Unexpected [Lauren Cimorelli...

By ItsCamiz

22.6K 614 53

Lauren had a daughter, Paola. Lauren never told Caitlin, her ex girlfriend who got her pregnant about Paola b... More

Unexpected [Lauren Cimorelli story]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14 (for real)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

2.6K 44 2
By ItsCamiz


Lauren's POV

Six year and nine month ago

Everything had changed since that day.

I was only 17 and she was 18 that time. we've been dating for a month and half and nothing's serious but I was falling for her.

Caitlin and I went Caitlin's apartment from our date. Caitlin slightly pushed me against the wall and kissed me. She licked my bottom lip for the permission to enter my mouth. I decided to tease her a little. I kept my mouth shut. I felt Caitlin's hands moved down my ass from my waist and grabbed my ass. I gasped and Caitlin took an advantage and shoved her tongue into my mouth and started to explored my mouth. Our tongues were battling for domicaie. Caitlin always won. She picked me up without breaking a kiss and walked to her room.

Caitlin tugged the hem of my shirt and took it off. She took her shirt off and jean. I unbutton my jean and she helped me to take it off. We were only in underwear and bras.

She unclasped my bra and threw it at somewhere in her room. "Fuck, you're beautiful." she kissed my earlobe to my neck. I gave a small moan when she found my sweet spot. I felt her getting hard.

Caitlin wasn't normal as the girls were. Caitlin born with a penis but I really didn't care because I was falling for her and will to lose my virginity to her.

Caitlin started to sucking my sweet spot, giving me hickey. I cupped her core and rubbing it to make her get hard.

She took my pantie off and her boxer and bra. She putted her tip of penis near my pussy to tease me. I knew it will going to hurt like hell but it will turn into pleasure anytime.

She used her other hand to grabbed my boob and messaged it. I moaned at her touch.

She shoved her penis inside me. She didn't taking it slow. She didn't even asked me if I was ready but I didn't care. It was hurt like hell but she didn't asked me if it was hurt and if I was okay. "Lauren, you're so tight." then she started to thrust and she was going faster and harder.

It was still hurt but it was turning into pleasure. I was uncontrollably moaning and scratching her back, leaving marks on her back. "Caitlin.." I moaned her name. "I am so close.." I felt my wall clutched around her throbbing penis. She went more faster and harder than before.

"Come for me, Laur. I am coming, too." my legs were trembling and my body shuttered as I came to my first climax. It felt amazing and Caitlin came too because I felt warm liquid inside of me.

"You was fucking amazing. I love you, Laur." she said and wrapped her arm around me.

I never knew those words were lie until a week later.

Caitlin dumped me over on a text message.

"Lauren, it's over. I'm leaving for X-Factor and there are nothing special between us."

She was a fucking asshole for stealing my virginity and breaking my heart. Caitlin never told me about X-Factor.
I thought she will change for me but once you was a player, you always will be a player.

I bawled and was heartbroken. I wished I listened to Alex about Caitlin. They were best friends but not anymore. Alex and Lisa were there for me and trying to comfort me when I was heartbroken. They took me out for forgetting about her and moved on.
Unfortunate for me, few days after Caitlin left for X-Factor, in the morning, I was puking in the toilet with my sister, Lisa held my hair up and Alex was rubbing my back to trying to make me feel better. I was sure it was some bug stomach. We went to the kitchen to grabbed some breakfast but the smell of meat made me feel awful and I was craving for weird foods like corn with ice cream, pickles, and whatever you can think of.

A week later, I still was puking every morning then the realization hit me. I had a sex with Caitlin without a protection. I was freaking out and told Alex and Lisa everything. Lisa drove to the store to buy three pregnancy test just in case. I was scared because I only turned 17 two month ago.
I took all of them. We waited until it was all ready and I was scared to check, I asked them to check it. Their faces dropped as they look at all the pregnancy tests.

I was pregnant with Caitlin's baby.
I vowed to myself I won't tell Caitlin about our baby. Lisa and Alex knew it was wrong to do but didn't do anything about it. I knew I had to tell my parents.

My parents and I sat in the dining room and they had concerned looks on their face. I took a deep breath, praying they won't kick me out or anything.

"Mom. Dad. I had to tell you something." I said, biting my bottom lip.

"What is it, honey? You are making us worry." Mom said, laid her hand on my hand but I pulled away.

"I don't know how to say but I am pregnant." I looked down at my hands, waiting for them yelling at me but nothing happened beside gasping and sighing.

"Lauren.. I am very disappoint in you for not waiting until your marriage." Dad said, staring at me with disappoint in his eyes.

"And we will support with your decisions." he added.

"I am not giving up on my baby." I said, disgusting at thoughts of abortions and didn't want give my baby to strangers.

"That's okay, honey. We support your decisions. Dad and I will help you with everything." my mom said.

"Who is the fa- Never mind, I know who is the mother" My dad said, almost forget I wasn't interesting in boys, just girls.

I hugged them tightly, happy that they will help me with everything.

At my fourth month of pregnancy, Alex and I went to the doctor for check up and I can't wait to know my baby's gender.

"Miss. Cimorelli?" The doctor looked up from his board. Alex and I got up and walked over to the room.

"Is he your boyfriend?" He asked and Alex choked on water he was drinking.
He rapidly shook his head and told him we are siblings and the doctor apologized.

The nurse came and ready to do ultrasound.

"This is going be cold." She putted gel on my small bump.

"Want to know your baby's gender?" I nodded.

"You're having a girl." I was excited for having a daughter. After the appointment, I took my phone out and dialed Caitlin's number and almost called her, realizing I vowed to myself I won't tell her about baby.

I sighed, knowing it will be hard for me to taking care my daughter alone beside my parents, Alex and Lisa. My two younger brothers, Christian and Joey would take care but can't be trust alone.

