?"

"Just because I can."

My blood boils and I get up ready to punch it till a force holds my fist back and I fly backward.

"I'm here to tell you about the new rules."

"Rules? Are my friend's life just a game to you?"

"Only the people closest to you will be affected. If you or anyone else participate in the kill, then your life will be extended."

"What happen to Jen?" I demand.

"Since she took her life with your hands, she's with me and disappears from your world."

"Can I see her?"

The Reaper laughs vividly.

"We'll be seeing more of each other."

"Wait," I demand. "Why did you choose me?"

"I told you, just because I can. No one else can see me except you. So, get comfortable."

"Aren't you at least going to tell me all the rules? There has to be more than I die if I stop death instantly and knowing when and how my friends will die."

"All right. The more people you kill or assist in killing will prolong your life. Killing random people, you don't know won't help either. You have to make a connection with the people you meet."

"I'm not a killer."

The Reaper bursts into laughter. "So, you didn't hand Jennifer the bottle of pills? You think you are so pure?"

With that, the Reaper disappears.

So, what now? I know why people in my life are dying, I have to accept the fact that it has to do with me just because the Reaper chooses me randomly? I swear, this game will just turn you inside out.

What if I just avoid people? It said I have to make a connection with people, but then that means I'll die sooner than later. What if we just make a pack and kill ourselves? Would we be where Jen is now? But how do I know if the Reaper is lying or not? He didn't lie about the rules, though. Why would he?

The more I thought about this, the angrier I became. I'm just stuck in this stupid game and all my friends are dead. Basically.

I stay home for the next few days trying to come up with anything to end this game. So far, the best I could come up with is by finding someone else the Reaper can play with, but how do I get it to do that?

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