Ribbon Dancer (Mairimashita I...

By erc2109

35.2K 858 110

Suzuki Iruma is 14 years old, got adopted to a demon and become its grandson. Now he attend the demon school... More

1) Welcome to the demon school
2) Our familiar
3) A childish fellow
4) Demon friends
5) Flying test
6) Ranked
7) Flowers
8) Elective
9) Demon dodge-ball
10) Battler
11) Clubs
12) Club arguing
13) Dance battle
14) Battler Party
15) Kiriwo the traitor
16) Protecting the school
17) Party Day
18) Winners
20) Dancing camp
21) Greeting
22) The start of the DDD
23) Second and third round
24) Fourth round
25) Leader round
26) Final round
27) Trouble
28) Friends or not
29) Red Sky Night Party
30) Recap
31) Chet exam
32) Studying
33) Balam-sensei
34) Wings
35) Study group
36) Home visit

19) What really happen

653 19 2
By erc2109

3rd POV

''I was three years old when it happen. My mother was weak and thought that I would to so she wished that I would have something to protect me while I grew. My dad forfilled that wish and gave me these ribbons. He made them all by himself and believed that they would protect me forever, and he was right... but...''

Inside the Madeline mansion, in the big family room, is the head of the Madeline family, Eldrich,

(The statue in the front of the Madeline mansion in the previous chapter, is formed as Eldrich + you pronounce his name El - rich. The D is silent)

with his wife Eva, an exact adult version of Zoey, and with their little three year old child in the middle.

''Listen, darling.'' Started Eldrich with his calm deep voice, as he put on the four ribbons on each arms and legs. The dull gem turn blue when they clicked on. ''These will listen to everything, and when they hear, feel or predict a treat to you, will they protect your by either covering your hole body or stop the treat before it arrive. They will listen to your command, and if the gem is blue, aren't there any treat. Yellow, means they are feeling a treat coming. Red, which they should never be, is what I call the 'killing mode'. They hurt others until they know your are safe, so keep your distance from others to protect them. This doesn't mean you should be afraid to be near anyone, but be sure to warn that they will take any treat as a danger to you, understood?'' Little Zoey touch the ribbons as her father explained it. She nodded and gave him a hug.

''I understand. And I love them.'' Says Zoey and giggle. Eldrich and Eva laughed at their daughters excitement. Eldrich lift Zoey up and trow her up in the air, just to catch her again. Zoey just laughed more for that. They later on had dinner and Eldrich loved to help Zoey eat her food like she still is a baby. He never thought that having a child would be so amazing. Now he doesn't want Zoey to grow up as a strong women, but stay as his little innocent child that he can cuddle with and spoil with lots of things. Their chef even love her, because he can always challenge himself and make speciel plates for both Zoey and Eva. And they love it every time.

''Time fir bed.'' Called Eva and lift of her child into her arm. Zoey yawned and didn't say anything. Eldrich followed them into Zoey's bedroom. They lay her down in her big bed, filled with multiple plushy, making Zoey almost disappear while being in between all the toys.

''Tomorrow will your uncle Sullivan come by. And he will bring Opera with him, so that you two can play again. So don't make trouble or I will bite you.'' Joked Eldrich which Amy and Zoey giggled, but... the ribbons didn't take it lightly. They turned red and suddenly spreed out. They went right through Eldrich and Eva's chest, killing them instantly. And the ribbons didn't stopped there, they continued to all over the mansion, killing everyone. All Zoey could do is scream of fear and cry over her dead parents. After 5 minutes, return the ribbons back, all bloody, and the gem turned blue again. Zoey didn't move as she cried and cried.

''I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.'' Cried Zoey over and over again. She believes it was her fault for not controlling them. Not long after came the Demon Border Control because a family member pressed a call bottom. They searched the hole mansion and see all the dead bodies. That is where Azazel Henri, the leader of the group, heard cries and follow it to Zoey herself. He is shocked to see the dead bodies of the heir to the demon thrown and his wife. The only living Madeline, is their crying child.

