By ahoeforparkchaeyoung

553K 5.9K 1K

g!p Rosé for all of them except one. 😈🌚 |Topsé| Beginning: 4-11-20 End: 10-27-20 More

My Childhood Bestfriend.
My stepsister.
my ex.
A note from the author.
Stripper J.
Stripper J. Part II.
Stripper J. Part III.
Stripper J. Part IV.
Stripper J. Part VI.
Stripper J. Part VII.
Stripper J. Part VIII.
Stripper J. Part IX.
ThE InTeRvIeW.
Rapper PK.
Author's note.
Rapper PK. Part 2.
A little quick note.
You and I?
Blackpink Rosé and South Korean Actress Bae Suzy dating rumors?
what the fuck do i do?
sex education.
naughty little kitten.
Most wanted.
High School Stalker....
let the feeling linger.
Beg for me.
The 1 who could stop my heart.
Closed book.

Stripper J. Part V.

8.9K 127 16
By ahoeforparkchaeyoung

Jennie turning off her light next to her. "I do hate you." Jennie said looking at the girl before turning back around her back facing her. "Ouch may I ask why?" Rosé said laughing looking at Jennie's back. "Cause you got me pregnant and your a dick." Jennie said snuggling up with her blankets. Rosé starting to realize maybe she was right she doesn't know how it feels to be pregnant little known with someone who she don't even know. Rosé placing her left arm under Jennie's head and her right arm wrapped around waist tightly. Feeling Jennie sink into her touch. "I hate you I want to hate you for the things you do to me and i'm fixing to have a kid with someone I don't even know." Jennie whispered her lips trembling cause she wanted to cry and she did. "Are you crying?" Rosé asked moving closer to Jennie closing the gap between their connected naked bodies. "Yeah." Jennie whispered crying softly. "We'll get to know each other then." Rosé said resting her lips on Jennie's cheek kissing it every now and then comforting Jennie who was crying. Both falling asleep.

"Get up Chaeyoung!" Harold unlocking Jennie's bedroom door walking in. "We need to talk so get dressed." He said looking at them who were waking up giving them one more time glance before leaving walking in his office. "You should get in the shower." Jennie said in her raspy morning voice to Rosé. Rosé getting up off the bed taking her boxers with her walking into her bathroom turning on the shower. As they both showered and put on new clothes Rosé made her way to Jennie's dad's office again. Jennie listening to the convo again through the crack of the door. Seeing her mom and dad back to the same spot they were in yesterday last night. "I'll pay you to stay away from my daughter you name it." Harold said placing the bag of money infront of both of them on the desk. "I don't want your money or your pity Mr.Kim." Rosé said pushing the money back towards him on the desk. "And she's still talking." Harold said laughing looking at the girl in the chair infront of him his smile disappearing. "Fine you want to take care of my daughter take the money and use it on your guy's 9 month vacation together in Hawaii I don't want to see the both of you till the baby is born I already called and set up your guy's vacation there and your private jet to take you there. Oh and Chaeyoung if you don't take care of my daughter there and from here on out I will kill you literally got it?" Harold said seriously looking at the girl. "Yessir." Rosé said getting up from the chair swinging the bag of money over her shoulder. "You guys better start packing because the jet leaves at 7:00 and it's 5:00 A.M. right now." Harold said laughing pointing at his watch. Seeing Rosé leave his office.

"Why is this airport so huge compared to the other ones i've been at?" Rosé asked looking around the big airport. "Because you don't use your eyes obviously." Jennie said rolling her eyes walking away from the girl. "Still mad?" Rosé asked laughing wrapping her arm around Jennie's neck. "Get your fucking arm off me." Jennie growled grabbing Rosé's balls earning a squeal that came from her. "You know? That kinda feels good." Rosé said grabbing her cock and balls over Jennie's hand that was already there. Jennie pull her hand away in disgust walking away from her. Rosé walking behind Jennie all the way through the airport of to her private jet, them both walking up the stairs getting in. Alright is this everything for you guys?" The waiter asked on the jet. "Yes." They both said in unison Rosé smiling at it. "Alright then if need anything else just let me know okay?" The waiter told them looking at the both of them in their sits. "Okay." Jennie said with a smile to be polite. "Why don't you smile at me like that?" Rosé asked smirking at the girl earning a smack to the head from her. "No." She said angry putting the blanket over them. Rosé fixing to doze off but felt someone's head lean on her left shoulder. Looking at Jennie who was peacefully sleeping. Looking gorgeous as ever Rosé thought still taking in the older girl's cute sleeping face. Interlacing her long big hands into Jennie's small tiny ones. Rosé placing their connected hands in her lap leaning her head against Jennie's. Little did Rosé know Jennie was awake this whole time just getting tired wanting to place her head against something soft and comfortable. Jennie feeling a smile appear on her lips. Rosé moving the arm rest's in between them leaning both their sits back. Rosé feeling Jennie's arms wrap around her waist which brought shock all over her leaning back in the chair taking Jennie with her stroking her hair with her lips resting on her forehead as Jennie's head was still on her shoulder. Hearing water driplets hit the jet with the loud engine filling the silence in there.

