You're not useless. || Five H...

By supdudesimgay

63.6K 1.2K 1.4K

About Oliver, who has "therapy.". From Klaus. Oliver is a special kid, Klaus and his parents were the only on... More

I'm gay.
who is who.
0.01 the start of the gay.
0.02 are you happy?.
introduction 2.0.
I'm worried. 0.03.
s t r a w b e r r i e s & c i g a r e t t e s . 0.04.
f a l l i n g . 0.05 .
t h a t o n e k i d . 0 . 0 7 .
g o n e r . 0 . 0 8.

t o g e t h e r. 0.06.

2.6K 52 63
By supdudesimgay

!tw: death, mentioning of self harm, mentioning of killing, mentioning of death, mention of blood.!.

" I just wanna be someone.".

"Well doesn't everyone.?.".

"Jezus christ on a cracker Connor.".

"I'm singing in cursive.".

"Connor I told you, that scares people when you do that.".

"Sorry Klaus. ".


When Connor found out about his real parents, he was shocked.
He couldn't believe it, and thought he didn't deserve something like that.

What he didn't know is that he fully deserved it, and that one of his parents knew of his past, and knew they shouldn't bring it up.

Connor was broken, and he always thought he deserved it.
He thought he deserved the pain, and the torture he had gotten in his past.
Connor thought that he deserved the nightmares and the visions of people getting murdered.

Five knew something was up with Connor, and wanted to know what.
He felt like he needed to protect the boy, and het to know him.
But, Five felt more than compassion, something both he and Connor couldn't figure out what it was.
Five admired the boy, he thought the boy was adorable and a genius.

Connor was walking with Grace, stopping when he started to feel lightheaded.

"Are you okay.?.".
Grace asks Connor.

"Y-Y-Yeah t-tota-.".
Connor says, interrupted by him passing out.

Grace caught him on time, and brought him to klaus his room.

Grace yelled out.

And in less then a second, Five spatial jumped upstairs.

"What happened.?., is he okay.?.".
He asks his mother, who was checking on Connor.

"He's really under fed, he needs to eat more.".
"I will get something from downstairs, something he can't refuse.".
She says.

"Is it soup.?., Klaus told me he loves soup, and he talks about soup all the time.".
Five says, seeing his mother was already gone.

He sat next to Connor, who was already waking up.
Putting his arm around Connor's waist, Five starts kissing the top of the boy's head.

"Please don't scare me like that again..".
Five says.

He says.

"It's okay, but I have to go find someone, I'll be right back.".
Five says

and what he didn't know that when he left he room, Connor spatial jumped away.
He landed in the passenger seat in the car next to Allison.

He says, making Allisom screech.

Allison looked to her side where Connor sat, and sighed.
She was relieved it was just Connor, but she wanted to ask why he came here out of all places.

"Jesus christ on a cracker Connor, what are you doing here,and how long have you've been sitting there.".

"I w-w-wanted t-to a--a-accompany y-you s-s-so y-you wouldn't b-b-be l-l-lonely.".
"I h-h-haven't b-been h-here l-l-long.".
Connor says,really nervous.

"That's okay, and that's really sweet of you.".
"I totally forgot you could spatial jump as well.".
"But you can come with me, I was looking for Vanya.".
"You just need to stay behind me at all times, I would kill myself if you get hurt, and Five and Klaus will kill me after.".
"And Diego would try and hurt me.".
She says, giving Connor an sweet smile that gave him a bit of reassurance.

And they drove in peace, Connor putting on all different kinds of music, which Allison enjoyed.

When they arrived they saw the name Jenkins on the letterbox.

"Let's go.".
She says getting out of the car.

Connor got out of the car as well and walked with Allison toward the house.

They looked around the house, Connor mostly being confused but still following Allison around.
They sneaked to the window, and looked through it.
They saw that the room was empty, and they saw Vanya's Violin as well.
They turned around, making a bird fly away, and Allison flinching from it.

They both walked away, Allison grabbing Connor's hand to keep him safe.

{Meanwhile at the hargreeves house.}.

"Jesus. Who so I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee.".
Five says.

"I was waiting for Connor to say something, but then I realised he's gone.".
Klaus says, sighing.

"What do you mean,gone.?.".
Five asks.

"He left, Mom told me that when she wanted to bring him his soup, he was gone.".
"Probably went with one of our sisters. ".
Klaus says, the last part more quietly.