''What happen here?'' Ask Henri a little harsh, which make Zoey flinch and the ribbons reacting, but this time, are they just blocking Henri away by swirling around slowly, ready to strike if touched. He sighed and take out his phone to call for help, and he know who can. An hour or two of waiting, has Zoey calmed down a little, but is still whimpering for her lost. The ribbons are still surrounding her. The doors to the bedroom open carefully by two Demon Border Control employees and two demons entered. 

''Oh my.'' Gasped Sullivan at the sight. He and Opera spot Eldrich and Eva laying on the ground dead. 

''It seems that Eldirch-sama had used one of his gem collection to create these ribbons that are ment to protect his daughter, but they have come out of hand.'' Inform Henri. While waiting, calmed Zoey down, so Henri took the change to talk to her, kindly and quite, and she told the same thing her father said to her about the ribbons. Even showing from distance the gems. 

''The soul gems I believe. And he must have used the soul of the previous caretaker for Zoey.'' Says Sullivan and completely understand it. A demon women who took care of Zoey every time Eldrich and Eva was too busy, which was most of the time. She played, feed and helped put Zoey to sleep. She was willing to do everything to protect her. She was like a maniac when it came to protect Zoey, and she did died protecting her from an enemy against Eldrich. There sneaked into her room, late at night, and the caretaker knew something was gonna happen and ran into the room and kill a few of them, but one stabbed her and fleet before they got captured. 

''How do we get to her if the ribbons will attack when being touched?'' Ask Opera and mention to the swirling ribbons.

''Zoey-chan.'' Called Sullivan lovely. Zoey sniffed and look up at him with sad eyes.

''Uncle? Opera?'' Mumble Zoey and reach for him, but then remember that she may hurt them, and retreat her hands back.

''Zoey-chan. The soul gem will listen to you. Think of us as not as a treat, but friends that wanna help you stay safe.'' Instructed Sullivan carefully for the three year old. She nodded, but noting happen. Opera step forward and carefully walk in between the ribbons as to not touch them. Zoey sees him and gets scared.

''Calm down.'' Opera noticed her tense and speak to her to distract her. ''I know Eldrich-sama and Eva-san are not mad at you. It was all an accident. We can see that. And knowing this family's love for each others, wouldn't they blame you for all of this.'' Zoey looked at him with hopefull eyes.

''R-Really?'' Ask Zoey. Opera nodded and took the last step to be right in front of her.

''Really. So now, will Sullivan-sama and I take are of you, as we promised for your parents.'' Inform Opera and hug Zoey. She hug back tight. The ribbons returned back and the gem turn from yellow to blue.

*Flashback end*

Iruma cried as he heard Zoey talk about her past. He can understand the pain of accidentally kill someone and lose the ones she loved. Must be very painful.

''After that.'' Continue Zoey after taking a deep breath. ''Found uncle Sullivan my birth certificate and read through it. Uncle Sullivan was named my godfather while Opera was pronounce as a second dad if something ever happen to my real father and my mother. So Opera adopted me after uncle's order and I was home schooled until you arrived. I was also getting lessons to better understand my ribbons and uncle could help me train my family blood magic.'' 

''So...'' Iruma thought for a second for a good question. But he doesn't wanna prey anymore on her past cause he can see it is a hard subject. ''So, what is your family blood magic?'' Zoey giggle a little. She can read him and know he wanna change subject to make her feel better. She look at Sullivan and Opera for a nod, which they gave her.

''The Madeline family's Blood Magic, is called Marionette. I would be able to control people from miles away and they will become my puppets. I can even use their magic, if I know what it is and how it worked. I used it on Kiriwo when you broke the barrier. Without it, would you have fallen to the ground.'' Explained Zoey. Sullivan walk behind her and hug her lightly.

''She was ordered to never use it unless necessary. And the Madeline accident became a secret and only the 13 Crowns and above are aloud to know it, but swear to never tell a soul.'' Added Sullivan which Iruma understood. He swear inside his mind to keep it a secret for Zoey, for his sister.

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