Be mine

By sweetenersrings

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*GxG* Arianas tour is gonna start in a few months. She practiced every day with her crew. A few months ago sh... More



6.4K 60 71
By sweetenersrings

Ariana's Pov.

I finally finished practicing. Omg I'm so tired for gods sake. At first I need some food. I decided to send a SMS to my best friend Courtney.


Me: Court' let's get some food at KFC?
Ma' Bitch🥰: Yeah sure where am I gonna meet u bro?
Me: the front of KFC? If it's okay?
Ma' Bitch🥰: okay I'll be there in a half a hour ✌🏼
Me: 🥵🥵🥵🥵

I took my bag and drove home. I needed the shower omg I felt much better than before. I dressed up and went to my car. During the car ride my manager called me.

„Yeah hello David?"
„Ariana? You need to practice! I've heard you're gone home!" he yelled.
„Maybe I'm hungry??????" I yelled back.
„Come back or I will b-„
„FUCK OFF!" I said and hung up.

I threw my phone into my bag. 5 minutes later I arrived KFC. I saw Court standing outside and waited for me. We hugged and went in.

„Yeah and then he yelled at me, I mean for real I practice the whole day! I also need a break." I said stuffing the burger in my mouth. Courtney laughed so loud that people looked at us. „Stop! Everyone is looking at us." I said and giggled. When the situation calmed down I stood up to got something to drink.
On my way back I ran into a girl. Both of us fell on the ground. „Omg I'm sorry ." I said and wanted to raised her up. „Omg you are A-Ariana! Ariana Grande." she suttered. „Yeah but please let me help you." I took her hand I raised her. Her clothes were wet because of the coke I got. „Omg I'm so sorry for real." I said and looked up sad to her.
Literally she was very very beautiful and hot. „It's okay I'm sorry." she added. „Please let's go to my place. I'm gonna wash your wet clothes. Please do me the favour." She looked directly in my eyes. I mean okay what should I've expected. We don't even know each other and I invited her in my hoes. But I am so sorry for that. She looked sad and maybe she needs deflection anyway

„Come on." I said and took her hand.
When we arrived our table Courtney looked suprised.
„Ehm I ran into the girl and her clothes got wet, I will take her to my place to wash them." I said to Courtney.
„I'm gonna stay here Mickey and the rest of the crew are gonna pick me up. They are gonna go in a club. A little bit danceeeee." She said and laughed.

I drove to my house. „Ehm what's your name. You acutally know my name." I said and laughed. „I'm Dana." she said a little bit said. It was very silent the whole car ride but I noticed that she was crying a little bit.


We arrived and I put her clothes into the washing machine while she was taking a shower. Somehow....I liked her, I mean I don't know her but she is really cute and beautiful. I gave her her clothes and she dressed up. Now we were in the living room on the sofa. „Thank you Ariana but it hasn't been necessary." she said and smiled a little bit. „It was! It was my fault."

„Can I ask you something?" I asked her carefully.
„Yeah just ask."
„When I drove us home, you were crying. I know it's not my business, but a woman like you shouldn't cry. You're so fucking beautiful!" I said and smiled.
She looked at me and I saw tears in her eyes.
„If you want you can tell me about it." I said and put my arm around her shoulder.
„My boyfriend broke up with me, he cheated on me." She said and started crying.
I pulled her in my arms and hugged her strong.
„Pssh I know it's difficult but you need to be strong. He doesn't deserve you! Don't cry." I said.
My heart was beating really fast. I was really sad for her.
„Look...I know these problem really good...I'm gonna be there for you. I promise!" I said.


It was 8 p.m.

„Tell me something about yourself." I said.
„So...I'm 25 years old. I work in the company of my father. I've got 3 siblings. The oldest one is my sister Katy she's 29. Then my younger brother Dylan, he's 17. And my little sister Ava she's 8. I love food. I love Netflix and yeah I think that's it. I'm not that interesting. But you are." she said.
„You know I love to be a singer. I love my fans and everyone. But it's very complicated sometimes." I said a little bit pissed.
We both laughed.
„Dana? I like you. I mean for real you're fantastic. Can I get your number?" I asked her.
She smiled.
„Give me your phone." she said.
I gave her my phone and she was typing her number.
„Here you are" she said and smiled.