"You know where he is.".
"Tell me.".
Five says.

"Anyone seen any of the others.?.".
"Diego? Allison? No.?.".
Klaus asks.

"All right, then, this is the closest thing to a quorum.".
"That we're gonna get.".
Klaus says, banging the table.

"Now, listening up.".
"There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna spit it out.".
Klaus says.

"This is a bad idea.".
Ben says, knowing somewhere or wherever Connor was, he would agree.

"Yeah, Connor would think so as well, but still listen to me, as you all should do too.".
"I miss my amazing friend.".
Klaus says.

"You talk about him like he's dead.".
Luther says.

"What can you expect, he talks about dying all the time.".
Klaus says, stating facts.

Luther says.

"I conjured Dad last night.".
Klaus says, swinging with an item.

They all look at each other, interested.

Klaus somehow felt Connor looking at them with his powers.

"Jesus Connor, A little privacy please.".
"I could've been naked.".
Klaus says at the ceiling.

"Just a joke, I'm not mad.".
Klaus says.

"He can see us.?.".
Luther asks.

"Of course, why not.?." Klaus says.

"You said you haven't been to conjure anyone in years.".
Luther says.

Five was trying to grab his cup, but it was gone out of nowhere.

"I have le coffee.".
Five hears Connor say.

"Ah, yes, I know, but I'm sober. Ta-da.!.".
Klaus says, earning a lot of nice things from Connor of how proud he was of him.

"Thank you Connor, also, don't die please.".
Klaus says.

"Don't you dare say maybe young man, and your gone.".
Klaus says.

"I got clean,yesterday, to talk to someone special.".
"And then ended up having this... conversation with dear old Daddy himself.".
Klaus says.

Even though he didn't feel Connor's presence anymore, he knew Connor was proud of him, and he would be proud of Klaus no matter what.
Klaus loved the kid for being so kind, and believing in him no matter what, like he believed in Connor.
They believed in each other, and Klaus started to believe in himself.
Klaus wanted to help Connor to believe in himself, wanting to ask Five for help.

"Has anyone got some aspirin.?.".
Luther asks.

"Top shelf, next to the crackers and that random knife set.".
Five says.

"Oh yeah, that's Connor's.".
Klaus says.

"Could you give the knifes to me, I want to look at them.".
Five says, Luther just sighing.

"Okay,fine. I'll play.".
"What did the old man have to say.?.".
Five asks Klaus, kinda humoured.
Earning a slap on the back of his head.

"Thanks Connor.".
"Well, he gave me the usual lecture about my appearance and my failures in life.".
"Yada yada yada.".
"No surprise there. Even the afterlife couldn't soften a hardass like Dad, right.?.".
"But he did mention something about his murder, or lack thereof.".
Klaus says.

"Wait for it.".
Ben says, even though only Klaus and Connor could hear him.

"He killed himself.".
Klaus says.

"I dont have time for your games, Klaus.".
Luther says, turning around.

"I'm telling you the truth, Luther.".
"I'm telling you the truth.".
Klaus says.

They hear someone mutter, before a gasps and some zoom noise.

Five face palmed, but smiled at hearing Connor's voice, and what he had said.

"Why'd he do it, then.?.". Five asks.

"He said it was the only way to get us all home again.".
Klaus says.

"No. Dad wouldn't just kill himself.".

"Yeah so, Connor looks like he wouldn't but he did it as well.".
Klaus says.

"Ah, you said it yourself. ".
"He was depressed.".
"Holed up in his office and room all day and night.".
Five says, keeping what Klaus had said about Connor in the back of his head, maybe able to talk about all of this later with the boy he loved.

"No there weren't any signs.".
"Suicidal people exhibit certain tendencies, strange behaviour.".
Luther says.

"Not everything is visible, some people are good at hiding it".
Klaus says, making something spark in him and in Five about Connor.

"And also strange behaviour, like sending someone to the Moon for no reason.".
Klaus says, stating facts.

"I swear to God, Klaus, if you're lying.".
Luther says.

"Why are you swearing to Connor, he isn't even here.".
Five says.

"I'm not. I'm not.".
Klaus says, laughing from what Five had said.

"Master Klaus is correct.".
Pogo says, walking into the room.

"Regretfully... .".
"...I helped Master Hargreeves enact his plan.".
Pogo says, sighing in sadness.