We arrived home. The boys rushed down the stair and asked me what's gender. I told them it's girl. They groaned but still was exciting for having niece and can protect her from the boys.

"Darn, but I will protect her from the boys! I will spoil her if I have money." Joey said, grinning. Christian nodded in agreement. They were so cute when it come to my daughter.

"Did I heard I was having a granddaughter?" My dad's voice coming from the living room.

I was glad to have them as my family.

Four month after found out my baby's gender, the middle of the early morning. It was 4:14 am. I felt wet between my legs. My water was broke! I was only eight month pregnant.

I felt bad for waking my family up but I had no choice. "MY WATER BROKE!" Lisa quickly got up and looked at me. We shared a room.

Alex and the boys blurted into my room and picked me up. he carried me down to the car where my parents was at.

They drove to the nearest hospital where they delivered babies.

The nurses and doctor took me to the room. I was in the labor for 7 hours and it was hell.

I gave a birth to my beautiful daughter.

"Ma,am, what's her name?" I hadn't come up with name but I knew what I want her name to be.

"Paola Joy Cimorlli Wolfe." I said, smiling at my daughter I was holding.

"That's gorgeous name." one of the nurses said. I thanked her.

My family finally went to my room after eight hour of waiting in the waiting room.

"She's so beautiful, Lauren." Lisa said as she picked her up from my arms.

I smiled at my family cooed at Paola.

I turned on the TV, unfortunate X-Factor was on and found out Caitlin won first place and got signed by Syco Music, Simon Cowell's record label. I turned it off and sighed.

"I will kill her when I see her." Alex said, they stopped befriend after what happened between me and her. I smiled at him. "I doubt we will see her again." I said.

"Lauren. Can I hold Paola?" Joey said with puppy eyes. I chuckled and nodded. Mom helped him to held Paola properly.

"Hey Paola. Tell me if boy break your heart. I will hurt him." Joey whispered but we all can heard what he said.
"Me, too" Christian said.

I smiled. Paola wasn't a mistake, she was a blessing.


"Mommy!" Paola ran down the stairs.
Paola look alike Caitlin a lot. Paula has color of her eyes, dimples, nose and smile.

"Yes, honey?" I picked her up and putted her on my lap.

"Where is my daddy?" She asked me. I frozen at what she said. Lisa looked at me in shock. I sighed in defected but I wasn't telling her about Caitlin.

"Paola, you don't have a father like your friends do. You have two mommy." I told her. Paola nodded.

"Where is my mama?" I think I just cringed what Paola called Caitlin.

"I don't know, honey." Paola frowned a bit little, "but I have you. So that's okay" She kissed me on my cheek and hopped out of my lap.

She was really smart with her words. She turned 6 couple week ago. I sighed.
"Lauren, you know someday you have to be honest with her and tell Caitlin the truth." Lisa said, putted her palm under her chin. I looked at her in disbelief.

"No." I got up and walked over to the backyard for get some fresh air . Lisa followed behind me. "Lauren, what if someday you bumped her with your daughter and Caitlin will know it's her because she look alike her."

"I doubt that, we never see her over almost seven years and Paola just turned six. If that ever happen, I am sure Caitlin don't give shits about me and Paola. She will probably say Paola is a mistake but she isn't. She's just unexpected plan of my life and a blessing. So no, she will never find out about Paola but she might find out about her when she get older. " I said, sat on the swing.

Lisa sighed. "I know but we never know what's ahead for us."

Caitlin had gained the fame to led her in the A-List. I didn't want us to be known, I didn't want any morons paparazzi nosing under our asses and near my house that I shared with Lisa and Alex.

Lisa has a boyfriend in LA and has a good job and Alex is teaching music in high school. Here I am, single mother with one kid and working at the Starbucks at morning shift. Paola just done with school and going into first grade. My baby was growing up fast. A small voice interrupted and shook me from my thoughts.

"Mommy, can I see uncle Joey and uncle Chris?" I nodded and she cheered and ran to her room. Since Chris has a job, he spoiled Paola everything even he got her a car! Just kidding, but literally she has a car that for young kids. Joey spoiled her too. I rolled my eyes, remembering his words when Paola arrived. He kept his promise.
We walked to my parents house where they still lived with them.

"Uncle Joey!" Paola saw him mowing front yard.

Joey looked at her and smile. He turned it off. "What a surprise visit!"
Joey had gotten older and mature over those years. He has a beautiful sweetheart girlfriend, Joey was very smart at his age.

"Hey Lauren, I have to tell you something." Joey said with serious voice and putted Paola down to let her go inside.

"About what?" I asked, a bit little worry in my voice.

He sighed, "I heard she's in the town, visiting her family which still live two street away from us. I saw her when I was on my way from my friends house."

"She's what?!" I didn't want to see her face ever again because she fucking broke my heart and left me alone right away.

I shook my head, not believing she's in the town. "I just wish she won't see me or Paola." Joey nodded. "Yeah, I never like her anyway. She's a whore." I slapped him for curse.

"Oh I can't curse but you can?" Joey said with sarcasm in his voice. "so fucking amazing reasonable." I rolled my eyes and pushed him light.

We went inside and found Paola clutched Christian's leg. "Mommy! Tell Chris to go to the mall!"

"For what?" I asked.

"ICE CREAM!" She yelled and gave puppy eyes to Chris. I laughed because Chris can't say no to her with that puppy eyes.

"Fine, we will going to there." Chris defected and grabbed his keys. I went with them.

We arrived at the mall and on the way to Ben and Jerry corner. Chris and I were catching up about our life.

I bumped into someone.

"Ah shit, I am sor- Lauren?" A familiar voice flowed into my ear.

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