Time went by they landed at their location wanting for the Uber to get at the airport in Hawaii taking them to their beach house. Them waiting in the cold rain as it came down more. Thank god Jennie had her security people as she was known for one of South Korea's most successful and popular strippers. Her security team holding a umbrella over them from the rain. Seeing Jennie shiver from not having anything on except for black jeans and a white t-shirt while Rosé was wearing Gucci black joggers with a white t-shirt and a black sweater. Rosé taking off her sweater, Jennie seeing Rosé's revealed toned abs with her pretty nice pink nipples gulping at the sight of it as Rosé handed her sweater to her pulling her shirt out of the sweater as it came off too leaving her shirtless right there and there. Seeing camera people appeal with also paparazzi's approaching her. But was stopped by her security team. "Here." Rosé said handing her, her sweater putting her shirt back on. "Thanks." Jennie said giving Rosé a soft smile putting it on smelling the strawberry cologne that came off of it. "You look better with a smile on your face J." Rosé said laughing nudging her making Jennie laugh. Getting in the Uber as it arrived. "Your sweater smells really good I thought you should know." Jennie said sitting next to Rosé in the car closing the door. "I smelt like that too the first time we had sex." Rosé said fixing her loose baggy white t-shirt. The unknown parts of Rosé were connecting and clinking through Jennie's mind. Jennie thinking Rosé as a mystery she can't but wants to solve and fix like a broken puzzle right infront of her eyes. Rosé thinking Jennie as that girl who never got love or felt loved growing up just used, Rosé wanting to make her feel loved by her.