Luther asks, shocked.

"So did Grace.".
"It was a difficult choice for both of us.".
"More difficult than you could ever know.".
"Prior to your father's death, Grace's program was adjusted.".
"So that she was incapable of administering first aid on that fateful night.".
Pogo says.

Connor left at that moment, not being able to handle it anymore, he was now just looking at Allison who was just staring at him.

"Sick bastard.".
Five says.

"So the security tape we saw.?.".
Luther asks.

"It was meant to further the murder mystery.".
Pogo says, answering Luther's question.

"Your father hoped that being back here, solving it together... .".
"..would reignite your desire to be a team again.".
Pogo says.

"And to what end.?.".
Five asks.

"To save the world of course, or do you want everyone including Connor to have a house party at his house in Heaven, and the other in hell.".
Pogo says.

"All right.".
Klaus says, laughing.

"First the Moon mission and now this.".
Luther says, looking down.

"You watched me search for answers and said nothing.".
"Anything else you want to share, Pogo.?.".
"Any other damn secrets.?.".
Luther says, looking at Pogo.

"Hey,calm down, Luther.".
Klaus says, reaching and arm out, even though he was on the other side of the table.

"No, I won't calm down.".
"Weve been lied to by the one person in this family we all trusted.".
Luther says, feeling betrayed.

"It was your father's dying wish, Master Luther.".
"I... .".
"I had no choice.".
Pogo says, making Klaus look at him with sympathy.

"There's always a choice.".
Luther says before walking away.

Pogo swore he heard an soft voice in his ear say I'm sorry,recognizing the voice as Connor.

Pogo left the room as well, sighing.

" I gotta think.".
Five says spatial jumping away, leaving Klaus and Ben at the table.

{With Connor and Allison.}.

Connor was listening to music, while Allison walked off to some crime scene.
Connor didn't care so he just sat there, thinking about life and beyond, and Buzz Lightyear.

They went to an hospital, where Connor sat in an Connor, reading Comic books, and sketching in his sketchbook.

They later left and went back to the cabin, where Connor felt something strong.
The power of music, he had the gift himself as well.

They came closer to the cabin and felt the power growing, Connor coming through the kitchen door, because he wanted an element of surprise.

Not an bad one, but more like, hey I'm here to help you my dearest friend who I love really much platonically.

He heard the screaming in the music, not knowing if it was him or the person playing the music.
Connor was sure Vanya was playing the music, just by the way she played the notes, he could hear everything.

He stood in the kitchen and waited for an signal, awkwardly looking at a wall.

He heard an scream, and jumped out and yelled happily.

But before he could say anything more, he felt his throat getting slit open multiple times.
He opened his eyes, and saw Vanya standing there in shock, she hurt Connor, the person who cared about her and meant it.
He fell down to the floor and saw Vanya crouching above him, crying.

He saw someone rushing into the room, and grabbing their stuff.
He saw Leonard grabbing Vanya and walking out of the Cabin, before staring off in the air.

He says to Allison in her mind.

"I'm giving you blood, I might not make it but you will.".
He says, but before she could do anything, he had already done it and everything was gone for him.

Waking up, he saw his mother, Spes sitting next to him

"I saw what you did, I'm proud of you, I told the others.".
"They understood.".
"You just have to shower and change, here, before you can leave".
" I also wanted to say, that I'm proud of you, and that I saw you and your boyfriend.".
She says.

She saw Connor blush, she knew that he knew who she meant.

She stood up and kissed the boys head, before leaving the room and closing the door.

Connor stood up and walked towards the bathroom, going in and locking the door.
The started the water, and put it to temperature.
While undressing, he looked at all his scars, Five made him a little bit more confident.

He stepped under the showe and did his routine, tempted to grab the sharp iron, but resisting and not doing it.

After showering he dried himself, and in a snap of his fingers he was dressed and ready,hair dry and everything.

He whore one of his devil uniform, which was dark blue and dark red.

{On earth.}.

"Hey, can you go any faster.?.". Luther asks.

"Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter.".
Five says.

At that moment Klaus gasped, Connor , there was something wrong with him.

"Connor.... p-pain.".
He croaked out, which caused Five to murder the gas, shooting forward, making Luther fall backwards.

"I'm gonna kill the person who hurt him.".
Five says, getting aggressive.

They all got out of the car, walking towards the house.

Bursting inside, they saw Allison first.

