A Love Like War: YamazakiSosu...

By SaucyDoll

330 21 2

You come back to Japan from California after so long and you meet up with your old best friend, Matsuoka Kou... More

Chapter Two

Chapter One

211 9 0
By SaucyDoll

In her eyes:
It was a long way down to Japan from California. (Name) had just came home for the first time in 10 years. It is the summer before her last year in high school and she will be attending the same school as her childhood friend Matsuoka Gou. In the past 10 years since she left, they have kept contact with each other, updating on each other's lives from school to love. Gou had told her that she is now a manager of the Iwatobi Koukou Swim Club and that she would love for her to come and check the club out since they are looking for new members to join this year. (Name) has always been a fan of swimming and was actually a part of her high school's varsity swim team in the US, so she was more than excited to check out the club.

The day of the opening ceremony has finally come, and (name) went to her classroom, not knowing everyone, she sat in the back of the class next to a boy with dark hair and eyes clear as water. He looked indifferent, and next to him is a guy much taller, with a light ash brown hair that looks like its turning green. She couldn't help but look at him; he had a fairly tanned skin and his eyes were like glimmering emerald. His build was masculine but his face looks plain in comparison. Their eyes met and he smiled warmly at her and made a small waving motion with his hand. (Name)'s cheeks grew warm as she smiled back at him and looked down on her lap. How embarrassing! (Name) thought to herself, playing the scene of his smile over and over in her head. As the teacher took a roll call, (Name) learned his name. Tachibana Makoto.

After School Meeting:
It was a long day of meeting new people, (Name) was whisked away during lunch by the girls in her class asking her about what it was like in California even though she wanted to escape and look for her friend Gou. She breathed a sigh of relief now that the last of the students have left and she can finally have her long awaited meeting with her childhood friend. (Name) went to her locker and switched out her shoes and headed over to the pool deck. Today she brought her duffel bag in case she decided to join the team; inside were her goggles, 2 swimsuits, a swim cap, a towel and her own fins, pull buoy and kick board. She smiled to herself thinking about how prepared she is. As she was walking, dazed, she bumped into a tall figure and fell back a step. (Name) closed her eyes thinking she was going to fall but instead she was pulled up by a strong force. As she opened her eyes, she saw a white uniform different from her school's. She looked up and she was met with what she thought was an irritated man. "Are you all right?" He said. "Yeah.. thanks for catching me. I'm sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going." (Name) apologized. She was sure she was going to hear a complaint but instead she was given back a smile. "Where are you headed? I'll walk you there." To her surprised she nodded and said "To the pool." His teal eyes widened but gave her yet another kind smile. "I was headed that way too. Come, I'll lead you there."

As the two reached the pool, (Name) saw her friend Gou and ran up to her. "Gou-chan!!!" she called. She turned around, excitement flashing before her eyes. "(Name)-chan! It's been so long! I'm so happy to see you! But please call me Kou! Kou!" She gave a playful pout and hugged her friend. "Yo! Sousuke! You're late!" a familiar voice called out. As (Name) looked up, she realized it was her old neighbor Matsuoka Rin. "Sorry, I was running a little late. How's the mixed practice so far?" The boy with teal eyes asked. "It's pretty fun, you should go get changed and join-" his sentence was cut short when he spotted (Name). "(Name)-san! Is that really you?" He walked briskly towards her. Her friend's brother gave her a hug and lifted her off the ground. "Little (Name)-chan all grown up!" he laughed. "Look who's talking! And who are you calling little? Last I checked we're the same age! You're just a week older than I am!" she retorted, feeling comfortable for the first time this whole day, but it lasted only for a split second. As she turned to look to the pool, she saw him. His brown hair was wet and droplets of water ran down his body. He was wearing a long pair of green and black jammers. He looked exquisite. "Mako-chan!" Kou called out and he turned to look in her direction. Meeting eyes for the second time, he smiled and started towards her. "Ah! A-ano.. Kou-chan, where can I go get changed?" (Name) asked, "Oh! The locker room is this way!" she pointed at the building across from the pool deck.

(Name) hurried off to the locker room to change into her suit and avoid Makoto. Once inside, she went into a bathroom stall and changed. Of all the things that could have happened, why do I have to run into him? She thought to herself. Then it hit her. Why do I care anyway? So what if he caught me staring at him twice? I'm sure he is used to it by now, I mean.. He must be popular with girls, right? (Name) tried to convince herself it's all right. Once she is done changing, she went out in the deck and tied her hair up in a bun. She set her bag to the side and pulled out the rest of her gear. Kou followed her to a lane and excitedly asked "So are you gonna be joining the team?" (Name) looked up at her friend and said "I'd like to swim but it looks like it's an all boy's club, so I might just come to swim for fun." Kou gave her a thumbs up and said "Ok! I want to see you swim! I never knew you swam." She gave Kou an apologetic smile and said "Sorry, it was something I took up after I moved." she put on her cap and her goggles and got on a starting block. "(Name)-chan, race me!" called out Rin from another block. "Kou! Set us off!" (Name) looked at Rin and smiled "Challenge accepted!" She called back. She felt the other team members look at her amused, one of them being Makoto and the other was the one named Sousuke. As they heard the air gun go off, Rin and (Name) jumped off the starting block and began swimming. (Name) saw Rin was going head to head with her and she kicked off hard from the wall as soon as she was able to make a flip turn. (Name) sprinted to the end of the pool but she was still a few seconds too late. Rin smiled at her "You're fast, (Name)-chan but not quite as fast as me yet." (Name) stuck her tongue out at him and said "If this was a butterfly race I would have definitely beat you." (Name) went underwater and started a set of 500 meter.

Meanwhile, Sousuke went to Rin. "Who is that?" He asked. "Oh, that's our old neighbor, (Name)-chan. She moved to California 10 years ago and she just came back yesterday." Rin looked at his friend, his lips curling at the sight of his friend's obvious interest with his old childhood friend. Sousuke got on a lane after taking one last glance at her and began his swimming regimen. After the practice, Kou dragged (Name) to the front of the deck and introduced her to everyone. "Sorry minna-san! My friend here was just eager to jump into the water!" Nagisa then chimed in "Oh no! Could you be like Haru-chan?" his face turning pink. "Huh?" said (Named) a little confused about what the blonde boy meant. "Her free style was beautiful but I don't think she compares to Haru-chan's perfect freestyle!" Rei pushed his glasses up his face and Makoto chuckled "Nonetheless, welcome to Iwatobi Koukou" (Name) instinctively turned away, feeling shy. "Ohh! She is just like Haru-chan!" Nagisa exclaimed. "… I don't think so…" Haruka looked away, as if he doesn't believe it. Everyone laughed and gave (Name) a welcoming vibe. "Say, (Name)-chan, do you still live in the same house?" Rin asked. "No, I moved." (Name) told Rin where she moved to and Rin told Sousuke that he should walk her home. With this, Makoto intervened and said "It's all right, I should walk her home since I am the team captain. And she lives by Haru and I anyway." Unaware of what he felt at the moment, Mako just gave them a smile and offered his hand to (Name) "Shall we go then?" Instead he received a larger hand. "Sure, let's all head home." Sousuke took Mako's hand and guided (Name) with his other hand. Sousuke gave Mako a challenging look and Mako's eyes darkened in irritation. He wanted to get a chance to talk to (Name) and yet Sousuke is coming along, thinking the same thing about Makoto. (Name) followed them along with Haruka not too far behind her. She wasn't sure yet what it was.. If only she knew what was ahead of her.

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