Reaching their beach house in Hawaii thanking the Uber before exiting the car. Jennie and Rosé spending the next 3 hours of their lives unpacking their stuff in their beach house they were gonna stay at for 9 whole months. Getting done Jennie opening the sliding door that lead to their pool and hot tub as it still continued raining. Getting naked before getting in the hot tub putting her hair up in a messy bun. Rosé walking and taking the other way around walking behind Jennie who was already in the hot tub. Sitting behind Jennie, Rosé leaning back on her arms on the hard gray painted brick floor. Jennie leaning her back resting her head on Rosé's cock that was covered by the boxers she had on. Drinking on her strawberry soju Jennie resting her arms on Rosé's thighs. "I still hate you." Jennie said leaning her head back on Rosé's member so she could look at her. "You made that clear but I know." Rosé said leaning forward cupping Jennie's chin brushing her lips against hers. Rosé feeling herself slowly falling for the girl while looking in her eyes she pulled away clearing her throat taking another drink of her opened soju walking off. Rosé walking back into the beach house grabbing a pair of black nike shorts sliding them on over her black Calvin Klein boxers walking off into the living room. Jennie taking a shower putting on a white sweater with no shirt or bra underneath it, putting on black silky baggy Adidas joggers with black panties. Rosé hooking up her PS4 putting in fortnite as it was loading while appearing on the tv, sitting on the white wide carpet floor behind the huge black couch behind her. Jennie walking into the living room laying on the couch behind Rosé who was now leaning against it. "You're always shirtless I swearrr!" Jennie said laughing rubbing her face, Rosé looking at her shocked that she was laughing looking back at the screen before Jennie started looking at her again. Jennie appreciating her side view as she saw veins popping out of Rose's neck her eyes traveling down to her defined jawline seeing her clench it looking from her jawline to her eyes finding her extremely attractive than usual these past couple of days. Rosé feeling Jennie's eyes sink in soul from her left side of her face feeling shy. She put her face in her elbow laughing for a couple of seconds before returning back to the screen and game. "Awww is Park Chaeyoung getting shy?" Jennie laughed rubbing Rosé's right side of her neck moving her hand upwards on the same side grabbing her head putting her hand in her hair pulling the side of her face towards the front of her face putting her nose and lips on her cheek smelling a mixture of cologne and strawberry soju that smelled hella good and addicting Jennie wanting more as she moved her lips down to her jaw kissing it before sucking on it. Rosé trying to focus playing fortnite and not trying to get hard at the same time. "Ahhhh!" Rosé yelled out laughing putting her hand back on the couch. Jennie looking at the screen seeing she died looking back at the younger girl watching her lick her lips and swallow, her eyes traveling down to her neck seeing her big adamsapple pop out of her neck looking at it as it moved up and down when she swallowed. Rosé opening her eyes tilting her head left on the couch looking at Jennie who looked away itching the back of her head. "Look who's all shy now." Rosé said getting closer to Jennie whispering on her cheek biting it before walking over into the kitchen to get another bottle of strawberry soju from the fridge. Opening it throwing the cap on the kitchen counter walking back into the living room playing another round of fortnite taking a drink of the soju while it was loading biting the top of the bottle preventing it from falling out of her mouth. "Don't do that! Oh my god your teeth!" Jennie yelled hearing Rosé laugh at her reaction to it her eyes still glued to the tv. Jennie grabbing the green bottle from her mouth, grabbing Rosé's right side of her face with her left hand and the bottle in her right. Rosé pausing the game looking at Jennie, her eyes moving down to her lips back to her eyes. "So you can't even kiss me now?" Rosé asked laughing at Jennie who was just quiet looking at her. "I'll kiss my baby daddy." Jennie said smirking leaning into Rosé. "Sike!" Jennie shouted smiling looking back at the tv. Rosé grabbing Jennie's face with her left hand making Jennie look at her with her controller in her other hand smashing her lips on Jennie's, taking her bottom lip in hers as Jennie took her top lip.

"Oh my god drink the bottle!" Jennie laughing handing the bottle to Rosé as she broke the kiss. Going into their bedroom grabbing a small black blanket wrapping it around herself walking back into the living room seeing Rosé who finished her second bottle of soju still playing fortnite on her PS4. Jennie putting her legs on both sides of Rosé resting her chin on her head grabbing at the controller in the other girl's hands. "Just admit it your bad at fortnite." Jennie said still grabbing at the controller. Them tugging back and forth on it till Jennie let it go making it hit Rosé's dick earning a squeal from her. Jennie laughing her ass off grabbing Rosé's top of head still resting her chin also on her head smacking her shoulder. "My dick hurts now it's not funny!" Rosé said her voice cracking which made Jennie laugh even more. Rosé seeing Jennie's gummy smile for the first time smiling to herself at the sight of seeing it. Rosé sitting in between Jennie's lap on the couch. Jennie putting her hands in between her shorts and boxers grabbing and rubbing it feeling bad sliding her hand under her boxers grabbing her bare cock. "Slide your boxers and shorts down." Jennie said demanding her, her head resting on Rosé's right shoulder. Watching Rosé slide them both down seeing she was soft, she grabbed her cock beginning to stroke it. "Your dick and balls are fine." Jennie said laughing still stroking Rosé's cock. Fastening her strokes after awhile. She suddenly stopped stroking it and started rubbing Rosé's head of her dick brushing her thumb against it. Rosé leaning her head back on Jennie's left shoulder groaning out. Jennie feeling turned on she wrapped her left arm around Rosé's neck covering her mouth with her hand sucking on her neck while rubbing her dick's head. Stroking it again swinging it back and forth fast from how fast she was stroking it. "Cum in my hand my baby daddy." Jennie moaned out into Rosé's neck. Rosé not being able to hold it in anymore as cum came out of her dick in Jennie's hand and her own not wanting it to go on the couch or the white carpet. A couple seconds passed as cum stopped cumming out of her dick feeling Jennie lick her hand that had her own cum on it groaning. Jennie swinging Rosé's hand away from her mouth as she was done licking up the cum that was in her hand. "For someone who's 19 you for sure have a huge dick."

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