But looking in the back they saw Connor, more blood around him, and his throat slit so many times.

Five came in and saw Allison, but went wide eyed when he saw Connor.

He says, running over to the boy along with Diego and Klaus.

Five held the boy in his arms bride style while sitting down.

"Is he alive.?.".
He asks.

Diego felt for a pulse, a tear falling down his cheek as he shook his head.

"Allison is alive, I feel a pulse.".
Luther says, turning around and letting go of her when he sees the limp body of Connor.

"Is he-.".
He says.

"Dead.?., yeah.".
Five says, getting up with Connor and going outside.

They all followed him, Luther with Allison in his arms.

They sat down in the car.

Luther, Diego and Klaus in the back with Allison on their laps.

Five in the driver's seat, and Connor's body in the passenger seat.

"I should've stayed at home.".
"Cause right now I see all these people that love but I still feel alone.".
"Can't help but check my phone.".
Klaus starts singing.

"Shut up Klaus, not the time.".
Luther says, and Five didn't care.

Diego saw something in Connor happening when Klaus sang.

"But no, it wasn't meant to be and see, I wasn't made for you.".
"And you weren't made for me thought it seemed so easy.".
Klaus and Diego sand together, and they all saw a light.

"And t-t-that's b-b-because I w-wanna b-be y-y-your f-favorite b-boy"
"I w-wanna b-b-be t-the o-one t-t-that m-makes y-your d-day"
"T-the o-one y-y-you t-think a-about a-a-as y-you l-lie a-awake"
They heard Connor sing like an Angel, his Nerves mostly taking over.

Five looked to the side shocked at the boy, grabbing his hand and pulling him on his lap.

"Please don't do that again, you scared me there.".
Five says, with one hand in Connor's hand.

Connor says.

"It's not your fault, I will catch the person that hurt you.".
Five says, Connor just nodding, Vanya may had done it, but it wasn't her fault,she was clearly shocked.

He lays his head against Five's chest, afraid to go to sleep.
Instead he his his head in Five's shirt.

"I-Is A-Allison o-o-kay, I g-gave h-her m-my blood.".
Connor says.

"You saved her life, and sacrificed your own with it, even if you weren't a god that would still be something a hero would do.".
Five says.

Connor hid his face further in Five's chest, clearly blushing.

And the time passed fast, Connor still giving Allison blood without the others noticing, almost running out again, since she kept losing more blood and Luther couldn't compress it well.

At that moment, Connor sat up and grabbed a knife from Five's pocket.
He kept it to his throat, and with a quick slash his throat was open.
Connor his head laid against the window, and his throat was slit open and bleeding.
The blood was flowing towards Allison, giving her some last bit of support to arrive at the Academy.

Five was panicking and stressing since he saw Connor's god mark light up, which wasn't good.

"Connor!, I can't lose him.".
Klaus says, knowing that the lighting up of the mark was a bad sign.

But Connor was long gone, that's what they thought.
Connor woke up in a dark room, feeling really anxious and paranoid.
He looked around the room and saw all his memories, the good and the bad ones.
A tear slipped down, which he swiped away, while he walked through the room.

Connor was confused, why aren't his parents giving him a lecture about life and why most people only have one.
He felt like he was a bad god in training, that the world didn't need him, nobody needed him.
Connor had always felt useless, and his past made him more insecure.

There was a door, a big white door at the end of the door.
Connor was walking to it, and felt anxiety creeping up on him.

He opened the door and walked through it, a bright light consuming his eyes.

{Five & Klaus.}.

They rushed both Connor and Allison into the room, Allison getting her blood and stitches.
Five was waiting until they knew something about Connor.

"He'll wake up, just be close enough and maybe you can hear him.".
Diego says, for some reason making sense for once.

But when they turned around, the body was gone.

"We have a meeting.". Diego says, before walking out of he room.

And they went to the meeting, Five missing Connor's presence, and so did the others.

"The bastard that nearly killed our sister, and killed Connor is still out there, with Vanya.".
Diego says.

"We need to go after her.".
Diego says.

"Vanya is not important.".
Five says.

"Hey, that's you sister.".
"A little heartless even for you, Five.".
Diego says, interrupted by Connor falling into the room with a blue flash.

"G-Goodmorning C-C-Craig.".
He says randomly, standing up.

"The trashmouth is back.".
Klaus says, making Connor blush and bow dramatically.

