What Rule 12?

By Hoodle2000

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Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop works as an NCIS special agent and prior to that she worked at NSA, but she then got a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Epilogue)

Chapter 11

323 3 0
By Hoodle2000

(A week later)
*Ellie POV*
Nick and I got back to DC two days ago and went to an appointment yesterday just to confirm the pregnancy tests. And yes, I really am pregnant. Torres and I called Gibbs last night and asked if he'd meet us at the diner this morning before work. We want to tell him before we tell the others since he is a father figure for both of us even though we are in our 20's. Right now we are sitting in our normal booth and waiting for Gibbs. Finally he arrives.
"Gibbs you're usual" Elaine asks
"Just coffee" Gibbs says
Elaine nods and walks off. She comes back a few minutes later with a mug of coffee for Gibbs.
"How was the trip" Gibbs asks
"It was good" I say
"Yeah. Her mom likes me better than her brothers" Nick says
"Ok. What did you guys need to tell me" Gibbs asks
"Uh, um, well. I don't know how to put this" I stall
"Ellie whatever it is it will be okay" Gibbs says
"Alright. Fine. I'm pregnant" I say
"Is it Nicks" Gibbs asks
"No. It's from when I was raped" I answer
"So you're what? Three months along" Gibbs asks
"She's almost four months along" Nick says
"Okay. Well you'll have to tell the director and the others. Also no more field work" Gibbs says
"You aren't upset with me" I ask
"Of course not. It was out of your control. And I'm not upset with Nick either because I know he will be there for you through the whole thing. If he does leave you well he'll have to deal with me and I know he doesn't want that" Gibbs looks at Nick
"Of course not boss. I'm going to be the father figure" Nick says
"Nick you're going to be the father. I don't care if they're not related to you by blood but I want the baby to have your last name. If that's okay with you" I say
"Yes. Of course" Nick smiles
I smile back at him and give him a kiss.
"When is your next appointment" Gibbs asks
"Next week. We can also find out the gender but I think we're going to have Delilah or someone found out for us and then do a gender reveal thing" I say
"Okay. Well better get to work. When we get there go and tell the director right away and then tell the others" Gibbs says
"Will do" Nick says
Gibbs throws some money on the table before Nick or I can and we all walk out. Gibbs gets in his truck and nick and I get in his car.
"I really should contact my insurance agency about getting a new car" I say
"Why? You don't like going to work with me" Nick asks
"No of course not. I love riding with you and I love you. It's just that eventually you and I will have to do two separate things one day. We will both need a car" I say
"Ok. Yeah that makes sense. Also we should probably move the rest of your stuff into my place and get your house on the market" Nick says
"Yeah. We can do that over the weekend" I say
We get to work and see Gibbs waiting in the parking lot.
"How did you get here before us" I ask
"Torres didn't take the shortcut this time" Gibbs says
"I wanted to talk about a few things before we got to work" Nick says
"Alright. Let's go in. We need to talk to the director." I say
Nick grabs my hand and the three of us walk in. We ride the elevator up to the squad room and we drop our bags of at our desk. We say hi to Mcgee then go upstairs. We knock on the directors door and before we go in we drop hands.
"Agent Bishop, Agent Torres how can I help you" the director asks
I look at Nick and he nods.
"We just needed to let you know that I will be on desk for 6 months and then home for 2 months" I say
"And why would that be? Unless you are saying you are pregnant" the director says
"Yes sir. I am. When I was kidnapped. The guy he raped me. I am almost four months along. Just found out last week" I say
"Very well. You two may go" he says
We leave his office and go to Jack's office. We go in and sit on the couch.
"Okay, what's wrong now? You two just can from the directors office" she says
"We'll fell you. First call Jimmy, Casey, and McGee up here. And ducky" Nick says
She does so and five minutes later they're all up here.
"What's going on Jack" McGee asks
"I don't know. Nick requested your presence" Jack says
"So you all know how when Bishop was kidnapped she got raped" Nick says
"Yeah. I'm really sorry about that Ellie" Jimmy says
"Thanks Jimmy. Well I just found out last week that I'm three months pregnant" I say
"What? That's amazing Congratulations. I mean it's not great because of how it happened but still congratulations" McGee says
"Thanks McGee" I laugh
"Congratulations Eleanor and Nicholas" Ducky says
"You guys that's amazing." Jimmy says
