New Units - 2p!Hetalia x Read...

By RoseFiammotta

338K 11.6K 9.2K

She really thought it was just going to be a small package or maybe even a small box, but she really didn't e... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Six ~
~ Chapter Seven ~
House Layout
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty Øne~
~Chapter Twenty Two~
~Chapter Twenty Three~
~Chapter Twenty Four~
~Chapter Twenty Five~
~Chapter Twenty Six~
~Chapter Twenty Seven~
~Chapter Twenty Eight~
~Chapter Twenty Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty One~
Ay ay ay What up my friends
~Chapter Thirty Two~
~Chapter Thirty Three~
~Chapter Thirty Four~
~Chapter Thirty Five~
~Chapter Thirty Six~
~Chapter Thirty Seven ~ SPECIAL EDITION~
~Chapter Thirty Seven~
~Chapter Thirty Eight~
~Chapter Thirty Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
~Chapter Forty One~
~Chapter Forty Two~
~Chapter Forty Three~
~Chapter Forty Four~
~Chapter Forty Five ~
End of 2018 - Author's Note
~ Chapter Forty-Six ~
~ Chapter Forty Seven ~ SUPER SPECIAL EDITION ~
~ Chapter Forty Seven ~
~Chapter Forty-Eight ~
Happy 3 Years! - Author's Note
~Chapter Forty-Nine~
~Chapter Fifty~
~Chapter Fifty One~
~Chapter Fifty Two~
~Chapter Fifty Three~
~Chapter Fifty Four~
~Chapter Fifty-Five~ FINALE ~ Part Two
~ Allen Ending ~

~Chapter Fifty Five~ FINALE~Part One ~

2K 81 98
By RoseFiammotta

"So, what happens now?"

"That is up to you. I can have a car pick you up and take you home whilst I find a way to take them back. Or, you can become our new hire and supervisor for our sister location and other warehouse Flying Chocolate Bunny Inc. The choice is yours."

(Name) quickly took the kind assistant into a hug, a couple of tears spilling out of her cheeks. Which only made the assistant swell with emotion as well.

"Thank you." (Name) said, her voice cracking as she tightly closed her throat from making sobbing noises.

Miss R. naturally hugged the fragile girl back, holding her upright and wiping some of those tears.

"Now let's get you all home."


"Words can't express my gratitude Miss R. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I spewed out. Miss R. rolled her eyes with a loose smile hung on her lips. "Please, girl! You deserve to win this end, you've fought for so much for so long, trust me you deserve it. Plus I'm pretty sure you're the only person who actually tolerates these guys so. " She said, eyeing the others behind me.

Miss R. was a peculiar woman; her green eyes glimmered with a mysterious sheen to them, constantly tapping her tan, long fingers against her black, business-casual pants suit. She tucked a loose strand of unruly, curly brown hair behind her ear adorned with silver jewelry. The woman appeared young, possibly a student in college maybe. When she looked behind me there was a glint in her eye, something nostalgic, melancholy. I couldn't quite pinpoint her but she appeared glowing with joy, she was just this short character of happiness.

Snapping me from my trance, a voice exclaimed from above, along with scurrying, echoing, footsteps. "Congratulations!"

I swung my head around, my hair swaying by the force, to meet the eyes of those who'd spoken.

"Guys!" I said, arms out in the form of a hug, in excitement. The first players rushed down, each scrambling to greet me.

"Hey!" Alfred was the first to engulf me in a chest-crushing hug, squeezing the air out of my lungs before releasing me. I took a deep breath to stop seeing the little stars swimming around my head. After regaining consciousness I gleamed, "Thank you, I wouldn't be able to do this without you guys either."

"Oh please, we barely did anything," Alfred spoke, loudly might I add. Punching my arm playfully, although rough enough to make me rub the sore spot.

"Stop being modest you helped me and I'm grateful. Period." I said, trying to reciprocate the punch, utterly failing but drawing a giggle from him.

A hand gripped my shoulder, yanking me backward a bit. I bit my lip as Allen stood forward, standing in front of me and nudging himself in between me and Alfred. "They helped you?" He spoke viciously, venom in his tone.

Matt came around to my left, also placing distance between me and the first players. "She's coming with us so don't get any ideas fuckers." A burning fire of rage in his violet orbs, which made me jump to diffuse the situation.

"Hey hey! Let's chill out for a second." I say, raising my hands between chests to maintain some distance. The two sides definitely didn't like each other, but they didn't look willing to throw hands either. Well, the 1p's didn't look like it at least, I wasn't too sure about the 2p's though.

I tried pausing, thinking of the right words to say before explaining it all. "They actually helped me. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have found you all in time." Knowing my plea was a charm he could never resist I looked up at Allen, who was still ready to knock Alfred out. I could see him tense away, and I released an unknowing breath I had been holding. I punched Allen's arm playfully as well, showing a smile of reassurance but glaring at him nonetheless. "Ya jerk."

"We may not see eye to eye," begins Arthur, calmly spoke, stepping forward.

That's for certain...