Five sighed and wrapped an arm around the boy's waist.

"D-Did i-i-i-interrupt s-s-something, s-sorry.".
Connor says, earning a few it's fines, soft looks and a kiss on top of his head from Five.

"Also, I'm not saying i don't care about her, but if the apocalypse happens today, don't say it, she dies along with the other seven billion of us.".
Five says, making points.

"Harold Jenkins is out first priority. ".
Five says.

"I agree. Let's go.".
Diego says, determined.

"You guys count me out.".
Klaus says, making Connor spatial jump next to him with his head in Klaus his lap.

"I mean, you know, no offense or whatever.".
"Its just... I kind of feel.".
"Like this is a whole lot of pressure for a newly sober me, and a trashmouth that has just come from the death.".
"So... .".
Klaus says, stroking the boy's soft hair.

"You're coming, and Connor is as well.".
Diego says, picking up Connor from Klaus his lap and throwing the kid over his shoulder, earning a groan from Connor.

"No, no, no.".
"I mean, I think we can all agree that my power's... .".
"I mean, it's pretty much useless. I'd just he holding you guys back.".
Klaus says, receiving an wholesome message full off love from Connor mentally.

"Thanks Connor.".

"Klaus, get up.".
Five says.

"You can't make me.".
Klaus says.

Klaus starts to float, and moving towards them.
They all sighed, and started walking.

"Thanks Connor.".
Five says.

Connor felt like something was going to happen, voices growing louder, painfully ringing in his ears.

He was put down by Diego, he immediately held his legs.
Five was holding to boy in his arms, kissing the top of the boy's head.

"Connor, breathe.".
Klaus says, trying to calm him.

"I c-can't b-b-breathe, a-and i-it's l-literally m-m-aking m-me w-w-wanna s-s-s-scream.".
Connor says, leaning into Five's touch.

"Scream Connor, scream.".
Klaus says, ignoring Diego's signs.

And Connor listened to klaus, an ear clenching scream came from Connor's throat, air coming back into his throat.

Klaus backed up, surprised his friend could scream like a banshee.

Connor stopped screaming, and opened his eyes,he saw Diego and Klaus with bleeding ears, and still felt Five holding him.

Connor says, As they all stood up and walked away with the boy, Five holding the boys waist.

Connor felt guilty for hurting his friends, he was a monster.

"Connor mate, that was rad, totally neat.".
Klaus says, making the boy smile softly.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry f-for h-h-hurting y-y-you.".
Connor says, feeling really guilty.

They arrived at the house, where they found Leonard or Harold dead, Carrie style.

Connor backed up into Klaus, and Klaus realized what that meant.

"You saw him die didn't you, and you felt it when he did as well.".
Klaus says.

"You have the gifts of a banshee, you felt when he died and you saw how he died as well.".
"That's maybe why you tried to avoid Allison as much, you saw her die, and you didn't know when it would happen.".
"You thought that if you avoided her, she maybe wouldn't die.".
Klaus says, Connor just nodding since Klaus was right.

"But this is not exactly what I was expecting.".
Klaus says.

"The understatement of the year.".
Five says, letting Connor walk into his arms and hide his face into Five's chest.

"No sign of Vanya.".
Klaus says.

"Let's get out of here, before the cops come.".
Diego says.

"Connor's driving this time, he can at least drive a bit good.".
Klaus says.

"In a minute.".
Five says, letting go of Connor and walking to the body.

Connor started to float without him even knowing, too caught up looking at Five.

"You're floating, and staring.". Five says, giving a wink to the boy before looking at the corpse again.

Five took the eye out of his pocket, and ripped the bandage off of the dead guy's eye.

"Cone on, Five, what are you... .".
Diego says.

Five pressed the glass eye into the guy's empty eye socket, which was a match made in heaven.
It fit perfectly.

"Ugh, wow.".
Klaus says.

"Same eye colour, same pupil size.".
"Guys this is it.".
Five says, looking back at the others.

"The eye I've been carrying around for decades, it-- .".
"It's found its rightful home.".
Five says.

Five took the eye out again, and put it in his pocket.

"We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse.".
Diego says.

"Yay! Lets go.".
Klaus says, grabbing Connor's hand, while he was getting on the floor again.

They tried walking away, but both felt a hand on their back.

