"It's never too late..." A R...


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Life in Griffin Rock is pretty normal. There's the usual emergency now and again but that's still pretty norm... More

Quick Intro.
Season 1: Part One...
Season 1: Part Two...
Season 1: Part Three...

Season 1: Part Four...

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It was the late evening...

Merkis was sat out this time. She wanted to just take some time to admire nature. She was sat on her bench admiring the dark lavender sky that was full of bright stars. The moon's dim light made the experience a lot nicer too.

When she's usually out at this time. Nobody's really there. It's just her on the bench, alone. However. Tonight was different...

"What a cryptic evening..." A man said who was stood behind the bench Merkis was sat on.

She turned around to see who it was... An insanely tall man dressed in some sort of suit that consisted of various shades of grey. A lavender tinted monocle and well looked after hair that was dark black with a melancholy blue tint.

Merkis was slightly taken aback by his appearance. "Good evening sir!" She said with a smile. "Yes... It is a rather odd evening. But beautiful nonetheless!" She turned to look back at the sky.

"Agreed..." the man said as he folded his hands behind his back.

Merkis hummed slightly. "I haven't seen you around before. But then again, I've only been here for a couple months so what do I know." She shrugged.

The man chuckled. "Doctor Morocco." He held out his gloved hand. Merkis gladly shook it. 

"Name's Merkis! ...just plain Merkis..." She said.

"No surname?" The doctor asked. 

"Nope! I don't know why and I honestly don't care!" Merkis chuckled.

Morocco smiled and let Merkis' hand go. She instantly noticed something off though, but she decided not to question it at the moment...

"So... you're a Doctor, eh?" Merkis asked.

"Doctor of science!... Roboticist, to be precise!" He answered.

"Hmm. Interesting! Surprised I haven't heard about you before though..." Merkis said.

"No... That's because there's another scientist that's taken my place instead." Morocco answered.

"Doctor Greene?" Merkis asked.

"Yes, precisely..." He replied.

"Hmm... That's rather unfortunate." Merkis sighed.

"So, What sort of machines do you make?" Merkis curiously asked. "Not that I know much about robots, other than repairing already built ones and modifying their software!" She chuckled.

"Well... I've recently built a robot called 'Morbot'! It's been designed to carry out certain tasks such as rescue work, military work... Hmm what else... It could guard your house! Or, it could even be your own personal butler! Just... Excluding the fact it's 20 foot tall!" Morocco snickered.

"I say... Must've taken ages!" Merkis giggled.

"Still catching up on the sleep I've lost!" Morocco chuckled. He then paused. "You said you repair robots, if I'm correct?"

"Yeah! It helps pass the time! You even profit from them if they're sold!" Merkis explained.

"Hmm! Any robots in particular?" Morocco asked.

"Aibos!" Merkis enthusiastically answered.

"Aibos...?" Morocco thought for a second.

"The 'vintage' robot dogs! You heard of them?" Merkis explained.

"I think I have... Let's see..." He gasped slightly, remembering. "ERS 210?" Morocco asked.

"Yes! They're one of the most popular! Easy to fix due to their exchangeable parts!" Merkis chuckled.

"I think I used to be in possession of one at some point!.. Stripped it down to see how it worked." Morocco shuddered. "Flex cables... Horrific things to try and repair."

"Yeah, tell me about it..." Merkis replied.

She then looked at her phone and noticed the time. "Half one...? You're kidding..." She murmured to herself.

"Well, it's getting late!" Merkis said as she stood up and got her bags. "Great talking to you Doctor! It's nice to finally meet someone with similar interests!.. See ya round!" She said as she waved and walked off.

Morocco nodded with a warm smile.

He took a minute to stand alone, admiring the beauty that surrounded him... Even a twisted, mad scientist like Morocco wouldn't dare try to ruin this place. It was too beautiful... It was an escape from reality, a place you could go to wind down and forget about the stress and worries of today's life...

He sighed peacefully and began his way back to the dock to find his submarine...

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