We all hug and talk a bit more until we all go back to where we are suppose to be. As soon as we get down to the squad room the three guys have to race out to a crime scene so I go to Ducky's office waiting for them to get back.
"Eleanor please come in. What can I do for you" ducky asks
"Nothing really I'm just waiting for the boys to return from the crime scene" I say
"Ah yes. You are on desk for the rest of the time right" he asks
"Yeah." I say
"We'll have you gone and told Agent Blye and Detective Deeks? I know you and Nicholas got close to them" he says
"No I haven't. Thank you Ducky. Goodbye" I say
"Goodbye my dear" he says
I walk out of his office and go to the squad room. I grab my earbuds and my laptop and then go to the break room. I sit down next to one of the vending machines with my back against the wall. Once I'm logged into my laptop I ring up Kensi's laptop on Skype. After a few seconds it connects and her face appears.
K-hey Ellie how are you
E-I'm good. What time is it there? Did I call too early?
K-it's 6:30 here. Deeks and I were up at five and went for a jog.
E-okay. Is Deeks there? I need to tell the both of you something
K-yeah. He's just in the kitchen. DEEKS! Get in here. Ellie Bishop has some news!
After a minute Deeks appears.
D-hey Ellie! How are you? Where's Nick?
E-hey Deeks. I'm alright. Nick and the other two went to a crime scene
K-why didn't you go
E-that's what I have to tell you
K-how far along are you
E-just about four months. It happened when I got kidnapped
D-I'm sorry again that that happened to you. And congratulations. Are you keeping the baby
E-yeah. And Nick promised that he was going to help me raise the baby.
D-that's good
K-I'm so happy for you Ellie. I know it's not the way you pictured it happening, but you're getting a small family of your own
E-yeah. I'm getting excited
K-I'm guessing you just found out, but have you thought of any names yet
E-Um well I have a name for a boy in mind. Not for a girl yet. I just don't know if Nick will agree to it.
K-all you have to do is ask
E-yeah. Oh yeah real quick before we hang up, Nick and I want to do a gender reveal. If I have the doctor email the result to you, could you send some sort of gender reveal thing to us to do with our family here? You two have Pilates a big part in our relationship so it feels right to have you two put it together for us
K-of course. Oh my gosh! We get to find the gender out first. Yes.
D-calm down. Well breakfast is ready and then we have to go to work so see ya Ellie. Tell Nick we say hi
E-bye Deeks and Kensi. Will do. Expect an email with the results next week
K-okay bye
I end the call and close the laptop. I then go back to the squad room and McGee and Gibbs are there.
"Ellie you might want to go to autopsy and and save Jimmy" McGee says
"Why" I ask
"We've been back for fifteen minutes and when Nick couldn't find you here, or in Jack's office or in Casey's lab in went to Jimmy and has been complaining to him for the past five minutes." He answers
"I was in the break room. Why didn't he check there" I ask
"Because it's Nick" McGee responds
"And I'm me" I say
McGee goes to say something but shuts his mouth. I smirk and then take the elevator to autopsy. I get down there and looking into the room I see Jimmy massaging his temples and my boyfriend pacing back and forth talking. I walk in and they both look at me. Nick races over and wraps me in a hug. Jimmy looks at me and mouths a thank you. I just nod my head.
"Where were you" Nick asks
"I was in the break room. I was Skyping with Kensi and Deeks and telling them our news" I say
"Of course. Why didn't I look in the break room? That's your second favorite spot at work" Nick grumbles
"Wait, what's my first favorite" I ask
"The floor in the bullpen" he says
I shake my head, we say bye to Jimmy and get on the elevator. We ride it up to the squad room and go into the bullpen.
"What's the case" I ask
"Petty officer Kevin Miller was found dead this morning in the woods. Some hikers found him." McGee says
"When I was down in autopsy bothering Jimmy he told me the COD was blood force trauma to the head" Nick says
"Okay. So does he have a girlfriend, wife, children" I ask
"Uh wife, no children. His wife is coming in now." McGee says
"Alright McGee and Torres go to the petty officers house. See what you can find. Bishop you're with me when the wife comes in" Gibbs says
"Alright boss" McGee says
"Be safe guys" I call out
"We will" Torres responds
Those two leave and five minutes later a woman is escorted off the elevator.
"Are you Mrs. Miller" I ask
"Yes. Please call my Hillary" she says
"Well Hillary, if you follow me we'll go up to the conference room" I say
The two of us start going upstairs and Gibbs follows. We walk into the conference room and sit down.
