
By KeannaPettis

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Jai and Will in a deep relationship, many obstacles coming in their way. pregnancy? cheating? lies? who will... More

Chapter 1 - P A I N
Chapter 2 - T A L K ( Part 1 )
Chapter 3 - T A L K ( Part 2 )
Chapter 5 - F I G H T ?

Chapter 4 - C O N F R O N T

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By KeannaPettis

• Jai •
• 17 years old •
• Oxford, Mississippi •

On the way to the cafeteria I explained all what happened to Josh. When I finally finished we was at our usual table with our other friends. He just looked at me.

"Josh say something." I said sitting down waving and hugging my peoples.

"Where they at ?" Josh said setting his things down.

I jumped up and ran over to Josh.

"Josh I don't know and I don't give a damn . Sit yo hot head down."

"I ain't goi-."


He sucked his teeth and sat down beside our friend Ariel. I groaned as I saw her face scrunch up confusion.

Ariel, Denise, La'Shay, and Monyae all looked at me waiting for me to explain. I spent the next 10 minutes explaining the whole situation while Josh interrupted and added his two cents in a few parts.


It was 8:20 and I was done with explaining everything. The bell rung signaling it was time to go to class. I stood up and grabbed my stuff while my friends looked at me.


"Are you okay ?"

"Do you need a hug ?"

"We can beat them up."


I shook my head laughing a little .

"No. I'm good y'all . Thank you."

They looked at me suspiciously before nodding they head. I looked at the time and it was 8:21 . I waved bye and headed out the cafe from the side doors.

As soon as I walked out I saw Will and Brielle walking together and talking. I shook my head chuckling a little . I put my airpods in blasting some Key Glock as I made my way to first period.

• Will •
• 18 years old •
• Oxford, Mississippi •

I know Jai saw me and Brielle walking and talking together but I had to get some shit straight with Brielle. Plus Brielle ass couldn't leave me alone, she was just following me running her mouth in my ear.

It was now 3rd period which means lunch time. I walked to the library as usual and of course Brielle followed me. I turned around when I made it to the library.

"Mane, bruh why are you following me?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Ain't nobody following yo ass . I been coming to the library and don't act like you don't want to see me anyway."

I shook my head not saying anything. I walked over to the bean bag chairs and sat down. I pulled out my phone checking did Jai ever text me back. Brielle nosey ass leaned over and smirked.

"You and yo girlfriend must've broke up?"

"And if we did ? What that got to do with yo ass?"

She sucked her teeth and scooted away.

"Are you lien about being pregnant ?"

"No . Why would I lie ?"

"It don't make fucking sense Brielle. I fucked yo dumb ass with a condom so please tell me how you pregnant ." I said raising my voice a little.

"Stop yelling got everybody loo-."

"Bitch shut the fuck up . You know I don't give a damn who looking at us. Now explain to me how you pregnant."

"I mean condoms aren't 100 percent effective."

I looked at her like I was surprised.

"Omg, thank you for telling me something I already knew."

She rolled her eyes about to stand up.

"Sit yo ass down."

She sucked her teeth and sat her funky ass down.

"I fucked you with a condom then I pulled out. So I think yo bitch ass lien to me."

She looked over at me and looked back at the ground.

"Go get a pregnancy test."

"Where am I going to get a pregnancy test from Will?"

"I don't know but you better find out before I get my cousin to beat yo ass."

I stood up right when the bell rung and headed back to 3rd period.


About 20 minutes in the second half of 3rd period a knock was at the door. Some white body got up and answered it . The person walked passed me and a sweet vanilla smell filled my nose.

I looked up only to see Jai. I looked at her from her head to her feet. Her hair was in a top knot bun. She had on a olive green long sleeve shirt that showed her stomach a little, some blue ripped jeans, and her all white vans.

I looked back at her face and licked my lips.

Look so damn good.

I heard Brielle suck her teeth causing me and Jai to look over at her. I rolled my eyes while Jai just looked for a second before turning her attention back to the teacher.

A few moments passed before the teacher, Ms. Johnson, called my name. I stood up walking the short distance to her desk.

"Can Jai borrow your notes, she won't be here later for my class."

I nodded my head okay while looking at Jai. She had her head down looking at her nails. I went over to my desk grabbing my notes. I handed them to Jai and she muttered an thank you.

"No problem"

She quickly left the classroom closing the door behind her. Brielle then asked to go to the bathroom.

• Jai •
• 17 years old •
• Oxford, Mississippi •

I finished using the restroom heading out the stall to wash my hands and guess who I see.

Brielle .

I rolled my eyes turning my music up in my ears. I was about to pump some soap on my hands when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I slowly took out one of my airpods and stared at her.

"Look, I ain't said shit to you or did nothing to you . So why the fuck are you touching me?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes before taking a step back.

"Bitch you ain't talking to me. I'll beat yo ass right here."

I started laughing before shaking my head.

"Baby girl I ain't the one. I'm telling you that right now. You better go ask yo baby daddy about me."

She stared at me with a smirk on her face while my face was neutral. After a few moments I jumped up like I was about to hit her and she jumped.

"Pussy" I muttered chuckling a little.

"Watch yo back hoe. and just so you know Will mines."

"Yea okay." I said watching her walk out.

I turned around placing my airpod back in and washing my hands.

Whew, chile . Will need to control his baby mama before I kick her ass in the stomach.

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