"But we do want to reconcile," Ludwig said, eyeing his counterpart mysteriously.

To say the 2p's were skeptical was an understatement. The looks on their faces said everything they didn't need to verbalize.

Suddenly, to cut the tension Miss R. stepped into the picture, grabbing a hold of my arm and tugging me away slightly. "Actually, Miss (Name) if I could steal you away for a few moments." She said, obviously done with patiently waiting and watching everything unfold.

"Oh, okay." I merely stuttered, watching to see the tension die down before following Miss R.

But before truly leaving I looked at both groups head-on, "Listen up you're going to reconcile whether you like it or not, I will not have gone through all this crap to just to have y'all resent each other for the rest of your lives, however long that may be."

They all stared at me, wide-eyed and childish as if I was telling them off.

"Now, I'm going to go with Miss R. real quick, so you boys play nice okay? PLAY NICE!" I said, doing those "I'm watching you!" fingers towards them then turning my back real slow to add some dramatic flair.


Despite their favorite girl telling them to play nice, something couldn't help from Allen desperately wanting to knock his counterpart's perfect teeth in. Yet, he knew that if she were to come back at any moment and Alfred had mysteriously gotten a bloody broken nose and he'd grown a blood-ridden fist she was sure to put two and two together and lecture his ass through the roof. Then again he thought about how cute her face would scrunch up when she was angry, how she'd lean forward just enough for a couple of tendrils of her hair to unfold past her face, how kissable her pouty, upset lips looked. Then again, maybe a bloody fist was worth it.

However, rather than using his fists for once, he used his words. "If you think for a second that we're going to kiss and makeup, you're dead wrong bitches." The nasty undertone of his words made it very clear that he wasn't messing around.

"Listen, obviously we haven't gotten off on the right foot," Alfred said, trying to maintain his distance as well, nervously taking a few steps back.

"No fucking shit Sherlock."

A glare is gained. "However, Miss (Name) has made some wonderful points," Arthur mentions.

"Don't say her name," Matt said, fists tightened.

"We're trying to be civil, cool it," Gilbert spoke, literally stepping in the conversation.

It's as if all the 2p's took a collective breath, remembering that (Name) was in a room not too far away, knowing that she'd be disappointed if all they did was go back to their old ways. Just a smidge of a look of disappointment from her would crush them, which sounded so unlike them.

They all knew it. Even if they didn't have to say it out loud. They knew that (Name) had somehow bewitched them into being better and that if she were here she'd want them to solve their problems not fight them out, even if they so wanted to wring their counterparts' necks.

One, the least likely to say it spoke. Luciano. "Fine."


"They'll be fine." Miss R. whispered as I looked behind my shoulder one last time before entering the door she was leading me to. I wanted to believe the best in them could come out, that they'd all somehow reconcile and possibly get along, maybe even possibly bond. But it's a stretch, such a stretch it could tear a ligament, that's how bad the stretching is.

"They're, different now." She says, still guiding me through hallways and doorways, ending up in a small office.

Her hand gestured towards a plush seat across from a large mahogany desk. I gladly took her offer, finally sitting down and resting for a moment. Finally, registering what she had said I tilted my head in question, "What do you mean?"

There it was again, that mysterious glint in her eyes that proved she knew more than what she would say.

"I've been doing this job for a very long time (Name), I've been with all these guys for what feels like forever and this is the ending I've always wanted for them." She spoke diligently while searching through some desktop cabinets, pulling out papers and pens.

She stopped just to look me in the eye and say, "I've wanted an ending for a long time, but I'd never really wanted it to end at the same time. It's hard, to let them go, I won't lie. But I know now, that they need to go, they need to move on and so do I."

Her words struck something within me, a deep sorrow buried beneath her words yet undying happiness embedded in every word as well. So unusual.

"ANYWAYS!" Throwing her hands up and growing a grin she splays her fingers over the paperwork on the desk.

"Enough with that, let's get down to business."


"She's... good," Feliciano states, rubbing the back of his neck, unsure if he should've even spoken at all.

"Well, you're not wrong." Luciano retorts, magenta locking with those of honey brown.

"We may never see eye to eye or get along really," Kiku says softly.

"But for her sake, I know that she'd like to see us move past this," Francis adds.


The 2p's unanimously think. How do you just bury years of resentment and hatred for someone you hardly know?

"That's easier said than done,"

"But for (Name)," They eye each other tentatively.

"Only for (Name)."

They each line up to their counterpart, an arm's length away from each other. Their eyes locking, spits of annoyance littered in each 2p members orbs. But even with the annoyance, they slowly reach out their hand to shake, calling a truce to their so-called rivalry.

Only for (Name).


As I finish up the paperwork given to me Miss R. puts her soft, small hand over mine, stopping me for a moment.

"There's just one last thing," she says, not raising her gaze to mine. I nod.

"Just, promise me you'll take care of them." It's only then that she meets my gaze, her eyes full of that melancholy view.

Grasping her hand right back I smile softly, "I promise."