Dana DaVille. Wow this sounds nice.
„I've to go." she said and stood up.
„Why?" I asked curiously.
„I've to go to work."

We went to the door.
„Thank you for washing my clothes and for helping me in this difficult situation." she said and smiled.
„You are fantastic, he doesn't deserve you." I said.
I hugged her and she went home with the taxi.

She is a fantastic woman. I went in my room and tried to find her Instagram. After a looong time I found her profile. I decided to like her pic,comment something, and follow her.

Liked by arianagrande, rileybeer, dilara and 803,497 others
danadeville Life is a journey, not a destination🥱

rileybeer baby 😍
dilara wow wow I'm gonna take u to my home 😏🥵
danadeville @dilara slow down girl ✌🏼
arianagrande I would say, this girl is on fire💋

Dana's Pov.

I was sitting on the table and signed the letters for my dads company. My phone vibrated so I decided to look what's going on.

My DM's


-: omg are you and ariana friends ???
-: who is ariana to you
-: omg ariana follows youuuu

Okay okay. What?

There was a comment from her.

arianagrande I would say, this girl is on fire💋
danadeville @arianagrande I think you are 🥰

I commented back. I had to grin. Ariana Grande just commented my pic and follow me. OKAY BREATH BITCH. I sat on my table and tried to do the work. But my concentration was gone.

I heard my phone vibrated again. Okay anyway I couldn't work. I took my phone and lay down on my bed.


+724 023 389 09: Hey it's me Ariana

For real? SHE WAS CHATTING WITH ME? I saved her number on my phone and wrote her back.

Me: Hey :)
Ariana ❤️: How do u feel 😪
Me: I'm okay, I think🤭
Ariana ❤️: You know I'm here for you ❤️
Me: Thank you I appreciate it ❤️
Me: How do you feel? What are you doing.
Ariana ❤️: I could cry! IT'S SO BORING😂
Ariana ❤️: Have u got any plans for tomorrow ❤️
Me: No I don't think so why
Ariana ❤️: Let's do something I mean if you want to
Ariana ❤️: Let's go to the beach☀️
Me: Yeah sure, what time?
Ariana ❤️: I'm gonna call u, cuz' I need to practice the fucking song😒
Ariana ❤️: I'm gonna see u tomorrow. Good night✌🏼
Me: Good night

I put on my pajamas and went to sleep.

Ariana's Pov.

I stood up and went to take a shower. Afterwards I went to Redbird to get some food. I didn't know why but I had to think about her the whole time. She is diffrent from other women. However I had to go to David my fucking manager. I hated him omg please just stop breath thank you.

„Ariana where've you been? You are 5 minutes late!" he yelled. „Fuck off David!" I yelled back and went to the stage. „Come back! Now!" he screamed loudly.
„I need to practice the songs just fuck off please do me the favour!"
He took my arm and pulled me to him.
„David you hurt me let me go!" I said.
„Give me your phone! You aren't allowed to use it for two days." he yelled.
I began to laugh loudly.
„I am not giving you my phone." I said and laughed very loud.
I pulled me out of his grip and went out to my car.

I took my phone and texted Dana


Me: Hey Dana, I'm gonna pick u up in a hour ✌🏼
Sweetie🤍: Okay see u soin
Me: see ya✌🏼

I drove home and put some other clothes on me. I took my black oversized Givenchy hoodie and put it on. Then short shorts, a necklace and earrings. I tied my hair into a braid. At least I put on my tigh-high heels and went out.

Wenn I didn't ask for her adress. Very intelligent Ariana.


Me: Dana 🙃
Sweetie🤍: yes?
Me: Ehm could you send me your adress 🥶
Sweetie🤍: San Pedro Street number 7😂
Me: I'm gonna beat u! It's not funny...