"Before we start we should introduce ourselves to you. I'm special agent Ellie Bishop. This is Special Agent Gibbs. Would you like something to drink" I ask
"No. I'm okay. What is this about" she asks
"I'm sorry to tell you this Ma'am but your husband Kevin was found dead in the woods this morning" Gibbs says
"W-what" Hillary starts sobbing
"I hate to to ask this but did he have any enemy's or do you know if he was having an affair" I ask
"No, no. He wasn't having an affair. However, he has mentioned that a few of the men he works with have been busting on him. And not the joking kind agent Gibbs" she says
"When did Your husband start working at his post" Gibbs asks
"A year and a half ago. The busting started about two months ago" she says
"Okay. Thank you. We will be back in a bit. An agent will be in here to keep you company" I say
We walk out and go back down to the bullpen. McGee and Torres are there.
"Did you guys find anything at the house" Gibbs asks
"We found his laptop. We took it to Casey. She has the laptop and his phone down there. Jimmy also told me he sent different DNA and hair samples to her" McGee says
"Alright. Let's go see what she has" Gibbs says
We all start walking to the elevator when jack stops us.
"Gibbs can I borrow Torres for a bit" jack asks
"Yeah. Nick go" Gibbs says
Nick groans and walks off. I look at Gibbs and he just shrugs. The elevator doors close and it start moving down.
*Nick POV*
We get up to Jack's office and she closes the door. She goes over to the dart board, grabs the darts, and hands a set to me.
"What did you want to talk to me about" I ask
"It's more like what do you want to talk about? Jimmy told me about how worried you were when you couldn't find Ellie. He also thinks something else is wrong" she says
"Nothing is wrong. I was just worried about Ellie. It's just I thought something happened to her. After the kidnapping and then finding out she's pregnant I don't want to lose her" I say
I throw a dart and it hits a double 9. Jack takes a turn and gets a triple twenty. We play a full game and then sit down.
"Come on Nick. What else is it? Why do you think you're going to lose Ellie" she asks
"Stop Jack. I'm not answering this. I have a job to do so let me do it" I exclaim and walk out
I rush down the stairs and go to my desk I grab paper and start crumpling it. I then take them and start chucking them to get out my anger. Soon one is caught and thrown back at me. I look up and see Gibbs.
"Case is over. Casey found DNA that belonged to a second person. McGee went to get the guy. Apparently he confessed as soon as McGee showed up. So McGee went home. Bishop grabbed your keys from the desk while you were with Jack." Gibbs says
"How am I suppose to get home" I ask
"I'm giving you a ride. Let's go" Gibbs says
I grab my bag and follow him to the elevator. We get on and once the doors are closed he flips the emergency stop switch.
"Alright why are you so angry" he asks
"I'm not talking" I say
"Torres you flipped out on Jack. Something is clearly wrong" he says
"Nothing is wrong. She was just asking me questions and I didn't want to answer." I say
"D****t Torres! What is bothering you" Gibbs yells
"I'm scared" I yell
"What" he asks
I sit down and lean against the wall of the elevator. He sits down as well.
"I'm scared Gibbs. I get close to people and they leave me. When I couldn't find Bishop I was scared that she was kidnapped again or that she was hiding from me. I don't have good luck when it comes to people" I say
"Nick it's going to be okay. Ellie loves you. She would never leaves you. You also still have all of us. We are also your family and we haven't left you. You are an important part of this team and family." Gibbs says
"Thanks Gibbs" I say
"No problem. And Nick remember, my door is always open and I always have a boat that you could help me work on if you need to talk or just take a break from reality" he says
"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind." I say
We both stabs up and he flicks the switch again. The doors open and we walk to Gibbs truck. Before I get in Gibbs pulls me into one of his famous hugs that he doesn't give often.
"Everything will be okay. We are all your family and you won't lose us" he says
I nod and he let's go. We get in and he drives to my place. I go in and see Ellie asleep on the couch. I set my bag down and go over to her. I pick her up and she stirs a bit.
"Ssh cariño, it's just me. Go back to sleep" I whisper
"I love you Luis" she mumbles
"I love you too Charlie" I say
I lay her down in bed and I then change into comfier clothes before getting in myself. I pull the covers over us and drift off to sleep thinking about the family I have now and how great they are.

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