Her eyes well up only for a second, just before putting on a smile again.

"Well alright then, enough with emotions let's finish this up." She lets go to reach something in a drawer, a familiar jingle to it.

"You're going to need something to get you back." She says, laying the keys down in front of me.

I once again grasp her hand within both of mine, "Thank you again, Miss R."

"Oh please," she says with a wink, "Call me Rose."


Swing! Goes the door that smacks against its back as (Name) emerges victorious and glee. With a fresh pair of car keys in hand, she jingles the keys in her wrist and shouts, "Let's get moving bitches!" Skipping victoriously she notices Oliver's disapproving glance.

Stopping dead in her track and now walking, she reiterates her statement.

"I mean, let's get going... gang. Heh, heh."

"I guess, this is it huh?" Alfred speaks up, slinging an arm over her shoulder, although still having to lower down to her height to even do that.

"Possibly." She says, still smiling. "I don't believe in goodbye's Alfred. Only 'See you later's'."

Alfred chuckles, wondering how those guys got so damn lucky with a chick like this.

(Name) faces towards the 1p's for a brief second, "I'd be lying if I didn't say this was cool, but, it's time for me to go home now." She turns back, looking towards the one who most made her feel belonged to, who was home.

"See ya around, kid."


"Alright, hop in, I'm driving." (Name) gestured to the company van she'd been gifted. She had a new fire burning, one that felt invincible.

"No, you're not." Says Allen.

Well, it did feel invincible.

(Name) was quick to hide the keys behind her back. "And why not?" She said, leaning up to face him.

Allen was never one to back down from a challenge, leaning down to meet her gaze.

"Because you have no idea where we're going." He said, close enough to bump chests. This would, of course, make (Name) slightly uncomfortable but still refuse to go down without a fight.

"Just tell me the directions, I can follow orders." She says, raising a brow and consciously bumping into him.

"Can you?" It always had to be that suggestive tone of his to make her break. Her smile fell as she realized what she had insinuated, her cheeks and ears flushing with a bright red.

"That's what I thought." He replied simply, snatching the keys from her warm hand and dangling them above her.

"Alright enough of this just, get in." She said, crossing her arms and hopping on the passenger side.


The trip was fine, it was actually quite boring until a certain rumbling came from (Name)'s stomach.

Her face flushing with maroon as she covered her tummy with her arms, overly aware of her insatiable hunger.

"Sorry." She mumbled, hoping no one could actually hear it. And although she did hope there were a couple of chuckles from the back.

Matt, who was now driving, who had changed the radio station about a million times out of boredom, also chuckled.

Covering an upcoming roar she quickly blurted something out, "Hey, there's an upcoming exit, can we stop somewhere?"

Looking at the bright green upcoming exit sign, Matt replied, "Sure."

As the exit sign drew nearer (Name)'s eyes perked up with joy. "Oo! McDonald's" She said excitedly, the golden arches calling her name.

Scoffing from behind her Allen didn't give it a second thought, "We're not going to McDonald's."

Another grumble resonated from within (Name), this one pleading for absolute junk food. "Please!" She pleaded, pouting her puppy dog eyes and pouty lip as leverage. And of course, unable to resist, Allen couldn't help but comply.

They rolled up to the drive-through and with the most serious tone Matt said,

"I'll have one black coffee."

The attendee replied happily.

Turning towards her he says, "What do you want?" (Name) drew close, steadying herself with a hand on his thigh raising her other hand to scoop around his ear and whisper. A scene entirely too intimate for a McDonald's drive-through.

Although flustered, being under her hypnotic spell, he obeyed. "...and a 20 piece of nuggets."

"Yay!" (Name) squealed jumping back in her seat and giddily bouncing up and down.

"You know there's only garbage in those things and it used to be a living thing?" Allen just had to add.

"Sorry not everyone can be as modern as you Allen." (Name) replied, snatching a newly fresh credit card given from their lovely benefactor.

Without missing a beat he said dramatically, "You disgust me."

(Name) simply leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest victoriously.

"Say that to my 20 piece nuggets box bitch."


It was already morning the time they had arrived back to the warehouse, the familiar scene of a far off building growing butterflies in (Name)'s stomach. This time would be different. It wouldn't be stress-ridden and anxious, it was happy and clear.

Everyone kind of trudged in, exhausted from the trip and (Name) was the first to splatter herself over one of the main room's couches. Unknowingly, she fell asleep just then and there, no hesitation. When she awoke, she immediately smiled. Although she couldn't remember what she dreamed of she knew the feeling left her joyful, thankful.

She slowly opened her eyes to the setting sun from above, the crimson and peachy tones of the sky settling into the ground of the room. A copious amount of air filled her chest and she rose from her spot on the couch. As joyful as she was the lingering thought couldn't be escaped from.

"What happens next?"




Guys... I'm sorry, it's still not over haha. I have one more installment and then it's over for real! There was just so much that I wanted to add for this ending so I figured I would split it up into two parts. Therefore, I'll see y'all in the next one! Thank you for reading! <3

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