"No, no. Wait, wait. It can't be this easy.".
"Look, this is the note that I got from the Commission.".
"The one that says, "Protect Harold Jenkins.".
"Aka Leonard Peabody.".
Five says, signalling over to the body.

Diego asks.

"But who killed him.?.".
"Who did this.?.".
Five says, before they all turned to Connor.

And in less than a second, he spatial jumped out of the house.

"I have a crazy idea.".
"Crazy, but why don't we find Vanya... and Connor... .".
"And ask one of them what happened, or both.".
Klaus says, Five spatial jumping away in the middle of his explanation.

"If Vanya got away from this asshole, she might be headed back to the Academy. .".
Diego says.

At the Academy Connor walked into the room where Allison sat, not being able to talk.

He gave her a kind of machine that would help her talk, before spatial jumping away to cry.

"No sign of Vanya.".
Five says.

"She's not in any if the rooms, I only found Connor.".
Diego says.

"She's not downstairs either.".
Klaus says.

"Well, I'm out, can someone please comfort the crying kid in Five's room, it hurts to listen to.".
Diego says.

"Wait, also, crying.?.".
Klaus asks.

"Where are you going.?.".
Five asks.

"Vanya's still out there and so are Hazel and Cha-Cha, and maybe if you could see, Connor is gone and we need him for this as well.".
Five says.

"I know. I'm gonna get my things and then I'm outta here.".
"I got some unfinished business with those fools.".
Diego says, walking away.

"Hey, did dad say anything about the apocalypse when you spoke to him.?.".
"Any clues as to how it happened.?.".
Five asks.

"No. No clues.".
"Truly terrific shave.".
"But no clues.".
"By the way, your boyfriend may know more about it, or may I say, my best friend.".
"Blues clues.".
Klaus says,confusing Five, and making him facepalm.

"You know, come to think of it, he did mention something about my potential, and how I've barely even scratched the surface of my--.".
Klaus says.

"How did he know about the apocalypse.?.".
Five asks, interrupting Klaus.

"I don't know, but listen."..

"This whole jumping through time thing of yours, how did... .".
"How did you know how to do that.?.".
Klaus asks, arriving at the bottom of the stairs with Five.

"I didn't".
"You'd realized that if you were actually sober.".
Five says, earning a casual middle finger from Connor who was passing by, stopping to lean against an pilar.

What Connor didn't know was, that they saw his red eyes.
His tear stained cheeks, and his numb look on his face.

"Hey, I am sober.".
"I've been sober for two-- almost two days.".
Klaus says, looking at the broken boy leaning against the pillar.

"Yeah, two days.".
Five says.

"It feels like 45 years.".
Klaus says.

"Who are you kidding, Klaus.?.".
"I've seen you fidgeting all day.".
Five says.

"Well, I guess we're both struggling our addictions, then.".
Klaus says.

"I g-get y-y-ya m-mate.".
Connor says awkwardly.

"I'm not an addict.".
Five says.

"Yeah you are.".
"You're addicted to a drug called the apocalypse, and one named Connor Benjamin King.".
Klaus says.

"First sign. Denial.".
"That's right right Connor.?.

"Y-yeah, t-t-totally.".
Connor says, making the two think of what he had said before.

Five spatial jumps in front of Klaus, making Connor chuckle.
He pointed a finger at Klaus, furiously.

"You and I, we're not the same.".
Five says.

"I've seen that look in the eye of someone who doesn't know who they are without their high anymore.". Klaus says, pointing at Connor

"Really, Connor, are you addicted to something.?.".
Five asks.

Connor says.

"Really, what, drugs, drinks, fast food.?.".
Five asks.

Connor just sighs, and looked at his arm before looking at the two again.

Five just mutters an ow, before their faces grew soft.

"How much days are you clean if I may ask.?.".
Five asks.

O-one d-d-day, o-or a h-halve.".
Connor says.

"Trust me.".
"You gotta just let it go.".
Klaus says, inspirational.

Five threw something on the floor and walked away, grabbing Connor's hand on the way and pulling him with him.

"Figuratively, but yeah, that works, too.".
Klaus says.

Klaus sighs, he still felt the pit of guilt in his stomach.

He missed his best friend, and he knew his best friend missed him.

But he felt like he still had to talk to his him about some things, and apologise for being such an idiot and ignoring him at times.


"Cuddles, please.".


Hi, I hope you all enjoyed this part, I did my best on it. ((: .

Word count.:. 4874 words.

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