I started my car and drove to her.


Omg when I saw her. I could melt!! She was wearing a short summer dress and her hair was so beautiful and long.
„Hey" she said and hugged me.
„Hey, you look fantastic." I said and I became red.
„Thank you but look at you."
„Where are we going to?"
„So at first I wanna go to Burger King because I'm fucking hungry. There you're gonna meet my friends." I said
She looked very suprised at me.
„O-Okay, and then?" she stuttered.
„Then we're going to the beach. Okay?"
„Sure." she added.

We turned on the my playlist and the first song was ‚God is a woman'. We sang which was really funny.

When we arrived Burger King we went in and my friends greeted her with a hug. There were Courtney, Victoria, Liz, Zayn, Dale and Andrew.

When we got our food we were talking the whole time. I noticed that Dale looked at her. Somehow it made me jealous. „You are really beautiful." he said smiling at her. „Thank you." she said and smiled back. But I shouldn't be jealous. I won't be! But I am!!!!!! Fuck off.

„Can I speak alone with you." he asked her.
She looked to me. I was really angry because of him.
I didn't even look at her I was starring at Dale.
„I and Dana are gonna go." I said rudly and looked angry at him. I took her hand and went out with her.
Fuck I was really jealous.

„I'm sorry I-I know I overreacted, but he is the biggest fuckboy. I mean he is really funny sometime but, I-I don't want that somebody breaks your heart. For real you don't deserve it." I said. I really overreacted but I feel different when I'm with her. She has got a good heart. „I'm really sorry if you want to you can go." I said very sad. She took my hand and smiled at me. „You're really an angel. Let's go to the beach." she said. Thanks god she wasn't mad at me.

Dana's Pov.

Acutally it was cute. She was jealous. Omg she was jealous. Breathe Dana breathe girl. During the car ride she sang ‚Ocean eyes'. We felt the music in our veins. When we arrived the beach we went out and searched a place to sit. We spread a blanket and sat down.

„Dana?" she said and got my attention.
„You're really something special."
I smiled at her. I mean she is a superstar and she told me that I'm something special. Hahaha okay okay. I mean I haven't even got one talent. Maybe just sleeping or eating.
„You are the special one." I said looking at her.
„You have a beautiful voice. You are beautiful. You have everything."
Now she became red. She was smiling at me.
What did she do with me. She was so fucking perfect.
„Dana please promise me something." she said and placed her face directly in the front of my.
„Promise me you'll never leave me." she said with tears in her eyes.
„I promise. I promise. Don't cry." I said and pulled her into a hug.

We talked about an hour about our life. I told her that my life was very strict. My parents wanted me to became a doctor, but I didn't want to. I weren't Never allowed to go out and make party. Just practice, practice and more practice. Thanks for that. But now I'm happy. I live alone in a flat. I've got my flat and my friends. I've got Ariana.

She drove me home. When I arrived I took a long shower. Why was I thinking of her all the time. I had never been with a girl but she? She was something different. Now I was sitting on my sofa and watching Dinasty when my phone vibrated.


Ariana ❤️: Hey, I need to text u bc I miss u😩
Me: u cute 🥺 I miss u too
Ariana ❤️: What're doin'?
Me: I watch Dinasty u?
Ariana ❤️: I've to pick up Courtney litteraly I'm waiting bout' 45 minutes but she doesn't come out
Me: what's she doing?
Ariana ❤️: Her sister is having a big party ... she is very drunk so I have to pick her up 😹
Me: awww u cute 😻
Ariana ❤️: uuuu!
Ariana ❤️: I'm gonna pick u up tomorrow at 8 a.m so be ready 💋
Me: Where are we gonna go?
Ariana ❤️: Just be ready see u 💋💋
Me: See ya'💋

Omg she's so cute. I watched for hours Dinasty before I fell asleep.

(A/N: I hope you are enjoying this story. Inspiration SheCallsMeMoonlight !!!Sorry for my bad englisch. I'm gonna fix this.)

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